Методическая разработка комплекта контрольных работ по учебной дисциплине иностранный язык для оценки умений и знаний студентов 3 курса в рамках промежуточной аттестации.
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Данные контрольные работы можно проводить на дифференцированном зачете/итоговом занятии с целью проверки умений, знаний студентов всех специальностей в рамках промежуточной аттестации.
Контрольная работа состоят из 1 варианта, включающего 10 заданий, носящих как теоретический характер, так и практическую направленность.
Время выполнения контрольной работы составляет 80 минут.
Критерии оценки:
90-100% правильных ответов – оценка «отлично»,
70-89% – «хорошо»,
50-69% – «удовлетворительно»,
менее 50% – «неудовлетворительно».
Предварительный просмотр:
комитет образования и науки Волгоградской области
государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Волжский политехнический техникум»
Методическая разработка комплекта контрольных работ для оценки умений и знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации.
Учебная дисциплина: Иностранный язык
Специальность: все
Курс: 3
Автор: Болдырева Ю.С.
Контрольная работа для оценки умений и знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации 151031 Монтаж и техническая эксплуатация промышленного оборудования (по отраслям) …………………………………3
Контрольная работа для оценки умений и знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации 190631 Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта ……………………………………………………...9
Контрольная работа для оценки умений и знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации 230113 Компьютерные системы и комплексы…………………………………………………………………………15
Контрольная работа для оценки умений и знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации 080114 Экономика и бухгалтерский учёт (по отраслям) ………………………………………………………………………….21
Контрольная работа для оценки умений и знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации 220703 Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств (по отраслям), 140448 Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и электромеханического оборудования (по отраслям) ………………………………………………………………………….26
Контрольная работа для оценки умений и знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации 240125 Технология производства и переработки пластических масс и эластомеров ……………………………………………….32
Контрольная работа для оценки умений и знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации 280711 Рациональное использование природохозяйственных комплексов …………………………………………….38
Контрольная работа для оценки умений и знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации 210403 Аудиовизуальная техника……………………………………………………………………………..44
УТВЕРЖДЕНО Зам.директора по УМР ______А.М.Коротеева «____» _________ 2017г. |
Контрольная работа
для оценки умений и знаний студентов
в рамках промежуточной аттестации
151031 Монтаж и техническая эксплуатация промышленного оборудования (по отраслям)
дисциплина Иностранный язык 3 курс ______________________
Председатель ПЦК Гуманитарных дисциплин _______________
подпись расшифровка
Волжский 2017
Пояснительная записка
Данную контрольную работу можно проводить на дифференцированном зачете/итоговом занятии с целью проверки умений, знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации.
Контрольная работа состоят из 1 варианта, включающего 10 заданий, носящих как теоретический характер, так и практическую направленность.
Время выполнения контрольной работы составляет 80 минут.
Критерии оценки:
90-100% правильных ответов – оценка «отлично»,
70-89% – «хорошо»,
50-69% – «удовлетворительно»,
менее 50% – «неудовлетворительно».
Контрольная работа
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст, выпишите простые, сложносочинённые и сложноподчинённые предложения, укажите главные и второстепенные члены предложения, составьте пять вопросов различных типов к содержанию текста.
The concept of electrical current.
In the beginning of the 17th century Sir William Gilbert discovered that many substances could be electrified by friction. Gilbert named this effect “electric” after the word “electron” – the Greek name for amber. In 1756 the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov was the first to make theoretical analysis of electrical phenomena. At present the nature of electrification is explained by the electron theory. According to the modern theory all matter is composed of atoms or tiny particles. Each atom consists of a nucleus, a small positively charged mass and a number of lighter negatively charged particles called electrons, which revolve around the nucleus. Normally each atom of a substance is electrically neutral, or it has equal amounts of negative and positive charges, i.e. produces no electrical current.
When an electric charge is at rest it is spoken of as static electricity, but when it is in motion it is refearred to as an electric current.
An electric current which flows in the same direction through a conductor or a current which does not change its polarity is called a direct current or a continuous current.
An alternating current flows first in one direction and then in the other.
Задание 2. Запишите номера предложений, содержащих прямой порядок слов, затем номера предложений, содержащих инверсию.
- In the vacuum was a new sample.
- In Table 3 are given radii of the free ions.
- Superconductors were once thought to be physically impossible.
- Of great importance in this case is the starting material.
- The insulation resistance of any installation should be regularly controlled by means of measuring devices.
Задание3. Вставьте сравнительные конструкции as … as или so … as.
1. Mike is … tall … Pete.
2. Kate is not … nice … Ann.
3. My room is light … this one.
4. Nick’s English is not … good … his friend’s.
5.This book is not … thin … that one.
Задание 4. Заполните пропуски подходящими союзами, данными ниже.
- The strength of current depends on …. the voltage …. the resistance in a circuit.
- I can translate this text, …. it is not difficult.
- Hurry up, …. you will be late.
- My experiment seems to have been successful; …. I am not satisfied.
- I shall not rest …. I have finished my work.
till, yet, and, or, both and, for
Задание 5. Запишите номера предложений с сочинительной связью (сложносочинённые предложения), затем номера предложений с подчинительной связью (сложноподчинённые предложения).
1. It is always easy to begin a war, but it is very difficult to stop one.
2. Since aluminium is light and strong it is used in aircraft industry.
3. Beware of an attractive offer, for there may be a catch in it.
4. While we stop to think, we often miss our opportunity.
5. The mechanical energy of falling water is used to drive turbine generators in hydroelectric stations, and the heat derived by burning coal is used to operate steam turbines.
Задание 6. Раскрывая скобки, напишите каждое предложение три раза, образуя условные предложения 1, 2 и 3 типов.
E.g. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.
If you are free, I shall come to see you.
If you were free, I should come to see you.
If you had been free, I should have come to see you.
1. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone.
2. If my mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party.
3. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Art Gallery every year.
4. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.
5. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic.
Задание7. Перефразируйте предложения, употребив сослагательное наклонение после глагола wish.
Model: I can’t go to the party, but I’d like to. – I wish I could go to the party.
1. I don’t speak French, but I’ll need it at college.
2. I have to get up early, but I don’t want to.
3. I want to phone him, but I don’t know his number.
4. It’s a pity that you weren’t there.
5. It’s a pity he didn’t see this film.
Задание 8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени, соблюдая правило согласования времён.
- My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting room.
- He said he (will come, would come) to the station to see me off.
- I was sure he (posted, had posted) the letter.
- He asked me where I (study, studied).
- I wanted to know what he (has bought, had bought) for her birthday.
Задание 9. Передайте следующий диалог в косвенной речи, соблюдая правило согласования времён.
John: What does “electrified” mean?
Mr. Robertson: You can make electricity by rubbing two things together. You can also make electricity by putting substances like zinc and copper in some chemicals. And you can make electricity by putting a magnet to a wire. There are different ways of making electricity.
John: Is electricity the same as magnetism?
Mr. Robertson: No.
John: Is lightning electricity?
Mr. Robertson: Yes, lightning is electricity, if it strikes anybody, it can kill him.
John: What makes lightning?
