Открытый урок в 5д классе по ФГОС
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 7 класс) на тему

Головко Ольга Владимировна

Тема урока: прошедшее неопределённое время

Тип урока: урок применения метапредметных и предметных знаний

Целевое назначение: применение универсальных учебных действий в условиях решения учебных задач повышенной сложности

Результативность обучения: самостоятельное решение задач (выполнение упражнений) повышенной сложности отдельными учениками и коллективом класса


Предварительный просмотр:

Lyceum №29


Be Cool-Stay at School

Artyukhin Artyom                                                                        

                                               Teacher: Golovko O.V.



                       Tambov 2017


1 Introduction, p3

2 What are the definitions of: truancy, truant and play truant? p4

3 Why do students skip school? p5

4 Truancy in the UK p6-7

5 What are the consequences of truancy? p8

6 Combating truancy p9

7 Truancy in Russian schools p10

8 Truancy at my school p11

9 Conclusion p12

10 Bibliography p 13


A lot of students play truant every day. Some of them don’t want to come back

to school after their holidays. Actually, truancy is a great problem of our society.

Surveys show that most children who miss their classes without good reasons

have problems with alcohol, fights, drugs, murders and other kinds of violence. Truancy is spread all over the world.

In my research I tried to learn and compare the main reasons of truancy in Russia and in Britain.

In my work I tried to answer the following questions:

1 What is truancy?

2 Why do students play truant?

3 How does truancy affect schools and education?

4 How can we prevent truancy?

The purpose of my work is to research the problem of truancy in schools of Russia and Britain.

I think my work is urgent because, firstly, the problem of truancy worries parents, teachers, students and our society on the whole. Secondly, the number of students who miss classes without good reasons is on the increase from year to year. As a result, more and more young people, especially truants, suffer from alcoholism and drugs.

The hypothesis of the study: let’s assume that the problem of truancy exists in Russia and in Britain.

According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

"Truant" means a child who is regularly absent from school without permission

“ Truancy” is an unexcused absence from a particular class or the entire school day

Truancy can be broadly divided into two categories:

  • Those teens that skip off school once in a blue moon (it means very rarely)
  • Those who are away from school more often than they
              are there

“Play truant” means to be regularly absent from school without permission

The most common reasons why children play truant are:

Bully means to hurt or frighten someone who is smaller or less powerful than you.

Bullying is a problem in many schools.

The British government has announced that school bullying has reached epidemic proportions, nearly every child was affected by the problem.

A study of 40 countries, published in the International Journal of Public Health says that Russia is on the top-ten list of the countries in the world with the most bullying of teenage students.

• In Britain 70% of teenagers said that, in their opinion, young people got involved in anti-social behaviour because they were bored. 80% of young people said they had nowhere to go and nothing to do outside school and they hung around in the streets as a result. • More than 70% of 11-16 year olds said that they have witnessed anti-social behaviour over the last year, 12% of young people belong to a gang. • 62% said that they did not know where to go to get help or

information if they needed it.

High levels of family conflict can be a key reason that a child misses school. Allowing large amount of unsupervised time or requiring the child to assist with family errands can contribute to truancy. Some children even miss school as a way of getting attention from parents.

Skipping school can also be directly linked to poor grades or frustration in learning. Students who miss school or classes fall behind their classmates and this leads to low self-esteem.

Alcohol and drugs reduce his or her ability to remember what he or she reads or is taught in class. As a result, he or she will experience frustration with learning and  skip school.

In the United Kingdom, children between the ages of 5 to 16 must receive a satisfactory level of full-time education, and parents should enforce this. However, there are children who are not receiving this level of full-time education because they play truant. A teacher or head teacher must find out from the child’s parents why truancy takes place.

Teenage truancy increases from year to year. In England's secondary schools truancy rose by more than 10% last year and persistent truants are in 146 schools, according to government figures.

