Презентации к урокам
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 класс) на тему

Шандыга Юлия Юрьевна

Презентации к урокам английского языка в 5,6,7,8,9 классах


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The main personal characteristics

Слайд 2


Слайд 3


Слайд 4


Слайд 5

sociable, talkative

Слайд 6

bossy, rude

Слайд 7


Слайд 8

( a bit) lazy

Слайд 9


Слайд 10


Слайд 11


Слайд 12


Слайд 13


Слайд 14


Слайд 15


Слайд 16

clever, intelligent

Слайд 17

angry, unfriendly

Слайд 18

merry, joyous, shy, sociable, talkative, bossy, rude, kind, (a bit) lazy, curious, friendly, helpful, polite, honest, boastful, talented, clever, intelligent, angry, unfriendly

Слайд 19

веселый, радостный, робкий (застенчивый, стеснительный), общительный, разговорчивый (болтливый), любит командовать, грубый, добрый, (чуть-чуть) ленивый, любознательный (любопытный), дружелюбный, помогающий, вежливый, честный, хвастливый, талантливый, умный (интеллигентный), злой, недружелюбный

Слайд 20

1) I am…,…,… and… (But) I am not…,… and… 2) …is…,… and… (But) He / She isn’t (is not)…,… and…

Слайд 21

1) Mary likes to talk. She is___________. 2) Peter tries to know new things. He is____________. 3) I always help my parents. I am__________. 4) This boy always says “thanks”. He is_____________. 5) Sarah smiles a lot. She is_____________. talkative curious helpful polite joyous

Слайд 22

6) James is very good at mathematics. He is__________. 7) They quarrel and shout on other people. They are___________. 8) Vanessa has a lot of friends. She is_____________. 9) My sister forgives my mistakes. She is___________. 10) John never lies. He is_________. clever angry friendly kind honest

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Transport (kinds of transport / means of transport)

Слайд 2

People go by car / ride on a car .

Слайд 3

People go by taxi / ride on a taxi .

Слайд 4

People go by bus / ride on a bus .

Слайд 5

People go by tram / ride on a tram .

Слайд 6

People go by trolley(bus) / ride on a trolley .

Слайд 7

People go by train / ride on a train .

Слайд 8

People go by (aero/ air)plane / ride on a plane .

Слайд 9

People go by ship / sail on a ship .

Слайд 10

People go by (motor)bike / ride on a bike .

Слайд 11

People go by bicycle(bike) / ride on a bike .

Слайд 12

People go by metro / ride on metro .

Слайд 13

People go rollerblading.

Слайд 14

People go by skate board.

Слайд 15

car, taxi, bus, tram, trolley(bus), train, (air / aero)plane, ship, (motor)bike, bicycle(bike), metro, rollerblading, skate board go by…/ ride on…/ sail on…

Слайд 16

машина, такси, автобус, трамвай, троллейбус, поезд, самолет, корабль, мотоцикл, велосипед, метро, катание на роликах, скейтборд ездить на… / плыть на…

Слайд 17

- Do you like going by / riding on a / sailing on a …? - Yes, I like going by / riding on a / sailing on a …? - No, I don’t like…

Слайд 18

I think… is the best mean of transport because it’s… I think a car is the best mean of transport because it’s the cheapest .

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

BRITISH TRADITIONS Every country has its own traditions and customs. In Britain traditions play a very important role in the life of people. The British are proud of their traditions and keep them carefully.

Слайд 2

Britain is full of culture and traditions which have been around for hundreds of years. It is known that the English are stay-at-home people. “There is no place like home”, they say. When they don't work they like to spend their days off at home with their families.

Слайд 3

English people like domestic animals. Every family has a pet: a dog, a cat or a bird.

Слайд 4

Politeness is a characteristic feature of Englishmen. They often say “Thank you”, “Sorry”, “Beg your pardon”.

Слайд 5

Englishmen's home People all over the world know the saying: “The Englishmen’s home is their castle”. They like to live in small houses with a small garden. A typical feature of an English house is a fireplace, that's why many of them prefer the open fire to central heating.

Слайд 6

English meals They say that English people keep to their traditions even in meals. They eat eggs and bacon with toasts for breakfast, pudding or apple pie for dessert. Porridge is the dish Englishmen are very fond of. Many of them eat porridge with milk and sugar for breakfast.

Слайд 7

Tea-drinkers The English are tea-drinkers. They have it many times a day. Some Englishmen have tea for breakfast, tea in lunch time, tea after dinner, tea at tea-time and tea with supper. Some English families have "high tea" or big tea and no supper. The Englishmen always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses.

Слайд 8

. They have also English and British traditions of sport, music and many royal occasions.

Слайд 9

Coronation Day It marks the anniversary of the date when Elizabeth II became queen.