Mr. Robertson: It comes from the clouds. If a cloud comes near the earth, the electricity will jump over the space between. It will jump from the cloud to the earth. That makes a flash of lightning.
John: And what is thunder?
Mr. Robertson: Thunder comes because the electricity tears its way through the air.
Задание 10. Прочитайте текст, выполните задания, следующие после него.
Safety Earthing System. Electric Shock.
The strength of current depends on both the voltage and the resistance in a circuit. A current of 50 mA is dangerous for a man and a current of 100 mA and higher is lethal. Earthing system serves to protect attending personnel from electric shocks when voltage appears on parts that are normally dead. The risk of an electric shock decreases with decreasing voltage. In wet and hot atmosphere the risk of electric shock increases. Safe voltage for circuits used in dry atmosphere is under 36 V. When the power is on, contacts with live conductors are dangerous for life. Thus, measures are taken to protect attending personnel from contacts with live parts of installations under voltage.
The danger of an electric shock disappears provided the metal parts of installations under voltage are connected with ground by means of safety earthing.
Connecting to ground is made by means of earthing electrodes which are connected directly with ground.
The insulation resistance of any installation should be regularly controlled by means of measuring devices. The faulty parts should be detected, eliminated, and replaced by new ones.
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
- What does an earthing system serve for?
- What parts are termed dead (live)?
- In what air does the risk of an electric shock decrease?
- By what means is connection to ground made?
- What does an electric shock result from?
- Is a current of 50 mA dangerous for a man?
- Is wet and hot atmosphere dangerous for the attending personnel?
- Does the risk of an electric shock decrease with increasing current?
Дополните предложения, вставив подходящие по смыслу глаголы, данные ниже.
- When resistance increases, the risk of electric shock …. .
- Faults in electric installations are …. by means of special devices.
- Electric power …. only on live conductors with power on.
- When the device is switched off electric power …. .
to detect, to appear, to disappear, to decrease
Раскройте скобки, выберите нужное слово.
- The danger of electric shock (appears, disappears) when the conductor becomes (live, dead).
- Current passes through faulty (earthed, unearthed) part of installations when the power is on.
- Low accuracy of measurement is (an advantage, a disadvantage) of the measuring device.
- The danger of electric shock (increases, decreases) in the wet and hot atmosphere.
- No current flows through a (dead, live) conductor.
УТВЕРЖДЕНО Зам.директора по УМР ____________ А.М.Коротеева «____» _________ 2017г. | |
Контрольная работа
для оценки умений и знаний студентов
в рамках промежуточной аттестации
190631 Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта
дисциплина Иностранный язык 3 курс ______________________
Председатель ПЦК Гуманитарных дисциплин _______________
подпись расшифровка
Волжский 2017
Пояснительная записка
Данную контрольную работу можно проводить на дифференцированном зачете с целью проверки умений, знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации.
Контрольная работа состоят из 1 варианта, включающего 11 заданий, носящих как теоретический характер, так и практическую направленность.
Время выполнения контрольной работы составляет 80 минут.
Критерии оценки:
90-100% правильных ответов – оценка «отлично»,
70-89% – «хорошо»,
50-69% – «удовлетворительно»,
менее 50% – «неудовлетворительно».
Контрольная работа
Задание 1. Укажите номера предложений, в которых ing-форма является причастием 1, затем номера предложений, в которых ing-форма является герундием и номера предложений, в которых ing-форма является отглагольным существительным.
- The motor was carefully examined before starting.
- The stream of electrons moving along the conductor is called an electric current.
- The driving wheel of the machine is broken.
- Every company arranges for the marketing of its products.
- My greatest pleasure is travelling by car.
Задание 2. Запишите номера предложений, содержащих инфинитивный оборот Complex Object, затем номера предложений, содержащих инфинитивный оборот Complex Subject.
- Every battery is known to possess two terminals.
- The capacity of generating units was said to have been doubled.
- Ebonite, rubber, and glass are considered to be good insulators.
- I expect her to know about the running gear of the car.
- He would like us to translate the text about manual and automatic transmissions.
Задание 3. Перепишите текст, укажите главные (подлежащее, сказуемое) и второстепенные (дополнение, определение, обстоятельства) члены предложения. Обозначьте простые, сложносочинённые и сложноподчинённые предложения.
Manual and Automatic Transmissions.
The transmission is a mechanism that changes speed and power ratios between the engine and driving wheels.
The conventional transmission provides for three or four forward speeds and one reverse speed. It consists of two shafts, each with gears of varying diameters. When a pair of gears permits the driven shaft to turn more rapidly than the driving shaft, the transmission is said to have overdrive. Overdrive is designed to increase the speed of a car.
The torque-converter type of transmission provides an unlimited number of gear ratios with no shifting of gears. The turbine is connected to drive shaft and causes it to rotate.
Both Hydra-Matic and torque-converter systems are controlled by a selector level on the steering column, which provides for reverse and sometimes for emergency-low gears.
Задание 4. Выпишите из текста определители имени существительного и группы существительного (артикли, притяжательные, указательные, неопределённые местоимения, существительные в притяжательной форме, числительные, наречия типа many, much, few, little.) если таковые имеются.
Electric Motors
Motors are used for converting different forms of energy into mechanical energy.
The main part of a motor is a coil or armature. The armature is placed between the poles of a powerful magnet. When a motor is put into operation current starts flowing through the coil (armature) and the armature starts rotating.
Electric motors are used practically in every branch of industry, transport, and agriculture. Naturally, they are produced in many different designs. They are used in industrial plants, and operate under different conditions.
Each motor is supplied with a nameplate which bears machine ratings: output power, voltage, the rated current, the starting current, the power factor, the efficiency, and the rated torque.
These motor ratings should be taken into consideration since they are necessary for the users. On them depends the length of motors’ service life, which is normally equal to about 10 years, provided that the operating conditions are normal. Naturally, under abnormal conditions the service life becomes much shorter: motors operate poorly and may have different faults.
Задание 5. Запишите номера предложений с сочинительной связью (сложносочинённые предложения), затем номера предложений с подчинительной связью (сложноподчинённые предложения).
- It is always easy to begin a war, but it is very difficult to stop one.
- The most common conductors are metals and silver and copper are the best of them.
- If the engine fails to start after three applications of the starter, examine the fuel or ignition systems.
- Wherever he was he was thinking about her.
- Never leave the inoperative engine with the ignition switch turned on for long as it will discharge the storage battery.
Задание 6. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения глагола would.
- Would you help me? (вежливая просьба)
- He would often visit me. (повторяемость действия в прошлом)
- She wouldn’t listen to me. (стойкое нежелание совершать какие-либо действия)
- If I knew his address I would write to him. (2 тип условных предложений)
- I wish it would stop raining. (сослагательное наклонение)
Задание 7. Напишите следующие предложения в прошедшем и будущем времени, употребляя соответствующие модальные глаголы.
- They can read English books.
- She must do it at once.
- You may take my dictionary.
- You don’t need to go there.
Задание 8. Перепишите слова, выделите суффиксы, определите по суффиксам часть речи.
- Supremacy
- Equipment
- To generate
- Mainly
- Simultaneous
Задание 9. Поставьте запятые там, где необходимо, согласно правилу постановки запятых в английском языке.
