Интерактивная игра "12 месяцев"
методическая разработка (5 класс) по теме
Интерактивная игра предназначена для параллели 5-х классов (первый год обучения!) и проводится в качестве итогового мероприятия по английскому языку в конце первого полугодия. Целью является обобщение изученного материала по темам "Дни недели, месяцы, времена года", актуализация фонетических и лексических навыков, закрепление навыков аудирования и диалогической речи.
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Интерактивная игра «12 месяцев»
Цели: обобщение изученного материала по темам «Месяцы, дни недели, времена года»; актуализация фонетических и лексических навыков; закрепление навыков диалогической речи.
Оборудование: костюмы для исполнителей ролей (professor, Queen Mary, stepdaughter Ann, Seasons, Months) , классная доска, указка, географическая карта, искусственные цветы, корзина.
Исполнители ролей: ученики 7-х классов
Зрители- участники интерактивной игры: параллель 5-х классов.
Игру целесообразно провести в актовом зале школы в конце второй четверти.
ACT I: QUEEN MARY, PROFESSOR ( in the classroom)
Mary:(Standing at the blackboard) I am Mary. I am 12. You know, I am the Queen, but I must study. I do not like History and Geography, I hate English and mathematics .My favorite subjects are Music and Sport. My teachers say I am stupid, but I am not.
Professor: Hello, Your Majesty! Are you ready for the lessons?
Mary: Certainly, Professor.
Professor: What is the fifth letter in the English alphabet?
Mary: I
Professor: You are wrong.
Schoolchildren: E
Professor: Let’s come over to mathematics.7 + 9 = ?
Mary: 17
Schoolchildren: 16
Professor: Now we will have Geography. What is the capital of the United States of America?
Mary: New York.
Professor: No. You are wrong again. Children, answer my question! What is the capital of the United states of America?
Schoolchildren: Washington D.C.
Professor: (to the Queen sighing) You don’t know anything! Shame on you! Can you tell me what date is today?
Mary: (angrily) Yes, I can! Today is the thirty-second of December!
Professor: No, it is not!
Mary: Yes, it is! And tomorrow it will be the thirty-third of December, then the thirty-fourth, the thirty-fifth and so on. December will never end until I get a basket of snowdrops.
Professor: But in is winter now! There are no flowers! You, stupid girl! You will not get your snowdrops!
Mary: Yes, I will! If I do not, I shall behead you!
(go away quarrelling)
ACT II. Stepdaughter Ann, Seasons and Months.
( a piece of classical music sounds, with wind and snowstorm)
Ann: I am Ann. I am twelve. My cruel stepmother sent me to pick up snowdrops. Did you ever see snowdrops in January? It is winter now. The weather is cold. The wind is blowing. I am cold. I am hungry. I am thirsty. I am afraid of wolves. They will eat me up. (cries).
Seasons: (come in, speaking in chorus) Don’t cry, good girl! We’ll help you.
Winter: I see you are cold. Take my fir hat! (gives her a hat)
Ann: Thank you very much.
Spring: I see you are thirsty. I’ll give you something to drink. Do you like tea or coffee?
Ann: I don’t know. My stepmother gave me only water.
Seasons: (in chorus) Poor little girl!
Spring: Then I’ll give a cup of strong hot tea.
Summer: I see you are hungry. I’ll give you some fruits. Do you like bananas or pears?
Ann: What are bananas? What are pears? I’ve never eaten them. My stepmother always gives me onions and potatoes.
Autumn: I see you are tired. You need a good sleep. Do you like to sleep on a bed or on the sofa?
Ann: I don’t know. At home I always sleep on the floor.
Seasons ( in chorus): Poor little girl!
(Go away with Stepdaughter)
December: Hello, children! We are Moths-Brothers. Together we shall help Stepdaughter to get flowers for her stupid Queen. OK?
Schoolchildren: OK!
December: Children, be very, very attentive! Stepdaughter will get a flower as soon as you answer our questions. But answer correctly, please! Are you ready?
Schoolchildren: Ye-e-e-s!
December: So, the first task. You are to put us in the right order and call our names.
A schoolchild from the audience: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
December: Let’s sing a song about months!
( a song of Bony M “Months”)
December: You were good in this task and my brother April will put a snowdrop into Ann’s basket.
January: Children, what are winter months?
A pupil.: D,J,F. (+ 1 flower)
February: Children, how many days has February?
A pupil: February has 28 days clear and 29 in each leap year.(+ 1 flower)
March: Children, what months have 30 days?
A pupil: 30 days has S,A,J and N.(+ 1 flower)
April: Children, tell me, please, what months have 31 days?
A pupil: January, March, May, July, August, October, December.(+ 1 flower).
May: Who knows a rhyme about months?
A pupil: 30 days has September…….(+ 1 flower)
June: Can you tell me how many days are there in week?
A pupil: 7.
June: Do you know a rhyme about days of the week?
A pupil : I like Sunday best…(+1 flower)
July: What is the ninth month of a year?
A pupil: September (+1 flower)
August: Children, what is the first day of the week in Russia?
A pupil: Monday.
August: Yes. And in England?
A pupil: Sunday.(+ 1 flower)
September: How many days are there in a year?
A pupil: 365 or 366.(+1 flower)
October: Who can tell me how many weeks there are in year?
A pupil: 52 weeks. (+ 1 flower).
November: I see you are very clever children. You are good at English and Maths. And Ann will get her snowdrops. I’ll go to wake up stepdaughter. And you, please, help me. Let’s cry together: “Ann, get up!”
(Ann appears rubbing her eyes)
Ann (surprised): Oh, my basket is full of snowdrops! Who helped me?
A pupil: 12 months!
Months: And these bright and clever pupils!
Ann: Thank you, my dear friends! I will never forget you! Good bye!
Children: Good bye, Ann! Good luck!
Teacher: Let’s sing a song about seasons!
(a song “Spring is green…”
The end
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