методическая разработка урока по теме "Знаменитые Британцы"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)

разработка рассчитана на сдвоенный урок: 1-я часть представляет обобщение знаний о географическом положении Соединенного Королевства, а 2-е занятие уже непосредственно знакомит с известными британцами


Microsoft Office document icon конспект урока102.5 КБ
Office presentation icon презентация-11.92 МБ
Office presentation icon презентация -22.1 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

                                                                           Чернышева Екатерина Владимировна

                                                              учитель английского языка

      Муниципальное общеобразовательное

                                                                          автономное учреждение «Средняя

                                                                            общеобразовательная школа № 53»

                                    г. Орска

Предмет: Английский язык

Класс: 8

Уровень обучения: базовый

Тема урока: Известные люди Великобритании

Общее количество часов, отведенное на изучение темы: 10

Место урока в системе уроков по теме: 6

Цель урока: способствовать развитию лингвострановедческой компетенции учащихся

Задачи урока:

  • активизировать тематическую лексику
  • развивать коммуникативные навыки
  • развивать навыки аудирования с пониманием основного содержания
  • развивать память, критическое мышление
  • формировать  умение  работать в команде
  • воспитывать у учащихся уважительное отношение к культуре и ценностям страны изучаемого языка.

Планируемые результаты:

  • Владеть слухопроизносительными навыками
  • Формулировать несложные связные высказывания с использованием основных коммуникативных типов речи (описание, повествование, рассуждение, характеристика)
  • понимать основное содержание несложных аутентичных аудиотекстов различных стилей и жанров монологического и диалогического характера в рамках изученной тематики с четким нормативным произношением;
  • оперировать в процессе устного и письменного общения основными синтактическими конструкциями в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей;
  • делать краткие выписки из текста с целью их использования в собственных устных высказываниях;
  • строить связное монологическое высказывание с опорой на вербальные опоры (ключевые слова, план, вопросы) в рамках освоенной тематики.

Техническое обеспечение урока: учебник, аудиозапись, раздаточный материал.

Дополнительное методическое и дидактическое обеспечение урока:

  1. видеокурс к учебнику  Headway Pre-Intermediate: Oxford University Press, 2005.

Содержание урока:

  • Вводный этап: приветствие, сообщение целей и задач урока

- Good morning. I’m glad to see you. Today we continue discussing the UK. To begin with, we are going to revise the information of the previous lesson and then we shall speak about the famous people of the UK.  

  • Организация беседы по теме (проверка Д/З):

Т.- задает вопросы, используя пройденную лексику:

Last time we read a piece of information about the geographical position of the UK. Please, try and answer my questions . You may use your home texts.

  1. What is the official name of the country? ( презентация слайд 1.)
  2. Where is the UK situated?
  3. How many countries does the UK consist of?
  4. What is the capital of England/ Scotland/ Wales/ Northern Ireland? What do we call the people from England/ Scotland/ Wales/ Northern Ireland? What languages do they speak? (презентация слайд 2-5)
  5. What is the official flag of the UK?

T. Now let’s sum it up. Who can go to the blackboard and show the UK on the map?

S. Работают с картой  у доски

  1. How would you characterize a typical Bitishman?
  2. What do you think, does the geographical position influence people’s life?  

T.  So the geographical position can tell us a lot about the country and its people. There is a saying: “People make the country”.  What do you think about it?  

S.- отвечают, настраиваются на урок.

  • Автоматизация Л-Г навыков на уровне подстановки:

 T. Now let’s pass over to the new topic “Famous Britons”. Do you know any famous Britons? What were their occupations?   Let’s revise some grammar and lexics  first. (раздаточный материал Task 1.)

1. Разбор способов словообразования (название профессий)

3. Повторение числительных ( даты)

 4. Выполнение тренировочных упражнений:

T. Look at the slides and make sentences using the model (раздаточный материал Task 2.) (презентация слайд 6-21)

….. was (is) a famous …… .

….. was born in ….. .

..... died in ….. .

….. is famous for …... .

S. Составляют предложения, тренируют навыки говорения.

  • Просмотр видео (развитие навыков аудирования с извлечением нужной информации):

T. Sometimes the author’s heroes become more famous than the author himself. Let’s watch a documentary about one of them. (раздаточный материал Task3.)

1. Предтекстовый этап (разбор задания по аудированию)

2. Предъявление фильма

3. Проверка понимания (выполнение задания по аудированию )

S. Смотрят фильм, выполняют задание.

T. Let’s sum it up. What can you say about A. Conan Doyle?

S. Cоставляют высказывание по отработанному образцу. (презентация слайд 22)

  • Работа с текстами (чтение с извлечением нужной информации): (раздаточный материал Task 4.)

Т. We have already mentioned a number of famous Britons. Now we are going to speak about some of them in detail. Read the texts and fill in the table using the information of the texts.

S. Студенты получают индивидуальные тексты, читают и заполняют таблицу.

T. Now it’s time to exchange information.

  • Работа в группах (речевое взаимодействие): (раздаточный материал Task 5.)

