Образовательная программа элективного курса “Введение в профессию гида-переводчика. Путешествие по Курумкану ” для 9го класса (Английский язык)
элективный курс по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Элективный курс Kurumkan region предназначен для учащихся 9-х классов общеобразовательных учреждений, носит межпредметный характер и направлен на интеграцию филологических, культурологических, краеведческих знаний учащихся.
Курс развивает коммуникативные, творческие, интеллектуальные умения:
a. Работать с информацией
b. Лаконично излагать свою мысль, вести дискуссию.
c. Генерировать идеи.
Предварительный просмотр:
Компетентностный подход в реализации национально-регионального компонента
через изучение английского языка.
В сегодняшнем образовательном пространстве компетенции становятся ведущим содержанием образования, его основными результатами, востребуемыми за пределами школы. Общая нацеленность образовательного процесса на достижение метапредметных и предметных целей обучения на основе компетентностного подхода, обеспечивающего формирование и развитие коммуникативной, языковой и лингвистической (языковедческой) и культуроведческой компетенций, определяет содержание курса английского языка. Внедрение национально-регионального компонента предполагает «ступенчатое» развитие личности, реализуя принцип «от родного порога - в мир»: от национальной культуры — к общечеловеческим ценностям.
С целью развития компетенций учащихся мною разработано учебное пособие «Введение в профессию гида-переводчика. Путешествие по Курумканскому району» с рецензией кандидата филологических наук, доцента, с.н.с. кафедры научной филологии ФГБОУ ВПО БГУ Е.П.Баяртуевой. Данное пособие предназначено для учащихся 9-х классов общеобразовательной школы с. Курумкан.
Министерство образования и науки Республики Бурятия
МБОУ «Курумканская средняя общеобразовательная школа»
Образовательная программа
элективного курса “Введение в профессию гида-переводчика. Путешествие по Курумкану ”
для 9го класса
(Английский язык)
Бальжанова С.Н.,
учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Курумканская средняя общеобразовательная школа»
с. Курумкан
2012-2013 учебный год
Программа элективного курса по английскому языку для учащихся 9-х классов общеобразовательной школы
“Введение в профессию гида-переводчика. Путешествие по с. Курумкан”
Kurumcan district
Программа элективного курса для учащихся 9-х классов общеобразовательной школы «Введение в профессию гида переводчика. Путешествие по Курумканскому району».
Пояснительная записка.
Элективный курс Kurumkan region предназначен для учащихся 9-х классов общеобразовательных учреждений, носит межпредметный характер и направлен на интеграцию филологических, культурологических, краеведческих знаний учащихся.
Курс развивает коммуникативные, творческие, интеллектуальные умения:
- Работать с информацией
- Лаконично излагать свою мысль, вести дискуссию.
- Генерировать идеи.
Итоговый контроль представляет собой проведение мини-экскурсии самими учащимся в присутствии учителя английского языка, который оценивает успешность их работы (зачетная форма). Кроме того, проводится анкетирование, которое позволяет определить отношение учащихся к профессии гида - переводчика, уровень знаний английского языка и истории Курумкана.
В содержании курса входят экскурсия по Курумкану, знакомство с работой экскурсовода, составление визитной карточки экскурсовода, работа над лексикой по теме «Культовые места Курумкана», составление плана описания исторических мест, знакомство с главными культовыми местами Курумкана, описание курортов Курумканского района, составление плана туристического маршрута по историческим местам Курумкана, проведения экскурсии по селу.
Lesson 1
- Read the guide’s presentations and try to remember the dates.
The history of Kurumсan.
Kurumkan is the youngest district in the Republic of Buryatia. It was founded on the third of August in 1944. The district consists of 10 villages. The centre of the district - Kurumkan is located at the foot of the picturesque Barguzin Mount.
