тест for during
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Choose the right words to complete the sentences.
- It snowed heavily ( for / during ) the night and by the morning the world had
2. My friend speaks fluent English; he lived in the US ( for / during ) six months last
3. I hope the letter will be typed ( in / on ) time to be sent with the messenger.
4. Jane is very punctual and always comes ( in / on ) time. I think she has never been
late in her whole life.
5. Do you see that tall tower ( at / in ) the end of the street?
6. They argued a lot about the project and ( at / in ) the end he won.
7. I’ve got a job interview ( in / on ) Thursday afternoon.
8. What are you doing ( in / on ) tomorrow evening?
9. It’s not surprising that the players feel dead tired ( after / afterwards ) the play.
10. You don’t have to complete the work now. You can do it ( after / afterwards ).
- Choose the right words to complete the sentences.
- It snowed heavily ( for / during ) the night and by the morning the world had
2. My friend speaks fluent English; he lived in the US ( for / during ) six months last
3. I hope the letter will be typed ( in / on ) time to be sent with the messenger.
4. Jane is very punctual and always comes ( in / on ) time. I think she has never been
late in her whole life.
5. Do you see that tall tower ( at / in ) the end of the street?
6. They argued a lot about the project and ( at / in ) the end he won.
7. I’ve got a job interview ( in / on ) Thursday afternoon.
8. What are you doing ( in / on ) tomorrow evening?
9. It’s not surprising that the players feel dead tired ( after / afterwards ) the play.
10. You don’t have to complete the work now. You can do it ( after / afterwards ).
- Choose the right words to complete the sentences.
- It snowed heavily ( for / during ) the night and by the morning the world had
2. My friend speaks fluent English; he lived in the US ( for / during ) six months last
3. I hope the letter will be typed ( in / on ) time to be sent with the messenger.
4. Jane is very punctual and always comes ( in / on ) time. I think she has never been
late in her whole life.
5. Do you see that tall tower ( at / in ) the end of the street?
6. They argued a lot about the project and ( at / in ) the end he won.
7. I’ve got a job interview ( in / on ) Thursday afternoon.
8. What are you doing ( in / on ) tomorrow evening?
9. It’s not surprising that the players feel dead tired ( after / afterwards ) the play.
10. You don’t have to complete the work now. You can do it ( after / afterwards ).
- Choose the right words to complete the sentences.
- It snowed heavily ( for / during ) the night and by the morning the world had
2. My friend speaks fluent English; he lived in the US ( for / during ) six months last
3. I hope the letter will be typed ( in / on ) time to be sent with the messenger.
4. Jane is very punctual and always comes ( in / on ) time. I think she has never been
late in her whole life.
5. Do you see that tall tower ( at / in ) the end of the street?
6. They argued a lot about the project and ( at / in ) the end he won.
7. I’ve got a job interview ( in / on ) Thursday afternoon.
8. What are you doing ( in / on ) tomorrow evening?
9. It’s not surprising that the players feel dead tired ( after / afterwards ) the play.
10. You don’t have to complete the work now. You can do it ( after / afterwards ).
- Choose the right words to complete the sentences.
- It snowed heavily ( for / during ) the night and by the morning the world had
2. My friend speaks fluent English; he lived in the US ( for / during ) six months last
3. I hope the letter will be typed ( in / on ) time to be sent with the messenger.
4. Jane is very punctual and always comes ( in / on ) time. I think she has never been
late in her whole life.
5. Do you see that tall tower ( at / in ) the end of the street?
6. They argued a lot about the project and ( at / in ) the end he won.
7. I’ve got a job interview ( in / on ) Thursday afternoon.
8. What are you doing ( in / on ) tomorrow evening?
9. It’s not surprising that the players feel dead tired ( after / afterwards ) the play.
10. You don’t have to complete the work now. You can do it ( after / afterwards ).
- Choose the right words to complete the sentences.
- It snowed heavily ( for / during ) the night and by the morning the world had
2. My friend speaks fluent English; he lived in the US ( for / during ) six months last
3. I hope the letter will be typed ( in / on ) time to be sent with the messenger.
4. Jane is very punctual and always comes ( in / on ) time. I think she has never been
late in her whole life.
5. Do you see that tall tower ( at / in ) the end of the street?
6. They argued a lot about the project and ( at / in ) the end he won.
7. I’ve got a job interview ( in / on ) Thursday afternoon.
8. What are you doing ( in / on ) tomorrow evening?
9. It’s not surprising that the players feel dead tired ( after / afterwards ) the play.
10. You don’t have to complete the work now. You can do it ( after / afterwards ).
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