Методическая разработка учебного занятия по теме “Electric Power. Direct and Indirect Speech”
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Данную методическую разработку аудиторного занятия можно использовать в образовательном процессе в ссузе со студентами 3 курса, специальности 140448 Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и электромеханического оборудования (по отраслям) для закрепления изученной лексики по специальности, введения и отработки нового грамматического материала, формирования коммуникативных компетенций и повышения мотивации к обучению.
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Предварительный просмотр:
комитет образования и науки Волгоградской области
государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Волжский политехнический техникум»
Методическая разработка урока по теме “Electric Power. Direct and Indirect Speech”
Учебная дисциплина: Иностранный язык
Специальность: 140448 Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и электромеханического оборудования (по отраслям)
Курс: 3
Автор: Болдырева Ю.С., преподаватель иностранного языка
2017 г.
Конспект урока:
Дисциплина: Английский язык
Тема урока: “Electric Power. Direct and Indirect Speech”
Тип урока: практическое занятие.
обучающие: формировать навык чтения с частичным пониманием прочитанного; совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по теме “Electric Power. Direct and Indirect Speech”, добиваться усвоения новой лексики.
развивающие: способствовать развитию воображения, аналитического мышления; развивать познавательный интерес и творческие способности, коммуникативные компетенции; развивать навыки восприятия зрительной и слуховой информации, умение понимать поставленную проблему с опорой на имеющиеся знания.
воспитательные: воспитывать уважительное отношение к иноязычной культуре, толерантное отношение студентов друг к другу; внимательность, ответственность, самостоятельность мышления, стремление к саморазвитию.
Методы обучения:
мультимедийный проектор;
раздаточный материал: лексический материал, карточки с заданиями, комплекты практических заданий.
Ход занятия
- Орг. момент.
Good afternoon everybody. I’m glad to see you. I hope you are fine today and ready to work hard. So, let’s start. Today we are going to read the text about Electric Power and to learn about Direct and Indirect Speech.
- Работа с текстом Electric Power.
Look at the text, please. Let’s read it and answer the following questions.
Electric Power
Electric Power is generated by converting heat, light, chemical energy, or mechanical energy to electrical energy. Most electrical energy is produced in large power stations by the conversion of mechanical energy or heat. The mechanical energy of falling water is used to drive turbine generators in hydroelectric stations, and the heat derived by burning coal, oil, or other fossil fuels is used to operate steam turbines or internal-combustion engines that drive electric generators. Also, the heat from the fissioning of uranium or plutonium is used to generate steam for turbine generator in a nuclear power plant.
Electricity generated by the conversion of light or chemical energy is used mainly for portable power sources. For example, a photoelectric cell converts the energy from light to electrical energy for operating the exposure meter in a camera, and a lead-acid battery converts chemical energy to electrical energy for starting an automobile engine.
Electric power produced in large power stations generally is transmitted by using an alternating current that reverses direction 25, 50, or 60 times per second. The basic unit for measuring electric power is the watt – the rate at which work is being done in an electric circuit in which the current is one ampere and the electromotive force is one volt.
Electric energy consumption normally is given in kilowatt-hours – that is, the number of kilowatts used times the number of hours of use. Electricity is clean, inexpensive, and easily transmitted over long distances. Since the 1880’s, electricity has had an ever-increasing role in improving the standard of living. Now it is used to operate lights, pumps, elevators, power tools, furnaces, refrigerators, air-conditioners, radios, television sets, industrial machinery, and many other kinds of equipment.
How is Electric Power generated?
How is the most electrical energy produced in large power stations?
What is used to drive turbine generators in hydroelectric stations?
What is used to operate steam turbines or internal-combustion engines that drive electric generators?
What is Electricity generated by the conversion of light or chemical energy used for?
What is the basic unit for measuring electric power?
What are the advantages of Electricity?
- Объяснение грамматического материала “Direct and Indirect Speech”
Just now we are going to learn some new grammar material and I want you to guess what is it from the dialogue. Sasha today is our teacher and Dima is a student.
Два студента выходят к доске и разыгрывают диалог.
Teacher: Today we're going to study direct and indirect speech. I wonder if you know the meanings of these terms.
Student: I think I know what the terms mean. If we give the exact words of the speaker, it is Direct Speech.
Teacher: Right. In other words, Direct Speech is someone’s actual words reported without any changes in grammar. And what is Indirect Speech?