This year's figures show that 55,000 pupils have missed classes during the school year - an annual increase of about 4,500.

What are the consequences of truancy?

Those students who do not attend school regularly often take the first step towards lifetime problems. Most experts believe that truants are involved in crime and violence. Boys and girls can be truants. The average age of a truant student is 15 years old, but some children begin skipping school as young as 10. Skipping school is a cry for help and a signal that the child is in trouble. Children who are truants can be engaged in antisocial behavior such as gang membership, alcohol use, drug use, high –risk sexual behavior, cigarette smoking, suicidal behavior, theft and vandalism. Truant girls can become pregnant and leave school. So, truancy is a way to serious violent and nonviolent crime.

 The British government introduced electronic registration, police centers and education staff to solve the problem of truancy. Electronic registration systems record the presence, absence and   lateness of students and staff in real-time.

Most local education authorities employ education social workers to record attendance and help parents fulfill   their responsibilities. Education social workers often visit families whose children fail to attend school regularly.  The local education authority may take legal proceedings against parents whose children do not regularly attend school and they can also take parents to court. Parents are given 12 weeks to improve their children's attendance or face the threat of court action which leads to fines up to £2,500 or three months in prison. The government has spent nearly £1 billion on the solution of the problem of truancy and yet it is getting worse.

Officially, truancy is not a problem in Russia. There are no official figures to show how many students play truant in our country every year. Today the government pays great attention to the problems of school. In most schools teachers demand an official note to explain pupil’s absence or call parents. There are new technologies in Russian schools such as Electronic Diary, it helps to prevent truancy.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Be Cool-Stay at School Artyukhin Artyom Fedosov Sergey the 6 thD form lyceum №29 Teacher: Golovko O.V. Lyceum № 29

Слайд 2

The purpose of the work is to research the problem of truancy in schools of Russia and Britain. The problem of truancy is closely connected with alcoholism and drugs. The hypothesis of the study: let’s assume that the problem of truancy exists in Russia and in Britain.

Слайд 3

The course of work: to find the information on the topic; to find the statistics ; to hold the survey of students; to draw up the diagrams ; to make the presentation ; to prepare the report .

Слайд 4

According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary ‘Truant’ means a child who is regularly absent from school without permission. ‘Truancy’ is an unexcused absence from a particular class. ‘Play truant’ means to be regularly absent from school without permission.

Слайд 5

ons . The most common reasons why children play truant are: bullying; anti-social behaviour ; problems in the family home; undiagnosed behavioural or emotional problems; general dislike of school.

Слайд 7

The reasons of anti-social behaviour

Слайд 8

The consequences of truancy Three months in prison Alcohol use 10 % last year 55,000 pupils 4,500 146 schools 12 weeks 2,500 pounds 1 billion pounds

Слайд 9

Conclusion The hypothesis is confirmed-truancy exists in Britain and in Russia. The number of truants is on the increase from year to year. The consequences of truancy are awful for our society.

Слайд 10

Resources Periscope ( review ). World news .Учебное пособие по английскому языку. Выпуск № 11. Волгоград, Ритм планеты, 20 14 . http : //.www.northantsent.co.uk/…/4000- pupils-play-truant- from.5751161.jp http :.//www.thefreedictionary.com/ http :// www. Idiomdictionary.com/ definition/ http:// www.cyberessays.com/list/ http :// www.teenissues.co.uk/school / http :// channl4.com/health/…/truancy.htm/

Слайд 11

Thanks for attention

Предварительный просмотр:

  False friends of the translator in the English Language

Артюхин А.Д., МАОУ лицей №29

Головко О.В.

“False friends of the translator” are couples of words in two different languages, identical in pronunciation or writing but different in lexical meaning.

 “False friends of the translator” can cause wrong understanding and wrong translation of the text. The part of them was formed because lexical meanings of some words have changed after their borrowing from other language. In other cases there was no borrowing and words come from the general root in an ancient language, but have different meanings; sometimes they pronounce in the same way by accident.

