Методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме "Семейные отношения" (9 класс)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)
Презентация позволяет отработать с учащимися лексико-грамматические упражнения по теме " Неличные формы глагола. Too/Enough" , а также активизировать лексические единицы по теме урока в 9 классе общеобразовательной школы по программе учебника Spotlight. На слайдах представлены упражнения формирвоание монологического высказывания по опорам на картинки, развитие диалогической речи по опорам.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Which member of your family do the sentences best describe? He/She … never gets off the phone is always taking things without asking never helps around the house never switches the light off is always leaving things everywhere never tidies up plays loud music doesn’t let me stay out late is always there for me helps me with my homework
You leave the kitchen in a mess every time you make something to eat. You always keep your windows open even when it is freezing. You never make your bed when you get up. You never turn off the lights. You always play computer games instead of helping around the house.. You never let me watch what I want to on TV. You always play your music really loud. You never take your dog for a walk. A: You leave the kitchen in a mess every time you make something to eat. It’s not very nice. I don’t like the way the kitchen looks like. B: Sorry! I won’t do that again! I will wash the dishes and clean the floor next time. Criticising / Apologising Criticising Apologising That’s nice. It’s not very good. You shouldn’t do /have done that. I don’t like/want… You drive me crazy/get on my nerves when… I can’t stand it when you …. Sorry! I’m so sorry! I won’t do that again. I’m so sorry! I didn’t realise …. Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to … I apologise . / I do apologise .
Put in TOO or ENOUGH with the adjective in brackets. Example: Trig can’t get through the fence. He’s too fat (fat). Trig can’t climb over the fence. He isn’t big enough (big). 1. Trig gets stuck on the slide because he’s ______________ (fat). 2. Trig can’t reach the cake on the table because he isn’t ______________ (tall). 3. Trig mustn’t swing on the lamp because he’s ______________ (heavy). 4. Nick can’t lift the piano because he isn’t ______________ (strong). 5. Nick didn't win the race because he was ______________ (slow). 6. Jenny is cross with Trig because he isn't ______________ (polite). 7. Jenny can't play football because she can't kick ______________ (hard). 8. Chip can't catch Fluff because he can't run ______________ (fast). 9. Chip mustn't jump on the sofa because he's ______________ (dirty). 10. Chip mustn't play in the garden early in the morning because he barks ________ (loudly).
Choose the correct word . 1 I can’t do this test. It’s too / enough difficult! 2 She wants to buy this dress, but she hasn’t got too / enough money. 3 You need another computer. This one isn’t fast too / enough . 4 My little brother can’t lift this bag because it’s too / enough heavy. 5 Nobody can’t solve the problem because it is too / enough complicated. 6 My family had to move a new house because the old one wasn’t big too / enough . 7 My brother failed his exam because he was too / enough lazy. 8 It’s too / enough dangerous to climb up this tree. 9 I don’t the like the weather in winter. It isn’t warm too / enough . 10 My friends don’t want to walk home because it’s too / enough far
Write TOO or ENOUGH with the adjective in brackets. 1 Can we close the window now? It’s _________________. (windy) 2 Please can you turn up the cassette player? It isn't _________________. (loud) 3 My ruler isn't _________________. (long) Can I borrow your ruler? 4 Can you write that again, Maria? This writing isn't _________________. (neat) 5 My bag is _________________. (small) I can't fit all these books in it. 6 Please speak more loudly. Your voice is _________________. (quiet) 7 Today's homework is ________________. (easy) My five year-old sister can do it! 8 Could you all stop talking, please? It's not _________________. (quiet) 9 Can I switch the radiator on? It's _________________ now. (cold) 10 This computer is old and slow. It's not _________________. (fast)
Complete the dialogue. Use the word in brackets with TOO or ENOUGH. A: 6-0! That was terrible! Our team just wasn't ______! (good) B: The other team was _________ (strong) for us. A: We got the ball sometimes, but we weren't _______. (quick) B: Our team aren't _____ (fit). They got tired _____ (quickly). They aren't training ____ (hard). A: The other team was ______ (clever). They always found a space. B: Some of their players were very tall and strong. Our players were __ (scared) to go near them! A: We've got one good player but he's _______ (selfish). He never passes the ball. B: We need a new goalkeeper. Our goalkeeper's ________ (old). He's nearly forty!
It is very cold. We can't go out. It is too cold for us to go out. He is strong. He can carry it. He is strong enough to carry it. Change two sentences into one. Helen is very ill. She can’t work. My grandfather is very old. He can’t travel. 3 I’m very bored. I can’t listen any longer. Kate’s very hot. She can’t play table tennis. I’m very thirsty. I can’t finish this exercise. You are very young. You can't have a front-door key. It is very cold. We can't bathe. I am rather old. I can't wear that kind of hat. The ladder wasn't very long. It didn't reach the window. He didn’t have much money. He couldn't live on it. He was furious. He couldn't speak. The fire isn't very hot. It won't boil a kettle. Tom was very foolish. He told lies to the police. You are quite thin. You could slip between the bars. He is very ill. He can't eat anything. Our new car is very wide. It won't get through those gates. The floor wasn't strong. We couldn't dance on it. I was terrified. I couldn't move.
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