- Measuring devices being widely used their characteristics are constantly improved.
- When tested the motor broke down.
- The engine cannot be restarted until its oil level is brought up to the correct level.
- Devices are classed according to the use they are designed for.
- The instrument should be packed in a box which will prevent dust and dirt from getting inside its mechanism.
Задание 10. Заполните пропуски подходящими союзами, данными ниже.
- Steering is controlled by a hand wheel, mounted on an inclined column …. attached to a steering tube inside the column.
- The internal combustion engines can operate on oil and kerosine …. benzine.
- Hurry up, …. you will be late.
- My experiment seems to have been successful; …. I am not satisfied.
- I shall not rest …. I have finished my work.
till, yet, and, or, as well as
Задание 11. Передайте следующий диалог в косвенной речи, соблюдая правило согласования времён.
The Driving Lesson
Miss Green: Good afternoon. My name is Miss Green and I’m your driving instructor. Is this your first lesson?
Simon: It is my first lesson at this driving school but I went to the Greenwich school of driving before my instructor left.
Miss Green: Show me what you can do. I want you to drive down this road and turn left at the end.
Simon: All right.
Miss Green: You drive very well! I’m sure you’ll pass your test.
Simon: Why are those drivers shouting?
Miss Green: Because you are driving the wrong way down a one-way street. Stop the car and turn it round.
УТВЕРЖДЕНО Зам.директора по УМР ____________ А.М.Коротеева «____» _________ 2017 г. |
Контрольная работа
для оценки умений и знаний студентов
в рамках промежуточной аттестации
230113 Компьютерные системы и комплексы
дисциплина Иностранный язык 3 курс ______________________
Председатель ПЦК Гуманитарных дисциплин _______________
подпись расшифровка
Волжский 2017
Пояснительная записка
Данную контрольную работу можно проводить на дифференцированном зачете с целью проверки умений, знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации.
Контрольная работа состоят из 1 варианта, включающего 10 заданий, носящих как теоретический характер, так и практическую направленность.
Время выполнения контрольной работы составляет 80 минут.
Критерии оценки:
90-100% правильных ответов – оценка «отлично»,
70-89% – «хорошо»,
50-69% – «удовлетворительно»,
менее 50% – «неудовлетворительно».
Контрольная работа
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст, выпишите простые, сложносочинённые и сложноподчинённые предложения, укажите главные и второстепенные члены предложения, составьте пять вопросов различных типов к содержанию текста.
Internet: How it affects us
One of the most valuable functions of the Internet is its information function. The Internet keeps people informed about current events, as well as about the latest achievements in science and culture. Recently a system of distant learning became popular. You can study foreign languages and even study in universities. Individual educational program can be developed especially for you.
The Internet is also widely used in business. Thanks to the Internet, we have rapid connection with partners from all corners of the world.
The most negative effect of the Internet could be people’s addiction to it. People often feel a strange and powerful need to spend time on the network. Addiction to a computer screen is similar to drug or alcohol addiction and people almost never believe they are addicted.
One more disadvantage of the Internet is the absence of information control. Children receive wide access to porno sites and sites with violence and promoting hate.
From that, how much we know about the Internet depends on the choice we make and how effectively we use the opportunity of the Internet in our time.
There are several serious disadvantages to the Internet. Of course, it provides us with a pleasant way to relax and spend free time, but some people spend six hours or more a day on the network. Many children look at a screen for more hours each day than they do anything else, including the studying and sleeping. It’s clear that the network has powerful influence on their lives, and that its influence is often negative. Another disadvantage is that for many people the Internet becomes more real than reality, and their own lives seem boring. Also many people get upset or depressed when they can’t solve problems in real life as quickly as they can do it in Internet games. In real life they can not simply press “escape”.
Задание 2. Переведите предложения, содержащие существительные в функции определения другого существительного.
1. What have you heard about crystal growth method?
2. I’d like to learn more about computer design and important net parameters.
3. Treasure hunters wanted to find mystery ship.
4. We used different system models.
5. Their control system design is of interest.
Задание 3. Вставьте сравнительные конструкции as … as или so … as.
1. Mike is … tall … Pete.
2. Kate is not … nice … Ann.
3. My room is light … this one.
4. Nick’s English is not … good … his friend’s.
5.This book is not … thin … that one.
Задание 4. Заполните пропуски подходящими союзами, данными ниже.
- Hand-held scanners are good for scanning small pictures, ---- they are difficult to use if you need to scan a large page.
- Each pin makes a dot, ---- combinations of dots form letters and illustrations.
- My experiment seems to have been successful; …. I am not satisfied.
- Mice usually have two buttons and sometimes as many as three, ---- have different functions depending on what program is running.
- A soft magnetic disk is called floppy ---- it flops if you bend it.
because, which, yet, and, but
Задание 5. Дополните предложения, подставив подходящие по смыслу парные союзы both … and, either … or, neither … nor.
- You can do it ----- today or tomorrow.
- I believe ----- him nor his wife.
- They were ----- hungry and tired when they got to the hotel.
- You should answer ----- this question or that one.
- ----- TV and the Internet affect our lives.
Задание6. Запишите номера сложносочинённых, а затем сложноподчинённых предложений.
- Programmers create a lot of useful programs which do everything from teaching foreign languages to bookkeeping.
- Early computers were often quite expensive and customers often paid thousands of dollars for machines which actually did very little.
- Sheet-fed scanners are excellent for loose sheets of paper, but they are unable to handle bound documents.
- Printer is a device that prints text or illustrations on paper.
- Sent messages are stored in electronic mailboxes until the recipient fetches them.
Задание 7. Передайте следующий диалог в косвенной речи, соблюдая правило согласования времён.
Teacher: What is Internet?
Student: Internet is a global network connecting millions of computers.
Teacher: Are the Internet and the Web two separate things?
Student: The Internet and the Web are two separate but related things.
Teacher: Does Information travel over the Internet in many languages known as protocols?
Student: Information travels over the Internet in many languages known as protocols.
Teacher: Is the Web just a portion of the Internet?
Student:The Web is just a portion of the Internet, but the two terms are not synonymous.
Teacher: Who invented the WWW?
Student: Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.
Задание 8. Переведите предложения, содержащие one и that в различных функциях.
- I have only one dictionary.
- One can read the text about Bill Gates – the founder of Microsoft without a dictionary.
- I’ll give you the new dictionary and the old one.
- That house was built in 1970.
- The book that you gave me is interesting.
- That the profession of a programmer requires a special training is a well-known fact.
- It was you that said so.
- The feature of higher education in this country is that it is available to all.
Задание 9. Укажите значение глагола would в каждом предложении: a)стойкое нежелание совершать какие-либо действия, b) вежливая просьба, c) повторяемость действия в прошлом, d) 2 тип условных предложений, e) сослагательное наклонение.
1. Would you help me?
2. He would often visit me.
3. She wouldn’t listen to me.
4. If I knew his address I would write to him.
5. I wish it would stop raining.
Задание 10. Прочитайте текст, выполните задания, следующие после него.
The Internet and WWW
The Internet originated in the early 1970s when the United States wanted to make sure that people could communicate after a nuclear war. This needed a free and independent communication network without a centre and it led to a network of computers that could send each other e-mail through cyberspace.
Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web(WWW) when he discovered a way to jump to different files on his computer using the random, or unplanned,links between them. He then wrote a simple coding system, called HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language), to create links to files on any computer connected to the network. This was possible because each file had an individual address, or URL(Uniform Resource Locator). He then used a set of transfer rules, called HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), to link Web files together across the Internet. Berners-Lee also invented the world’s first browser. This lets you locate and view Web pages and also navigate from one link to another.
The WWW became available to everyone in 1991 and the number of Internet users grew from 600,000 to 40 million in five years. Today, that number is much larger and there are now many browsers that provide Web pages, information and other services. You can also do research, download music files, play interactive games, shop, talk in chat rooms and send and receive e-mail on the WWW.
Определите какие утверждения верны, а какие ложны.
- The Internet first started in the USA. T/F
- The Internet and the WWW are different. T/F
- Berners-Lee invented the Internet. T/F
- One file on the WWW can have two or more addresses. T/F
- There are 40 million Internet users today. T/F
Дополните предложения, выделенными словами из текста.
- Some people spend too much time playing --------- games on the Internet.
- You can sometimes have a computer --------- that is not connected to the Internet.
- It is easy to --------- around a screen with a mouse.
- Berners-Lee discovered how to ------- links between computers in new ways.
- Some people surf the Internet at ------- just to see what they can find.
- People use the Internet to -------- information from one place to another.
- When you surf the Internet, you are travelling in --------.
Дополните предложения, подставив нужное слово/аббревиатуру из текста.
- an address for Web pages ------
- a coding system that creates links ------
- this finds and shows Web pages ------
- rules for transferring files ------
- a group of computers joined together ------
network, URL, HTTP, HTML, browser
УТВЕРЖДЕНО Зам.директора по УМР ____________ А.М.Коротеева «____» _________ 2017г. |
Контрольная работа
для оценки умений и знаний студентов
в рамках промежуточной аттестации
080114 Экономика и бухгалтерский учёт (по отраслям)
дисциплина Иностранный язык 3 курс ______________________
Председатель ПЦК Гуманитарных дисциплин _______________
подпись расшифровка
Волжский 2017
Пояснительная записка
Данную контрольную работу можно проводить на дифференцированном зачете с целью проверки умений, знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации.
Контрольная работа состоят из 1 варианта, включающего 10 заданий, носящих как теоретический характер, так и практическую направленность.
Время выполнения контрольной работы составляет 80 минут.
Критерии оценки:
90-100% правильных ответов – оценка «отлично»,
70-89% – «хорошо»,
50-69% – «удовлетворительно»,
менее 50% – «неудовлетворительно».
Контрольная работа
Задание 1. Запишите номера предложений, в которых a) ing-форма является причастием и номера предложений, в которых b) ing-форма является герундием.
- Wishing to learn to skate, she bought herself a pair of skates.
- The children were tired of running.
- It is no use going there now.
- Coming out of the wood, the travelers saw a ruined castle.
- Growing roses takes a lot of care and attention.
Задание 2. Замените придаточные определительные предложения причастными оборотами.
- All the people who live in this house are students.
- The woman who is speaking now is our secretary.
- The young man who helps the professor in his experiments studies at our university.
- There are many students in our group who take part in all kinds of extracurricular activities.
- People who borrow books from the library must return them on time.
Задание 3. Раскрывая скобки, напишите каждое предложение три раза, образуя условные предложения 1, 2 и 3 типов.
E.g. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.
If you are free, I shall come to see you.
If you were free, I should come to see you.
If you had been free, I should have come to see you.
- If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone.
- If my mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party.
- If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Art Gallery every year.
- If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.
- If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic.
Задание 4. Перефразируйте предложения, употребив сослагательное наклонение после глагола wish.
Model: I can’t go to the party, but I’d like to. – I wish I could go to the party.
- I don’t speak French, but I’ll need it at college.
- I have to get up early, but I don’t want to.
- I want to phone him, but I don’t know his number.
- It’s a pity that you weren’t there.
- It’s a pity he didn’t see this film.
Задание 5. Раскройте скобки, выбирая требующееся время глагола, соблюдая правило согласования времён.
- My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting room.
- He said he (will come, would come) to the station to see me off.
- I was sure he (posted, had posted) the letter.
- He asked me where I (study, studied).
- I wanted to know what he (has bought, had bought) for her birthday.
Задание 6. Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.
- Oleg said, “My room is on the second floor.”
- Misha said, “I saw them at my parents’ house last year.”
- I said, “We have bought these books today.”
- The teacher said to the class, “We shall discuss this subject tomorrow.”
- The pupil said to the teacher, “I can do my homework after dinner.”
Задание 7. Найдите и выпишите из текста определители имени существительного и группы существительного ( артикли, притяжательные, указательные, неопределённые местоимения, существительные в притяжательной форме, числительные, наречия типа many, much, few, little.)
What is economics?
What is economics? I would like to say that economics is a conversation. It is a conversation that has been going on for over two hundred years. The conversation includes professional economists, citizens, managers, and others. The conversation began with Adam Smith’s book The Wealth of Nations.
Like many long-running conversations, the economics conversation has wandered a bit from one topic to another, and sub-conversations have split off and rejoined the main stem. Economics is a “reasonable dialogue”.
Задание 8. Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения.
Why study economics?
- Many of the issues in economics are public in nature, such as taxes and public debt, and are frequently the focus of intense media coverage. While only a few of us might have an opinion on the latest development in physics, almost everyone has an opinion on the economic impact of a new health care policy or an income tax.
- It is important for you to master the principles of economics, for a number of reasons.
- First, as a citizen, you want to be informed – to use your vote wisely and to evaluate the economic implications of public policy properly. To do this, you must have a methodology to evaluate fully the economic effect of the important issues that we must decide at the local and state levels. A better understanding of economic principles can provide you with the skills you will need to make wise decisions.
- A second reason for studying economics is the value it often has as a form of consumer protection. “ Caveat emptor ” – is a warning that challenges all participants in a free market economy to take responsibility for making educated, well-informed decisions. The study of economics can provide many of the tools you need to make wise choices as you encounter the laws of supply and demand, the forces of competition, and the consequences of economic activity throughout your life.
- There is one more important reason for you to study economics: to become a better economist. The study of this field will enable you to serve your customer better, improve the performance of your firm, and grow professionally.
Задание 9. Соотнесите данные утверждения с номерами обзацев текста.
- Every day we deal with economic problems and have to make different choices.
- We do not know many subjects but we do have some idea of economics.
- If you want to make a good economist, you should study economics.
- You cannot be an indifferent voter.
- There are many convincing arguments that we must be economically literate.
Задание 10. Запишите номера предложений, отражающих основные идеи текста.
- We should study economics to properly evaluate the economic implications of public policy.
- We should study economics to buy luxurious goods.
- We should study economics to run one’s own business successfully.
- We should study economics to understand how a free market economy works.
- We should study economics to make a good Congressman/ Member of Parliament.
- We should study economics to grow professionally.
