Методическая разработка занятия по английскому языку по теме "Tolerance (Толерантность)"
план-конспект по английскому языку по теме
Авторская разработка содержит план-конспект занятия по английскому языку по теме "Tolerance". Занятие направлено на расширение и углубление знаний обучающихся о толерантности посредством иностранного языка. В материале представлены дифференцированные задания и эталоны ответов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальная организация дополнительного образования
«Дом детского творчества г. Козьмодемьянска»
Методическая разработка занятия по английскому языку
«Tolerance (Толерантность) »
Разработал: Дружинина М.Х., педагог
дополнительного образования
г. Козьмодемьянск
Ф.И.О. педагога – Дружинина Мария Хамидуловна
Наименование образовательного учреждения – МОДО «Дом детского творчества г. Козьмодемьянска»
Тема занятия: Tolerance (Толерантность)
Краткая информация об обучающихся:14-15 лет
Цель: Расширить и углубить знания обучающихся о толерантности, сформировать правильное представление о толерантном поведении посредством иностранного языка.
- активизировать познание обучающихся, разнообразить познавательную и учебную деятельность;
- воспитывать чувство уважения друг к другу, к обычаям, традициям и культуре разных народов;
- воспитывать интернационализм, коммуникативную культуру общения и взаимопонимания;
- развивать понимание иноязычной речи на слух;
- развивать языковую догадку.
Оборудование для занятия: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал.
Ход занятия
Время | Этапы урока | Формы взаимодействия обучающихся | Материалы, технические средства, пр. |
2 |
(To greet and check how many students there are at the lesson and who is absent/present) | T - Ss | (pril.1) |
7 |
(To introduce the topic, to motivate the learners) | T – Ss S – T | Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор (pril.2) |
3 |
(To revise known topic lexis) | T – Ss S – T | - |
17 |
(to present new topic words, to drill their pronunciation, to explain their meaning; to memorize new words) | T – Ss S - T | (pril3) (pril4) |
9 |
(To organize group work, to motivate students for the future creative work) | S1-S2-T S3-S4-T | Ten advices |
5 | VI. Feedback (To give T’s feedback and marks) | T - Ss | - |
2 | VII. Homework (To give homework) | T - Ss | Model of essay |
S - студент, Ss – несколько студентов/все студенты, T – учитель |
- Greeting and checking the presents/absents (2 min.)
T: Good morning! Take your seats, please, and get ready for the lesson. Who is away/absent today? Glad to see you all! How are you?
Look at the picture on the blackboard (pril.1). What can you see in this picture?
S: People.
T: Are they of different age and sex? Are they of different nationalities?
S: Yes, they are.
T: Are they alike?
S: No, they aren’t.
T: It seems to me, that every person in this picture dream of a state of peace in which there is
no upheaval or violence.
Today we are going to talk about the relationships between people. So, the topic of our lesson is Tolerance.
- Lead-in (7 min.)
T: Now, Listen to the song «Tell Me Why». Let's read and translate it (pril2).
T: Do you like it? Why? What do you think about the main idea of this song? Try to explain it.
- Eliciting (3 min.)
T: Now I’d like you to look at Declaration of Principles on Tolerance proclaimed by UNESCO and the dictionary’s definition.
Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our form of expression and ways of being human. Tolerance is harmony in difference.
The dictionary says tolerance is willingness to let others have their own beliefs or ways even though they are not like one’s own.
Tolerance is accepting all people no matter what their race, religion, disabilities and lots of other differences.
T: What do we need to be tolerant?
Ss: give their ideas.
- Presentation and Practice ( 17min.)
T: In order to be tolerant we have to learn every day, every week and every year to be patient, to appreciate others and so on.
Match words from the left column with their antonyms from the right column. I’ll give you 4 minutes. Use the dictionary if you need.
