Презентация по английскому языку к учебнику Биболетовой М.З. для 10 класса "Life in the City or in the country?"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Урок будет полезен для развития речевых навыков учащихся по теме "Жизнь в городе или деревне?". Учащиеся могут дискутировать используя предложенные выражения, строить монологические и диалогические высказывания, что беспорно окажет помощь в написании эссе или личного письиа на подобную тему.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we roam (travel) home is best
Compare life in town and in a village. Make up sentences about h ouses c ars t rees places to study places to work places to spend free time.
Where do people spend more time in the open air: in a town or in a village? Why? Is it good or bad?
Divide into 2 teams. Team 1 is FOR life in town. Team 2 is AGAINST life in town. Who can give more arguments?
Use the phrases: - I think/believe/suppose - I see your point, but… - In my opinion - I agree with you, but... - As far as I know/understand - On the one hand you are right, - As I see it but on the other hand… Disagreement : I can’t agree with you here As for me I am sure that… I’m afraid you’re mistaken
Are you for or against ? Arguments for Arguments against There’s nothing more I am sure I wouldn’t go … exciting for me than… because… I am absolutely for… As for me, I don’t like the People prefer to live … idea of… because… I think that… Besides,… Besides,… More than that… What is more,… Life in … is … I can never understand ..
Life in the city Life in the country + it’s easier to get good education; it’s easier to find a well-paid job; a lot of entertainment nature is pretty wild; it’s quiet, peaceful; rich vegetation, fertile fields; air is fresh & clean; there are no noisy crowds
Life in the city Life in the country - crowds of people; life is more expensive; public transport is often crowded and dirty; a lot of cars, traffic jams; there’s a lot of noise and pollution *you can feel isolated out here; *plenty of work to do, you’ll have to work hard; *you have nowhere to go; *life is boring
Make up a dialogue Use the communicative task below. The dialogue scheme and useful language will help you. Remember to: Discuss all the options Take an active part in the conversations Come up with the ideas Agree or disagree, give reasons Find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account Come to an agreement
You and your friend are discussing where both of you would like to live in the future. There are several options but you may choose only one of them: * in a city *in the countryside *in the mountains *at the seaside
Useful Language It’s exciting! I like… I’ve made up my mind to move to… Nothing can be better than… I really like. It i s fantastic! Then why not… That’s a good idea! What is more… That’ s really nice! But I doubt that… . That’s sounds great! But…? In my opinion… Personally I prefer… It’s rather surprising! Why…?
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