Конспект урока «Популярные виды спорта в Британии и России»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Открытый урок в рамках недели педагогического мастерства учителей иностранного языка с презентацией
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Организационный момент.
- Hello, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.
Look at the board, please. Read this sentence. What does it mean? Translate it, please.
-What should people do to be healthy?
Pp: do exercises in the morning, spend a lot of time outdoor, play outdoor games, do sports
- Yes, and today we’re going to speak about SPORT. The theme of our today’s lesson is ’Popular sports in Britain and Russia’.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
- Look at the board. You see the transcription of the words. Listen to the speaker and repeat the words. (tape 84)
- Now, go to the board and write down the words.
- Open your books at page 142 exercise 50 and check your writing.
- Read the words that sound similar in Russian.
3. Речевая зарядка.
- Tell me, please, is sport popular in Britain?
- What kinds of sport are the British fond of? (The British are fond of all kinds of sports: football, cricket, tennis, swimming, …)
- And what are the national British sports?
- Now listen to my statements and agree or disagree.
1. The English invented football. (+)
2. There are 3 football championships in Britain. (-) (4 in Britain, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
3. The strongest football team in Britain is Manchester United. (+)
4. Cricket is widespread outside the British Isles. (-) (not widespread)
5. Cricket is a winter game. (-) (summer)
6. Cricket is a very long and slow game. (+)
7. Tennis is not so popular in Britain. (-) (very)
8. Every summer the biggest tennis competition takes place at Wimbledon. (+)
9. The English like all kinds of racing. (By the way, what kinds of racing?)
10. The most famous boat race in England is between Oxford and Cambridge. (+)
4. Проверка домашнего задания.
- Now let’s listen to your home dialogues. Discuss what sports are popular in Britain.
5. Введение нового материала. Аудирование.
- So sports are popular in Britain. And what about sport in our country? Listen to the interview with Ivan Pushkarev. Say what games Russian students play at school.
6. Чтение. Работа с текстом.
- Now do ex.59 at page 144. Match the questions and the answers. Read Ivan Pushkarev’s interview and say what kind of winter/ summer sports he likes. Work in pairs.
- Now answer the questions about sports in Russia.
7. Домашнее задание.
1. do ex.63 p.145 in written
2. prepare a short story about sport in Russia and in your family
8. Рефлексия.
- Did you like the lesson? What have you learned at the lesson?
9. Подведение итогов.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 1. What games are popular in Russia? 2. What football teams are popular in Russia? 3. Are you fond of sport? 4. Is sport important for your family?
Thank you for the lesson! And remember: A SOUND MIND IN A SOUND BODY! Go in for sport and be healthy!
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