Конспект урока по теме "Использование современных технологий при работе с текстом в 4-м классе"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме

Садиева Динара Азимовна

Конспект урока по теме "Использование современных технологий при работе с текстом в 4-м классе" к УМК Биболетовой М.З. для 4 класса. К конспекту прилагается презентация и технологическая карта урока.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема урока: Использование современных технологий при работе с текстом в 4-м классе.

Ход урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учеников


1. Согласование деятельности

- Good afternoon, boys and girls! I am glad to see you!

- What season is it now?

- Well done.

-Good afternoon, teacher! We are glad to see you too!

- Recite the poem.

 - Mention:

 - The date and the day of the week.

- Season.

Slide 1.

2. Мотивация

Today we have an interesting lesson. You are going to work in pairs and in groups.  

We will evaluate your work with medals. You can find criteria of your activity on the blackboard.

 -  Look at the pictures. What is the topic of our lesson?

- Can a wolf make friends with a sheep? Can we retell fables in the Past Simple Tense? We can’t do it because we know few irregular verbs. What is the aim of our lesson?

Today we will:

- learn the 2nd form of the verbs in the Past Simple Tense;

- read a fable;

- communicate with one another and express our feelings.

- Answer teacher’s questions.

Slide 2.

The wolf’s and sheep’s pictures; pictures of the folk characters.

3. Фонетическая разминка

-  Let’s remember the 2nd form of the irregular verbs and practice our tongues. Repeat after me, please.  Now read the verbs in pairs. You have 2 minutes.

- Who is ready to read the words aloud?

- Repeat the irregular verbs after the teacher; work in pairs;

- Two pupils read them aloud.

Slide 3.

Work in pairs.

4. Речевая разминка

- Look at the pictures and words. Translate them from Russian into English. You have 2 minutes.

- Look at the pictures and words; - Translate them into English.

Slide 4.

Cards with the Russian words.

(Frontal work).

5. Актуализация пройденного материала (проверка домашнего задания)

Let’s check your homework. I want you to divide into two teams. Each team will have cards with the irregular verbs. You must find the pairs of these words to make a chain [2]. Your group will get a medal for the right answer. You have 3 minutes.

-And now let’s translate these verbs. One of you reads the chain, the other translates. You have 3 minutes.

- Answer teacher’s questions. Work in groups.

- Name the 2nd form of the verbs and translate it.

Slide 5.

Cards, medals.

A game.

Team work.

6. Введение нового материала по теме “Неправильные глаголы”

- We have remembered irregular verbs that we know. It’s time to learn the new ones. Repeat after me. Work in pairs. You have 4 minutes. Who wants to read them aloud?

- Repeat new irregular verbs after the teacher;

- Work in pairs.

Slide 6.


Work in pairs.

7. Совершенствование навыков изучающего чтения с нахождением нужной информации в тексте

-  It’s time to start reading. Open your textbooks on page 57. Work in groups. Read the fable to yourself, please. Find and translate the sentences with the new verbs; answer the questions bellow. You have 5 minutes.

- Open textbooks, read the fable, do the tasks;

- Check up what they have done.

Team work, cross check.

8. Физкультминутка

I think you’re tired. Let’s have a rest!

- Do some exercises.

Slide 7.

Health saving technology.

9. Формирование навыков аудирования (на основе прочитанного текста)

The pupil of the 7th form has recently read the fable and offered some statements. Watch the video and say whether the statements are true or false. You have 3 minutes.

Listen and do the exercise.

Slides 8-9.


The video.

Work with the table.

10. Ролевая игра

Some of you can try to act out a scene from the fable. You have 3 minutes.

-Children, we see that a wolf can’t make friends with a sheep. You should be friendly with one another. Let’s sing a song about friendship.

- Some pupils act out a scene.

- Sing a song about friendship.

A scene.

11. Самостоятельная работа с самопроверкой

- Well done. Have we learnt the 2nd form of the new irregular verbs? Let’s check up how you have learnt it.

Choose one of the cards.

- Pupils choose one of the cards.

- Check their answers themselves.

Slide 10.


12. Домашнее задание

- Our lesson comes to its end. Open your record books and write down your homework.

- Open record books and write homework.

Slide 11.

13. Подведение итогов

Now count your medals. Who has 8-7 medals gets “5”; 6-5 medals - “4”; 4-3 medals – you should try better next time.

- Count medals.


The evaluation of pupils’ activity.

14. Рефлексия

Do you like our lesson? What do you like best of all? How do you feel?

Let’s decorate our tree with your mood. If you are active, decorate the tree with green leaves; if you’re calm decorate it with yellow leaves; worried - the red ones.

- Thank you for the lesson.

- Goodbye!

- Answer teacher’s questions;

- evaluate their work (decorate a tree on the blackboard)

- Goodbye!

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