Методическая разработка урока по теме «Популярные виды спорта и спортивные игры в Великобритании. Гольф»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)
Урок с применением инновационных технологий - электронной презентации, в урок включены материалы (документы) для саамостоятельной работы учащихся.
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Методическая разработка урока
Тема: “ Popular British sports and games. Golf”
(«Популярные виды спорта и спортивные игры в Великобритании. Гольф»)
Цель урока: расширить лингвострановедческие знания обучающихся в процессе знакомства с видами спорта в Великобритании.
Задачи урока:
Развивающие: развитие языковой догадки, умения находить нужную информацию, анализировать, систематизировать и делать выводы.
Учебные: практиковать учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности на иностранном языке (аудировании, говорении, чтении, письме) по теме урока.
Воспитательные: воспитание уважительного отношения к культурным ценностям страны изучаемого языка. Привитие навыков здорового образа жизни. Развитие умения работать в группе (паре).
Вид урока: бинарный (интеграция на уровне образовательных технологий, видов речевой деятельности; межпредметная интеграция: английский язык, физическая культура).
Тип урока: комбинированный (решалось несколько дидактических задач: повторение пройденного и изучение новых знаний).
Место урока в учебном плане: 4 урок в разделе «Sports and games».
Учебно-методическое оснащение урока: учебник английского языка для V класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка (авторы О. В. Афанасьева, И. Н. Верещагина), презентация к уроку, видеофильм «Спорт в Великобритании», проверочный тест в интерактивном режиме, раздаточные материалы, игровые атрибуты.
Техническое оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, интерактивная доска.
Планируемые результаты:
- формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности и способности к саморазвитию и самообразованию;
- формирование уважительного отношения друг к другу, иному мнению, мировоззрению, иной культуре, языку, традициям другого народа;
- формирование мотивации изучения иностранных языков и занятий спортом.
Формирование универсальных учебных действий - познавательных, коммуникативных, регулятивных, личностных:
- умение самостоятельно ставить и решать новые учебные и познавательные задачи на основе развития познавательных мотивов и интересов;
- умение адекватно оценивать правильность или ошибочность выполнения учебной задачи, ее объективную трудность и собственные возможности ее решения;
- умение делать логические выводы, развитие навыков смыслового чтения, усвоения содержания, поиска необходимой информации, а также представление ее в графической форме;
- умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с учителем и сверстниками;
- умение планировать, выполнять и оценивать свои учебные / коммуникативные действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей.
- развитие речевой, языковой, социокультурной, страноведческой, коммуникативной, компенсаторной компетенций;
- освоение учащимися учебного материала урока, умение использовать его в заданных ситуациях.
Ход урока.
- Организационный момент:
- Good morning, children!
- Good morning.
- How are you?
- We are fine, thanks.
- Good, okey. Let me introduce myself. My name is Anna. Today we continue working on the topic "Sport". It is known, that sport is very important in our life. And it also plays a big role in my life. I have a husky puppy, do u know husky? They are used in sled dog racing, they are very active, Therefore, every day we jog for a long distances. And it helps me to be healthy and strong. So, what ‘bout u? What is your favorite sport?)
- Объявление цели и задач урока (слайд 1). We shall speak about GOLF. Before we start, I would like you to split into two teams. In the course of our lesson you will complete tasks and each team will get points. At the end of the lesson we will determine the winner team.
(Ребята придумывают названия команд)
What do you know about this sport? Has anyone played golf?
So, what is golf? (слайд 2)
Golf is one of the most popular outdoor sports in the world. It is played on a golf course. Players try to hit a golf ball into a small hole with as few strokes as possible. Millions of men and women around the world play golf for fun, thousands play tournaments and millions around the world watch golf on TV.
- Активизация лексики по теме:
Now, look at the screen. You see new words on the topic "Golf". Let's read and write them down.
- golf course – площадка для гольфа;
- golf ball – мяч для гольфа;
- hole – лунка;
- stroke – удар;
- tee or teeing ground (starting place) – стартовая площадка;
- fairway – гладкое поле (осн.зона);
- water hazard – водное препятствие;
- rough – неровная площадка;
- out of bounds – зона за площадкой;
- sand bunker – песчаная зона;
- green – лужайка;
- flagstick – флажок
- club – клюшка
- grip - хватка
- Слайд 6. A golf course
Golf courses have different sizes and shapes. Most of them have 18 holes that are between a hundred and 500 meters long. If you have finished playing all 18 holes you have played a round of golf.
Each hole has a starting place, called a tee. This is a small area from which the golfer takes the first stroke or drive. The grass between the tee and the green is called the fairway. Sometimes fairways can be very long and golf players need a few strokes to get to the green. The land on the left and right of the fairway is the rough. It is made up of tall grass, bushes and trees.
The green is the round area at the end of the fairway. It has special grass that is very short. In the middle of the green is a hole. It has a flag placed in it so that golfers can see where it is.
Almost all golf courses have hazards. These are small lakes, sandy areas and bunkers. They make it more difficult for players to hit the ball.
