Обобщающее повторение по теме "США", 6 класс, О.В.Афанасьева
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Данная презентация подготовлена для обощающего повторения по теме "США", где использованы тексты из учебника О.В.Афанасьевой
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From the history of the USA Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He was the first man from Europe to get there. With three small ships Columbus and his men sailed west. They sailed for three weeks and on October 12, they saw an island. It was Central America. But they thought they were in Asia and gave the people they met the name of Indians.
Native Americans More than 20,000 Native Americans came to the American continent from Asia. They travelled all the way through Siberia and Alaska. Before Europeans arrived in America, Native Americans, or Indians, lived in tribes. Europeans took most of their land, because most of them must live on reservations. At the same time they often try to keep their traditions and their language.
Washington, D.C. The capital city is Washington, D.C. It lies on the banks of the Potomac River. The letters D.C. mean District of Columbia. Its territory doesn’t belong to any state. The government and its Congress are situated there.
The population of the USA. The population of the USA is about 245 mln people. They come from many different places in the world. In one city you can find people whose parents or great-grandparents came from Africa, Asia, South America, and every European country. These different people brought to their new land their traditions and their lifestyle.
New York City It is one of the largest city in the world and the largest in the USA. It is an important center of culture and art. New York is situated in the northeast of the country. Much of the city is on the three islands: Manhattan, State Island and Long Island. It is the city of skyscrapers. The Statue of Liberty, the famous symbol of the USA stands not far from New York – on Liberty Islands.
Chicago It is one of the most important cities Of the USA. It is situated in the north of the country, on the shore of the lake Michigan (one of the Great Lakes) and on the banks of the river Chicago. There are fifty-two bridges across the river. There are many skyscrapers in Chicago. The city is famous for its museums and universities. It is very popular with tourists.
Do you know that … …once American colonies belonged to England; …the first president of the USA was George Washington, a brave general and a clever man. The capital of the country has his name; …Alaska is the largest state in the US. In 1867 the Us bought it from Russia; … in 1969 two Americans became the first men on the Moon.
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