УТВЕРЖДЕНО Зам.директора по УМР ____________ А.М.Коротеева «____» _________ 2017г. |
Контрольная работа
для оценки умений и знаний студентов
в рамках промежуточной аттестации
220703 Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств (по отраслям), 140448 Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и электромеханического оборудования (по отраслям)
дисциплина Иностранный язык 3 курс ______________________
Председатель ПЦК Гуманитарных дисциплин _______________
подпись расшифровка
Волжский 2017
Пояснительная записка
Данную контрольную работу можно проводить на дифференцированном зачете с целью проверки умений, знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации.
Контрольная работа состоят из 1 варианта, включающего 10 заданий, носящих как теоретический характер, так и практическую направленность.
Время выполнения контрольной работы составляет 80 минут.
Критерии оценки:
90-100% правильных ответов – оценка «отлично»,
70-89% – «хорошо»,
50-69% – «удовлетворительно»,
менее 50% – «неудовлетворительно».
Контрольная работа
Задание 1. Запишите номера предложений, содержащих причастие1, затем номера предложений, содержащих причастие 2.
- The machine parts lie on a moving platform.
- The stream of electrons moving along the conductor is called an electric current.
- The experiments made by our students illustrate the properties of metals.
- Working with machines, sharp tools, motors, electricity one must always be careful.
- The first voyage around the earth, begun at Seville by Magellan in 1510 established that the earth is a globe.
Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив причастие 1, причастие 2, либо герундий в нужной форме.
- (Cool) an electric conductor results in its reduced resistance to electric current.
- What is the name of an (insulate) material (use) to prevent an electric shock?
- Mica is used as a dielectric due to (have) high voltage strength.
- The world’s first tidal power station began (operate) in 1966.
- Solar energy has been converted to electricity by (use) solar cells, which are semiconductor devices (produce) from thin slices of silicon.
Задание 3. Запишите номера предложений, содержащих инфинитив, затем номера предложений, содержащих объектный инфинитивный оборот (Complex Object), затем номера предложений, содержащих субъектный инфинитивный оборот (Complex Subject).
- To live is to work.
- We know Isaac Newton to express the connection between force and motion in the form of several laws.
- Two resistors are said to be joined in series when the end of the first resistor is coupled to the beginning of the second.
- I consider him to be the best qualified person in the laboratory.
- Laws and theories are formulated from the results of the experiments and then used to predict the results of new experiments.
Задание 4. Перепишите текст, укажите главные (подлежащее, сказуемое) и второстепенные (дополнение, определение, обстоятельства) члены предложения.
Components of Electric Circuits.
The main components of any circuit are devices that produce and utilize electric energy. They are: power sources, utilizing loads, connecting conductors.
The most common power sources are electric generators and primary cells. Electric generators convert chemical energy into electric energy.
Loads include electric heaters, electric motors, incandescent lamps, etc. Motors convert electric energy into mechanical, incandescent lamps and heaters convert electric energy into light and heat. Utilizing devices or loads convert electric energy into thermal, mechanical or chemical energy.
Electric power is delivered from power sources to loads by electric wires. According to the material, wires can be aluminium, copper, steel, etc.
Задание 5. Запишите номера предложений, содержащих прямой порядок слов, затем номера предложений, содержащих инверсию.
- In the vacuum was a new sample.
- In Table 3 are given radii of the free ions.
- A photoelectric cell converts the energy from light to electrical energy for operating the exposure meter in camera.
- Of great importance in this case is the starting material.
- The basic unit for measuring electric power is the watt.
Задание 6. Вставьте сравнительные конструкции as … as или so … as.
- Mike is … tall … Pete.
- Kate is not … nice … Ann.
- My room is light … this one.
- Nick’s English is not … good … his friend’s.
- This book is not … thin … that one.
Задание 7. Запишите номера предложений с сочинительной связью (сложносочинённые предложения), затем номера предложений с подчинительной связью (сложноподчинённые предложения).
- It is always easy to begin a war, but it is very difficult to stop one.
- The most common conductors are metals and silver and copper are the best of them.
- I enjoyed that day though it was cold.
- We must learn to obey orders before we are qualified to give them.
- Current transformers also insulate the instrument from the circuit which is being measured.
Задание 8. Выпишите последовательно условные предложения 1, 2 и 3 типа.
- If thin wires had been used in this device the wires would have melted.
- If the operators had used some additional components they would have been able to actuate the relay.
- If it were possible to know all about everything and if the world did not keep changing then we could be sure that our past experience would be a perfect guide for the future.
- If I have time I’ll read about Electric Power Consumers.
- If I were you I should listen about superconductivity and metals used as conductors.
Задание 9. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени, соблюдая правило согласования времён.
- My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting room.
- He said he (will come, would come) to the station to see me off.
- I was sure he (posted, had posted) the letter.
- He asked me where I (study, studied).
- I wanted to know what he (has bought, had bought) for her birthday.
Задание 10. Прочитайте текст, выполните задания, следующие после него.
Push-pull Amplifier.
An amplifier is used to produce the output voltage greater than the input voltage. A push-pull amplifier includes two tubes. Their control grids are connected to the opposite ends of the input transformer secondary winding. The centre of this winding is connected to the tube cathodes. When maximum grid voltage is produced in one tube, minimum grid voltage is produced in the other tube. Thus, the sum of the plate currents remains constant.
The plate currents are fed into the opposite ends of the output transformer or a choke coil. It has its centre connected through the plate current supply to the cathodes. Thus direct current plate components are eliminated but alternating current components add in the circuit.
Соотнесите слова из текста с их русскими эквивалентами.
To feed содержать, заключать в себе
To include толкать
To remain тянуть
To push оставаться
To pull питать
Push-pull обратная связь
Push-pull amplifier двухтактная схема
Push-pull circuit двухтактный усилитель
Push-pull transformer силовой трансформатор
Feedback пушпульный
Feedback amplifier катушка обратной связи
Feedback coil регенеративный усилитель
Feeding transformer пушпульный трансформатор
Ответьте по-английски на вопросы к тексту, переведите ответы.
1) What is an amplifier used for?
2) By what means is a greater output voltage produced?
3) What are the main parts of a push-pull amplifier?
4) In what way are the tubes and the transformer connected?
5) Why does the sum of the plate currents remain constant?
6) What type of current is amplified by a push-pull amplifier?
7) What is the difference between a rectifier and an amplifier?
УТВЕРЖДЕНО Зам.директора по УМР ____________ А.М.Коротеева «____» _________ 2017 г. |
Контрольная работа
для оценки умений и знаний студентов
в рамках промежуточной аттестации
240125 Технология производства и переработки пластических масс и эластомеров
дисциплина Иностранный язык 3 курс ______________________
Председатель ПЦК Гуманитарных дисциплин _______________
подпись расшифровка
Волжский 2017
Пояснительная записка
Данную контрольную работу можно проводить на дифференцированном зачете с целью проверки умений, знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации.
Контрольная работа состоят из 1 варианта, включающего 10 заданий, носящих как теоретический характер, так и практическую направленность.
Время выполнения контрольной работы составляет 80 минут.
Критерии оценки:
90-100% правильных ответов – оценка «отлично»,
70-89% – «хорошо»,
50-69% – «удовлетворительно»,
менее 50% – «неудовлетворительно».