In ancient times the territory of the Barguzinsky valley was called "Bargudzhin-Tukum." The most famous ancient inhabitants were tribes of Barguts. Barghuts led nomadic way of life. Cattle breeding, hunting, blacksmithing and pottery were their activities. Besides, they developed agriculture. The legend says that Barghuts left Barguzin for Mongolia. After Barguts various tribal groups of Evenks settled there. In 1648 a boyar’s son, who was at the head of the Cossacks, founded the first Barguzinsky prison in Zabaikalye. Cossacks settled there. Then the explorers and the peasants came to Barguzinsky valley.
So Russians settled in Barguzinsky valley in the 17th century. The ancestors of Buryats came to live to this district from the river Lena of Irkutsk and other places in 1740. At the end of 1861 after a massive earthquake and the failure and flooding the Tsagaanskaya steppe ten Buryat families of Ekhirit tribe moved into the valley.
They founded the village Kurumkan, where later, in 1884, the Orthodox Church was built. Close relationships were established between the indigenous people and the migrant population. That’s why, historically, in the district three big religions developed: Shamanism, Buddhism, Orthodox Christianity. Kurumkan is an ancient land that has preserved in its name the memory of the legendary sacred land "Bargudzhin-Tukum" and the tribe Barguts. On the valley there are a lot of natural and religious monuments - the stone Bucha-shuluun, Lake Boolon-Tumer, the source of the Barguzin river, the area Shuluun-Shenegalzhin, the stupa of the Degenerator of a Buddhist thinker of the Middle Ages, Nagarjun Sodey Lama.
In 1895 the delegation of Barguzin Butyats 6 lamas of Kurumkan datsan went to St. Petersburg for the coronation of Tsar Nicholay II.
Now Kurumkan is an administrative center. There are three schools, two libraries, a museum, two clubs, two kindergartens, a sport school for children and youth, two datsans and a church. The district possesses a wide array of natural resources including major deposits of copper, lead, tin, molybdenum and gold. The entire bus transportation passes through Kurumkan to other villages.
- Match the date and the historical event.
- Choose the dates mentioned by the guide and say what happened in Barguzinsky valley that year.
1648, 1740, 1861, 1884, 1895, 1944
Lesson 2
- You are going to read a description of a good guide. Tick the things you think you need to become an ideal guide.
You need:
- knowledge of a foreign language;
- knowledge of your native land;
- knowledge of cooking food
- the Internet;
- right cloths.
- Read the text and check your answers.
With the development of tourism in our country and in the world to be a guide is becoming more popular. What should be able a good guide to do?
First, the guide should speak a foreign language. He should work on his diction and manner of speech.
Secondly, the guide-interpreter should know his area. He should know the history, the culture, the attractions and the local customs.
Third, the guide should think about his appearance. He should have a comfortable, practical, but presentable cloths and a well-groomed appearance.
A guide-interpreter should do the following:
• let tourists know the program of excursions, accident prevention;
• conduct tours and accompany tourists on excursions;
• answer the questions of tourists;
- Choose adjectives characterizing an ideal guide.
Cheerful bossy pleasant nervous angry talkative selfish hospitable kind confident polite helpful clever lazy sociable
- Describe an ideal guide’s appearance and character. Use the words below.
Top tracksuit high-heeled tidy skirt blouse shorts casual trouser suit jeans sweater trainers well-dressed T- shirt jacket
- Sum up the information you learnt from the previous exercises and write the instructions how to become an excellent guide. Use the following expressions:
In my opinion… It seems to me… From my point of view… As a result of… Due to… | In fact… In addition… However… On the one hand…, on the other hand… In conclusion… |
Lesson 3
- Read proper names and try to remember them.
The Buksekhesky cold spring
Kuchigerskie thermal springs
Allinskie thermal springs
Garginsky spring
The famous suburga in the Kuitun steppe
Kurumkansky datsan
the Barhan Mount
- Match the names of the places to the pictures: (слайд 6)
- The Buksekhesky cold spring
- Umkhey
- Kuchigerskie thermal springs
- Allinskie thermal springs
- Garginsky spring
- The famous suburga in the Kuitun steppe
- Kurumkansky datsan
- The Barhan Mount
- Allinskie mount
- Open the brackets and put the verb in the right form.
- Kurumkansky district is spread over the North of Barguzinsky valley.
