“Bonfire night”
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Урок для учеников 7 класса “Bonfire night” имеет целью знакомство с культурой Соединённого Королевства, её традициями, расширение словарного запаса, развитие речевых умений и навыков: чтения, аудирования, говорения и письма, расширить общий и филологический кругозор учащихся, развитие памяти и внимания, создание условий для развития таких аналитических способностей учащихся, как умение анализировать, сопоставлять, сравнивать , обобщать познавательные объекты, делать выводы;, расширение кругозора учащихся, способствование развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в парах, группах, содействование формированию толерантности в отношении культуры своего и других народов
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Предварительный просмотр:
Левченко Н.Ю.,
учитель английского языка
7 класс “Bonfire night”
- Цель. Знакомство с культурой Соединённого Королевства, её традициями, расширение словарного запаса, развитие речевых умений и навыков: чтения, аудирования, говорения и письма, расширить общий и филологический кругозор учащихся, развитие памяти и внимания, создание условий для развития таких аналитических способностей учащихся, как умение анализировать, сопоставлять, сравнивать , обобщать познавательные объекты, делать выводы;, расширение кругозора учащихся, способствование развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в парах, группах, содействование формированию толерантности в отношении культуры своего и других народов
- Оборудование: Компьютер, проектор. Экран
Ход урока
- Постановка целей и задач урока. Объяснение правил заполнения листа ответов
- Основная часть
Слово учителя: today we are talking about one of the most spectacular festivals of the UK, about Bonfire Night. The festival is widely presented in popular culture. For instance, we can see the history of the festival in the film “V for vendetta”.
Просмотр видеоролика
Remember, remember
The 5th of November
The gunpowder treason and plot
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot
But what of the man?
I know his name was Guy Fawkes...... and I know in 1605, he attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament.
But who was he really? What was he like?
We are told to remember the idea and not the man. Because a man can fail.
He can be caught, he can be killed and forgotten. But 400 years later...
... an idea can still change the world.
I have witnessed firsthand the power of ideas.
I've seen people kill in the name of them...
... and die defending them.
But you cannot kiss an idea...
... cannot touch it or hold it.
Ideas do not bleed.
They do not feel pain.
They do not love.
Слово учителя: And who was this man? What was Gunpowder plot? What was the king’s name?
We are going to find answers to all these questions. And our first task is jigsaw reading and speaking. Work in pairs, A and B. You are going to each read a text about the history of Bonfire Night. Ask your partner questions to find the missing information.
The Gunpowder Plot
- November 16....
- Blow up the Houses of...
- King .........the first
- The leader of the plot was...
- They put 36 barrels of....
- .........found the gunpowder
- On November the ....British People celebrate Bonfire Night
- There are .........displays
- People wear ...clothes
- Traditional Bonfire Night food is...... potatoes and 11.....apples
- This year is the ........ anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot
Ученики читают текст с пропусками и заполняют листы ответов, обращаясь к соседу по парте, чтобы выяснить недостающую информацию.
Task 1 – Guy Fawkes jigsaw reading Work in pairs, A and B. You are going to each read a text about the history of Bonfire Night. Ask your partner questions to find the missing information. TEXT A: In ____________________ a group of men decided to make a plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. The men were angry about the way the Catholic people were being treated in England. At this time the King of England was __________________. The plot is known as the ‘Gunpowder Plot’ and the leader of the plot was called ________________. The men put 36 barrels of gunpowder in the Houses of Parliament and they waited for the King to open Parliament. Guy Fawkes was the man who was going to light the gunpowder and cause the explosion. However, __________ found the gunpowder before it could be exploded and they caught all the men involved in the plot. The men were tortured and killed. On November 5th British people remember the spectacular attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament by celebrating ‘Bonfire Night’. All over Britain there are firework displays and bonfires with models of Guy Fawkes which are burned on the fire. It’s normally quite cold on Bonfire Night so people wear warm clothes, hats, scarves and gloves to spend the evening outside. Traditional Bonfire Night food is jacket potatoes and toffee apples. This year is the 411th anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot and there are special events being held in London to remember the events of 1605. |
Task 1 – Guy Fawkes jigsaw reading Work in pairs, A and B. You are going to each read a text about the history of Bonfire Night. Ask your partner questions to find the missing information. TEXT B: In November 1605 a group of men decided to make a plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. The men were angry about the way the Catholic people were being treated in England. At this time the King of England was James the first. The plot is known as the ‘Gunpowder Plot’ and the leader of the plot was called Guy Fawkes. The men put 36 barrels of gunpowder in the Houses of Parliament and they waited for the King to open Parliament. Guy Fawkes was the man who was going to light the gunpowder and cause the explosion. However, police found the gunpowder before it could be exploded and they caught all the men involved in the plot. The men were tortured and killed. On _____________ British people remember the spectacular attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament by celebrating ‘Bonfire Night’. All over Britain there are ___________ displays and bonfires with models of Guy Fawkes which are burned on the fire. It’s normally quite cold on Bonfire Night so people wear warm clothes, hats, scarves and gloves to spend the evening outside. Traditional Bonfire Night food is ________________ and toffee apples. This year is the ______ anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot and there are special events being held in London to remember the events of 1605. |
Слово учителя: We are going to see a video in which we shall choose one variant? The best answer to these questions
Ученики просматривают видеоролик и заполняют лист ответа, выбирая нужный вариант.
Check your understanding: multiple choice
Circle the best answer to these questions/
- When is Bonfire Night?
- 5th November b. 25th December c. 31st December
- How do people celebrate Bonfire Night?
- They make bonfires b. They set off fireworks c. Both a and b
- How many people attended the Bonfire Night Event in the video?
