Презентация "The invention of the electric light bulb"
проект по английскому языку (9 класс)
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Electricity is a basic part of nature and it is one of our most widely used forms of energy.In the mid-1800s, everyone's life changed with the invention of the electric light bulb.The light bulb's invention used electricity to bring indoor lighting to our homes.
Thomas Edison’s invention Scientist Edison and his invention One of the main inventors who developed the light bulb in the United States was Thomas Edison. Contrary to popular belief, he didn't "invent" the light bulb, but rather he improved upon a 50-year-old idea. In 1879, using lower current electricity, he was able to produce a reliable, long-lasting source of light. The idea of electric lighting was not new, and a number of people had worked on, and even developed forms of electric lighting.
The first demonstration The first public demonstration of the Thomas Edison's incandescent lighting system was in December 1879, when the Menlo Park laboratory complex was electrically lighted. Edison spent the next several years creating the electric industry
On September 4, 1882, the first commercial power station, located on Pearl Street in lower Manhattan, went into operation providing light and electricity power to customers in a one square mile area; the electric age had begun. The success of his electric light brought Thomas Edison to new heights of fame and wealth, as electricity spread around the world. His various electric companies continued to grow until in 1889 they were brought together to form Edison General Electric.
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