Слайд 10

The queen's telegram The Queen ‘s telegram is not a very old custom but it is for very old people. Every British person gets a telegram from the Queen on their one-hundredth birthday.

Слайд 11

Changing of the Guards Changing of the Guards is a very beautiful tradition. Every morning tourists go to watch the ceremony at Buckingham Palace. At 11.30 the guard that stands in front of the palace change.

Слайд 12

Pancake Day Pancake Day is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday in spring at the beginning of Lent. Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter. Pancake Day is traditionally a day of celebration, the last day that you can eat what you want until Easter.

Слайд 13

Well, on this day in England families usually have pancakes for dinner. At schools the children and teachers have pancakes for school dinner, and in restaurants customers ask for pancakes, too. Pancake Day is a funny custom. It is famous for an unusual race with frying pans and pancakes.

Слайд 14

Guy Fawkes’s Night Guy Fawkes” Night is observed on the 5 th of November when people in Britain light fireworks and burn a straw guy on a bonfire. This celebration is often associated with collecting money for charity.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

prehistoric - доисторический all over the world – по всему миру unique - уникальный probably - возможно own - собственный 4,500 was modeled – был сооружен timber – бревно, бревенчатый precedents - основание weigh – весить ( weight - вес)

Слайд 3

unknown - неизвестный no doubt – без сомнения purpose fully - целенаправленно place d - расположенный fraught with – соотносится с in fact – на самом деле despite – не смотря на count less - бесчисленный theory (theories) - теория offer (offered) - предлагать

Слайд 4

clear - ясный god - бог actually – на самом деле use for – использовать для

Слайд 5

Stonehenge is the most famous prehistoric monument not only in Europe, but all over the world. Unique today, Stonehenge was probably also unique in its own time 4,500 years ago. This stone monument was modeled on timber precedents.

Слайд 6

The largest stones weigh as much as 50 tons. The people who built Stonehenge had discovered something unknown. But there is no doubt that the purposefully placed stones are fraught with meaning.

Слайд 7

But what in fact did they mean? Despite countless theories offered over centuries, no one knows. We have no clear idea what the ancient people who built it (and were they people or gods?) actually used it for.

Слайд 8

1) What is Stonehenge? 2) Is it famous? 3) When was it built? 4) Where was it modeled? 5) How much do the largest stones weigh? 6) Who and what for built Stonehenge?

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

MUSIC: the soundtrack o f our lives . cellor clarinet

Слайд 2

m elancholy - грустная cool – крутая passionate- страстная breathtaking - захватывающая дух great - великолепная powerful – мощная perfect – отличная brilliant - восхитительная pleasant – приятная romantic, sentimental catchy – захватывающая touchy – трогательная

Слайд 3

annoying – раздражающая dull - бестолковая boring – скучная foolish - дурацкая o verwhelming - потрясающая t orchy - зажигательная

Слайд 4

Kinds of music : Rock Jazz Pop Rap Classical Country Promenade

Слайд 5

Music that is enjoyed by the largest possible audiences is called popular music. Many kinds - country music, folk music, rhythm and blues, musical comedy, jazz, marches, ragtime, and other idioms - were popular in the 20th century. In general, popular music is the product of an industry devoted entirely to its manufacture and sale.

Слайд 6

What is your favourite sort of music? Do the people you live with and your close friends share the same tastes in music as you? Where and when do you listen to music? If you could choose one musical instrument to be able to play brilliantly, what instrument would it be? Do you like having background music while you are working? How often do you go to concerts?

Слайд 7

What usually makes you decide that you want to buy a certain record (disk, cassettes)? Do you have one or two favourite performers (groups, orchestras) at the moment? If so, who? What instrument do you most like the sound of? Do you have an ear for music?

Слайд 8

Music can leave us indifferent or it can provoke powerful and complex feelings. I like music very much, because it helps me to relax when I’m tired and entertains me when I’d like to have fun. Listening to the music is an important part of my life because I can’t live a day without it. How can music influence people ?

Слайд 9

Being free I listen to romantic or soft music - everything depends on my mood and condition. If I’m tired with work and can’t even move a finger , I’d prefer listening to something calm and quiet. And when I’m full of energy I’d rather listen to passionate, breathtaking or overwhelming music. Tuneless music and foolish songs irritate me greatly. I switch off the radio quickly if I hear something cluttered ( бестолковое ).

Слайд 10

Music conquers our hearts and enriches the soul. It can entertain and transform our soul at the same time. Music inspires creative people to write poems and draw a picture. When I listen to organ music it makes me remember a Middle Age church, because this sort of music was extremely popular among people in the Middle Ages and it was played mostly in church. Listening to classics provokes the picture of a calm and soothing ( успокоительной ) spring.