Контрольная работа
Задание 1. Перепишите текст, укажите главные (подлежащее, сказуемое) и второстепенные (дополнение, определение, обстоятельства) члены предложения. Обозначьте простые, сложносочинённые и сложноподчинённые предложения.
Classes of Oxides
Oxygen will combine directly with nearly all elements (silver, gold and platinum are notable exceptions) forming oxides.
An oxide is a compound which contains oxygen and one other element only.
The four chief classes of oxides are: acidic oxides, basic oxides, higher oxides and neutral oxides.
All acidic oxides are the oxides of non-metallic elements, but note that not all non-metallic oxides are acidic oxides. An acidic oxide is one which dissolves in water and forms and acid.
All basic oxides are the oxides of metals. A basic oxide is one which neutralises an acid and forms a salt and water only. Only four basic oxides dissolve in water. The four react with the water forming hydroxides. The solutions are termed alkalis and the oxides which formed them are known as alkaline oxides.
Higher oxides are metallic oxides which contain a higher proportion of oxygen than the basic oxide. When they are heated with concentrated hydrochloric acid, chlorine is evolved.
Задание 2. Запишите номера предложений, содержащих прямой порядок слов, затем номера предложений, содержащих инверсию.
- In the vacuum was a new sample.
- In Table 3 are given radii of the free ions.
- Phenol is supplied in metallized carbon steel railway tankers.
- Of great importance in this case is the starting material.
- Caustic soda should be handled with great care by properly instructed persons, which must wear individual protective clothing.
Задание 3. Вставьте сравнительные конструкции as … as или so … as.
- Mike is … tall … Pete.
- Kate is not … nice … Ann.
- My room is light … this one.
- Nick’s English is not … good … his friend’s.
- This book is not … thin … that one.
Задание 4. Заполните пропуски подходящими союзами, данными ниже.
- D. Mendeleyev was a good citizen …. patriot, who devoted his life to the progress of his country’s science and industry.
- D. Mendeleyev found that identical properties of the elements repeat themselves periodically … arranging all the elements according to their atomic weights.
- Hurry up, …. you will be late.
- My experiment seems to have been successful; …. I am not satisfied.
- …. my mother …. my father remembers technical characteristics and applications of caustic soda.
neither … nor, and, yet, or, after
Задание 5. Запишите номера предложений с сочинительной связью (сложносочинённые предложения), затем номера предложений с подчинительной связью (сложноподчинённые предложения).
- It is always easy to begin a war, but it is very difficult to stop one.
- Since aluminium is light and strong it is used in aircraft industry.
- Beware of an attractive offer, for there may be a catch in it.
- While we stop to think, we often miss our opportunity.
- Oxygen is neutral to litmus, but supports combustion vigorously.
Задание 6. Раскрывая скобки, напишите каждое предложение три раза, образуя условные предложения 1, 2 и 3 типов.
E.g. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.
If you are free, I shall come to see you.
If you were free, I should come to see you.
If you had been free, I should have come to see you.
- If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone.
- If my mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party.
- If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Art Gallery every year.
- If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.
- If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic.
Задание 7. Перефразируйте предложения, употребив сослагательное наклонение после глагола wish.
Model: I can’t go to the party, but I’d like to. – I wish I could go to the party.
- I don’t speak French, but I’ll need it at college.
- I have to get up early, but I don’t want to.
- I want to phone him, but I don’t know his number.
- It’s a pity that you weren’t there.
- It’s a pity he didn’t see this film.
Задание 8. Переведите предложения, содержащие аналитическую форму сослагательного наклонения.
- We would do the work.
- I would choose the latter variant.
- She would support his idea.
- He would tell us about synthesis technical acetone.
- I would write about storage and handling of phenol.
Задание 9. Переведите предложения, содержащие существительные в функции определения другого существительного.
- What have you heard about crystal growth method?
- I’d like to learn more about computer design and important net parameters.
- Treasure hunters wanted to find mystery ship.
- We used different system models.
- Their control system design is of interest.
Задание 10. Прочитайте текст, выпишите предложения о применении, хранении, транспортировке ацетона, правилах обращения с ним, письменно переведите.
Applications: The high quality of the acetone makes it suitable to be used as a solvent in the varnishes and paints industry as well as in the pharmaceutical industry.
It can also be used for producing methyl polymethacrylate, in the synthetic fibres industry, for obtaining halogenated ketones, for chloroform production, etc.
Acetone can also be used as a solvent for dissolving acetylene in view of its storage or transport.
Storage and Handling: Being very volatile and inflammable, acetone must be handled very carefully to avoid accidents or fires.
Supply and Transport: Acetone is supplied in 20 or 40 m 3 capacity metallized rail-tankers. Special orders can also be met with when requested, in 200 lit. capacity metallic drums.
УТВЕРЖДЕНО Зам.директора по УМР ____________ А.М.Коротеева «____» _________ 2017 г. |
Контрольная работа
для оценки умений и знаний студентов
в рамках промежуточной аттестации
280711 Рациональное использование природохозяйственных комплексов
дисциплина Иностранный язык 3 курс ______________________
Председатель ПЦК Гуманитарных дисциплин _______________
подпись расшифровка
Волжский 2017
Пояснительная записка
Данную контрольную работу можно проводить на дифференцированном зачете с целью проверки умений, знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации.
Контрольная работа состоят из 1 варианта, включающего 10 заданий, носящих как теоретический характер, так и практическую направленность.
Время выполнения контрольной работы составляет 80 минут.
Критерии оценки:
90-100% правильных ответов – оценка «отлично»,
70-89% – «хорошо»,
50-69% – «удовлетворительно»,
менее 50% – «неудовлетворительно».
Контрольная работа
Задание 1. Выпишите из текста 2 простых, 2 сложносочинённых и 2 сложноподчинённых предложения, укажите главные (подлежащее, сказуемое) и второстепенные (дополнение, определение, обстоятельства) члены предложения, выпишите определители имени существительного и группы существительного ( артикли, притяжательные, указательные, неопределённые местоимения, существительные в притяжательной форме, числительные, наречия типа many, much, few, little.) если таковые имеются.
Greenhouse effect is the term for the role the atmosphere in warming the earth's surface. The atmosphere is largely transparent to incoming short-wave solar radiation, which heats the earth’s surface. Much of this radiation is reflected back by gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone in the atmosphere. This heating effect is at the root of the theories concerning global warming.
The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been increasing by 0.4 per cent a year because of the use of fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal. The cutting of tropical forests has also been a contributing factor in the carbon cycle. Other gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect, such as methane and halocarbons, are increasing even faster. The net effect of these increases could be a worldwide rise in temperature, estimated at 2° to 6° G (4° to 11 ° F) over the next 100 years. Warming of this magnitude would alter climates throughout the world, affect crop production, and cause sea levels to rise significantly. If this happened, millions of people would be badly affected by flooding.
Global warming is an increase in the earth's temperature due to the use of fossil fuels and other industrial processes leading to a build-up of “greenhouse gases” (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) in the atmosphere. It has been known since 1896 that carbon dioxide helps stop the sun’s infrared radiation from escaping into space and thus functions to maintain the Earth's relatively warm temperature (this is called the greenhouse effect). The question is whether the increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lead to elevated global temperatures, which could result major climatic changes, and have serious problems for agricultural productivity.
