Открытый урок "Письмо в формате ЕГЭ"
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку
Одним из заданий по английскому языку как в ЕГЭ, так и в ОГЭ является написание личного письма в ответ на письмо “англоговорящего друга по переписке”. Оно входит в часть C, как и написание сочинения по английскому языку. Материалы данного урока можно использовать для обучения написания такого письма . Материалы содержат полезные советы, касающиеся структуры письма, его правильного оформления и прочее.
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Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект урока в 10 классе.
Тема урока: Личное письмо в формате ЕГЭ.
Учитель: Бойкова Н.В.
Цель урока: Формирование навыков написания личного письма в формате ЕГЭ.
Задачи урока:
1. Обучающие: - Учить писать личное письмо другу по переписке, что включает в себя знание понятия «личное письмо», использование слов и выражений неформального стиля общения, правильную структуру и содержание письма.
2. Развивающие: - Развивать способность к функционально – адекватному сочетанию лексических единиц и логическому изложению в рамках написания личного письма; - создать условия для развития коммуникативных навыков посредством письменной речи; - создать условия для развития памяти, внимания, воображения; - содействовать формированию самостоятельной познавательной деятельности.
3. Воспитательные: Воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре англоязычных стран.
Оборудование: УМК "Spotlight"- 10, под редакцией Ю.Е. Ваулиной, Дж. Дули, аудиодополнение, доска, презентация, раздаточный материал
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Урок закрепления знаний и формирования ЗУН предназначен для вторичного закрепления знаний и выработки навыков и умений по практическому применению знаний. Урок обобщения и систематизации — полученные знания обобщаются в систему, важно показать взаимосвязь нового и старого, указывается место нового знания в общей системе.
Ход урока:
1. Начало урока. Организационный момент.
Определение темы урока. Создание мотивации.
Look at the screen. I would like you to listen to the song. (Текст песни R. Kelly - Love Letter.)
While listening find the answers to the questions:
- What is the song about? (It is about love letter of a young man to his girlfriend)
- What does he want to know? (He wants to know if the girl got his love letter; if the letter touched her heart)
-What moments of his life does he remember? (He remembers their good time together, their love making history)
- Can you tell me what we are going to speak about? (Pupils: About writing letters).
Постановка целей и задач.
The topic of our today’s lesson is “Let’s write a letter to a friend”
The steps are the following:
- you’ll remember the types of letters;
- study the structure of a letter;
- we’ll pay attention to rules & peculiarities of the form of a private letter;
peculiarities / особенности
[ pɪˌkjuː.liˈær.ə.ti ]
- we’ll learn how to write a good letter to friends.
Most people like to get letters, but a great many people dislike writing them, not only because of the time and effort they take but because the writers (or-potential writers) feel embarrassed and uncertain about how to go about it.
2. Речевая зарядка.
Now comes the question. What verbs can be linked with the word letter? (Работа с активным вокабуляром. Учащиеся называют глаголы, связанные со словом «письмо»).
- to write or type a letter
- to dictate
- to deliver
- to get (receive)
- to send, to post( Br), to mail (Am)
Give all possible associations with the word “letter”. What do you associate letters with? (Построение ассоциативного ряда).
Begin your answer with: I associate letters with…..
- address
- envelope
- stamps
- paper
- pen
- pictures
- news
- post
- postman
- bird (a pigeon)
- different parts of the world
- relatives and friends ( nearest and dearest)
- beloved person
When you get a letter you have a lot of emotions. What feelings can a person have getting a letter?
- interest
- curiously
- happiness
- joy
- sympathy
Let’s pay attention to the Greek word “epistola”. What is it?
Epistola is a letter or paper.
They say that Greeks were the first to write letters.
3. Основная часть.
- Типы писем.
Let’s learn the types of letters. Pay attention to the word-web.
Business letters are normally as brief as possible. Busy people have a lot of work to do and they are not interested in your personality or your problems. Business letters have some division and peculiarities. Official letters stand close to business. We won’t work with this topic today.
Private letters or in other words friendly letters are non-official. They are most popular among people. We often write to our relatives, friends and acquaintances.
