Критерии оценки публичного выступления при проведении дебатов
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8, 9, 10, 11 класс)
Презентация рассматривает вопрос критериев оценивания устного монологического выступоления учащихся старших классов специализированной школы при проведении мероприятия "Дебаты"
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What is a debate? “A debate is a discussion in which two or more people advocate opposing positions on a topic or question in an attempt to make an audience accept their position” [Glover, 2014]
Why use a debate in EFL classes? Critical thinking abilities learn to research through different sources critically analyze and prioritize the information form arguments and support them d isagree with the arguments of the other team Foreign language communicative competence Strengthen listening, speaking, reading, writing skills while practicing various language structures, asking and answering questions, expressing opinions and giving reasons
9 steps to arrange a debate activity Step 1 The motion is presented Step 2 Students are put into two groups and assigned different roles Step 3 Students conduct the research and develop arguments Step 4 Three arguments are identified and presented to the opposing team Step 5 Students develop counter-arguments Step 6 Students prepare their speeches and rehearse their presentations Step 7 Debate Step 8 The judges select their choice for the winner Step 9 Students reflect on what they have learned
The format of the debate The first round The first speakers present three arguments to support the position of their teams The crossfire The opposite team responds with three questions. The first speakers and their teammates answer them. The second round The second speakers present three counter-arguments to refute the arguments of the other team The crossfire The opposite team responds with three questions. The second speakers and their teammates answer them. The third round The third speakers summarize the position of their teams Assessment The judges evaluate both teams and select their choice for the winner
What is assessment? Assessment is the process of observing a sample of a student’s behavior and drawing inferences about the student’s knowledge and abilities. “ The goal of the assessment is to support the improvement of learning and teaching”[ Frederiksen , Collins 1989]
An assessment rubric is designed to establish standards which will set expectations of what skills and abilities students should show; e ncourage students to develop their argumentation and oratory skills; m otivate cooperation and participation; d efine the winning side and encourage competitiveness that keeps the activity exciting; g ive students an opportunity to reflect on their performance and understand how well they have performed
The following aspects are often assessed Preparation and knowledge of the topic Organization and Presentation Arguments Cross-examination and rebuttal Evidence
The flaws of the debate rubrics 1 ) . Some rubrics are not described accurately enough to ensure reliability of the assessment 2) . The level of foreign language speaking ability as one of the main components of the student’s foreign language communicative competence is not assessed
Debate rubric Levels of Performance Criteria 1 2 3 4 1. Organization and Clarity : viewpoints and responses are outlined both clearly and orderly. Unclear in most parts Clear in some parts but not over all Mostly clear and orderly in all parts Completely clear and orderly presentation 2. Use of Arguments: reasons are given to support viewpoint. Few or no relevant reasons given Some relevant reasons given Many reasons given: fairly relevant Most relevant reasons given in support 3. Use of Examples and Facts: examples and facts are given to support reasons, with references Few or no relevant supporting examples/facts Some relevant examples/facts given Many examples/facts given: fairly relevant Most relevant supporting examples and facts given 4. Use of Rebuttal: arguments made by the other teams are responded to and dealt with effectively. No effective counter-arguments made Few effective counter-arguments made Some effective counter-arguments made Many effective counter-arguments made 5. Presentation Style: tone of voice, use of gestures, and level of enthusiasm are convincing to audience. Few style features were used; not convincingly Few style features were used but they were used convincingly All style features were used, most convincingly All style features were used convincingly
The categories to be assessed Arguments and counterarguments Speaking performance Vocabulary Accuracy Fluency Speech organization Presentation Style Crossfire
The main features of a strong argument c omprises the idea which is relevant and clear m ust follow the pattern: Statement- Explanation- Illustration (SEXI)[ M.Roel , 2012] u niversally recognized evidence is given in support Fundamental scientific axioms Laws and regulations found in official documents Laws of nature References to recognized authorities Quotes from famous sources Statistics data Findings revealed in the course of experiments a t the end of the argument the speaker should explain why the argument is important