Today scientists distinguish four possible ways of emergence  of “false friends of the translator” in this or that language.

There are two types of "false friends of the translator”:

1. Homonyms are words which are identical in sound and spelling, or, at least in one of these aspects, but different in their meanings. And their meanings are usually determined by the context in which they appear.

2.Words with several lexical meanings or polysemantic  words.

When studying and using a foreign language we often transfer our language habits to other language system that promotes emergence of false analogies. Studying of "pseudo-international" words allows the translator to avoid many mistakes caused by difference of their meaning though they are similar in their form.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

False Friends of the Translator in the English Language Artyukhin Artyom 29 lyceum, 7D Golovko O.V.

Слайд 2

The problem of research: pupils translate "false friends of the translator" incorrectly using their native language. The purpose: to acquaint pupils with the concept "false friends of the translator" to avoid mistakes when translating. Hypothesis : pupils will translate "false friends of the translator" from English into Russian incorrectly using their native language.

Слайд 3

The Course of work to study the theory on the matter; to find out if the problem is actual for the pupils of the 6th and 7 th forms of our lyceum and to reveal frequent mistakes among these pupils ; to analyse the vocabulary of the textbooks "Opportunities" for the pupils of the 6th and 7 th forms; to work out a mini-dictionary for them; to place the mini-dictionary of ”false friends of the translator” on one of educational portals that more pupils can use them. to analyse some other phrases causing problems when translating, for example, idioms for further work on the project and on the mini- dictionary.

Слайд 4

Methods of research theoretical practical the analysis of "Opportunities" generalization and systematization questioning the mini-dictionary

Слайд 5

Four ways of emergency casual coincidence : 1) mist : « туман » and « навоз » ; 2) gift : « подарок » and « отрава » getting another meaning: old-timer: « пожилые люди » then « ретро - автомобили » parallel borrowing: angina: « ангина » and « стенокардия » development of languages:1) вонять : « дурно пахнуть » and «благоухать»; 2) запомнить: «забыть» and «запомнить»

Слайд 6

Two types of “false friends” Homonyms : Mona: “Whenever I’ m down in the dumps I buy new clothes.” Lisa: “So that’s where you get them.” To be in the dumps: 1) to be in a bad mood; 2) to be in the place where rubbish is kept. Polysemantic words: 1) magazine means: журнал and обойма ; 2) minister is: министр and священник

Слайд 7

“false friends” in sayings It is a long lane that has no turning. In Russian: « Это длинная дорога , которая никуда не сворачивает ». But in English: « Не может быть , чтобы в конце долгой дороги не было поворота ». It is a good horse that never stumbles. In Russian: « Это хороший конь , который никогда не спотыкается ». But in English: «Конь о четырех ногах и то спотыкается ».

Слайд 8

Results of the questionnaire

Слайд 10

conclusion I have studied the theory on the matter. I have found out that the problem is actual for the pupils of the 6th and 7 th forms of our lyceum. I have analysed the vocabulary of the textbooks "Opportunities" for the pupils of the 6th and 7 th forms. I have made a mini-dictionary of “false friends of the translator” for the pupils of the 6 Th and 7th forms and this dictionary has been placed on my page in dnevnik.ru that more pupils can use them. I have learnt to choose, to edit, to analyse , to generalize information and to work on it.

Слайд 11

bibliography Antrushina G.B., Afanasyeva O.V., Morozova N.N. “ English lexicology ” , 2005 Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska “ Opportunities ” for the 6th-7 th forms, 2008 Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Irina Kondrasheva “Round-Up” Pearson Education Limited, 2010 http://www.wikipedia.com/English/articles/homonymy http://www.afv.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id= 161:polysemy-a-homonymy&catid=121:miscellaneous&Itemid=352 http://homeworktips.about.com/od/englishhomework/a/homonyms.htm

Слайд 12

Thanks for attention

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