We’ll study the rules of writing private letters today. Don’t forget about the fact that letters can have two types – ordinary and letters of e-mail type. Of course, they differ in a form. The form of an e-mail letter is less strict.
Now tell me, what types of letters are there? (P1, P2.)
What types of personal letters do we know?
Now put aside your text-books and look at the blackboard.
2.Оформление письма:
Нere is an example of a private letter. It is a task.
The structure of a letter:
Нere is an example of a private letter.
It is an answer to the task.
3.Полезные советы
4.Критерии оценивания
Let’s have a rest
5.Практика: Части письма и языковые формулы. Тренировочные упражнения
Задание у уч-ся дано на карточке.
Let’s check your task.
Now we will work in pairs.
Let’s check your task.
4. Обобщение работы на уроке:
What have we learnt at the lesson? Let’s sum up our activity.
Учащиеся комментируют и обобщают материал урока (P1, P2, P3).
5. Заключение. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.
There are significant changes in everything. Time flies. It carries changes in own life. XXI century is the time of technological progress. Computers are more frequently used. E-mail is quick & cheap way of communication. But it is still pleasant to get usual letters feel happiness from an ordinary sheet of paper. People share happy & sad moments of their life in letters. If you want to get letter write it first will make somebody happy & you will be pleased as well.
(Приём «Синквейн» или «Пятистишье»)
Try to make up a sinkwein on the topic of our lesson. Work in groups.
Informal, private
To get a letter, to read a letter, to send a letter
Letters are part of people’s life.
Read your sinkweins.
Take the cards and continue the sentences:
-The lesson was….
- My work was….
- I felt myself….
- I’ve learnt … information.
Thank you very much for your work.
- Выставление оценок за работу на уроке.
Your marks are the following…..
- Домашнее задание:
R. Kelly - Love Letter ( lyrics)
Did you get my card?
Did you read my love letter?
Did it touch your heart?
When you read my love letter
Sunny days, smiling face
Spirit filled, heaven praise
Memories in my mind
Reminiscing of good times
Miracles, so amazed
Soldiers far away
It makes me ask the question baby
Did you get my card?
Did you read my love letter?
Did it touch your heart?
(Yeah yeah)
When you read my love letter
(When you read my love letter)
Weekends and birthdays
Celebrations, holidays
Love making history
A toast to our victories
Sweet dreams, butterflies
Holding hands, side by side
Best friends, families
Reminds me
Did you get my card? (my card)
(Did you get my card girl?)
Did you read my love letter?
(Tell me did you read my love letter?)
Did it touch your heart?
(Did it touch your heart?)
When you read my love letter
(Girl when you read my love letter)
Cocktails, happy hours
Wedding bells, baby showers
Vacation, sail boats
With the ones you love the most
Long time no see
Back together, you and me
Write me back when you receive this here
Did you get my card?
(Did you get my card)
Did you read my love letter?
(Tell me did you read my love letter?)
Did it touch your heart?
(Did it touch your heart?)
When you read my love letter
(Girl when you read my love letter)
I hope these,
Hope these words find you in the perfect mood
I wrote this letter according to my love for you
So I hope this paper will travel safely to where you are
Because the melody is custom made for your heart
Though near or far I will find a way to send my love
Only pray that it don't come back return to sender
If you are reading this I hope that things are well
And you can text me back, you can write me back
Just check your mail
Did you get my card?
(Did you get my card?) (yeah)
Did you read my love letter?
(Girl tell me)
Did it touch your heart?
(When you read)
When you read my love letter
(My love, love)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The steps are the following: - you’ll remember the types of letters; - study the structure of a letter; - we’ll pay attention to rules & peculiarities of the form of a private letter ; - we’ll learn how to write a good letter to friends.
Most people like to get letters, but a great number of people dislike writing them. The reason is that they feel uncertain how to do it correctly.
Who was the first to write letters ??? They say that the Greeks were the first to write letters. The word “epistola” in Greek is a letter or paper.