- Слайд 7
Task 1 (10 points). What does the golf course consist of?
Write the names of the golf course parts.
Ребята, работая в командах, подписывают названия составных частей поля для гольфа, опираясь на новые слова из VOCABULARY и прочитанный текст.
Время: 5 минут. По окончанию времени ребята сдают листы на проверку, получают баллы.
Смотрят на слайде правильные ответы (Слайд 8)
1 - Tee (teeing ground, tee box)
2 - Water hazard
3 - Rough
4 - Out of bounds
5 - Sand bunker
6 - Water hazard
7 - Fairway
8 - Green (putting green)
9 - Flag (flagstick)
10 - Hole
- Дети читают текст «Golf equipment».
Golf equipment.
A golfer needs a ball and a set of golf clubs to play golf. A golf ball is made of rubber (резина) and has a plastic covering.
Golf clubs.
In a tournament golf players can use up to 14 different types of golf clubs. Each club is used to play the ball in a different situation. Generally, there are two basic categories of clubs: woods and irons. They are numbered from 1 to 9.
Woods were originally clubs that had a wooden head. Today they have heads made of steel (сталь) or titanium (титан). Golfers use woods to hit the ball over long distances. A number one wood is also called a «driver». Players use this club to start their game at the tee.
Irons have heads that are thinner and flatter. Instead of iron (железо), the club has a head made of steel or another metal. Irons are used for shorter shots and shots where you must play the ball very accurately. The putter (короткая клюшка) is a club that is used on the green for very short distances.
Golf tees.
In golf, a tee is normally used for the first stroke of each hole.
Task 2 (10 points). Guess the words and write them down:
7. Rules of the game
“Play the ball as it lies, play the course as you find it, and if you cannot do either, do what is fair…”
«Играй мяч так, как он лежит, играй на той площадке, что есть, и в любом случае поступай по чести»
The rules of a golf game are very simple. Starting from the tee a golfer must hit the ball towards the hole. You must not touch or move it. It must be played from wherever it lands. If the ball lands in one of the hazards the golf player may take it out or use a new ball but then gets an extra stroke as a penalty.
Scoring and handicaps
In order to see how well you doing every hole on a golf course has a standard score known as par. Par is the number of strokes it would take a very good golfer to hit the ball into the hole. There are 3, 4 and 5-par holes. Golfers have special names for the number of strokes they need compared to par.
• Eagle = two strokes under par.
• Birdie = one stroke under par.
• Bogie = one stroke over par.
In a few cases a golfer may hit the ball into the hole from the teeing ground. This is called a hole-in-one. So if you finish a round of golf on par you can think of yourself as a very good player.
The handicap system allows weaker and better players to compete with each other. Based on a very complicated formula a weaker player is allowed more strokes to finish the round.
Golf can be played in two ways. In match play the player who hits the ball with the fewest number of strokes wins that hole. The player who wins the most holes wins. Stroke or medal play is more common. In this competition the player with the fewest number of strokes for the whole 18-hole round wins.
- Interesting facts about golf
- The modern game of golf originated in 15th-century Scotland.
- Golf was banned three times for years after it was invented because the Scottish government believed it interfered with military training.
- The first known Rules of Golf were drawn up in 1744 in Edinburgh for the world's first 'open' golf competition.
- The first round of women’s golf was played in the year 1811 in Scotland.
- The term “birdie” was coined accidentally by Ab Smith who hit a “bird of a shot” in 1889.
- The word caddy comes from the French word “cadet” (student), which is pronounced “cad-DAY”.
- The first golf balls used in the 16th century are believed to have been made of wood.
- Up until the mid 19th century, golf balls were typically made of feathers that were boiled and then stuffed into a pouch.
- Golf is the only sport played on the moon. On February 6, 1971, Alan Shepard hit two golf balls while on the lunar surface.
- Not all golf balls have the same number of dimples. Golf balls have anywhere from 330 to 500 dimples depending on which company designs the ball.
- The ideal ball will usually have between 380 and 432 dimples.
- Americans spend $600 million on golf balls every year.
- A “round” of golf typically consists of 18 holes that are played in the order determined by the course layout.
- A maximum of 14 clubs is allowed in a player’s bag at one time during a round.
- Golf was included in the 2016 and the 2020 Olympics for the first since the 1904.
Tast 3. True or False (10 min)
- A golfer needs a ball and a set of rackets to play golf.
- The modern game of golf originated in 19th-century in USA.
- The word caddy comes from the French word “cadet”.
- Golf is not an Olympic game.
- A maximum of 25 clubs is allowed in a player’s bag at one time during a round.
- The first golf balls used in the 16th century have been made of wood.
- Women are not allowed to play golf.
- The ideal ball will usually have 550 dimples.
- A “round” of golf typically consists of 18 holes.
