Рабочий материал по теме "Dreams"
материал по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Кожухова Алина Игоревна

Данный материал представляет с работу видео, а так же устное обсуждение обсуждение заданной темы. Материал посвящен теме "Dreams" и рассчитан на учеников 11 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

Ссылка для видео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lhajxU31UY

Speaking about dreams

breed – поколение, порода

pinnacle – вершина

be obsessed with – быть одержимым (чем-либо)

obtain – получить

relentless – неотступный, упорный

sacrifice – жертвовать

past – зд. свыше, сверх

set records – устанавливать рекорды

fuel – заправляться, запасаться

sustain – поддерживать (существование)

whip - превзойти

That`s not possible… This is impossible… You can`t be serious… It`s gonna be impossible… It`s impossible.

It`s necessary to know that everybody won`t see it, that everybody won`t join you, that everybody won`t have the vision. It`s necessary to know that a lot of people like to complain but they don`t want to do anything to change their situation; that you are an uncommon breed. You know, you have to know within yourself that ‘I can do this! Even if no one else sees it for me, I must see it for myself’ If you want to be the best at that, if you wanna reach the pinnacle of that, you must be, there`s no way around it.

You have to be obsessed with obtaining that. Greatness in any field, greatness cannot be achieved without obsession. People will tell you, obsession is a bad thing. It`s possible for you to live your dream, it`s necessary that you associate with winners, that you work your system, that you are relentless, that you never give up. It`s you, you gotta take personal responsibility to make it happen. See, sometimes we can`t say ’I can do that’, but what we can say that it`s possible, that I can have my dream.

Somewhere along the line you changed, you stopped being you. You let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you`re no good. And when things got hard, you started looking for something to blame, like a big shadow. Until you start believing in yourself, you`re not gonna have a life. In this lifetime you don`t have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself. And after what you`ve gone through, if you haven`t done that by now, it ain`t gonna never happen.

It`s past possible, meaning that all you gotta do is start, because if it`s past possible, as soon as you start, you know you gonna set records, you know you gonna take it to the next level, you know what`s gonna be that you are going to do what`s never been done before. If you`re willing to do a little bit more than the next, if you`re willing to stay up just a little longer, sacrifice just a little bit more.

The journey is not easy. Before you start that journey, mentally, you must fuel yourself with the right reasons, the right fuel to sustain the entire journey. We all have the ability to do anything. To have it, you can drive it, you can whip it, you can fly it. You can have it. Impossible, baby, is nothing. You gotta believe in yourself, you gotta believe in your dream, you gotta believe that one day it`s gonna be your moment. One day you gon` own the moment. Listen to me, impossible is just a big word.

Question the impossible. The greatest achievements of mankind were made by people who questioned impossible. The Wright Brothers. Question, what people call impossible.

Ideas for discussion:

1. You know, you have to know within yourself that ‘I can do this! Even if no one else sees it for me, I must see it for myself’

2. Greatness in any field, greatness cannot be achieved without obsession.

3. Until you start believing in yourself, you`re not gonna have a life.

4. Listen to me, impossible is just a big word.

5. Question the impossible.

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