Разработка цикла уроков по теме «How does globalization influence our country and our town?» («Как глобализация влияет на нашу страну и наш поселок?») с применением технологии проблемно-ориентированного обучения (PBL)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Гумеров Марат Азатович

Данная авторская разработка предназначена для обучающихся старшего звена. В ее основе лежит принцип личностно-ориентированного подхода, направленный на развитие у школьников позитивного отношения к процессу обучения и мотивации к дальнейшему овладению английским языком, а также развитие мышления, воображения, памяти и языковой догадки.

Уроки рассчитаны на коллективную и индивидуальную работу учеников в классе с применением мультимедиа проектора, интерактивной доски, персональных компьютеров с выходом в интернет, а так же подразумевают самостоятельную индивидуальную и групповую работу обучающихся во внеурочное время.

В предлагаемой разработке автором представлен богатый методический и творческий опыт по применению инновационного метода проблемно-ориентированного обучения (PBL), а так же  использованию информационно-коммуникационных технологий при обучении иностранному языку.

Данная разработка состоит из 6 уроков, основанных на шести стадиях PBL:  постановка учебной проблемы, генерирование идей и построение плана решения проблемы, изучение проблемы, самостоятельное изучение, решение проблемы, рефлексия и обратная связь.



Файл pbl_9_klass.docx24.07 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

PBL Lesson Plan

Subject Information

Names of designers:

Gumerov M.A.

Date of design:






Title of the problem:

How does globalization influence our country and our town?

Learning outcomes:


1. Awareness that Russia is part of the global space.

2. Expanding vocabulary, obtaining information in political, economic and cultural fields.

3. Clear understanding of the practical value of English proficiency.


1. Educational and social skills development.

2. Obtaining information from different sources.

3. Self-evaluation.


1. Critical evaluation of information.

2. Making decisions.

3. Development of creative thinking.


Stage of the PBL Process


Resources(Facilitator)/ Deliverables




1. Mix Pair Share ,

Rally Robin

2. Mix-Freeze-Group


4. We like…

T: 1. Name the most popular cars in Apastovo and their producing countries.

2. Which national cuisines are presented in Kazan?

  1. 3. What countries are the most popular for spending holidays among the Russians?
  2. 4. What kind of music do you hear from radios in public places?
  1. T: 1.How many times has Russia hosted the Olympics?

2. Which place did Dina Garipova take in Eurovision Song Contest in 2013?

3. How many times a week do you have English lessons?

4. How many countries are included in G8?

5. How many countries make up the UK?

Ss make up sentences with the following words: international, trade, exchange, similar, foreign, goods, global, partners, cooperation.

Ss fill in the chart “We like…”

(Appendix 1) and think up and present their team cheer.


Problem Launch

1.Take Off Touch Down

2. Continuous Round Robin


3. A/R Guide

4. Work with the FILA chart

T: 1.Which of you knows such foreign cars as Mercedes-Benz, Mazda, Opel and Renault?

 2. Who has ever heard of such people as Eminem, Akon and Pitbull?

3. Who wears brand clothes and shoes from Adidas, Reebok and Nike?  

4. Who has ever eaten pizza? (Sushi, in McDonald’s)

5. Who knows what globalization is?

On the board: Globalization means…

Video “Globalization: friend or foe?”

Ss fill in a table with statements referring to the content of the video (before and after watching) (Appendix 2).

T (after watching): 1. Have your answers changed and why?

2. Which of these statements are the most important to you and why?

Ss fill in the FILA charts.  (Appendix 3)


Problem Analyzing

Obtaining information from different sources

Ss collect information in the Internet, libraries, clothes, cosmetics and food shops.


Problem Reassessing

1. Ss develop their FILA charts.

2. Ss write an essay on the problem.

Ss add information to their FILA charts and write an essay on the problem “How is globalization manifested in our country and our town?”


Solution Presenting

Preparing a presentation

Ss design a presentation in Power Point using their essays, photos, pictures from the Internet, etc.


Reflection and Assessment

1. Presenting works

2. Self-evaluation

3. Assessment of the teacher.

Ss present their projects in front of the class.

Ss fill in self-evaluation cards

 (Appendix 4).

T assesses students’ answers

(Appendix 5).

Appendix 1

We like

Appendix 2

A\R Guide - Fill in the table “+”, “-“ before and after watching the video



  In all things, globalization has influenced and continues to change us.

  Through the worldwide market there’s better access to better products from different countries.

  Globalization promotes understanding and goodwill among different countries.

  The world is becoming more and more interconnected.

  Globalization may lead to loss of cultural identity.

  Globalization can increase spread of communicable diseases and cause social degeneration.

  Because of globalization developed countries can stifle the development of under-developed countries.

Appendix 3

Globalization has influenced and continues to change us.

There’s better access to better products from different countries.

Globalization promotes understanding and goodwill among different countries.

Globalization may lead to loss of cultural identity.

Globalization can increase spread of communicable diseases and cause social degeneration.

How has globalization changed our country and our town?


  1. Globalization has influenced and continues to change us.
  2. There’s better access to better products from different countries.
  3. Globalization promotes understanding and goodwill among different countries.
  4. Globalization may lead to loss of cultural identity.
  5. Globalization can increase spread of communicable diseases and cause social degeneration.


  1. End of the Cold War.
  2. The fall of the Iron Curtain.
  3. Closer political, economic and cultural ties.
  4. Changes in people’s minds.
  5. Development of modern technologies.

Learning issues

  1. How does it influence the economy of our region?
  2. How does it impact on social life of our region?
  3. How does it impact on cultural life and education in our region?
  4. How does it change sport life in our region?
  5. How does it impact on mass media and means of communication in our region?

Action plan

  1. Collect information in the Internet.
  2. Find information in the library.
  3. Collect information in the clothes, cosmetics and food shops.
  4. Conduct a survey among local people.

Appendix 4

Self-evaluation card


Questions to ask yourself

Score (1-5)


Balance of contribution

Did I participate equally with the rest of the group when we prepared the presentation?



Did I bring any useful/original ideas?



Did I use the language in political, economic and cultural fields?


Task achievement

Did my group achieve the task we set for ourselves?

Total Score

Appendix 5

Evaluation card for the teacher

Student’s name

What exactly he/she did in the group





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