Сценарий "Двенадцать месяцев"
классный час по английскому языку (11 класс)
Сценарий сценки по мотивам сказки "Двенадцать месяцев" предназначен для проведения Последнего звонка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Act 1.
Professor: Your Royal Highness! Your Royal Highness!
Princess: Just leave me alone!
Professor: But Your Royal Highness...
Princess: Get out of here!
Professor: With all due respect...
Princess: Make yourself scarce!
Professor: So sorry to bother you again...
Princess: You old killjoy!
Professor: Your Royal Highness, You have an obligation to your country...
Princess: Don't start it again!
Professor: Your country needs an educated ruler. Just think of all those brilliant kings and queens before you...
Princess: Who need this stupid stuff!
Professor: I insist, your Royal Highness! It's your duty to pass the National Exams and to enter Oxford...
Princess: Oxford-Shmoxford! Wait! I have an idea. Sit down!
Professor: Who? Me?
Princess: Of course you. Do you see anybody else here? Take the pen and start writing.
I, by God's Grace the princess of this country, command: find the prospective National Exam tasks and bring them to our court. Whoever may do it, will be generously rewarded with a gorgeous mansion in our Royal Palace neighborhood.
Now, let me sign it. Go give it to our royal heralds. They are to announce the bill as soon as possible.
Act 2.
Herald reads the bill. Ivan comes up to him.
Ivan: That's a pretty good deal. I think I will give it a go. Where do I start? In the Ministery of Education?
(Goes away but quickly returns).
No good. They don't know anything. What do they get their salary for? Shall I try committee for education?
(Goes away but quickly returns).
No good. Looks like nobody in the whole city can be of any use. Dunno where to go... I sure need a miracle. Speaking about miracles... May be search for the exam papers in the forest? My Grandma used to say it's magic. Things used to happen there. If I don't find the papers then at least I'll get some mushrooms for dinner.
Act 3.
Ivan: Who are you guys?
Months: Months!
Ivan: What are you doing here?
Months: Having a reunion party. It's our tradition. Every September we gather here.
Ivan: Cool! Can you help me? I need the exam papers for the next National Exam. It's in June. September, don't you have them? You are supposed to be the school month.
September: Who, me? No way. I have just arrived from Miami. Haven't done a single bit of work yet. Ask Brother October, he's a serious one.
October: Who, me? No way. I'm very busy. I'm studying. Don't you see I'm reading page 1 paragraph 1? Ask November.
November: Who, me? No way. Autumn break is starting, I'm off to Egypt. Wanna catch a bit of the sun. Ask December.
December: Who, me? No way. I'm right between Christmas and New year. And don't bother asking January. He's still asleep. Has been sleeping for 2 weeks already. Ask February.
February: Who, me? No way. I'm the shortest here. What, with only 28 days... Ask March.
March: Who, me? No way. I'm busy up to my ears. Women, gifts...Flowers, school break. These things take time, you know. Try April.
April: Who, me? No way. I only have the papers from the Open bank of tasks. They are no use. Anyone can get them. Ask May.
May: Who, me? No way. You must be kidding. I have 10 days off. Don't be funny. Ask June. Look, he's over there, sitting in the corner studying.
Ivan: June, can you help me? I need the tasks for the National Exam.
June: Sure, why not. You must live and let live. Take them. Here's History, Maths, English...
Ivan: Thank you! Thank you ever so much.
Act 4.
Ivan: Aren't I lucky? Now I'll get a mansion. But... What do I want a mansion for? The cleaning will take ages...
Who's here? Who are you, guys? School leavers? What are you saying? National exams? Your future depends on them? You know? Take them! Take them! Easy come, easy go!
(Throws exam papers to the audience)
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