Инсценировка «Cheburashka»
материал по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Cheburashka and Gena the crocodile.
Scene 1.
Действия сцены происходят при закрытом занавесе. Директор магазина перекладывает коробки с апельсинами.
Director (“Fruit & Vegetables): O-ran-ges.
Fell over again, eh? You are quite a little “cheburashka”. Now, what am I going to do with you?
Cheburashka: I don’t know.
Director: A beast unknown to science. I like this animal. You can work here, with us. You can sit in the shop window and attract clients. Got that?
Cheburashka: OK. But where will I live?
Director: Live? Hm…Let’s see… What about right here? We will call this your “house”, so to say. OK?
Scene 2.
At the zoo.
Author: African crocodile, 50 years old, named Gena, lived in that city. He was employed at the zoo as a crocodile.
Gena: ( He is writing) Young…cro…no…cra-co-dile is loo-king for fri-ends. Young cra-co-dile…
Galya Is coming in.
Galya: Are you looking for friends?
Gena: Friends? Yes, that’s me!
Galya: I’m Galya.
Gena: I’m Gena. The crocodile.
Galya: Have you got any milk?
Gena: Yes, of course.
Galya: Give it to Tobik.
Gena: Hi, Tobik.
Galya: I’ll clean up a bit. It’s such a mess here.
Cheburashka is knocking.
Gena: Who’s there?
Cheburashka: It’s me, Cheburashka.
Gena: Cheburashka? What are you supposed to be?
Cheburashka: I… I don’t know.
Gena: Would you happen to be a baby bear?
Cheburashka: Could be. I really don’t know.
Gena: One moment, we’ll find out!
Гена открывает ноутбук и пытается найти информацию в компьютере.
All right, che…ch…ch…ch…chai…champion…cheapskate…Cheboksary…Strange. No such thing as”cheburashka”
Cheburashka: Does that…does that mean that you won’t be my friends?
Gena: Don’t be silly. Of course we will!
Galya: I’ll teach you how to knit.
Gena: And I’ll teach you how to blow bubbles!
Scene 3.
Шапокляк выходит под музыку и, прикалывая к занавесу объявления с изображениями Гены и Чебурашки «Wanted» , поет.
Chapeau-Claque is singing:
Those who are helping others
Are wasting precious time.
You simply can’t get famous
By treating people fine.
That’s why, to each and all, I say:
No use in holding back, be mean and wicked, just like me,
Old lady Chapeau-Claque!
Those who are helping others
Are wasting precious time.
You simply can’t get famous
By treating people fine.
She is coming up to Gena.
Chapeau-Claque: Uh… Aren’t you afraid of rats?
Gena: No.
Chapeau-Claque: Pff…Darkness. Lariska, come to me!
Из-за кулис, пританцовывая под музыку из мультфильма «Розовая пантера», появляется крыска.
Were you the one who wrote this?
Gena: Yes.
Chapeau-Claque: That’s good. Good that you are so green. And …flat!
Gena: Why?
Chapeau-Claque: Isn’t that obvious? If you lie down on the lawn nobody will notice you. Then you toss a wallet on a string! A passer-by bends down to pick it up but the wallet runs away! Sweet?
Gena: No, that’s not sweet. It’s just dumb.
Chapeau-Claque: What!? Then I’m declaring a war on you!
Scene 4.
Галя и Гена играют в шахматы, Чебурашка что-то строит из кубиков.
Gena: Good day!
Leo Chandr: Leo Chandr.
Gena: Gena. The crocodile. Please meet my friends.
Leo: Nice. I don’t have any friends.
Gena: I’ll be your best friend!
Leo: Oh, excellent. Now I will no be alone.
Galya: You know…There are lots of lonely people in our city just like Chandr and Tobik. And nobody helps them when they are sad.
Cheburashka: And me! Me too! But how?
I have just thought of something! They can all be friends with each other! Let’s build a house for those who don’t have any friends.
Scene 5.
Author: 15 days later, the house was ready.
Занавес открывается. На сцене макет домика с надписью «School № 1358».
Galya: Now, Cheburashka will say a speech.
Cheburashka: We built, and built… and we finally built it! Hurray!
Galya: And now we sign up anyone who needs a friend.
Leo: We are all good friends!
Gena: Indeed. We all became good friends during this construction.
Cheburashka: Does this mean…that we built, and we built, and all for nothing?
Galya: And this house can be Cheburashka’s! Now he lives in a phone booth, right?
Gena: right.
Cheburashka: No, no, no! Let’s give this house to school 1358! And I can work there as a toy, if they take me, of course!
Гена играет на гармошке. Друзья поют песню.
- Let's run clumsy people
Slipping on the puddles,
Water is pouring on the blacktop.
People don’t understand
Why I am so happy
On this bad nasty day, nasty day.
Refrain: I’m playing the accordion
For the passers, passers-by,
What a pity
That school birthday
Comes only once a year.
- Suddenly a wisard
Will fly in helicopter,
He will show the cinema,
Congratulate on school birthday,
Represent as a present
Hundred portions of ice-cream.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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