- If the ball lands in one of the hazards the golf player may take it out or use a new ball but then gets an extra stroke as a penalty.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Golf is one of the most popular outdoor sports in the world. It is played on a golf course. Players try to hit a golf ball into a small hole with as few strokes as possible. Millions of men and women around the world play golf for fun, thousands play tournaments and millions around the world watch golf on TV…
1. golf course – площадка для гольфа 2. golf ball – мяч для гольфа 3. hole – лунка 4. stroke – удар 5. tee or teeing ground – стартовая площадка 6. fairway – гладкое поле
7. water hazard – водное препятствие 8. rough – неровная площадка 9. out of bounds – зона за площадкой 10. sand bunker – песчаная зона 11. green – лужайка 12. flagstick – флажок
13. club – клюшка 14. grip - хватка
A Golf course Golf courses have different sizes and shapes. Most of them have 18 holes that are between a hundred and 500 meters long. If you have finished playing all 18 holes you have played a round of golf . Each hole has a starting place, called a tee . This is a small area from which the golfer takes the first stroke or drive. The grass between the tee and the green is called the fairway . Sometimes fairways can be very long and golf players need a few strokes to get to the green. The land on the left and right of the fairway is the rough . It is made up of tall grass, bushes and trees . The green is the round area at the end of the fairway. It has special grass that is very short. In the middle of the green is a hole . It has a flag placed in it so that golfers can see where it is . Almost all golf courses have hazards . These are small lakes, sandy areas and bunkers . They make it more difficult for players to hit the ball.
Task 1 (10 points) What does the golf course consist of? Write the names of the golf course parts. …y ou have 5 minutes
1 - Tee (teeing ground, tee box) 2 - Water hazard 3 - Rough 4 - Out of bounds 5 - Sand bunker 6 - Water hazard 7 - Fairway 8 - Green (putting green) 9 - Flag (flagstick) 10 - Hole
Golf equipment A golfer needs a ball and a set of golf clubs to play golf. A golf ball is made of rubber and has a plastic covering. Golf clubs . In a tournament golf players can use up to 14 different types of golf clubs. Each club is used to play the ball in a different situation. Generally, there are two basic categories of clubs: woods and irons . They are numbered from 1 to 9. Woods were originally clubs that had a wooden head. Today they have heads made of steel or titanium . Golfers use woods to hit the ball over long distances. A number one wood is also called a « driver » . Players use this club to start their game at the tee. Irons have heads that are thinner and flatter. Instead of iron, the club has a head made of steel or another metal. Irons are used for shorter shots and shots where you must play the ball very accurately. The putter is a club that is used on the green for very short distances . Golf tees . In golf , a tee is normally used for the first stroke of each hole.
Task 2 (10 points ) Guess the words and write them down: 1) DOENWO 2) QUPIMETNE 3) TRUOANMNET 4) TERTPU 5) ELEST 6) BUCL 7) BERUBR 8) RAIFAWY 9) ROUSEC 10) TANITIMU 1) WOODEN 2) EQUIPMENT 3) TOURNAMENT 4) PUTTER 5) STEEL 6) CLUB 7) RUBBER 8) FAIRWAY 9) COURSE 10) TITANIUM …y ou have 5 minutes
Rules of golf “Play the ball as it lies, play the course as you find it, and if you cannot do either, do what is fair…”
Interesting facts about golf … The modern game of golf originated in 15th-century Scotland. Golf was banned three times for years after it was invented because the Scottish government believed it interfered with military training. The first known Rules of Golf were drawn up in 1744 in Edinburgh for the world's first 'open' golf competition. The first round of women’s golf was played in the year 1811 in Scotland. The term “birdie” was coined accidentally by Ab Smith who hit a “bird of a shot” in 1889. The word caddy comes from the French word “cadet” (student), which is pronounced “cad-DAY”.
The first golf balls used in the 16th century are believed to have been made of wood. Up until the mid 19th century, golf balls were typically made of feathers that were boiled and then stuffed into a pouch. Golf is the only sport played on the moon. On February 6, 1971, Alan Shepard hit two golf balls while on the lunar surface. Not all golf balls have the same number of dimples. Golf balls have anywhere from 330 to 500 dimples depending on which company designs the ball. The ideal ball will usually have between 380 and 432 dimples.
Americans spend $600 million on golf balls every year. A “round” of golf typically consists of 18 holes that are played in the order determined by the course layout. A maximum of 14 clubs is allowed in a player’s bag at one time during a round. Golf was included in the 2016 and the 2020 Olympics for the first since the 1904.
Task 3 . (10 points) True or False? A golfer needs a ball and a set of rackets to play golf. The modern game of golf originated in 19th-century in USA. The word caddy comes from the French word “cadet”. Golf is not an Olympic game. A maximum of 25 clubs is allowed in a player’s bag at one time during a round. The first golf balls used in the 16th century have been made of wood. Women are not allowed to play golf. The ideal ball will usually have 550 dimples. A “round” of golf typically consists of 18 holes. If the ball lands in one of the hazards the golf player may take it out or use a new ball but then gets an extra stroke as a penalty. …you have 10 min.
Task 4. Match the picture with its meaning…
A . teeing ground B. water hazard C . hole D. sand bunker E. clubs F. flagstick 1. 2. 3 . 4 . 5. 6.
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