Методическая разработка занятия по английскому языку " Друзья и семья"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Методическая разработка занятия по английскому языку " Друзья и семья"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Families and Friends: Are We Happy Together?
Главная цель – обобщение ранее изученного материала по теме «Семья и дружба», развитие коммуникативной культуры и социально-культурной образованности обучающихся, позволяющих участвовать в социально-бытовой и учебно-профессиональной сфере.
Обучающие цели:
аудирование - практика в восприятии речи на слух с опорой на наглядность, закрепление навыков аудирования по данной тематике;
по лексике - повторение и активизация лексического материала по данной тематике; применение ранее изученного лексического материала в новых ситуациях общения;
по грамматике - применение ранее изученного грамматического материала в новых ситуациях общения (ролевая игра «Заседание редакционного совета семейного журнала», выпуск семейных журналов);
проектная технология - обучение проектной технологии:
1-й этап | Подготовка, определение темы и целей по данной тематике: «Заседание редакционного совета журнала», выпуск журнала |
2-й этап | Планирование (определение источников информации, определение способа представления результатов - заседание редакционного совета), выпуск журнала |
3-й этап | Исследование проблемы (определение формата журнала, подбор материалов для написания статей по различной тематике, подбор необходимых наглядных материалов (фотографии, рисунки и т. д.)) |
4-й этап | Достижение результатов (работа над фонетикой, лексикой и грамматикой используемого материала) |
5-й этап | Представление результатов (презентация материалов для семейного журнала заседание Редакционного совета) |
Развивающие цели:
говорение - развитие монологической и диалогической речи;
письмо - развитие навыков письма (статьи разного характера в журналах);
чтение - развитие навыков и умений выразительного чтения, с детальным пониманием прочитанного;
Воспитывающие цели:
- воспитание любви и внимания к близким людям;
- воспитание терпения (толерантности) и уважения в отношениях с близкими людьми.
Ход урока.
1. I. Introduction.
The objectives of the lesson.
Teacher: Today we keep speaking about the family and friends as the most essential values of people’s life. Today we’ll produce the mock-up of the magazines ‘Happy Life’
We’re going to discuss the materials submitted to the magazine and to prepare your materials for the presentation.
II. Warming-up activities.
How do you understand the words:
To support = to help, to assist
To betray = to behave dishonestly to a person who believes you
To envy = to have a bad feeling when you wish to have what other people have
To ignore = not to pay attention to
To quarrel = to demonstrate disagreement usually aggressively
To appreciate = to be grateful for something
To avoid = to keep away from something or somebody
Teacher: So, what associations do you have when you hear the words “family” or “friends”?
(to give advice, to think about problems, avoid conflicts, care about feelings, support in any situation, never tell lies or quarrel, forgive and defend)
What is your attitude towards family and friends?
P1: Family means a lot to me. It’s not just two, three or seven people living together, but a unity of people who support each other in different situations. Anything can happen in this life, but I know that the only people who will always love and understand me are my family.
P2: My family is very important to me. I have many friends, but if I get into trouble I ask my parents for advice.
P3: I have a family that loves me and friends I enjoy spending time with. My parents and I are people of different generations, so we don’t see the world in the same way. But I know they wish me well and I appreciate their advice.
P4: I think real friends are very rare and we should cherish them. And if you happen to find good friends, take care of them, never hurt them and try not to lose them.
III. Phonetic activities.
Teacher: Have you ever lived apart from your family? When and where was it?
Do you usually feel all right when you are living apart from your family or do you miss them badly?
Listen to the interview and choose the right variant.
- The girl’s feelings about her roommate from South Korea are:
- positive
- negative
- mixed
- At college the two girls plan to
- study foreign languages
- take music classes
- sing with pleasure in the college chores
- What does the girl say about her classes?
- They are too easy
- They are too difficult
- They are manageable
- What’s the bad news?
- She ran out of money
- She is homesick
- She lacks friends
- What was wrong with her room?
- There wasn’t enough furniture
- It looked dull and unattractive
- It was not functional
- Her father was disappointed because she spent too much money on
- books
- a bicycle
- entertainment
Answers: 1. positive
2. sing with pleasure in the college chores
3. they are manageable
4. she ran out of money
5. it looked dull and unattractive
6. entertainment
After listening discussion
Teacher: What problems are mentioned in this dialogue? (lack of money, dull and unattractive room, a lot of entertainment)
IV. Reading.
Teacher: And now I’d like you to read the beginning of the story about the friendship of two girls. Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
Once upon a time there lived two girls, Kitty and Vicky.
