Лексический тест на занние слов по теме "Bullies Should Receive Harsher Punishments".
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Семенова Светлана Марковна

Лексический тест на зание слов по теме "Bullies Should Receive Harsher Punishments."


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 Test 8 класс  Unit 4

Bullies Should Receive Harsher Punishments.

 Вставьте соответствующие слова в пробелы:

 suspension, detention, harsher, get away with, pass, behavior, do away with, to disregard,  forcing , responsibility, fear, receive , suffering, pick on ,threat.

The problem of bullying does not seem to be going away. 1.____________punishments need to be a reality for every bully so they understand that bullying is not a game. Real people are  hurt and 2._________physically and emotionally. If harsher punishments were in place the bullying could be stopped before it even started.  If we think over why bullies 3.______ someone we should admit the fact  that most bullies become bullies because of the misfortune  they experience at home. Bullies should 4._____ psychological counseling about the problems which they have at home. We should 5. _________bulling (покончить). Bullies are individual children who have decided 6._______basic human dignity and respect for others. Bullies should receive harsher punishments because they should be made to take some 7._______ for their actions that have caused harm to others. If they are not given harsher punishment, it sends them a direct message that they are free to hurt others without 8.______ of retribution (возмездия) . The punishment they currently receive is like a joke to most of them. Any physical attack or physical 9._______should not be tolerated, as I believe that the act of hurting an individual,_10.________ an individual to do something, or threatening an individual is disgusting. 

Bullies should be criminally punished , there is no reason [1]why they should 11. ________ this. It is about time that our government should 12. _____serious laws  to hold this kind of 13.___________as a crime and punishable. I think that the  school systems  should have such methods of punishment  as 14.___________ , Saturday school, 15.________for bullies.

 The key:

  1. harsher
  2. suffering
  3. pick on
  4. receive
  5. do away with
  6. to disregard
  7. responsibility
  8. fear
  9. threat
  10. forcing
  11. get away with
  12. pass
  13. behavior
  14. detention
  15. suspension.

I would first like to start out by saying any physical attack or physical threat should not be tolerated, as I believe that the act of hurting an individual, forcing an individual to do something, or threatening an individual is not bullying, it is worse than bullying. So, now you may wonder, what do you believe is bullying? I say to you this, bullying is the excessive insulting, teasing, disrespecting, ignoring, excluding, and spreading rumors without a great reason. A great reason would be, retaliation for something similarly done to them, the other person instigating it, as in they irritate or annoy excessively, and in the case of ignoring if they are of a feuding family or oppose one of your morals. Now that I have defined what I feel what bullying really is I would like to talk about what benefits a person may have from being bullied and the punishments the bully already has. A person who has been bullied typically builds stronger friendships as they rely on their friends to help them and later take that with them through their life. A person who has been bullied builds a better sense of self, as they are bullied they defy the bully by developing a strong sense of self worth and self respect. People who are bullied have better character, as they an empathize with those in pain. People who have been bullied have a higher ambition, they strive to be better to show the bully it doesn't matter what they think, because they are better. Moving on to punishments in place for bullies already. First of all, bullying is generally looked down upon by society today already, this is an informal punishment, but it is very thorough. Next most bullies will be punished by having forms of detention, suspension, and other punishments school systems have for delinquents.

[1] Нет причины

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