Дополнительное задание к упр 58 ст 110 и подготовка к контролю говорения по теме "Угроза терроризма" УМК Афанасьева О. В. Михеева И.В. 9 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
1.The following words are missing: protection, discriminate, discrimination, human. Fill in each space with one of these words. Listen to the text and check your choices.
In 1948. the United Nations wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It listed 29 different... (1) rights. According to the declaration, every person has the right to speak freely, to marry whomever he / she wants, to choose the work he / she likes and to get an education. The list of human rights includes protection against cruel punishment and ... (2) against racial,ethnic.sexual, and religious ... (3 .These rights are important for people throughout the world. But in some countries, people live without these rights. People still practise racism and ... (4) against others.
2.Say what is the most important thing to prevent wars and terrorism?
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights appeared soon after World War II. People in many countries suffered greatly in that war. They hoped that war would never happen again. They hoped that the declaration would help to prevent future wars. But since that time, there has not been a time on our planet without war.
To prevent war, people should understand that every person has the right to liberty, justice and equality. People should really respect the rights of other people. In other words, they should be tolerant of other cultures, religions, ideas and values that differ from theirs. This is how we can build peace in the world.
Building peace begins with your family, your school and your relationships with your friends. Every day you meet people whose thoughts and ideas are different from your own. You should learn to respect the opinions and values that are different from yours. You should learn to be tolerant. But remember that you have the right to disagree with values different from your own.
1.The following words are missing: protection, discriminate, discrimination, human. Fill in each space with one of these words. Listen to the text and check your choices.
In 1948. the United Nations wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It listed 29 different... (1) rights. According to the declaration, every person has the right to speak freely, to marry whomever he / she wants, to choose the work he / she likes and to get an education. The list of human rights includes protection against cruel punishment and ... (2) against racial,ethnic.sexual, and religious ... (3 .These rights are important for people throughout the world. But in some countries, people live without these rights. People still practise racism and ... (4) against others.
2.Say what is the most important thing to prevent wars and terrorism?
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights appeared soon after World War II. People in many countries suffered greatly in that war. They hoped that war would never happen again. They hoped that the declaration would help to prevent future wars. But since that time, there has not been a time on our planet without war.
To prevent war, people should understand that every person has the right to liberty, justice and equality. People should really respect the rights of other people. In other words, they should be tolerant of other cultures, religions, ideas and values that differ from theirs. This is how we can build peace in the world.
Building peace begins with your family, your school and your relationships with your friends. Every day you meet people whose thoughts and ideas are different from your own. You should learn to respect the opinions and values that are different from yours. You should learn to be tolerant. But remember that you have the right to disagree with values different from your own.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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