Types of the letters Formal Informal or personal letter Business Official Non- Official Private
P.18 EX. 1 (a ) Informal letters
Образец письма личного характера You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mary who writes ... Summer is coming and I want to look my best: healthy, energetic and physically fit. So I'm trying to eat plain, simply cooked natural food, have enough sleep at night and I have recently joined our local fitness club. Do you do anything special to stay healthy? What makes people healthy and strong? What do you think about a healthy lifestyle? By the way, I'm going to spend a month at the seaside this summer... Write a letter to Mary. In your letter answer her questions, ask 3 questions about her coming summer holidays. Write 100-140 words . Remember the rules of letter writing.
Адрес : Moscow Russia 15/02/2019 или Moscow , Russia June 7 th , 2019 Вступительная часть Dear … , отступаем строку от даты, с красной строки, имя, запятая обязательно!!! Thanks a lot for your last letter. (благодарность за письмо. С красной строки.) I haven’t heard from you for ages. (ссылка на предыдущие контакты). Sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school. (извинение, что так долго не писали и объяснить причину этого) Основная часть In your letter you asked me about…. (с красной строки, тема ). Well , …. (отвечаем подробно на три заданных другом вопроса, желательно в том же порядке – должно получиться примерно 3 предложения) By the way, tell me (about) … ( с красной строки, задаем свои 3 вопроса – лучше, чтобы они были разными по типу – общие и специальные ) Завершающая часть Actually, I’d better go now as I have to study for my exams (с красной строки – вежливое завершение письма – написать причину!) Write back soon! (с красной строки, ссылка на будущие контакты) Best wishes , (с красной строки, завершающая фраза, запятая – обязательно!) Kate (с красной строки, ваше имя) (64 слова)
Полезные советы для написания письма ЕГЭ Считайте слова Обязательно нужно уложиться в заданный объём: 100-140 слов – это золотая середина, но допускается отклонение на 10% в обе стороны, т.е. 90-154 слова. Если в письме ≤89 слов, то за задание ставится 0 баллов. Если ≥155 слов, то проверяются только первые 140 слов. Это значит, что из-за одного лишнего слова можно потерять несколько баллов! Помните, что 1 слово – это всё, что находится между двумя пробелами. Дефисы (-), апострофы (’) и слэши (/) не являются пробелами, поэтому слова из разряда that’s , twenty-two , open-minded , UK, TV и дата в формате 05/06/16 считаются за одно слово. Тренируйтесь писать письма на экзаменационных бланках – так вы научитесь на глазок определять количество слов и будете меньше тратить времени на их подсчёт.
Пишите в неофициальном стиле «Оживляйте» письмо сокращениями ( I’m , can’t , I’d like ), неформальными словами-связками ( well , also , by the way , anyway , so , actually ), разговорными выражениями ( Guess what ? Wish me luck !) и междометиями ( Hurray ! Yahoo ! Ha — ha ! ). Правильно рассчитайте время На выполнение этого задания выделите себе 20 минут: 8 мин. на черновик, 8 мин. на чистовик и 4 мин. на подсчёт слов и проверку. Обязательно проверьте письмо перед сдачей !
Критерии оценивания Л ичное письмо оценивают по 3 критериям. Максимально- 6 баллов. Содержание письма - должна быть ссылка на предыдущий контакт, объём высказывания соответствует норме, правильная форма обращения и неофициальный стиль письма, правильная завершающая фраза и подпись автора письма - 2 балла . Организация письма - деление на абзацы, логичность изложения с употреблением средств логической связи, обращение - на отдельной строке, завершающая фраза - на отдельной строке и подпись на отдельной строке, адрес автора в правом верхнем углу, и обязательно дата под адресом - 2 балла . Языковое оформление текста- Словарный запас, грамматические структуры, орфография и пунктуация - 2 балла.
Образец письма личного характера You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mary who writes ... Summer is coming and I want to look my best: healthy, energetic and physically fit. So I'm trying to eat plain, simply cooked natural food, have enough sleep at night and I have recently joined our local fitness club. Do you do anything special to stay healthy? What makes people healthy and strong? What do you think about a healthy lifestyle? By the way, I'm going to spend a month at the seaside this summer... Write a letter to Mary. In your letter answer her questions, ask 3 questions about her coming summer holidays. Write 100-140 words . Remember the rules of letter writing.
