Тест 6 класс "Внешность"
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Form VI (Kuzovlev)
Test I (Unit 1-2)
Variant I
I. Fill in blanks.
0. short …shorter…. …the shortest.
- slim ……………. …………….
- ugly ……………. ……………
- careful …………… ……………
- honest ..................... ……………
- old …………… ……………
II. Complete the sentences.
0. The bike is ..cheaper….. than the car. (cheap)
- Bill is ………………….. than John. (talkative)
- Paula is ………………….. girl in the class. (polite)
- Sally is ………………….. of all. (shy)
- George and Ann are …………………. of all. (helpful)
- Pam’s dog is ……………….. than Paul’s dog. (fast)
III. Put the verbs into the Present Continuous.
- I ….am reading ……(read) the newspaper now.
- Listen! The girls ………………… (sing) in the garden.
- My mother …………………. (make) tea now.
- I …………………… (play) with a ball now.
- Look! Bob ………………….. (get) up.
- The children …………………… (help) their mother at the moment.
IV. Put the verbs into the Present Simple.
- She …drinks…. (drink) milk every morning.
- David usually ……………. (cut) the grass on Sundays.
- I often ……………….. (help) him.
- We …………………. (go) swimming every Saturday.
- My son sometimes ……………… (go) with me.
- Betsy ………………….. (wash) up every day.
V. Put the verbs into the Simple Present or Present Continuous.
- Father always …………………….. (drive) to work.
- Today Father ……………………..(go) to work by train.
- Mother usually ……………………(cook) dinner in the evening.
- At the moment she …………………(bake) a cake.
- I ……………………….(help) Mother in the kitchen now.
VI. Fill in the blanks with words sociable, shy, lazy, get on, talkative.
- She often chats with Helen at lesson. She is ……………
- You don’t often do your homework. You are …………..
- He doesn’t like new people. He is ……………
- Helen has got many friends. She likes meet new people. She is …………….
- The boys are friendly. They ………………. with other children.
Test I (Unit 1-2)
Variant II
- Fill in the blanks.
0. short …shorter……… …the shortest…
- friendly ……………….. ………………..
- big ………………. ……………….
- handsome ……………… ………………
- plump ………………. ………………
- cheerful ……………… ……………….
- Complete the sentences.
- The bike is …cheaper… than the car. (cheap)
- The car is ……………….. than the bike. (expensive)
- A mouse is …………………. than a cat. (small)
- Bert is …………………… of all. (tall)
- Roses are ……………………. of all. (beautiful)
- January is ………………….. month in the year. (cold)
- Put the verbs into the Present Continuous.
- I ...am…reading…. (read) the newspaper now.
- Mother ………………..(cook) dinner now.
- My brother ……………….(dig) in the garden at the moment.
- The children …………………(watch) TV now.
- Pete and Sue …………………(have) breakfast.
- Listen! The baby …………………(cry).
- Put the verbs into the Present Simple.
- She ….drinks………(drink) milk every morning.
- We usually ……………..(play) basketball every Sunday.
- I always ……………….(listen) to music in the evening.
- She …………………(have) breakfast at 8 o’clock.
- Sam sometimes ……………………(do) his homework.
- The students …………………..(learn) English at school.
- Put the verbs into the Simple Present or Present Continuous.
- It is Sarah’s birthday. Her father always ………………….(do) the shopping.
- Sarah …………………(like) chocolate cakes.
- Her sister ……………………(make) one for her now.
- Her mother ……………………(cook) food at the moment.
- They always …………………….(have) a good time at parties.
VI. Fill in the blanks with words good at, helpful, cheerful, honest, polite.
- Jane always tells the truth. She is ……………
- He often helps his friends. He is ……………
- Paul has good manners. He is ……………..
- My best friend is strong. He is …………… sports.
- My Dad never looks unhappy. He is always ……………
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