Student: If we report what somebody said it is Indirect Speech.
Teacher: Very good, Dima. So, what you have just told us is Direct Speech, isn’t it?
Student: Yes, It is.
Teacher: So, let me explain to you how to report someone’s words correctly, the rules that are called “sequence of tenses rules”.
Student: All right.
Now, who can tell me what grammar material we’ll study today?
Today we are going to learn about direct and indirect speech and sequence of tenses rules.
Объяснение грамматического материала
В прямой речи слова говорящего передают так, как они были фактически сказаны. Так, Если Джон сказал: «Я люблю танцевать», то это передаётся в прямой речи следующим образом:
John said, “I like dancing.”
После авторских слов (John said) ставится запятая и кавычки. Кавычки ставятся после точки, восклицательного или вопросительного знака.
В косвенной речи мы передаём смысл высказывания, не всегда используя точные слова говорящего. В косвенной речи высказывание Джона будет звучать так:
John said (that) he liked dancing.
Высказывание Джона стало придаточным дополнительным предложением, присоединяемым к главному при помощи союза that (что), который может опускаться. Запятая не ставится, в отличие от русского языка. Местоимение I поменялось на he, а глагол стоит не в простом настоящем времени, а в простом прошедшем. Замену времени глагола рассмотрим чуть позже.
При замене прямой речи косвенной меняются личные, притяжательные, указательные местоимения, а также наречия и выражения времени.
Местоимение this в функции определения в выражениях времени часто заменяется на that, а в других случаях – определённым артиклем the.
She said, “I’ll do it later this week.” She said she’d do it later that week.
He said, “I’ll give you this book.” He said he’d give me the book.
Некоторые выражения времени меняются, если вы сообщаете чьи-то высказывания не в тот день, когда они были произнесены. Если они сообщаются в тот же день, такой замены не происходит.
today заменяется на that day
yesterday the day before
the day before yesterday two days before
tomorrow the next day/the following day
the day after tomorrow in two days’ time
the next week/month/year the following week/month/year
last week/month/year the previous week/month/year
a week/month/year ago a week/month/year before
Наречие here заменяется на there, или используются описательные выражения, передающие смысл более точно.
He said, “ Sit here.” He told me to sit beside him.
Sequence of Tenses
Если глагол, вводящий прямую речь, стоит в простом настоящем времени, или в настоящем перфектном, то в придаточном предложении сохраняется форма времени сказуемого прямой речи. Сравните:
He says, “I’ll come a little later.” He says he’ll come a little later.
Если глагол, вводящий прямую речь, стоит в прошедшем времени (said, told, asked) то время глагола-сказуемого прямой речи заменяют соответствующей формой прошедшего времени (это называется «сдвиг времён» ).
Простое настоящее, настоящее длительное, настоящее перфектное и настоящее перфектно-длительное заменяются на соответствующие формы прошедшего времени:
Прямая речь Косвенная речь
Present Simple Past Simple
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Простое прошедшее время заменяется прошедшим перфектным.
Прямая речь Косвенная речь
Past Simple Past Perfect
He said, “I lived in this building.” He said he had lived in the building.
Когда речь идёт о будущих действиях в контексте прошедшего времени, используется время Future in the Past («будущее в прошедшем»). Вспомогательные глаголы будущего времени shall и will – передаются в косвенной речи глаголом would.
I said, “I will write to you.” I said I would write to him.
Следует рассмотреть вопросы в косвенной речи.
Специальные вопросы (начинающиеся с вопросительных слов) присоединяются к главному предложению при помощи вопросительных слов, но при этом в придаточном восстанавливается прямой порядок слов:
He said, “What are you doing?” He asked what we were doing.
He asked, “What does the girl want?” He asked what the girl wanted.
Общие вопросы (требующие ответа «да», «нет») присоединяются к главному предложению при помощи союзов if или whether, которые соответствуют в русском языке частице чи:
“Do you speak English?” the girl said. The girl asked if I spoke English.
“Do you want some tea or coffee?” she asked. She asked me whether I wanted tea or coffee.
О повелительном наклонении в косвенной речи и модальных глаголах в косвенной речи мы поговорим на следующем занятии.
Первичное закрепление, выполнение тренировочных упражнений
Ex.1 Convert from direct speech into indirect.
