Методическая разработка урока по теме " Our Precious Planet"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Евсина Галина Идельевна

Разработка может быть применена при изучении условных предложений и применении данной грамматической конструкции в разговорных ситуациях


Предварительный просмотр:

Класс:        8                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Тема:        «Our Precious Planet»                                                                                                                                                                                               

Цель: формирование грамматического  навыка употребления Second Conditional.                                                                                                                                                                                         


Развивающая :  развивать  память , внимание, логическое  мышление, умение анализировать.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Воспитательная:  развивать чуткое отношение к природе.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

 Образовательная:  актуализировать лексику по теме; актуализировать грамматический навык употребления First Conditional, практиковаться в использовании Second Conditional.

Технологии: обучение в сотрудничестве, диалоговые технологии                 

Оснащение:  интерактивная доска

        Евсина Г.И., учитель английского языка



Ход урока

Организационный этап

- Речевая зарядка (слайд1)

Good morning. I`m glad to see you today. How are you?  How`s the weather? Do you like it? Well, if it is warm in the evening, I`ll go for a walk. And you?

- Сообщение темы урока (слайд2)

And now let`s start.

Look at the picture. What can you see?

You are right, it is our planet.

We are having grammar lesson. And we are going to learn how to talk about  imaginary or  unreal  present  or  future   situations.

Введение темы

Aктуализaция  употребления First Conditional

And you know, I am sad because every day I watch the news on TV. And I realize that our precious planet is in danger.  I believe that we can help to protect our environment. For example, If  I use a bicycle, the air in the city will be cleaner. Now you match the beginnings of the sentences to the endings and say how we can help our planet.

1 If I use a bicycle,

The air in the city will be cleaner

2 If everyone plants a new tree,

Forests won`t disappear

3 If the President creates special parks for animals,

they won`t be in danger.  

4 If we don`t drop litter in the streets,

The city will be cleaner.

5 If we recycle used paper,

We`ll save rainforest.

6 If we use public transport,

the air won’t be so polluted

7 If I feed birds in  winter,

They will survive.

8 If we change our shoes at school,

The air at school will be much cleaner and we will be much healthier.


When we spoke how to help our planet we used the grammar structure which is called “The 1st Conditional” – условные предложения первого типа. It is used to speak about the real situation. When you are sure it`ll happen.

Look at the sentences again and say how this type of conditionals is formed.

If + Present Simple,

Will + V1

Which tenses are used in different parts?

Well done! It`s what we can do and I hope we will do for our Planet. It`s our contribution.

Now let`s dream a bit about our future. If we had a power and money what could we do?

If I were the leader of my country, I wouldn`t allow hunters to kill animals.

 How will you translate the sentence?

Раздать листки.

I`d like you to dream and say in Russian what you would do if you were the President.

Если бы я был/была президентом, я бы…

Read your sentences. Thank you. Now I `ll collect your pieces of paper.

So, you  spoke about  your dreams in Russian. Later you`ll try to express your ideas in English.

Dreams are something unreal, imaginary. To speak about such situations in the future we use Second  Conditional. (Когда мы говорим о желаемых, воображаемых, нереальных ситуациях в будущем , мы используем условные предложения второго типа)

Now match the suggestions to the solutions. Let`s translate  ( If people recycled…)

If our authorities put bins on every street corner

People would  have more oxygen

If  we had more trees

There wouldn`t be so much rubbish everywhere

If our authorities improved public transport

People wouldn`t drop litter in streets

If our authorities presented bicycles to everybody

People would leave cars at home

If people recycled things

Children would be able to play safely

If our authorities created more parks

Cities would be less polluted

If our authorities stopped cutting down forests

Plants and animals wouldn`t die

Раздать карточки (начало предложений)

Now take a card. Imagine that you are a person from the sentence. What are you? Come up to me. And you sitting at the desk have the endings. You read the beginning. You have to complete the sentences. Who can finish mine? (If  I had a lot of money…)

If I were the head of a National park,

I would take in my park all the endangered animals.