Т. Now work in groups. Share information and complete the table.

S. Студенты объединяются в группы, задают друг другу вопросы и заполняют таблицу.

Т.Now let’s check the results (фронтальный опрос) (презентация слайд 23-26)

  • Монологическое высказывание с использованием опоры:  (раздаточный материал Task6.)

T. Choose any famous person you like and tell the class about him or her.

S. 4 студента рассказывают о знаменитости, используя информацию таблицы.

T. This is going to be your home task. Prepare a story about a famous Briton.

  • Заключительный этап: подведение итогов, сообщение Д/З – рассказ  о знаменитых Британцах.

T. Now let’s sum everything up. Today we have learnt some facts from the biography of famous people of Britain. We spoke about A. Conan Doyle, M. Thatcher, etc. I hope you got interested in some of them and will prepare a story about one of them for the next time. You’ve worked really hard. Your marks for the lesson are … . Thank you for the lesson.


  • Презентация
  • Видеофильм
  • Раздаточный материал

Task 1. Look, read and remember:

  1. - one

11. - eleven

10. - ten

  1. - two

12. - twelve

20. - twenty

  1. - three

13. - thirteen

30. - thirty

  1. - four

14. - fourteen

40. - forty

  1. - five

15. - fifteen

50. - fifty

  1. - six

16. - sixteen

60. - sixty

  1. - seven

17. - seventeen

70. - seventy

  1. - eight

18. - eighteen

80. - eighty

  1. - nine

19. - nineteen

90. - ninety

 100 – one hundred            1000 – one thousand                     1000000 – one million



Fourteen fifty-eight


Fourteen hundred


Fourteen hundred and five


Two thousand twelve

Professions (-ist, - ian, -ect, -man, -er):

art - искусство

science – наука

novel – роман

biology - биология

artist - художник

scientist – ученый



architecture- архитектура

poetry - поэзия






to paint - рисовать

to write

to invent - изобретать

to photograph

to sing



















Task 2. Make up sentences using the model:

Alexander Bell is a famous scientist.

He was born in 1847 and died in 1922.

He is famous for the invention of the telephone.

Task 3. Sometimes the author’s heroes become more famous than the author himself. Watch a film about one of them. Complete the tasks:

True (+) or false (-)?

  1.  Sherlock Holmes was short and stout (тучный).
  2. Holmes didn’t smoke.
  3. He lived at 221A Baker Street.
  4. Holmes investigated crime (расследовал преступление) like a scientist.
  5. Holmes was a master of disguise (мастер перевоплощения).
  6. Holmes was non-athletic.
  7. The author of the Sh. Holmes stories was Daniel Defoe.
  8. He was born in England.
  9. He was a doctor and wrote stories in his spare time (свободное время).
  10. Sh. Holmes stories were not popular.

Task 4. Read the texts and fill in the gaps using the information of the texts.

Joseph Turner

Joseph Turner, the greatest English landscape (пейзаж) painter, was born in Covent Garden, London, on the 23rd of April in 1775. He was the son of a barber (цирюльник). He started drawing and painting as a small boy. His father used to sell the boy’s drawings. In such a way he earned (зарабатывал) money which his father paid for his lessons in art. At the age of 14 he entered (поступил) the Royal Academy School (королевская академия). At 18 he set up (открыл) his own studio. Turner was very fond of nature and often travelled through England and Wales. Turner was the master of the air and wind, rain and sunshine, horizon, ships and sea. During his life Turner painted hundreds of pictures. He died in 1851.

Сharles Darwin

Perhaps no one has influenced (повлиял) our knowledge (знание) of life on Earth as much as the English naturalist and scientist Charles Robert Darwin. He was born at Shrewsbury, England on the 12th of February 1809.

As a boy, Charles collected all kinds of things, minerals, birds ‘eggs, insects (насекомые). He often did chemical experiments in the school garden. His nickname at school was “Gas”. After 3 years of study at Cambridge University he made a voyage round the world (кругосветное путешествие). During the 5 year voyage he studied many different kinds of plants and animals in all parts of the world. Little by little Darwin built up his famous theory of evolution (теория эволюции). It opened a new period in the development (развитие) of Biology, the Darwinian period. Charles Darwin died in 1882 and was buried (был похоронен) in Westminster Abbey.

John Lennon

John Winston Ono Lennon was best known as a singer, songwriter, poet and guitarist for the British rock band The Beatles. Many of his songs are among the best songs in popular music history.

Lennon was born in Liverpool on 9 October, 1940. When he was four years old, Lennon's parents separated (разошлись) and he went to live with his Aunt Mimi. John's father was a seaman and did not see a lot of his son when he was small.

Lennon's mother, Julia, visited John and Mimi regularly. She taught John how to play the banjo and the piano and bought him a guitar. John did not get good grades (оценки) in school, but had artistic talent. When he finished school he went to the Liverpool College of Art. He didn't enjoy studying there and gave up (бросил) his studies. He devoted himself (посвятил себя) to music. Lennon started playing rock 'n' roll in a band, which was later called The Beatles. In 1970, the Beatles broke up (распались) and John Lennon started a solo career by releasing his first solo album “Imagine”(вообразить). In his songs Lennon expressed (выражал) his ideas on life:

Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do
No need to kill or die for and no religions too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Lennon was tragically killed in 1980 by a
mad (сумасшедший) fan named Chapman.