1. Oleg said, “My room is on the second floor.”
2. Misha said, “I saw them at my parents’ house last year.”
3. Mike said, “We have bought these books today.”
4. The teacher said to the class, “We shall discuss this subject tomorrow.”
5. The student said, “I don’t understand the question.”
6. They said, “We are ready to start work.”
7. She said, “I arrived yesterday.”
8. He said, “I will never forget this day.”
9. She said, “I never tell lies.”
10.I said, “He promised to drive me to the station.”
Ex.2 Report these questions in indirect speech.
1. I said to Nick, “Where are you going?”
2. She asked me, “What will you do tomorrow if you are not busy at your office?”
3. I asked my uncle, “How long did you stay in the Crimea?”
4. He asked me, “What kind of book has Olga brought you ?”
5. I asked my friend: “What will you do after dinner?”
6. I said to Boris, “ Does your friend live in London? “
7. They said to the man, “ Are you living in a hotel ? “
8. He said to me, “ Will you come to the railway station to see me off ?”
9. I said to my mother, “ Did anybody come to see me ?”
10. They said, “Have you ever been to England before ?”
Ex.3 Report the dialogue in indirect speech
Jane: Hello!
Kate: Come in! It is very good of you to come and see me.
Jane: I came before, but you were too ill to see anybody. Did you get the flowers?
Kate: Surely, I did. It was very nice of you to send them to me.
Jane: How are you now?
Kate: Oh, I am much better, thank you. The doctor says that I shall be allowed to go out in a few days.
Jane: Do you miss college?
Kate: Very much. I’m afraid I’ll be lagging behind the group in my lessons now.
Jane: Everything will be fine. We shall help you.
Ex.4 Read the text. It is a funny story. Change the sentences with direct speech using indirect speech keeping in mind the sequence of tenses rules. Retell the text.
A story too terrible to tell
Three men came to New York for the first time. They took a room in a hotel. In the evening they went sight-seeing and did not come back till nearly three in the morning. The room they had taken was on the 43-d floor. “I am sorry, gentlemen”, said the porter. “The elevator does not work, there is something wrong with it. You will have to walk up to your room.” This was too bad, but the men agreed to tell stories on the way up in order to kill the time.
By the time the first one had told his story, they had climbed up to the 11-th floor. The next story kept them amused till they had reached the 31-st floor. At last it was time for the third man to tell his story, but he refused. He said the story he had in mind was too terrible, he simply couldn’t tell it. They continued climbing and all the time the two asked him to begin. At last they stopped and refused to go on unless he told them his terrible story. Finally the third man said, “ The story I have to tell you is a short one. We have left the key to our room downstairs with the porter.”
Vitya, read how you’ve transformed the sentences with direct speech using indirect speech.
Who is ready to retell the text in indirect speech? ( Несколько студентов перессказывают текст, заменяя прямую речь косвенной там, где необходимо.)
Ex.5 Ask each other how you spent your last weekend and report the answers in indirect speech. (Работа в парах. Студенты задают друг другу вопросы, записывают ответы, передают ответы собеседника в косвенной речи.)
You may ask these questions:
Where did you spend your last weekend?
What things did you manage to do?
What did you like best of all?
What are you going to do the next weekend?
- Подведение итогов занятия
What text haveyou read? What new information have you learned from it?
What grammar material have you learned today?
Was is difficult to understand?
What is direct speech?
What can you tell about indirect speech?
What are the sequence of tenses rules?
What is “shift to the past”?
- Объявление домашнего задания, выставление оценок.
So, your work was good. Your homework will be to learn grammar material about Direct and Indirect Speech, Sequence of Tenses and to report this dialogue in indirect speech. You may take papers with dialogues with you.
John: What does “electrified” mean?
Mr. Robertson: You can make electricity by rubbing two things together. You can also make electricity by putting substances like zinc and copper in some chemicals. And you can make electricity by putting a magnet to a wire. There are different ways of making electricity.
John: Is electricity the same as magnetism?
Mr. Robertson: No.
John: Is lightning electricity?
Mr. Robertson: Yes, lightning is electricity, if it strikes anybody, it can kill him.
John: What makes lightning?
Mr. Robertson: It comes from the clouds. If a cloud comes near the earth, the electricity will jump over the space between. It will jump from the cloud to the earth. That makes a flash of lightning.
John: And what is thunder?
Mr. Robertson: Thunder comes because the electricity tears its way through the air.
Our lesson is over. Good bye!
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