Слайд 11

Classical music is very beautiful. It improves my mood. It makes me to see the world around me in a new way. When I listen to it, I imagine wonderful pictures in my mind. This music mesmerizes ( зачаровала ) me by its beauty.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

a mother a father

Слайд 3

a sister a brother

Слайд 4

a granny a grandmother a grandma a granddad a grandfather a grandpa

Слайд 5

an a unt an u ncle

Слайд 6

a nephew a niece

Слайд 7

a cousin

Слайд 8

Have you got…? a mother a father a sister a brother a granny a granddad an a unt an u ncle a cousin Yes, I have. (Yes,) I have got … (Yes, I’ve got…) No, I haven’t. (No,) I haven’t got…

Слайд 9

1 ) My family is large. / My family is small. 2) We are…in the family . 3 ) I have got… / 4) I haven’t got… ( a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a granny, a granddad, an a unt, an u ncle, a cousin) 5) I am the only child in the family.

Слайд 10

a family, a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a grandmother (a granny, a grandma), a grandfather (a granddad, a grandpa), an aunt, an uncle, a cousin, a nephew, a niece, parents, grandparents, a daughter , a son

Слайд 11

семья, мама, папа, сестра, брат, бабушка, дедушка, тетя, дядя, двоюродный, племянник, племянница, родители, бабушка и дедушка, дочь, сын

Слайд 12

one, another, makes two, all kinds of, people, can make up, mixtures, that, lived, shoe, a pair like, a calf, a cow, that go moo, creatures, numbers, plus

Слайд 13

What is a family? Who is a family? One and another makes two is a family. Baby and father and mother: a family. Parents and sister and brother: a family. All kinds of people can make up a family. All kinds of mixtures can make up a family. What is a family? Who is a family? The children that lived in a shoe is a family.

Слайд 14

A pair like Kanga and Roo is a family. A calf and a cow that go moo is a family. All kinds of creatures can make up a family. All kinds of numbers can make up a family. All of your family plus you is a family!

Слайд 15

a daughter - дочь a son - сын a husband - муж a wife - жена elder - старший younger - младший

Слайд 16

a daughter, a son, a husband, a wife, elder, younger

Слайд 17

дочь, сын, муж, жена, старший, младший

Слайд 18

… ‘s – апостроф + s: показывает, что слово нужно переводить в родительном падеже, т.е. кого? чего? father ’s – папин ( father’s car ) mother ’s – мамин (mother’s book ) Jack ’s – Джека (Jack’s shoe) Ann ’s – Анны (Ann’s cow) my friend ’s – моего друга (my friend’s dog)

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Can you boast that you are the best helper about the house? What have your parents praised you for recently? Why?

Слайд 2

My parents have praised me recently because I…

Слайд 3

h ave cleaned the car have washed the dishes have swept the floor have tidied up the room have cooked breakfast have done the washing have watered the flowers have done the shopping

Слайд 4

have cleaned the car

Слайд 5

have washed the dishes

Слайд 6

have swept the floor

Слайд 7

have tidied up the room

Слайд 8

have cooked breakfast

Слайд 9

have done the washing

Слайд 10

have watered the flowers

Слайд 11

have done the shopping

Слайд 12

brilliantly - блестяще quickly - быстро wonderfully - замечательно properly - тщательно well (good) - хорошо excellent - отлично greatly - здорово

Слайд 13

помыл машину Мои родители похвалили меня недавно, потому что я… ---------------------------------------------------------- блестяще, быстро, замечательно, тщательно, хорошо, отлично, здорово

Слайд 14

помыл посуду Мои родители похвалили меня недавно, потому что я… -------------------------------------------------------- блестяще, быстро, замечательно, тщательно, хорошо, отлично, здорово

Слайд 15

подмел пол Мои родители похвалили меня недавно, потому что я… ------------------------------------------------------- блестяще, быстро, замечательно, тщательно, хорошо, отлично, здорово

Слайд 16

убрал в комнате Мои родители похвалили меня недавно, потому что я… -------------------------------------------------------- блестяще, быстро, замечательно, тщательно, хорошо, отлично, здорово

Слайд 17

приготовил завтрак Мои родители похвалили меня недавно, потому что я… ------------------------------------------------------- блестяще, быстро, замечательно, тщательно, хорошо, отлично, здорово

Слайд 18

постирал Мои родители похвалили меня недавно, потому что я… ----------------------------------------------------------- блестяще, быстро, замечательно, тщательно, хорошо, отлично, здорово

Слайд 19

полил цветы Мои родители похвалили меня недавно, потому что я… ----------------------------------------------------------- блестяще, быстро, замечательно, тщательно, хорошо, отлично, здорово

Слайд 20

сходил в магазин Мои родители похвалили меня недавно, потому что я… ------------------------------------------------------- блестяще, быстро, замечательно, тщательно, хорошо, отлично, здорово