They lived next door to each other and had been very close
friends since their early (1) ________ . Kitty enjoyed CHILD
(2) _______ in the garden. Vicky didn’t like gardening WORK
very much, but she always kept Kitty company, reading something
aloud or just talking to (3) _______ . SHE
One day Kitty returned from the garden (4) ______happy ABSOLUTE
And very proud. A (5) ________ bright flower had grown WONDER
there. She was sure that nobody else had a flower like hers: it was
unique. Since that day Kitty spent all of her time in the garden.
She watered the flower, took care of it and even talked to it.
Vicky didn’t read in the garden any (6) ______ , saying that it LONG
was cold and that she preferred reading in the room.
One day Kitty went out to say “good morning” to her flower
and found out that it (7) _______and was lying on the ground, BREAK
(8) ______ and faded … DEATH
Teacher: It’ll be the expressive reading with the elements of dramatization. And think over the end of the story using the scheme as a plan. Don’t forget to use: I think that / I’m sure that / on the one hand / on the other hand / I support the idea that /
How do you think what a perfect friend should be? A perfect friend is someone who…
(never betray you in difficult situation; defend you if someone hurts you; support you if you are wrong; cheer you up; avoid conflicts with you; care about your feelings; never quarrel with you about silly unimportant things )
IV. Preparation.
Teacher: You have been preparing for this project in the course of the whole unit. Now you will discuss the materials submitted to the magazine with all the members of your group.
And then you will prepare your materials for presentation.
- Pupils work in groups: “
They prepare their materials for presentation.
They choose and discuss the materials which will be submitted to the magazine.
2. Pupils read the criteria for the competition.
Teacher: You are all journalists and you are going to participate in a “Magazine competition”. Please read the criteria for the competition.
3. Pupils choose the Chief who will:
a) ensure that the articles are ready by the agreed deadline.
b) help to summarize the prepared materials and advise how to speak briefly presenting the article
c) take notes of key decisions
Date_____________ Name ____________________ Form _______
1. Listen to the interview and choose the right variant.
- The girl’s feelings about her roommate from South Korea are:
- positive
- negative
- mixed
- At college the two girls plan to
- study foreign languages
- take music classes
- sing with pleasure in the college chores
- What does the girl say about her classes?
- They are too easy
- They are too difficult
- They are manageable
- What’s the bad news?
- She ran out of money
- She is homesick
- She lacks friends
- What was wrong with her room?
- There wasn’t enough furniture
- It looked dull and unattractive
- It was not functional
- Her father was disappointed because she spent too much money on
- books
- a bicycle
- entertainment
Mark | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Score | 6 | 5 | 4 | < 4 |
2. Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
Once upon a time there lived two girls, Kitty and Vicky.
They lived next door to each other and had been very close
friends since their early (1) ________ . Kitty enjoyed CHILD
(2) _______ in the garden. Vicky didn’t like gardening WORK
very much, but she always kept Kitty company, reading something
aloud or just talking to (3) _______ . SHE
One day Kitty returned from the garden (4) ______happy ABSOLUTE
And very proud. A (5) ________ bright flower had grown WONDER
there. She was sure that nobody else had a flower like hers: it was
unique. Since that day Kitty spent all of her time in the garden.
She watered the flower, took care of it and even talked to it.
Vicky didn’t read in the garden any (6) ______ , saying that it LONG
was cold and that she preferred reading in the room.
One day Kitty went out to say “good morning” to her flower
and found out that it (7) _______and was lying on the ground, BREAK
(8) ______ and faded … DEATH
Mark | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Score | 7 | 6 | 5 | < 5 |
3. Think over the end of the story using the scheme as a plan.
Self-evaluation card for student
Yes | No | Not quite | ||
1 | Are all the rubrics included? | |||
2 | Does the magazine prove the participation of all group members? | |||
3 | Do you like the title? | |||
4 | Are the materials interesting? | |||
5 | Is the magazine reader-friendly? | |||
6 | Is the magazine attractive? |
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