- Umkheysky thermal springs are prescribed for treatment about 20 various diseases.
- The source is shown for treatment of illnesses of bone-muscular system.
- Sign the postcards. Write the names of the place. What do you know about these places? (слайд 7)
Lesson 4
- Read the texts and match them with the pictures.
- Absolutely remarkable location of the resort will provide a lot of unforgettable impressions. The resort is located on the island in the middle of Barguzin River between Barguzinky and Ikatsky ranges. Thermal waters on the territory of Umkhei include 146 springs united into 7 groups.
- You ought to visit the reserve of wild life “Jerga”. The heart of the reserve is said to be the sacred relic glacial Amutsk hollow with the network of crystal pure lakes and situated within it an ancient site of worship and sacrifice of mysterious extinct tribe of Barguts.
- Barhan Mount is one of the sacred places in Buryatia. The legend says it was a sanctum of Chingiskhan ancestors. Old-time handguns saber and mail sometimes can be found there.
- The first Buddhist datsan was built in 1810 in Barguzinsky district. Because it’s destroying the datsan was moved to the countryside Sagaan-Noor of Kurumkansky district.
- Read the text and divide it into the logical parts. Give the titles to these parts. Discuss the names of the parts and choose the best one.
In Kurumkan there is one of the most revered Buryat places - sacred Barhan Mount. This area is covered with legends and tales associated with the names of Gesar Chinghiskhan, the king of Tibet. According to Buryat mythology Mount Barhan is the place where the hosts of Barguzinskaya valley, Barhan- Baabay and Hazhar Sagaan, lived. There were heavenly rulers, who came down to the Earth from heaven. It is believed that the man, who has risen to the mountain, establishes a connection with the mysterious power of the place for a year and becomes united with God. On the plateau Tepteehey in front of the top there is a revered place "Oboo" since ancient times in honor of the spirit of the mountain. There is a theory that on this mountain a famous Bargutsky ruler was buried. The holy place Shenegalzhin is in Kuitun steppe. Religiuos monuments are the stone Bucha- shuluun and Lake Boolon – Tumer. In Shuluun-Shenegalzhin there is a stupa of the Buddhist thinker of the Middle Ages - Soodoy Lama. Sodoy Lama (Tsyden Sodoyev) was born in 1846 in the village Elesun of Kurumkansky district.
Honourable Lama had extraordinary abilitities and the gift of clairvoyance. He was virtuous and treated people. All people were equal for him. He did not like special invitations and he was moderate in food. The lama remembered about ten good deeds. Tsyden Sodoyev travelled to Tibet and studied at Goman datsan of monastery Breybun Baldan, where he studied philosophy, logic, metaphysics, history, Tibetan, Sanskrit, etc.
Write a short description of any place using the plan.
- The name of the place and its location.
- The description of the place.
- Historical facts connected with the place.
Lesson 5
- Do you know the history of Kurumkansky district? Answer the questions and test yourself.
- When was Kurumkan founded?
- Who were the most famous ancient inhabitants in Barguzinsky valley?
- How was Barguzinsky valley called in ancient times?
- For what country did the tribes Barguts leave Barguzinsky valley?
- Who founded the first Barguzinsky prison in Zabaikalye?
- When did Russians settle in Barguzin?
- When did the ancestors of Buryats came to live to Barguzinsky valley?
- From what places did Buryats come to Barguzin?
- What did it happen in 1861?
- When was the Orthodox Church built?
Lesson 6
- Work in groups. Describe one of the places and fill in the chart while listening to the other groups.
The name of the place | Description of the place | Historical facts, the importance of the place |
Lesson 7
- Make up a puzzle. Name the building and describe it. (слайд 8)
- Make up a map of Kurumkan religious places. Sign the names of places. (слайд 9)
Lesson 8
- Take your class on a mini-excursion around Kurumkan. Watch your friends and fill in the chart.
Criteria for guide-interpreter assessment
Student’s name | Clothes | Hair-do | Gestures | Speech |
Feedback |
Предварительный просмотр:
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