- aggressive
- disrespect
- intolerance
- heartless
- indifference
- selfishness
- misunderstanding
- Let’s check up this task. (1-c; 2-b; 3-g; 4-f; 5-a; 6-e; 7-d)
T: Match the following words with their Russian equivalents (pril3) (3 min.)
respect for human dignity
уважение человеческого достоинства
T: Look at the diagram (on the blackboard). Let’s complete it. (7min.)
T: So, What does tolerance mean? Tolerance is…
S: Tolerance is a good part of someone’s character.
Tolerance is patience.
Tolerance is respect for human dignity.
Tolerance is cooperation.
Answers: (Charity, compassion, respect for human dignity, kindness, patience, friendship, cooperation).
T: Complete the following proverbs concerning our topic and find their Russian equivalents: (7 min.) (pril4)
- Live and
- So many countries,
- How many people,
- A friend in need is
- One man
- Tastes
- Two heads are better
- A good example is
- When in Rome,
- no man
- let live
- do as the Romans do
- so many customs
- the best sermon
- a friend indeed
- than one
- so many minds
- differ
- Сколько стран, столько и обычаев.
- На вкус и цвет товарища нет.
- Когда находишься в Риме, поступай, как поступают римляне.
- Друг познается в несчастье.
- Сколько людей, столько и мнений.
- Живи и жить давай другим.
- Хороший пример — наилучшая проповедь.
- Один в поле не воин.
- Одна голова хорошо, а две лучше.
Let’s check up this task. (1-b; 2-d; 3-h; 4-f; 5-a; 6-i; 7-g; 8-e; 9-c.)
T: Do you agree with these proverbs? What proverbs do you like best of all? Why? What Russian proverbs about tolerance do you know?
- Group work (9 min.)
T: As we have already said, tolerance is patience. Not everyone has patience. In today’s world, you really need patience because we expect everything to happen straight away and often it doesn’t. We become more patient as we get older. So, the most often conflict is between teenagers and their parents. Read the advice and think of the most useful. Summarize your opinion and introduce it to the audience.
Work in groups. Make up short conversations using these advices. What can help you to find a way out of difficult situation
Ten Ways to Avoid Upsetting Your Parents
Arrive home when you've agreed to get at home. |
They'll be happier to let you stay out late if you |
stick to agreed times |
Introduce them to your friends. They'll be less likely |
to be worry if they know them. If they feel involved |
with, your life will be easier. |
Tell to them where you're going. They'll be more |
tolerant about your social life even if you can reassure |
them you're not with total strangers. |
Be a model student. If you will work hard at school |
or college, your parents won't have to nag you about |
poor exam grades, will they? |
Help around the house. Do your bit, and because |
of they feel you are supporting them, you'll find your |
life is suddenly much easier. |
Don't overuse the telephone. How would you feel |
as if you had to pay for a huge bill and you never got |
the chance to use the phone? |
Don't go behind their backs. If they forbid you to do |
something and you defy them, you can say goodbye |
to your freedom! |
Don't make them feel as if they are out of a touch |
with your emotions. |
Shouting won't get you anywhere. You'll earn the their |
respect if you express yourself after a deep breath and |
with a too calm voice. |
Sulking won't help. This will simply confirm you are |
still a child. |
VI. Feedback (5 min.)
T: Well, our lesson is over. Thank you for being active at the lesson. I’m very pleased with your work. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view.
T: What new facts have you learned today? What facts are the most interesting for you and why?
T: Don’t forget! Happiness follows giving happiness, sorrow follows giving sorrow.
Your marks for the lesson are the following…
VII. Homework(2 min.)
T: Your task will be to write an essay concerning our topic.
For example:
Peace is the goal. Tolerance is the method.
Tolerance is being open and receptive to the beauty of differences.
Tolerance is mutual respect through mutual understanding.
The seeds of intolerance are fear and ignorance.
The seed of tolerance, love, is watered by compassion and care.
Those who know how to appreciate the good in people and situations have tolerance.
Tolerance recognizes individuality and diversity while removing divisive masks and defusing tension created by ignorance.
Tolerance is the ability to face difficult situations.
To tolerate life’s inconveniences is to let go, be light, make others light and move on.
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