Moscow Russia 15/02/19 Dear Mary, Thank you for your letter. I'm sorry for not writing you for so long. I spent my time doing a school project. I hope that all your efforts will show a great result. I try to care more about my health lately: I try to avoid unhealthy and fat food. Also I train every morning and go to the gym. I think that sport and healthy food are the most important components of being healthy and strong. Nowadays, the healthy lifestyle becomes more and more popular and I don’t see anything bad in it. Anyway, you've mentioned holidays. With whom are you going to the seaside? Why have you decided to spend the month there? What exactly are you going to do? I've got to go as my friend is asking me for help. Write back soon. Best wishes, Kate
Russia St . Petersburg, November Dear Sheila.Thank you for your letter. I'm sorry for not writing you for so long. I was busy doing a school project . I'm glad about your visit to the museum! Speaking of me, when I was little, my class used to go to the museum each week and it was very interesting. In general, I think that museums are very important for cultural education, but it shouldn’t be given as an obligatory thing. Now we go to the museums twice a year and our teacher gave us possibility to choose which museum we want to visit. My favorite is the museum of photography. Anyway , you've mentioned holidays. Do you go hiking for the first time? What do your parents think about the sport? Don't you think that it's too dangerous? I've got to go as my brother wants me to help him with his homework. Write back soon. Best wishes Ben Let’s practice : Correct some mistakes.
Put the parts of the letter in the correct order Tanya By the way, what TV shows do you enjoy? Are they funny or educational? Do you watch soaps? Actually, I do but not often. Just to relax. Anyway , I’d better go now. Loads of homework (unfortunately!) Moscow Russia E. Write back soon! F. Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you! Well done on passing your exams! G. February 21st , 2019 H. As for my trip to the UK, I’m planning to study at a language school and take the FCE exam. I’m going to enter Oxford University so I have to speak fluent English. I hope you can advise me a good school for preparation. It would be great if it was not far from your place so that we could spend time together. Lot’s of love, J. Dear Jenny, K. Oh , and another thing! I’d like to find a part-time job to pay for my expenses.
Check yourself 1. D 2. G 3. J 4. F 5. H 6. K 7. B 8. C 9. E 10. I 11. A
M atch the sentences to the corresponding parts of a letter. How are you? I hope you are feeling better. Give my best wishes to your sister! I am looking forward to your reply. You know that I've passed my finals! Sorry it took me so long to write! Congratulations on you new car! Please write soon and tell me about your news. That's all for me now! We're having a very nice time in Spain. Hi, how's everything going? B. Main body A. Opening remarks C. Closing remarks
Check yourself A. Opening remarks: 1 , 5, 10 B. Main body: 2, 4, 6, 9 C. Closing remarks: 3 , 7, 8
С ontinue the sentences: -The lesson was…. - My work was…. - I felt myself…. - I’ve learnt … .
Homework 1.) Put the parts of the letter in the right order and then find a mistake in the letter. A You asked me about my free time. I don't have much of it on weekdays. After school I come home and start doing my homework. After that I watch my favourite TV programme and I spend an hour playing computer games before supper. Then I read books and watch TV again before going to bed. At weekends I have more free time. I help my parents around the flat and then meet my friends and we either go for a walk or to the cinema. B Write to me soon! Best wishes, Masha. C Moscow, Russia 21 /07 / 2010 Dear Alex, D Keeping fit is very important. How do you keep fit? Where do you exercise and how often? Are there good facilities for exercising in your city? E Thanks for your letter! It was cool to hear from you! 2.) O utline the structure of writing a letter b riefly and learn the template by heart .
ШАБЛОН ПИСЬМА ДЛЯ ЕГЭ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ Moscow Russia 21/10/16 Dear …, Thanks a lot for your letter. Sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school. I’m glad you’re OK!/ I miss you greatly! In your letter you asked me about…. Well , …. (отвечаем на ВСЕ вопросы) By the way, tell me (about) … ( задаем 3 вопроса ) Actually , I’d better go now as I have to study for my exams / I’ve got my aerobic class. Take care and stay in touch!/Write back soon! All the best , Vlad
Try to make up a sinkwein on the topic of our lesson. Work in groups. Model: Letter Informal, private To get a letter, to read a letter, to send a letter Letters are part of people’s life. Memory.
Excellent! Thank you very much for your work! See you next lesson!
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