Margaret Thatcher

She was the first woman prime minister in Europe.

Margaret Thatcher was born in a small English town of Grantham in 1925. Her father was a grocer (бакалейщик) and worked hard for little money. Margaret also worked hard and she went to Oxford University, where she studied Chemistry. The love of her life was politics. She became a politician in 1959, leader of the Conservative Party in 1975, and Prime Minister of Britain four years after that. She had a strong personality (сильная личность). A lot of people were afraid (боялись) of her, and she was called “The Iron Lady” (железная леди). In 1984 Irish terrorists bombed her hotel, but she survived (выжила). She was Prime Minister for eleven years. Margaret Thatcher retired (ушла в отставку) in 1990.                   

Margaret Thatcher

  • Born:
  • Education:
  • Occupation:
  • the first woman……………………………..  in Europe
  • retired (ушла в отставку) in …………..

Joseph William Turner

  • Born:
  • Education:
  • Occupation:
  • Painted ………………………………………………….
  •  Died:

John Lennon

  • Born:
  • Education:
  • Occupation:
  • One of the founders (основатели)of ……………………………………………….
  • Died:

Charles Darwin

  • Born:
  •  Education:
  • Occupation:
  • Known for: ……………………………………………
  • Died:  

Task 5. Now work in groups. Share information and complete the table.

Task 6. Choose any famous person you like and tell the class about him or her.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Слайд 2


Слайд 3


Слайд 4


Слайд 5

Northern Ireland

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Famous Britons

Слайд 2

Alexander Graham Bell Born: 1847 Occupation: inventor, scientist Education: University of Edinburgh, University of Toronto the invent on of the telephone Died: 1922

Слайд 3

William Shakespeare Born:1564 Occupation: writer, poet, actor Genres: comedies, tragedies, tragicomedies, sonnets 38 plays, 154 sonnets Died:1616

Слайд 4

Daniel Defoe Born: 1659 Occupation: writer, journalist, spy ( шпион ) 500 books, pamphlets, journals Famous novel: “Robinson Crusoe” Died: 1771

Слайд 5

Lewis Carroll Name: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Born: 1832 Occupation: writer, mathematician, photographer Famous novel: “Alice in Wonderland” Died: 1898

Слайд 6

Sir Isaac Newton Born: 1643 Occupation: scientist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, Scientific revolution Died: 1728

Слайд 7

Robert Louis Stevenson Born: 1850 Occupation: novelist, poet, and travel writer Famous book: Treasure Island Died: 1894

Слайд 8

Joseph Rudyard Kipling Born: 1865 , Bombay, India Occupation: short story writer, novelist, poet, Genres: Short story, novel, children's literature, poetry, Famous work: “The Jungle Book” Died: 1936

Слайд 9

Sir Alexander Fleming Born: 1881, Scotland Occupation: biologist and pharmacologist the discovery of penicillin a Nobel Prize in 1945 Died: 1955

Слайд 10

Charlie Chaplin Full Name: Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin Born: 1889 Occupation: comedy actor , and musician one of the finest mimes and clowns Died: 1977

Слайд 11

John Logie Baird Born:1888 Occupation: engineer I nvent in of the world's first TV set Died: 1946

Слайд 12

JRR Tolkien Born: 1892 Occupation: philologist, writer and university professor Famous books: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Died: 1973

Слайд 13

Princess Diana 1961 Princess of Wales the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales two sons, Princes William and Harry Charity activities ( благотворительность) 1997

Слайд 14

David Beckham Full name: David Robert Joseph Beckham Born:1975 Professional football er A member of the England national team Clubs: Manchester United Real Madrid Los Angeles Galaxy the world's highest-paid footballer

Слайд 15

Agatha Christie Born: 1890 Occupation: novelist (80 detective novels) Genres: murder mystery, crime fiction the best-selling writer of books of all time Died: 1976

Слайд 16

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Born: 1859 Occupation: short story writer, novelist, poet, doctor Genre: detective fiction, historical novels, nonfiction, poetry Famous book – about detective Sherlock Holmes Died: 1930

Слайд 17

Charles Darwin Born: 1809 University of Edinburgh, University of Cambridge Occupation: naturalist Known for: the theory of evolution Died: 1882

Слайд 18

John Lennon Born: 1940 Liverpool College of Art Occupation: songwriter, singer, musician, peace activist One of the founders of The Beatles Died: 1980

Слайд 19

Joseph William Turner Born:1775 Occupation: the greatest English landscape ( пейзаж ) painter Royal Academy School Painted hundreds of pictures Died: 1851

Слайд 20

Margaret Thatcher Born: 1940 , England Oxford University Occupation: politics the first woman prime minister in Europe retired ( ушла в отставку ) in 1990

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