Методическая разработка "Разнообразные лексические упражнения,развивающие память и разговорные навыки".
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)
Все упражнения являются оригинальным способом решения вербальных и лексических задвч на уроке английского языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Use these link words in your own sentences
At once-(recognize)
In a day(appointment)
At least(solve the problem)
All over the world(wide-spread)
In spite of(severe frost)
By the way(the youngest professor)
One can’t(damage this masterpiece)
All together(revise)
Approximetly(five tons)
Can hardly(join his group)
In fact(pure silver)
The same(size,weight,colour)
Because of(poor knowledge)
The more….the less(practice)
Say with one word
1 many animals at once
2the place where clowns work
3 how to translate the word HOT WATER BOTTLE
4 What’s the paper made of?
5 what was the first profession of RIMSKI-Korsakov?
6 who is the auther of the painting Prodigal son?
7 in what American state is Great Canyon situated?
8 what joins the next names:Klodt,Mikushin,Shemyakin,Vitali?
9 a little bag for keeping money
10 show in the theatre
11 the sister of your aunt is…
12 The business meeting is….
13 the most popular drinks in USA
14 a big factory is….
15 the color of gold
16 how do we call travelling by sea
17 nonflying birds(3)
18 the crashing.ruining of the Earth?
19 how do british people call tea with lemon?
20 what sea in Russia is the Lake in fact?
Give the synonymes
1 He killed an ant
2 answer fast
3 hide your money
4 type this letter
5 this is my personal matter
6 public job takes all my time
7 soldiers protected the line of front
8 it was her will to leave the theatre
9 the letter was got on Monday
10 they handed me a graceful box
11 she always approves my work
12 he is really weid
13 we are alike with him
14 the table is booked
15 say this affirmatively
16 there is no space in this hall
17the weather is wretched
18that frock was expensive
19 who suggested you this plan?
20my profession is too rare
Say these sentences in plural
1.This building is too high.
2.My cousin lives in the suburb.
3.That festive was boring.
4.An eagle approaches the top of the hill.
5.An ox doesn’ t drink water from the well.
6.It isn’t a smart idea at all.
7.Her goose frightens the neighbours.
8.Whose child are you?
9.This mouse has run out of the hole!
10.His tooth is shining with gold in the darkness.
11.Take away your foot!
12.It was a bright glimming planet.
13.That sheep looks like a magic creature.
14.Cut down this old tree!
15.My toy-fox is made of velvet.
16.Our knowledge is not enough.
17.What about his advice?Is it good?
18.No news is good news.
19. Try to check this information again!
20.Give me your sharp scissors!
The second meaning of the words
1.Just-справедливость 21 can-к.банка
2.Gum-десна 22.part-расставаться
3.Juice-сл.бензин.эл.энергия 23.book-резервировать
4.Bulb-волосяная луковица
5.Saw-пила 1.hostage
6.Screw-скупердяй 2.tranquill
7.Tender-нежный 3.junta
8.Jam-давка 4.lust
9.Ham-бездарная игра актера 5.lunatic
10.Dress-чистить лошадь 6.jingoism
11.Start-вскакивать,вздрагивать 7.enable
12.Fit-приступ 8.torture
13.Pentagon-пятиугольник 9.scum
14.Flea-мелочь 10.revel
15.Tiger-хулиган 11.low-bred
16.Vacancy-рассеянность 12.schizophrenic
17.Well-колодец 13.tobbogan
18.Violet-фиалка 14.genius
19.Pupil-зрачок 15.itinerary
20.Nail-гвоздь 16.gogles
Elementary and pre-intermediate levels
Think,a lesson,come,learn, understand,teach,a library, wait, meet, promise, want, try, fellow,classmates, prepare, lunch, cook, help about the house, wash up, do homework,cook dinner,Take care for family,feed pets,go for a walk,do morning exercises,do sports, play volley-ball, skate andski, make friends, be afraid of…, be hungry,be thirsty, read the text, translate the story, bring a bag,buy something tasty, bake bread, remember the rule, forget the task, be angry with…, speak English,travel much, drive a car, ride a bike, turn left, turn right, move the furniture, quarrel with parens,fight with classmates, clean teeth, wash smb.face,have fun,put a book on the table, see many animalslook at the sky, take a picture, get into trouble, have problems, spend holidays, stop a taxi, pay for food,sit on the bench, swim in the swimming –pool,cross the street,change smb.mind,feel unwell, feel
well,miss the lesson, see a doctor, take a temperature, take pills, drink water, eat healthy food, fly by plane,go by bus,enter the institute, fail the exam, take an exam, pass an exam, look like a mother, visitrelatives,watch TV,call to friends, use the computer, throw the garbage, walk a dog, wear jeans,give advice,know address, seem lucky, sing the song, paint the walls,sweep the floor, revise the verbs,listen to a teacher, hear the noise, catch butterflies,kill a fly, protect your life, choose friends,support poor, open the door, close the window, water the flowers, make a bed, press the button
