Сценарий сказки "12 месяцев"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Данный сценарий поможет подготовиться к наделе иностранных языков в школе. Также может быть использован для театральных кружков на английском языке. Средний возраст участников 11-14 лет.
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Предварительный просмотр:
2011-2012 УЧЕБНЫЙ ГОД
«THE 12-th MONTHS»
Участники: 7-б, 7-в
Учитель: С.Л. Карпова
г. Новошахтинск
In a palace.
(The princess, the professor, the minister) Surroundings: palace rooms, a hall for lessons, a table, an armchair, an inkwell.
The author. There have already passed 5 years as the king has left this world, having left the profess or care of the princess. And the young princess thinks itself the queen, is whimsical and carel ess. That you will make, since a birth grew wit hout mother and has got used to specify to all.
On a scene there is a professor.
The princess (offstage). The Professor, where you?
The professor. I here the child! It is time to begin our lesson. We will start, your Majesty. We will repeat writing rules.
The princess. About the right is all so boringly-
Each time same: study, study...
The professor. Your Majesty, you happen, are obst inate, but if you wish to become the queen you need to study!
The princess. Has bothered, to study, study, study... Only it also know. Here I will publish now the decree and I order to execute all. (Stamps a foot.) You forget, that a word to «pardon», write more long, than a word to «execute».
The professor. Pardon, your Majesty, for what such disgrace?!
The princess (whimsically). That 1 have again beco me angry. You all time teach me, has bother ed. All right, I will make one task, and order to bear a dinner. Well, what there at you?
The professor (dictates). «The grass turns green, the sun shines, the Swallow with spring in a shade to us flies!»
The princess (whimsically). This verse such long, and now not spring, and Christmas. Not I will so write.
The professor. But after all the poet has written so.
The princess. And I here wish to write «The grass shines» or only «The grass turns green». Also try to object me only. I am a queen, instead of the child!
The princess starts to trace out each letter painstakingly a line, and at the same time looks out of the window.
The princess. What blizzard behind a window, ho wls and sweeps. I want spring. Precisely, the spring let will come!
The professor. But, your Majesty, it cannot be. The spring will come, only, when the winter will come to an end.
The princess. Here again you contradict me.
The princess calls the minister.
The princess (to the minister). Order to winter, let it leaves, and the spring let to come. I want, that snowdrifts have thawed, and the grass turned green and grew. And birdies let sing.
The professor. But, your Majesty, and how holi days? New Year, Christmas?
The princess. Holidays to cancel. Yet do not deliver flowers to me in the rooms, no New year will exist!
The professor. But, the first flowers will appear only in April...
The princess (with astonishment). In April? And what for flowers?
The professor. Snowdrops.
The princess. Yes as they dare, only in April...
The professor. In the middle of winter of snowdrops does not happen is a law of the nature. And in the end of December of spring will not be.
The princess. And today that?
The professor. The end of December. And after, the beginning of January. Then February, March, and only then April.
The princess. No, January will not be until to me will not bring snowdrops. And who will bring these flowers, I order to exchange them for gold coins.
The princess (addresses to the Minister). Minister! Immediately prepare the Decree: Flowers in a palace!
In the house of the stepmother.
(The stepmother, the daughter, the stepdaughter) Surroundings: a rural izba.
The stepmother (to the daughter). Today — Christ mas! In church all the day songs sing. Has bothered at home to sit. Can go on a visit to whom...
Here hear offstage a voice of mouthpiece.
Mouthpiece. The Royal Decree: the award who the
snowdrop will bring in a palace under New year waits for that!
The stepmother (to the daughter). Heard? Where our basket?!
Start to look for.
The stepmother (about the stepdaughter). Where this idler goes. We will send her!
There is a Stepdaughter with a bundle of fire wood.
The stepmother. Where you go?! We wait for you already whole hour.
Daughter. Eternally somewhere you go, you wa nder...
The stepdaughter. Went behind brushwood.
Daughter and the stepmother (mansion). And now you will go to wood behind snowdrops!
The stepdaughter. What you, what in wood snowdrops in the winter?
The stepmother. Again you argue? It is told, take a basket, go in wood and without snowdrops do not dare to come back!
Pushes out the stepdaughter for a door.
The stepmother. If this idler collects snowdrops we will carry to the queen, we will receive much money. Oh, also we will begin to live then!
SCENE 3 Snow-covered wood.
(The stepdaughter, brothers-months)
The stepdaughter. All the day 1 wander on snow and the blizzard sweeps. Terribly, as well as it is cold. Forces are not present already, and home to go I am afraid. It is visible, it is necessary to me to meet the death here...
Suddenly the stepdaughter notices
a fire among trees. The picture opens: at a magic fire
brothers-months sit.
Month February. Who it there wanders among tre es? Go out to the light.
The stepdaughter. Hello. It is possible for me to get warm a little at your fire?
January. Take place to fire, the child. More close, sit down.
December. I her here often see.
April. What do you do in wood during such time?
The girl. The stepmother has sent me to wood be hind snowdrops. Also has told without them not to come back. And what snowdrops in the winter?
And the girl has begun to cry.