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The Political System of Great Britain

Слайд 2

Constitutional Monarchy monarch - монарх representative - представительский mostly – в основном sign – 1)подписывать, 2)знак bill – законопроект, счет (в ресторане) passed by – проведенный через ( кем-то) House of Commons – палата общин government – правительство ;

Слайд 3

majority seats – большинство мест Parliament - парламент law – закон elect – избирать ( elections – выборы) peer – пэр; examine - изучать revise – пересматривать delay - откладывать vote - голосовать take part in (voting) – принимать участие в (голосовании)

Слайд 4

Constitutional, Monarchy, monarch, representative, functions, mostly, sign, bill, passed by, House of Commons, government, majority, seats, Parliament, law, elect, elections, peer, examine, revise, delay, vote, take part in (voting), Prime Minister, head of state

Слайд 5

конституционный, монархия, монарх, представительский, функции, в основном, подписывать (знак), законопроект (счет), проведенный (через кем-то), Палата Общин, правительство, большинство мест, Парламент, закон, избирать, выборы, пэр, изучать (исследовать), пересматривать, отклонить, голосовать, принимать участие в (голосовании), Премьер Министр, глава государства

Слайд 6

Great Britain is the Constitutional Monarchy.

Слайд 7

The M onarch is the official head of state; the Queen has mostly representative functions; she signs the bills passed by The House of Commons and The House of Lords. The Queen Elizabeth II

Слайд 8

The British Government consists of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.

Слайд 9

The Prime Minister is the leader of the party with the majority seats in the House of Commons. James Cameron

Слайд 10

The Cabinet has about 20 ministers.

Слайд 11

British Parliament consists of two Houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

Слайд 12

The House of Commons makes laws and discusses political problems; it is elected by people.

Слайд 13

The House of Lords consists of peers and life peers (they are non- elected); it examines and revises bills from the House of Commons; can delay a bill for one year.

Слайд 14

In Britain all men and women over 18 can vote (can take part in voting / elections).

Слайд 15

The Monarch the Government the Prime Minister the Cabinet Parliament The House of Commons The House of Lords the People

Слайд 16

1) What is Great Britain? 2) Who is the head of state? 3) What functions does the Queen have? 4) What does she do? 5) What does the British Government consist of? 6) Who becomes the Prime Minister in Great Britain? 7) How many ministers does the Cabinet have? 8) What does the British Parliament consist of?

Слайд 17

9) What does The House of Commons do? 10) What does The House of Lords consist of? 11) What does The House of Lords do? 12) Who can vote (can take part in voting / in elections) in Britain?

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Russia 13 / 03 / 14 Dear David, Thank you for your letter. I got it yesterday (last Friday, two days ago). It was lovely to hear from you. Sorry, I haven’t written for so long. I was busy with my lessons.

Слайд 2

That’s all for now. Write back soon (I hope you will (you’ll) write back soon). My best regards to your family (parents). Love, John.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Can You Get on Well with Other People?

Слайд 2

Traits of character of a person sociable, shy, friendly, talkative, honest, boastful, cheerful, polite, lazy, helpful, bossy, happy, brave, well- mannered, funny, unfriendly, curious, clever, careless, careful, courageous, dishonest Positive traits of character are... Negative traits of character are…

Слайд 3

Task Choose 5 adjectives to characterize yourself on the following model: I am ~~~,~~~,~~~, but ~~~,~~~ I am sociable , cheerful , kind , polite , but bossy .

Слайд 4

Test yourself : « Are you a friendly person? » Yes No 1. Do you always smile and say ‘Hello’? 2. Are you sociable? 3. Do you always do your homework? 4. Are you kind? 5. Do you seldom boast? 6. Are you curious? 7. Do you always tell the truth? 8. Are you respectful to others? 9. Are you cheerful? 10. Do you always say ‘Thank you’ and ‘Please’?

Слайд 5

Yes – you are a very, very friendly person. You have all rights to be called the best friend. You have a lot of friends, real friends. Yes > No : you are a friendly person, but sometimes you quarrel with your friend. You are the 1 st to make peace. No > Yes : you are rather friendly. But if you quarrel with your friend , you never come the 1 st to make peace. No – you are rather unfriendly. Perhaps, you misunderstood the task. Check your answers

Слайд 6

sociable friendly cheerful k ind careful reliable helpful trustful respectful honest An ideal friend’s traits of character

Слайд 7

a friend parents a boy a teacher a neighbour a classmate a pet relatives a girl Who may become your friend?

Слайд 8

Conclusion Can you get on well with other people? 1) I am ~~~,~~~,~~~. 2) My best friend should be ~~~,~~~,~~~. 3) He can be ___,___ or ___.

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