Практическая работа по теме «Словообразование»
тренажёр по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Работа поможет подготовить учащихся старших классов к выполнению заданий по словообразованию в формате ГИА по английскому языку.
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Практическая работа по теме «Словообразование»
Подготовила материал: Шафран Е.Н
Учитель английского языка
Москва – 2015 год
Пояснительная записка
Работа поможет подготовиться к выполнению заданий по словообразованию в ЕГЭ по английскому языку. В работе даны упражнения разного уровня и типа. Работа рассчитана на старшеклассников , готовящихся к ЕГЭ.
Task 1. Form nauns from the words with the help of suffixes “-ment-“, “-ant-“, “-ness-“, “-ist-“
Exmple: to employ-employment
Task 2. Give the nouns which describe people who do things or who come from places. Use these noun endings: an, ant, ar, er/an, ist, or.
Example: He acts very well. He’s a fine actor.
- Don’t bag. You are not a ______________________
- I can’t play the piano. I’m not a ___________________
- She drives well. She’s a good______________________
- Manuel assists me. He’s my _______________________
- She always tells lies. She’s such a _____________________
- Ann is studying History. She’s a fine____________________
Can you think three more words for each of the suffixes listed in the exercise above?
Task 3. Give the nouns derive from verbs, adjectives or other nouns. Use the endings: age, hood,at/on,ion, ful, ence, ness, al, ment, ety, ism, ity.
Example: I decided this. It was my decision.
- Don’t be anxious. Control your ____________________________.
- Ann’s socialist. She believes in _____________________________.
- We all want to be happy. We all seek _______________________.
- We all agree. We’re all in _________________________________
- Who discovered this? Who made this ________________________?
- We’ll arrive. We’ll be met on _______________________________
- I was a child then. That was in my ___________________________
- She’s absent. Can you explain her____________________________?
- Be more efficient. Improve your ______________________________
- Don’t be so curious. Control your _____________________________
- I refused their offer. My ________________________is final.
- Can you explain it? Is there an _______________________________?
- Don’t argue. I don’t want an _________________________________
Task 4 Point out of the given nouns. Form, wherever possible, other nouns with the help of some other suffixes. Then work out the approximate meaning of the words that follow before checking their meanings in a good dictionary
Example: direction-director-directions-directorship
- Examination______________________________________________
- Imagination_______________________________________________
- Consideration_______________________________________________
- Dictation____________________________________________________
- Collection___________________________________________________
- Co-operation_________________________________________________
- Isolation____________________________________________________
- Concentration________________________________________________
- Construction____________________________________________________
- Contribution_____________________________________________________
- Happiness_______________________________________________________
- Coldness________________________________________________________
- Darkness___________________________________________________________
- Cleverness_________________________________________________________
- Carefulness________________________________________________________
- Linguist___________________________________________________________
- Dramatist___________________________________________________________
- Scientist____________________________________________________________
Task 5 Form nouns from the italicized words with the help of the suffixes. Mind the constant alteration.
Example: 1. Many people visited us during summer. We had many visitors.
2. He suggested that I study French. I like his suggestion
- We couldn’t agree. We couldn’t reach an ________________________
- The detective investigated the murder. During his __________________________ he questioned dozens of people.
- She described her trip. Her ______________________ was full and interesting.
- His health has improved since he’s been in the clinic. The __________________________is very noticeable.
Task 6 Read the text bellow. Use the words given in capitals to form a noun that fits in each gap.
Many people who think they have a professional future in films go to Hollywood only to find
_________________ instead of success. They often have to give up the more enjoyable Dissapoint
Aspects of their chosen career to play parts in___________________________________ Advertise
Because these provide financial________________________________but they are not Secure
Satisfying. For many actors, even basic _____________________can be difficult. Survive
Some do not earn enough to pay their rent or electricity bills, and the time and money
they invest in the_____________________ of a portfolio for interviews is often washed. Prepare
Of course there is a possible ____________________why only 1% of__________ Explain, Act
are really successful. There are just too many people who believe that their
next __________________ wil be the one that makes them a star. Perform
Task 1
Appointment, movement, madness, enjoyment, scientist, advertisement, materialist, judgment, kindness, entertainment, consultant, government, typist, development, improvement.
Task 2 beggar, pianist, driver, assistant, liar, historian.
Task 3 anxiety, socialism, happiness, argument, discovery, arrival, childhood, absence efficiency, curiosity, refusal, explanation, argument.
Task 4 agreement, investigation, description, improvement.
Task 5 Disappointment, Advertisements, Security, survival, Preparation, Explanation, Actors, Performance.
Список использованной литературы
- Raymond Merphy “ English grammar in use”. Cambridge University Press
- Marjorie Fuchs & Margaret Bonner “Grammar Express” for self-study or the classroom. Longman
- Ю.С. Веселова Тематический тренажер по английскому языку
Словообразование, Москва «Интелект-Центр» 2011
- М.В. Вербицкая К.С. Махмурян Английский язык Тренировочные задания Москва «Эксмо» 2010
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