If I were the President,

I would ban cars in the center of the city.

If I were an endangered animal,

I would put all the hunters in one big cage.

If I had a lot of money ,

I would build a recycling centre.

Thank you. Take your seats.


We spoke about our dreams and now it`s time to listen to 3 children who are talking about their dreams. Open your books at p.76 ex 4. The 1st task is to listen to the CD and say who say that.

Let`s read the statements. Is everything clear? Explain – logging companies, ban, endangered species.

Who said the 1st statement?...

 Silent Reading

Now read to yourself ex 5 (1) and underline Roberta`s dream.

Now read to yourself ex 5 (2) and underline James`s dream.

Now read to yourself ex 5 (3) and underline Maria`s dream.


These sentences consist of 2 parts. Find the Predicate (сказуемое). Looking at the sentences you can write a formula of  the grammar structure. It expresses unreal situations – dreams. It`s called Second Conditional. That`s why it is different from  one we used at the beginning of the lesson.

If + Present Simple

Will + V1

 Try to write a formula of Second Conditional.

If+ Past Simple

Would + V1

It`s better to use were.

What is the difference?




Real situation

Unreal situation

The translation -  если бы


Now you know  the structure. Let`s practise.

P78 ex 12 , P 78 ex 11


Now it`s time to translate you dream. I`ll read in Russian. Whose dream is it?

Домашнее задание

At home practise your grammar. Do  some ex. in your Grammar. But first read the rule. Write down your home task  Grammar p.54 read the rule, p.54 ex 1,2 and in your Coursebook p. 77 ex 5 ( read, translate)

Итог урока

What were we doing at the lesson?

(First , we were speaking what we could do to help our planet to survive.

Then  we were expressing our dreams . What grammar structures were used?

Оценка работы на уроке

I`m glad that everyone had a chance to express his/her own dream. I hope your dreams will come true.

You were working hard. Thank you.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Our Precious Planet

Слайд 2

We are going to learn how to talk about imaginary or unreal present or future situation s .

Слайд 3


Слайд 4

Схема 1 усл Предлож.-подчеркн. Сказ If I use a bike, the air will be cleaner.

Слайд 5

Which animals are endangered?

Слайд 6

1. Look at the pictures. Which shows: car fumes public transport a rainforest wildlife a hunter planting a tree a 1 4 5 3 6 b c d e f 2

Слайд 7

Match the problems to the causes, then make sentences using the passive Problems Causes Endangered species /kill cars Air pollution hunters Rainforests destroy logging companies /cause

Слайд 8

How to solve the problems

Слайд 9

Check up the answers Roberta Maria James

Слайд 10

The list below includes possible solutions to the problems. Use the phrases and make sentences If + Past Simple , would/could /might +Infinitive use bicycles, plant new trees, drive electric cars, use less paper, create special parks for animals, teach hunters it’s wrong to kill animals

Слайд 11

Suggestion Solution Put bins on every street corner Have more trees Improve public transport presented bicycles People recycle things Create more parks Stopped cutting down forests People have more oxygen Not be so much rubbish everywhere People not drop litter in streets People leave cars at home Children be able to play safely Cities be less polluted Plants and animals wouldn`t die a 1 3 4 5 6 2 b c d e f

Слайд 12

If + Past Simple, would/could/might+ infinitive

Слайд 13

Green is the symbolic color of nature. In many cultures, green is the color associated with nature and growth. Green is often used to describe efforts to reduce the impact of modern human life on the rest of the natural world. Green also means environmentally friendly.

Слайд 14

Follow the arrows and make sentences Go/university Study law Become the president Make the law to protect our nature Everybody/ obey the law Our Planet /be clean Everything / be OK Everyone/ be happy

Предварительный просмотр:

If I were the head of a National park,

I would take in my park all the endangered animals.

If I were the President,

I would ban cars in the center of the city.

If I were an endangered animal,

I would put all the hunters in one big cage.

If I had a lot of money ,

I would build a recycling centre.

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