My bedroom
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Открытый урок в 5 классе, предмет английский язык, по УМК «Английский в фокусе» ("Spotlight") (авторы Ваулина Ю.Е., О. Е. Подоляко, Д. Дули, В. Эванс) для 5 класса.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок по английскому языку в 5 классе
Тема: «Моя комната» («My bedroom»)
Цель урока:
- обобщить знания учащихся по теме «House and Flat»;
1. Образовательные:
- углубить и расширить знания учащихся по пройденной теме;
- уметь описывать комнату, используя конструкции There is/ there are, артикли и предлоги места и направления.
2. Развивающие:
-развитие навыков говорения,
-чтения и письма,
-аудирования (развитие фонематического слуха, лексических и фонетических навыков)
3. Воспитательные:
- повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка;
- способствовать работе учащихся в группах.
Оборудование: - мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал (карточки с дополнительными заданиями), рисунки комнаты, учебник, рабочая тетрадь.
Тип урока: урок комбинированного типа, посвящен изучению предлогов места, закреплению грамматической конструкции there is/ are.
Ход урока
Начало урока
1.Организационный момент
Учитель проверяет готовность учащихся к уроку; приветствует учащихся:
Teacher: Good morning ,cnildren! Sit down, please. I am glad to see you. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today?
2.Фонетическая зарядка. Слайд 2.
Teacher: Let's start our lesson. Look at the screen. Let's learn transcription symbols and learn to read the words correctly.
3. Введение в иноязычную атмосферу. Проверка домашнего задания. Слайды 3-7.
Teacher: Look at the screen, please. How many rooms can you see there?
Students: There are four rooms.
Teacher: What furniture is there in the bedroom/ bathroom/ kitchen/ living room? Now open your workbooks and check your homework.
Teacher: Which is your favourite room? What furniture is there?
Student: My favourite room is my bedroom. There is a bed, a desk, a chair, and a wardrobe.
4. Определение темы и цели урока. Слайд 8.
Teacher: Look at the picture? What can you see there? What is the theme of our lesson? What do you think we will do today? What do you think you will learn today?
Основная часть урока
1. Повторение предлогов места. Слайды 9-16.
Teacher: Look at the screen, listen and repeat: on, in, under, in front of, behind, next to. Look at the pictures and fill in: on, in, under, in front of, behind, next to.
Teacher: Let's play a game Hide-and -seek. Where is the cat?
Students: It is next to the bed/ in front of the wardrobe/ on the floor.
2. Закрепление изученных предлогов.
Teacher: We'll work in pairs now. You can see envelopes on your desks . What colour are they? What is there? Right, pieces of furniture. Your task is to glue the furniture in the right place. The bed is under the window. The wardrobe is next to the bed. The table is in front of the wardrobe. The computer is on the table. The carpet is under the table on the floor.
Учащиеся выполняют задание, клеят картинки на бумагу размером А4.( Окно уже должны быть наклеены на бумагу учителем).
3. Аудирование. Упр. 2 стр. 50.
Pre-listening activity: Look at the text on page 50. Read the title. Think of six words you expect to read in the text. Listen and check.
After-listening activity: Read the description again and draw a plan of the bedroom.
Ученики рисуют план комнаты на обороте выданных листов формата А4.
4. Развитие навыков говорения. Упр. 4 стр. 50.
Teacher: Is there a desk in your bedroom?
Student: Yes, there is.
Teacher: Where is it?
Student: It is under the window.
Teacher: Now it's time for pair work. Ask and answer questions about your room.
Student 1: Is there a wardrobe in your room?
Student 2: Yes, there is.
Student 1: Where is it?
Student 2: It is next to the bed.
5. Развитие умения описывать комнату, используя конструкции There is/ there are, артикли и предлоги места и направления.
Teacher: Anfisa, what is your bedroom like? What furniture is there?
Suggested answer: My bedroom is large. I share it with my sister, Arina. There are two beds, a desk, two chairs and a wardrobe there. One bed is under the window, and another bed is next to the door. A desk is next to my bed. Two chairs are under the desk. A wardrobe is next to my sister's bed. I like my bedroom very much.
Окончание урока
1. Инструкции по выполнению домашнего задания.
Teacher: Your homework is ex. 5 page 50. You have to write a description of your bedroom. You are supposed to use from 30 to 50 words. You can use exercise 2 as a model.
2. Подведение итогов. Оценивание работы учащихся.
Teacher: What did you learn at the lesson? Can you read text, understand texts and describe your room now? What did you like at the lesson? What didn't you like?
Teacher: Good job, thank you, students! I hope you liked the lesson. I liked your job, too. YOu were brilliant. Your marks for the lesson are...
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