- Over 2,000 b. Over 20,000 c. Over 200,000
- What time did the procession start?
- 4 pm b.6 pm c. 7.45 pm
- Bonfire Night commemorates a man called Guy Fawkes. What did he try to do 400 years ago?
- Blow up the Houses of Parliament b. Rob the Houses of Parliament c. Become a politician
- What do people put on the bonfire?
- Rubbish b. Rag dolls called “Guys” c. Potatoes
- What does Leon do?
- He researches the history of Bonfire Night b. He organises Bonfire processions c. He organises firework displays
- What did the members of the public who were interviewed think of Bonfire Night?
- They didn’t like it. b Some of them liked it. c. All of them loved it.
All around the world, festive days like New Year’s Eve are celebrated with fireworks. But here in Britain, there is one night that is very special.
It’s November the fifth, Bonfire Night, and I’m wrapped up warm for some autumn fun. Tonight’s the night for lighting bonfires and setting off fireworks. Here in Winchester, preparations for the celebrations are under way and tonight it’s all going to get very noisy!
Bonfire Night parties take place in towns and cities across Britain. The Winchester event is free and attracts over twenty thousand people. Steve Lewis of the charity ‘Round Table’ is the volunteer in charge.
Joe: Steve, what’s the plan for tonight’s celebrations?
Steve: OK, tonight actually kicks off at 6pm in the city centre by our Guild Hall. There’s a torch-lit procession where thousands and thousands of people follow a band through the city and we all process down to the fields here. And then we’ll follow that by the lighting of the bonfire about 7.15. At 7.45 the fireworks will go off and the crowds will cheer.
Joe: It sounds like a hectic night. How many people does it take to organise this?
Steve: On the night itself, we have a hundred and eighty volunteers and many, many other people to help us out. So it’s hundreds of people involved in an event of this size.
Joe: And be honest, is this about history or is it just an excuse to have fun?
Steve: Bonfire Night is about history. It all comes from history of England and the Houses of Parliament. But it is great fun, too – great fun for us to organise and put on and great fun for everybody who turns up.
So how did this all start? Four hundred years ago, a man called Guy Fawkes planned to kill King James by blowing up the Houses of Parliament. It was called the Gunpowder Plot. It failed and to mark the event rag doll ‘Guys’ are burnt on the bonfire and fireworks are set off. Fireworks are made using gunpowder.
Leon’s probably got the best job in the world. He lets off fireworks for a living.
Joe: Leon, talk me through the sort of display you’re going to put on.
Leon: There’s about four thousand fireworks which all create different effects. Some will go up and go bang, some will spin up there, some will crackle, there’s whistles…
Joe: What do you think it is about fireworks that the British public just love?
Leon: It’s a great tradition that we have here. If it wasn’t for Guy Fawkes we wouldn’t be stood here today. You know, it’s a great... I love tradition.
It’s six o’clock and time for me to join the procession. OK, it’s almost time for the fireworks now.Well, I thought that was fantastic – but what did the public think?
Woman: Well, it was really nice to come up and meet up with my friends - and watching the fireworks, they were beautiful.
Girl 1: I thought they were really good. They were even better than last year.
Girl 2: They were really good and they were really colourful and they looked really cool.
That’s Bonfire Night over for another year – but there’s always time for a final bit of sparkle.
Слово учителя: Exchange your answer sheets with your neighbour and let’s check your answers. Ученики обмениваются листами ответов для взаимопроверки
And we are going on to learn some new words. Match the words with their Russian equivalents
Слово учителя: Let’s check your answers. Exchange your answer sheets. Ученики обмениваются листами ответов для взаимопроверки
Decide if these statements true (T) or false (F)
1. King James I was Catholic.
2. Bonfire Night is another name of Guy Fawkes Day.
3. Asking for money shouting “Penny for the guy” is very popular with children nowadays.
4. Guy Fawkes mask was used in the film “V for Vendetta”.
Let’s see one more video about the festival/
Ученики просматривают видеоролик и заполняют лист ответа, выбирая нужный вариант.
Слово учителя: Have paid attention to this folk poem.
Remember, remember
The 5th of November
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
Let us translate it into the Russian language and learn
Write the word to a definition
- A large open-air fire
- A secret plan with bad intentions
- A covering for the face
- The sovereign head of the state
- A type of powdered explosive
- A crime committed against your country
- A person who helps another to commit a crime
Ученики подбирают слова к дефинициям.
And finally answer these questions
- Which festivals in your country remember historical events?
- • Do you have any festivals that are similar to Bonfire Night in your country?
- • When do you have firework displays in your country?
- • Do you think you like Bonfire Night? Why / why not?
- • Do you think festivals are a good way to remember historical events?
Ученики отвечают на вопросы
Слово учителя: Bonfire Night commemorates events of the 17th century. In Russia we have a holiday which also commemorates the events of the 17th century, but it was 1612 not 16 05. Yes, it is National Unity Day. About this holiday our experts are going to tell us.
Ученики-эксперты:National Unity Day. It commemorates Russia's defeat of Polish invaders in1612, when the people's volunteer army led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from interventionist forces. National Unity Day is not a new holiday but an old tradition recently revived. On National Unity Day, political parties and public movements around Russia hold demonstrations, marches, concerts, as well as educational, charity and sports events.
Подведение итогов урока
- http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/uk-now/video-uk/bonfire-night
- https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/bonfire-night
- http://busyteacher.org/17502-remember-remember-a-bonfire-night-lesson-for.html
- https://www.englishclass101.com/2014/09/05/video-culture-class-british-holidays-5-guy-fawkes-day/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIIay5EqqeY
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