Month January (speaks to the rests). Well, brothers, we will help?
Brothers (mansion). We will help.
Brothers pass each other a staff and knock it about the earth. The last takes a staff April.
April. Go, collect the snowdrops more likely. We on a floor hour for you spring have made.
The girl, escapes to collect snowdrops and comes back with a basket of flowers.
The girl (joyfully). Many thanks, dear brothers-months! You have rescued me from fierce death.
April. For good always is good pay. Well, now go home safely. And here that else...
Stretches to the girl a ring. Here to you a ring magic. If we are necessary to you, simply throw it, and we will come. Only say to nobody that saw and heard at this fire.
SCENE 4 In the house of the stepmother.
The daughter. Someone is knocked on a door. The animal can? Or the blizzard fights?
The Stepdaughter enters into a door and puts a basket before the Stepmother and her daughter.
The stepdaughter (has got tired). Here to you snow drops. Well I have gone I will have a rest and I will get warm near an oven.
The daughter. Mum, look, has brought all the same! For that do we wait? We run in a palace for the award!!!
Hastily put on and leave.
SCENE 5 In a palace.
(The professor, the minister, the princess)
Surroundings. The throne hall, the dressed up fur-tree, on a throne sits the princess.
The professor. Happy New Year you, your Majesty!
The minister. And with Christmas!
I have told, that without flowers New year and
Christmas will not come!
The professor (nervously). Your Majesty — same a joke?
The princess. To me not to jokes. So, where flowe rs? Bring to me them urgently!
The professor. But, your Majesty, on the eve of Christmas in wood — only blizzards!
The princess. You again to me have dared to contradict?!
Suddenly noise is offstage heard. The minister leaves to learn, that there the such. There is the minister, the stepmother and the daughter.
The professor (having seen flowers). I, probably,
go mad. There — flowers!!! Spring — in the winter? Oh, My God!!!
The princess (joyfully). Professor, well, what
I spoke to you? Give flowers here! Where you them took?
The stepmother (faltering). We since morning with the daughter and all night long among snowdrifts in wood strayed, strayed and suddenly have found flowers.
The princess (with astonishment). And what further?
The stepmother (nudging a daughter). Continue you!
The daughter. Well, here we go on a thicket and it is
visible, the birdie sits and calls spring...
The princess. Whom calls?
The daughter (pushing sideways the Stepmother). Continue!
The stepmother. Well, spring calls, well... The sun there... flowering! Also flowers have blossomed from her singing...
The minister (mistrustfully). Cannot be! The princess. And what was further? The stepmother. Well, we have fast picked the who le basket of the flowers! The daughter. That for them to receive gold. Here.
The princess (important and majestic). Minister, award them. Pour a gold basket into.
The princess (addresses to the stepmother and a daughter). Immediately take away us there where you have found flowers! Otherwise I will order to execute you!
The stepmother and the daughter fall on knees in a fright
. The stepmother. Your Majesty, pardon. Rescue, spare! Not we flowers have found it, and our idler.
The daughter. Yes, yes it is all my sister. You can ask her.
The princess. Sister here deliver! No, it is better we behind her we will call in on road. Give the carriage to me. Immediately!
In winter wood.
(The princess, the professor, the minister, the stepmother with the daughter, the stepdaughter, 12 brothers-months.)
On a scene the princess, the stepmother and the daughter. The stepmother silently shows on the stepdaughter.
The stepdaughter look at this time a ringlet and admires it.
The princess creeps to the stepdaughter.
The princess. Well show me the ringlet and show, where snowdrops grow in the winter!
The stepdaughter (scaredly). You who?
The princess (impatiently). I am a Queen! And well it is live tell.
The stepdaughter. But there are no more flowers.
The princess (impatiently). And where took them?
The stepdaughter. I cannot tell. It is a secret!
The princess (in anger). What?! From me secrets!!!
To execute!!! Ah, yes... Give here a ring!
Pulls out a ringlet, it falls and slides.
The stepdaughter. Ah, lovely brothers, come to me to the aid.
Brothers-months step on the stage.
January. You called us? We have come.
The stepmother. And it who?
The princess. Who are you!
The stepmother (it is loud, has guessed). Probably,
it — the Snowball!
The daughter (it is malicious on the Stepmother). And
you then — the Snowman!
The stepmother. Yes as has dared native mother
the snowwoman to call?
The daughter. And you it is exact as a snowman.
Same cold and malicious, as a dog.
The stepmother and the daughter start to swear and each other to call.
May. Here were linked, as if dogs. On affairs and
the award!
March. Look, have turned in two dogs.
The princess (is frightened). I, though also the Qu een, but I am afraid. I did not wish you to of fend.
The princess (shows on the minister). He wrote decrees.
The minister. Well, here has again found the extr eme.
January (to the princess). You ask pardon both for people and at the God is better.
The princess (repents). Forgive me that I was proud, obstinate, whimsical, it is not polite. I promi se, I will be corrected.
The princess (addresses to the stepdaughter). And you, me forgive for all. We with you both or phans.
The stepdaughter. In sacred Christmas — all of us the Lord will forgive!
All rise a semicircle and chorus sings «Merry Christmas».
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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