Colloquial expressions
1.This way,that way and everyway-и так ,и сяк
2. That will do!-сойдет!
3. He will catch it!-Ему попадет
4. As before-По-прежнему
5. What are you bothering(messing) about it?-Что ты там возишься?
6. Disgraceful , shocking ,disgusting-Возмутительно
7 . He is a twaddler .-Он-трепач
8. We are of the same age- мы одного возраста
9. Will you give me a light?-Не дадите прикурить?
10. To catch a flu-заразиться гриппом
11. What on earth shall I do?-Что же мне делать?
12. His memory fails him-память его подводит
13.Don’t stick to me!-не приставай ко мне!
14. I cant get rid of this silly tune-не отвязаться от глупой мелодии
15. He has nothing to do with it-он тут не при чем.
16.He has a good sense of humor-у него хорошее чув.юмора
17.I don’t mind walking – я не против прогулки
18I’m going to hire a car-я собираюсь нанять машину
19.Could you spell that-повторите по буквам,пожалуйста
20.What is he like?-какой он (человек)?
Continue the line
Mincer ,fridge,washing-machine………
The Earth,Venus,Jupiter……..
Behind,in front of, among……….
Use these complicated expressions in your own sentences .Translate
I’m deeply convinced ….
Our success is obvious……
The exception proves the rule……
Exploitation of reople labour……
Free of charge…….
Comprehensive approach……
Equipped with modern installations…….
The available resource………..
To confirm our deal……….
The weather is really unpredictable……..
The British Government encourages young people………
The divorce affected every aspect of ….
To fill the application form……
Parents shouldn’t spoil their children by……….
Loneliness is unpleasant feeling……….
This will create a wrong impression that…….
Running marathons requires the high level of……..
To express their protests,the hippies used……
Under no circumstances should you…….
Hardly found we the flat………..
Translate the following expressions
To keep a diary-
To conduct a circle-
A piercing scream-
An important bill-
To do filth-
An initial project-
He is an official-
Unearthly beauty-
Material evidence-
A fleshy piece-
Necessary correlation-
Show me your diligence-
Crumpled dress-
Child’s rattle-
Let’s collaborate-
Contemplation of nature-
An old poker-
Change the underline words
He has no obstinacy
She was almost expelled
Unlike her brother she looked unsophisticated
Why do you mock at him?
He seemed to be familiar
I see his preoccupation
Why so long preface?
He spoke with husky voice
All the yard-keepers are freelancers
Don’t conceal you real feelings
I never met such a meek person
She works hit-or-miss
Who recites the verses?
He was too prodigal
Don’t bother me!
What about your curriculum?
What a cute child!
Who is an authority for you?
What an enormous rock!
Her reminiscence was put into the basis of the plot
She works as an usher in the theatre
Preposition « ПО »
Through illness
In twos
By origin
In Russian
At 5 roubles each
All over the city
Along the street
By mistake
In a friendly manner
Guess the meaning
Link phrases
Despite her cold…..,in spite of having….,in case the café is closed
In order to …,even though….,as soon as….,whereas Tom didn’t….,
By the time he arrived….,both of them…..,whats more…..,
During the flood….,it’s a pity to….,neither of us……,besides….,
Because of the wind….,we ought to respect…..,
The other day…..,normally….,fortunately…..,honestly……,
Generally…..,basicaly,in addition…,as a rule…,according to…..,
What do you mean?....,who is in charge of?.... .
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- Мне нравится (1)