Проектная работа по произведению Дж. Роулинг "Гарри Поттер"
проект по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Работая над этим материалом вы можете глубже узнать об именах героев произведения Дж. Роулинг .Каждое имя персонажей соответствует его характеру.Имя Гарри Поттер стало самым популярным именем в Британии после выхода этого произведения и фильмов.
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Work’s purpose : to find keys to the concealed senses hidden in heros' names of J. Rowling' s work "Harry Potter” Tasks: - to pick up the actual material - to analyse the picked-up material - to find value of characters’ names - to learn an origin of the chosen names. Investigation phases: • Work with the texts; • Studying of theoretical material; • Analysis of heroes’ names. Research method : In work the supervision and analysis method is used, and also the method of a continuous sample was used when studying the actual material. Hypothesis : a name of each character of the book is a "key" to its character. Novelty of work that we one of the few studied value of names in work and their influence on character of heroes. Having studied a material, we drew conclusions: Value of proper names in J. Rowlling’s work is not only "key" to their character, but also «an internal smile» the author, directing on a way of studying of myths and folklore. The writer uses uncommon sense of humor, erudition and resourcefulness at a choice of names for the characters It uses words foreign, names from history and myths. Rowling created something other in comparison with those sources to which she addresses, and at the same time wonderfully remains is true essences of each of them. Area of practical application : this work can be used on open classrooms and English lessons.
Harry Potter , Sean Potter — Joanne Rowling’s friend, and Harry's Joan's favourite man's name. It is interesting, when Rowling gave Harry a surname "Potter", was she well informed, that Potter on one of rare Latin turns means "powerful”? Oh as the aunt Petunia was mistaken, saying that Harry is too simple, ignoble name! Still as noble, even aristocratic, to England got as a result of the Norman gain. It is an Old English form of a name of Henri, arisen because simple Englishmen didn't know language, so to speak, ruling elite, and slightly distorted names of the misters. The name is translated as «mister, the host»,
Rubeus Hagrid . Rubeus means red probably from American «Rube» — the bumpkin (5). Besides, «rubeus» in Latin is the extremely rare, but nevertheless is used in giant value … In the Greek mythology, speak, there was such kindest being, apparently, one of younger gods. It was in a false manner accused by Aid of murder of the son Persia and expelled from the Olympus, but Zeus allowed it to remain to look after animals. As you remember, Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts and looked after different animals there.
Voldemort Voldemort « death flight» vol de la mort Still it can be the reference on Voldemortist, the black magician, trying to kill Merlin .
Malfoy Malfoy - a real French surname. Occurs from latin maleficus, meaning "villain“ In the Middle Ages the word malefica called witches, and their rascally acts, in the turn, malеficia were called. Maleficent in English – "harmful" or «with malicious intentions». Mal foi in French – "perfidy", damage.
Professor Sprout . from English sprout - the sprout, a shoot, escape, a stalk (5) - the teacher at Hogwarts of travologiya, a science about plants as they grow, get strong roots and trunks, becoming strong and beautiful plants. On these an example of a name of the professor it is possible to track common noun transformation in a proper name. From all word meanings of "sprout", the author chooses one which are characterized precisely by the character, and in process of our acquaintance to the character in the text opens semantic aspect of his name
Your f а vourite name
Thanks for your attention !
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