тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
- One word out in each column
Independent Argument Feel
Young Troublemaker Look
Unhappy Luckily Argue
Teenager Problem Worry
Comfortable Disagreement Invite
Upset Difficulty Allow
Honest Computer Energetic
- Write words into 2 columns: countable and uncountable
Furniture, information, advice, water, pencil, book, air, friend, music, district, work, letter, money, lesson television, meat, play, bread, afternoon, village, love, month, ink, silver, sea, friendship, speed.
- Fill in: around, across, through, at, along, round.
- There is a bridge ……… the river.
- They were moving ……… the mist.
- The bus was running ………. the street.
- There is a comfortable chair …….. the wall.
- The children like to run ………… the table.
- He looked ……… the window but saw nothing.
- There are a lot of trees ………. the cottage.
- Fill in tags
- Pupils must be at school at half past eight, …… ?
- Children mustn’t smoke and take drugs, ……. ?
- You should help your classmates, …….. ?
- Pupils shouldn’t think that Russian is more important than Maths, …. ?
- You must do your homework every day, …… ?
- Pupils should be polite, ……. ?
- English words can’t be easily learnt, ….. ?
- Teachers should be strict, ……… ?
- One word out in each column
Independent Argument Feel
Young Troublemaker Look
Unhappy Luckily Argue
Teenager Problem Worry
Comfortable Disagreement Invite
Upset Difficulty Allow
Honest Computer Energetic
- Write words into 2 columns: countable and uncountable
Furniture, information, advice, water, pencil, book, air, friend, music, district, work, letter, money, lesson television, meat, play, bread, afternoon, village, love, month, ink, silver, sea, friendship, speed.
- Fill in: around, across, through, at, along, round.
1. There is a bridge ……… the river.
- They were moving ……… the mist.
- The bus was running ………. the street.
- There is a comfortable chair …….. the wall.
- The children like to run ………… the table.
- He looked ……… the window but saw nothing.
- There are a lot of trees ………. the cottage.
- Fill in tags
- Pupils must be at school at half past eight, …… ?
- Children mustn’t smoke and take drugs, ……. ?
- You should help your classmates, …….. ?
- Pupils shouldn’t think that Russian is more important than Maths, …. ?
- You must do your homework every day, …… ?
- Pupils should be polite, ……. ?
- English words can’t be easily learnt, ….. ?
- Teachers should be strict, ……… ?
- Correct mistakes
- The story were read three days ago.
- The building of the museum is decorated last year.
- We are not never asked at the English lesson.
- The text will be translated with her mother.
- English is speak all over the world.
- Ice cream be made from milk.
- The game will be played in four days.
- The computers were bought in the shop.
- The flowers are not watered last week.
- The homework shall be not done tomorrow.
- Choose one word
- Can you (describe, description) the picture?
- Do you (agree, agreement) with Robert?
- (Suspend, suspension) is not the most effective (punish, punishment).
- (Educate, education) is free in state schools in Great Britain.
- Did they (exclude, exclusion) him last month?
- My aunt thinks it is not an interesting (discuss, discussion).
- Pupils mustn’t (argue, argument) with their teachers.
- Fill in: to, of, for, at, on
- Nick is very proud … his new computer.
- Hello, can I speak … Jane, please?
- “Are you going to arrange an excursion at the next week?” – “ I would like but it depends … the weather.
- “What are you looking … ?” – “I have lost my dictionary.”
- Steve always laughs … his friend’s actions.
- Correct mistakes
- The story were read three days ago.
- The building of the museum is decorated last year.
- We are not never asked at the English lesson.
- The text will be translated with her mother.
- English is speak all over the world.
- Ice cream be made from milk.
- The game will be played in four days.
- The computers were bought in the shop.
- The flowers are not watered last week.
- The homework shall be not done tomorrow.
- Choose one word
- Can you (describe, description) the picture?
- Do you (agree, agreement) with Robert?
- (Suspend, suspension) is not the most effective (punish, punishment).
- (Educate, education) is free in state schools in Great Britain.
- Did they (exclude, exclusion) him last month?
- My aunt thinks it is not an interesting (discuss, discussion).
- Pupils mustn’t (argue, argument) with their teachers.
- Fill in: to, of, for, at, on
- Nick is very proud … his new computer.
- Hello, can I speak … Jane, please?
- “Are you going to arrange an excursion at the next week?” – “ I would like but it depends … the weather.
- “What are you looking … ?” – “I have lost my dictionary.”
- Steve always laughs … his friend’s actions.
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