Since 1850 there has been a mean rise in global temperature of approximately 1° С (1.8° F), but this rise could just be part of a natural fluctuation. Such fluctuations have been recorded for tens of thousands of years.
The potential consequences of global warming are so great that many of the world's top scientists have urged immediate action, and have called for international cooperation on the problem.
Задание 2. Запишите номера предложений, содержащих прямой порядок слов, затем номера предложений, содержащих инверсию.
1. In the vacuum was a new sample.
2. In Table 3 are given radii of the free ions.
3. Phenol is supplied in metallized carbon steel railway tankers.
4. Of great importance in this case is the starting material.
5. Caustic soda should be handled with great care by properly instructed persons, which must wear individual protective clothing.
Задание 3. Вставьте сравнительные конструкции as … as или so … as.
1. Mike is … tall … Pete.
2. Kate is not … nice … Ann.
3. My room is light … this one.
4. Nick’s English is not … good … his friend’s.
5.This book is not … thin … that one.
Задание 4. Заполните пропуски подходящими союзами, данными ниже.
1. D. Mendeleyev was a good citizen …. patriot, who devoted his life to the progress of his country’s science and industry.
2. D. Mendeleyev found that identical properties of the elements repeat themselves periodically … arranging all the elements according to their atomic weights.
3.Hurry up, …. you will be late.
4. My experiment seems to have been successful; …. I am not satisfied.
5. …. my mother …. my father remembers technical characteristics and applications of caustic soda.
neither … nor, and, yet, or, after
Задание 5. Запишите номера предложений с сочинительной связью (сложносочинённые предложения), затем номера предложений с подчинительной связью (сложноподчинённые предложения).
1. It is always easy to begin a war, but it is very difficult to stop one.
2. Since aluminium is light and strong it is used in aircraft industry.
3. Beware of an attractive offer, for there may be a catch in it.
4. While we stop to think, we often miss our opportunity.
5. Oxygen is neutral to litmus, but supports combustion vigorously.
Задание 6. Раскрывая скобки, напишите каждое предложение три раза, образуя условные предложения 1, 2 и 3 типов.
E.g. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.
If you are free, I shall come to see you.
If you were free, I should come to see you.
If you had been free, I should have come to see you.
- If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone.
2. If my mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party.
3. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Art Gallery every year.
4. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.
5. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic.
Задание 7. Перефразируйте предложения, употребив сослагательное наклонение после глагола wish.
Model: I can’t go to the party, but I’d like to. – I wish I could go to the party.
1. I don’t speak French, but I’ll need it at college.
2. I have to get up early, but I don’t want to.
3. I want to phone him, but I don’t know his number.
4. It’s a pity that you weren’t there.
5. It’s a pity he didn’t see this film.
Задание 8. Выпишите существительные в функции определения другого существительного.
1. What have you heard about crystal growth method?
2. I’d like to learn more about computer design and important net parameters.
3. Treasure hunters wanted to find mystery ship.
4. We used different system models.
5. Their control system design is of interest.
Задание 9. Переведите предложения с эмфатическими конструкциями.
- It was my brother that threw an egg at the singer yesterday.
- It was an egg that my brother threw at the singer yesterday.
- It was yesterday that my brother threw an egg at the singer.
- It was the singer that my brother threw an egg at yesterday.
Задание 10. Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения.
Environment Protection must be Global
That the problem of pollution and ecology has become the most important one for mankind is evident to all. The more civilization is developing, the greater the ecological problems are becoming. Air and water pollution by industry is now reaching tremendous proportions. In our era it is changing from a national to an international problem, especially la territories where rivers cross several countries. The seas and oceans are also becoming seriously polluted. A similar situation is developing in the atmosphere. It is known that many cities throughout the world suffer from air pollution.
However, our scientific knowledge and technological advancement make it possible to eliminate it, if people use good will and make considerable investments for that purpose.The development of natural resources on a global scale is already possible from a scientific and technical standpoint. Large-scale experimental work in this area is successfully being carried out
At present scientists in industrially developed countries are working on the theory of interaction of all the atmospheric and oceanic global processes that determine the climate and weather of the world. Increasing growth of population, industrialization and the use of resources are slowly but surely changing the global climate and water balance. This can be described as a great experiment,one that may bring about changes in the environment more serious than ever before.
The essential feature in the environment protection is that many problems can be solved only on the level of world community. Therefore the planning of protection against pollution by human society as a whole is imperative today and in the nearest future. It is necessary to develop an international program to study data on land, forest, atmospheric and oceanic resources, both renewable and non-renewable. It is the joint efforts of many scientists and special public organizations that can deal with the problem and take necessary measures to protect the environment.
It is still a big job and much remains to be done. However scientists are confident that planned actions of all countries can eliminate pollution and achieve successes in purifying air, water and soil and in safeguarding natural resources. At the same time one must realize that social and political circumstances may stand in the way of further progress in this field.
Просмотрите утверждения, данные ниже, определите какие из них верны, а какие ошибочны (поставьте true/false).
1) The more civilization is developing, the smaller the ecological problems are become.
2) The seas and oceans are also becoming seriously polluted.
3) It is known that some cities suffer from air pollution.
4) Increasing growth of population and industrialization are changing the global climate and water balance.
5) It is necessary to develop an international program to study data on land, forest, atmospheric and oceanic resources.
6) Scientists are not sure if the planned actions of all countries can eliminate pollution and achieve successes in purifying air.
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту, переведите ответы.
- What problem is becoming a global problem?
- What makes it possible to eliminate water and air pollution?
- What are scientists in industrial developed countries currently worked on?
- What factors are slowly changing the global climate and water balance?
- What actions are necessary to take to deal successfully with the problem of protection the environment?
УТВЕРЖДЕНО Зам.директора по УМР ____________ А.М.Коротеева «____» _________ 2017 г. |
Контрольная работа
для оценки умений и знаний студентов
в рамках промежуточной аттестации
210403 Аудиовизуальная техника
дисциплина Иностранный язык 3 курс ______________________
Председатель ПЦК Гуманитарных дисциплин _______________
подпись расшифровка
Волжский 2017
Пояснительная записка
Данную контрольную работу можно проводить на дифференцированном зачете с целью проверки умений, знаний студентов в рамках промежуточной аттестации.
Контрольная работа состоят из 1 варианта, включающего 11 заданий, носящих как теоретический характер, так и практическую направленность.
Время выполнения контрольной работы составляет 80 минут.
Критерии оценки:
90-100% правильных ответов – оценка «отлично»,
70-89% – «хорошо»,
50-69% – «удовлетворительно»,
менее 50% – «неудовлетворительно».
Контрольная работа
Задание 1. Укажите предложения, в которых ing-форма является причастием 1, затем номера предложений, в которых ing-форма является герундием и номера предложений, в которых ing-форма является отглагольным существительным.
- Many metal working processes include the melting or solidifying of metal.
- The first resistor is coupled to the beginning of the second.
- Reading English is necessary for every engineer.
- Taking a cold shower in the morning is very healthy.
- Coming to the theatre, she saw that the performance had already begun.