Arguments Level of performance Criterion 0 1 2 3 4 Use of arguments (the power of persuasion) The argument is not provided or it is not relevant to the debate topic The argument is presented ,but it is not explained clearly enough; relevant facts, statistics and examples are not provided The argument presented is clear, but it does not follow the pattern Statement-Explanation-Illustration (one part is missing), it can be supported with examples, but not strong facts like statistics etc . The argument presented is clear, follows the pattern S- Expl -Ill , Supported with one relevant fact or example; the importance of the argument is not explained The argument is clear, follows the pattern S- Expl -Ill, s upported with several relevant universally recognized facts (statistics etc ); the importance of the argument is explained Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3
Vocabulary Score 1 2 3 Vocabulary Uses a range of everyday vocabulary with frequent errors of word choice Uses a wide range of vocabulary, but using idiomatic vocabulary and collocations is limited; uses less common vocabulary with some inappropriate choices Uses a wide range of vocabulary including idiomatic vocabulary and collocations skillfully with fluency
Accuracy Score 1 2 3 Accuracy Uses basic structures and grammatical forms; makes frequent mistakes ( more than 5) that can cause comprehension problems Uses a mix of simple and complex structures and grammatical forms; complex structures can contain mistakes (3-5), though these rarely cause comprehension problems Uses a wide range of structures and grammatical forms flexibly; Produces a majority of error-free sentences with very occasional inappropriacies or grammatical mistakes (1-2)
Fluency score 0 1 2 3 Fluency Reads from notes Speaks with frequent language-related hesitations, repetitions and self-corrections Speaks at length without effort or loss of coherence; Demonstrates language-related hesitation at times or some repetition or self-correction(more than 2) Speaks fluently with only occasional repetition or self-correction(1-2); Hesitation is content-related
Organization score 1 2 3 Organization Speech lacks coherence. Only basic high-frequency linking words are used Speech is generally well-organized and coherent; The number of basic linking words and cohesive devices is limited (2-4) Speech is organized coherently; a wide range of cohesive devices is used
Presentation Style score 0 1 2 3 No style features were used Only one style feature was used Speaker makes constant eye contact; tone of voice and level of enthusiasm are convincing; no rhetorical techniques are used to convince the audience Speaker makes constant eye contact; tone of voice and level of enthusiasm are convincing; some rhetorical techniques are used to convince the audience
Rebuttal score 0 1 2 3 4 rebuttal Counterargument is not provided Counterargument does not counter the other team’s argument successfully Counterargument successfully counters the other team’s argument, but it does not follow the pattern StExpIl or no supporting facts are provided Counterargument successfully counters the other team’s argument, follows the pattern StExpIl , one supporting fact is provided (not universally recognized) Counterargument successfully counters the other team’s argument, follows the pattern StExpIl , it is supported with several relevant facts or statistics or examples Counter-argument Counter-argument Counter-argument
Presentation Style for Speaker 3 score 0 1 2-10 and more Presentation Style No style features were used; only one style feature was used; no rhetorical techniques are used to convince the audience Speaker makes constant eye contact; tone of voice and level of enthusiasm are convincing; no rhetorical techniques are used to convince the audience Speaker makes constant eye contact; tone of voice and level of enthusiasm are convincing; some (1-5) rhetorical techniques ( including effective use of logical, emotional and ethical appeals)are used to convince the audience (each device gets 2 points)
Crossfire Teams Round 1 Round 2 Speaker 1 Team members Team Participation Speaker 2 Team members Team participation Pro- posers Question 1 0-2 1+1 …. 0/10 0-2 1+1…… 0/10 Question 2 0-2 1+1… 0/10 0-2 1+1…. 0/10 Question 3 0-2 1+1… 0/10 0-2 1+1…. 0/10 Op- posers Question 1 0-2 1+1…. 0/10 0-2 1+1…… 0/10 Question 2 0-2 1+1…. 0/10 0-2 1+1….. 0/10 Question 3 0-2 1+1…. 0/10 0-2 1+1……. 0/10
Classroom debate rubric С riteria Speaker 1 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 3 Arguments Argument 1 (Counterargument 1) 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 Argument 2 (Counterargument 2) 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 Argument 3 (Counterargument 3) 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 Argument 4 0-4 0-4 Argument 5 0-4 0-4 Speaking Performance Vocabulary 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 Accuracy 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 Fluency 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 Organization 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 Presentation Style 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-10 0-10
Post-debate reflection Students are asked to answer the questions as a written exercise Which side do you agree with? Why are the arguments of one side more persuasive to you than the arguments of the other side? What arguments do you find the most persuasive and why? Are there areas where compromise is possible? t o vote by secret ballot for the best speaker of the debate t o comment on the arguments presented, choose the strongest ones and explain what makes them strong t o write an argumentative essay on the topic
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