Задание 2. Запишите номера предложений, содержащих инфинитивный оборот Complex Object, затем номера предложений, содержащих инфинитивный оборот Complex Subject.
- I want you to learn English.
- My friend is supposed to finish this work tomorrow.
- Jane is said to be the best student in her class.
- Juri Gagarin is known to be the first man in the world to travel into space on April 12th, 1961.
- I expect her to come on time.
Задание 3. Прочитайте текст, выпишите простые, сложносочинённые и сложноподчинённые предложения, укажите главные и второстепенные члены предложения, составьте пять вопросов различных типов к содержанию текста.
A digital camera
A digital camera is a camera that stores pictures in electronic memory instead of film. Because of this, a digital camera can hold many more pictures than a traditional film camera. A digital camera can sometimes hold hundreds or thousands of pictures. Many use a memory card to store them. Most digital cameras can use a USB cable that connects into a computer to send pictures that are in the camera to the computer.
Digital photography is a kind of photography where a digital camera is used to take photos. Digital cameras use an image sensor instead of photographic film. Very often, they also use a memory card to store the photos in a digital format. Most photography is digital, but some photographers still use the old film cameras.
The majority of cameras are part of a mobile phone, called a "camera phone". They can send their pictures to other phones and other devices. Most camera phones do not make as good pictures as larger separate cameras do, especially where light is not bright.
Most digital cameras can serve as Video cameras. Some have a direct link to another computer where the data may be stored.
When you take a picture or a video, it is saved on a memory device. The memory device can be internal - flash memory inside the camera, or external - memory cards, micro drives and so on. The most used method for saving pictures and videos from a camera is a SD card.
The picture can be saved in a compressed file (JPEG, TIFF) or in an uncompressed RAW file. The compressed picture is lower quality than the uncompressed, but the uncompressed picture has to be processed in a computer.
Задание 4. Запишите номера предложений, содержащих прямой порядок слов, затем номера предложений, содержащих инверсию.
- In the vacuum was a new sample.
- In Table 3 are given radii of the free ions.
- A photoelectric cell converts the energy from light to electrical energy for operating the exposure meter in camera.
- Of great importance in this case is the starting material.
- A digital camera is a camera that stores pictures in electronic memory instead of film.
Задание 5. Вставьте сравнительные конструкции as … as или so … as.
1. Mike is … tall … Pete.
2. Kate is not … nice … Ann.
3. My room is light … this one.
4. Nick’s English is not … good … his friend’s.
5.This book is not … thin … that one.
Задание 6. Заполните пропуски подходящими союзами, данными ниже.
- Compact cameras are intended to be portable (pocketable) are particularly suitable for casual "snapshots".
- Some bridge cameras have a lens thread to attach accessories such as wide-angle or telephoto converters…. filters such as UV or Circular Polarizing filter and lens hoods.
- …. her boyfriend gave her a camera she slowly became hooked on taking pictures.
- They can teach you how to use a camera and what the technical side of things are …. the actual taking of the photograph comes from the mind, it is not something you can learn.
- …. Nick …. his brother worked as a freelance photographer for The Sunday Telegraph.
either or, but, after, as well as, and
Задание 7. Запишите номера предложений с сочинительной связью (сложносочинённые предложения), затем номера предложений с подчинительной связью (сложноподчинённые предложения).
1. It is always easy to begin a war, but it is very difficult to stop one.
2. Almost all compact cameras include an automatic mode, or "auto mode", which automatically makes all camera settings for the user.
3. Beware of an attractive offer, for there may be a catch in it.
4. While we stop to think, we often miss our opportunity.
5. Ruggeds often lack some of the features of ordinary compact camera, but they have video capability and the majority can record sound.
Задание 8. Раскрывая скобки, напишите каждое предложение три раза, образуя условные предложения 1, 2 и 3 типов.
E.g. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.
If you are free, I shall come to see you.
If you were free, I should come to see you.
If you had been free, I should have come to see you.
1.If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone.
2. If my mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party.
3. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Art Gallery every year.
4. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.
5. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic.
Задание 9. Перефразируйте предложения, употребив сослагательное наклонение после глагола wish.
Model: I can’t go to the party, but I’d like to. – I wish I could go to the party.
1. I don’t speak French, but I’ll need it at college.
2. I have to get up early, but I don’t want to.
3. I want to phone him, but I don’t know his number.
4. It’s a pity that you weren’t there.
5. It’s a pity he didn’t see this film.
Задание 10. Передайте следующий диалог в косвенной речи, соблюдая правило согласования времён.
Interviewer: What do you do for a living?
Sophia Evans: I work as a freelance photographer for The Observer and The Sunday Telegraph.
Interviewer: Did you always like taking pictures?
Sophia Evans: During my university days, when my boyfriend gave me a camera I became interested in taking pictures and began to think about photojournalism.
Interviewer: What do you like most of all in your profession?
Sophia Evans: At first I liked travelling, adventures but now it is about getting a good photograph, trying to say something with photographs.
Interviewer: How much time does it take to become good professional photographer?
Sophia Evans: I have dedicated about 10 years of my life to either trying to be a photographer or to being a photographer. Someone cannot teach you how to do photography. They can teach you how to use a camera and what the technical side of things are but the actual taking of the photograph comes from the mind, it is not something you can learn. You have to practice and practice and learn through your mistakes.
Задание 11. Прочитайте текст, выполните задания, следующие после него.
Cassette deck
A cassette deck is a type of tape machine for playing and recording audio compact cassettes. Consumers of electronics formerly used the term deck to distinguish them from a taperecorder, the "deck" being part of a stereo component system while a tape recorder was more portable and usually had a self-contained power amplifier and often speakers.
The concept of a "tape deck", that would use tape reels permanently housed in a small removable cartridge dates from the early 1950s. At that time the reel to reel player was in common use, but required large individual reels and tapes which had to be threaded by hand.
The "compact cassette" was introduced by Philips Corporation in 1963 and marketed in 1965 as a device intended for portable speech-only dictation machines. Early recorders were intended for dictation and journalists and were typically hand-held battery-powered devices with built-in microphones and automatic gain control on recording. Tape recorder audio quality had improved by the mid 1970s and a cassette deck with manual level controls and VU meters became a standard component of home high-fidelity systems.
Cassette decks soon came into widespread use and were designed variously for professional applications, audiosystems, and for mobile use in cars, as well as portable recorders.
A major boost to the cassette's popularity came with the release of the Sony Walkman "personal" cassette player in 1979, designed specifically as a headphone ultra-compact "wearable music source.
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
- What is a cassette deck?
- What was the term deck used for?
- Who introduced the "compact cassette"?
- What were early recorders?
- When did cassettes become extremely popular?
Определите правдивы или ложны следующие утверждения (поставьте true/false).
- A cassette deck is a type of tape machine for playing and recording video cassettes.
- The "compact cassette" was introduced by Philips Corporation in 1965 and marketed in 1963 as a device intended for portable speech-only dictation machines.
- Early recorders were intended for dictation and journalists.
- Tape recorder audio quality had improved by the mid 1970s.
- A major recession to the cassette's popularity came with the release of the Sony Walkman personal cassette player in 1979.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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