Практическое пособие по организации самостоятельной работы и контрольные задания для студентов «Экономических специальностей».
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Практическое пособие по организации самостоятельной работы и контрольные задания для студентов «Экономических специальностей».
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Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение среднего профессионального образования Московской области
«Подмосковный колледж «Энергия»
Рассмотрено на заседании ПЦК
Протокол №_____ от ______20 г.
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Практическое пособие по организации самостоятельной работы и контрольные задания для студентов «Экономических специальностей».
Преподаватель английского языка
1 квалификационной категории
Архитекторова А.А.
Unit 1.
Read the text, translate it.
A Brown Wolf.
John Smith and his wife, Mary by name, lived high up in the mountains. Once, while Smith was hunting deep in the forest, he saw a dog, terribly hungry and tired. There were no villages nearby and he decided to save the dog's life. He took the dog home. But the animal was so wild that didn't let Smith and his wife touch him, though he followed them to their house. Smith gave him some fresh meat and left it in the house. In the morning he could find neither meat nor the dog. In two days he found the dog in the forest and brought him back home. But the dog ran away again, and it continued for a long time.
At last the day came when the dog stayed in the house. He never let the people touch himself, but Smith and his wife got very much attached to him. They called him Wolf.
Once a man appeared in their place. As soon as the dog saw him he jumped towards the man. Smith noticed that the man had recognized the dog at once.
“His name is not Wolf”, he said, “it's Brown. This dog is my friend, my true friend. He has known me since he was born”.
“Oh”, cried Mary, “please don’t take him away, we like the dog and he likes us”.
“Well,” said the man, “I’ll go away. If he wants to stay, let him stay But if he wants to go with me, let him go”.
Smith and his wife agreed.
The man walked away and Wolf ran after him, tried to stop him. But the man didn’t stop. The dog wanted to be with the Smiths and with the man. At last he decided to be with his old master.
Say if the sentence is true or false:
- John Smith and his wife Mary lived in the forest.
- Once, while Smith was hunting in the forest, he found a dog.
- He took the dog home and gave him some vegetables.
- The dog didn’t let John touch himself.
- When the dog saw Smith, he jumped at him.
- The dog recognized his old master and ran with him.
Answer the questions:
- Where did John and his wife live?
- How did John meet the dog?
- Why did he decide to take the dog home?
- Why didn’t the dog let them touch himself?
- Did the dog want to stay with the Smiths?
- How did the Smiths know his real name?
- Did the man take the dog by force?
- Whom did the dog choose?
Retell the text.
Unit 2.
Read the text, translate it.
The book which greatly impressed me
The book which impressed me greatly is “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte. It’s a moving story of a girl called Jane Eyre. We first meet little Jane at the age of ten. She became an orphan very early and had to live with her mother’s sister, Mrs. Reed, in a big and comfortable house. But Jane was unhappy there. Nobody loved her. Later the girl was sent to Lowood school for children who had no parents. The school badly managed, the girls did not get enough food. But Jane enjoyed her lessons and after 8 years at school she found a job as a teacher in a family. The house where she stayed teaching a little girl was a lonely and quiet place, but Jane was happy there.
By and by Jane’s life changed. She fell in love with the master of the house, Mr. Edward Rochester, and this love helped Jane to overcome difficulties and misfortunes. By chance Jane found her cousins who helped her a lot when she was in trouble. Their uncle left all his money to Jane after his death. It was unexpected gift for her. She divided the money between herself and her cousins, but she was still unhappy being far away from the man she loved. In the long run they could be together again and got married. I’m glad that in spite of all Jane’s grieves and losses e4verything ended in such a way.
I like this novel because it shows us a true understanding of human character and the causes of human behaviour. Charlotte Bronte shows us that the inner nature of characters is more important than their appearance. What we remember about Jane Eyre is not her looks. It is her determined honesty, her common sense, and her goodness. Charlotte Bronte chose to make her heroine plain, small and unattractive. “No one thought she was pretty, but Mr. Rochester fell in love with her”.
Learn the words:
a moving story
to overcome difficulties and misfortunes
in the long run
in spite of grief and losses
a true understanding of human character and the causes of human behaviour
the inner nature of characters
a common sense
a determined honesty
Put 5 questions to the text. Answer them.
Work in pairs, make up a dialogue about the book which greatly impressed you.
Retell the text
Learn some parts by heart.
Unit 3.
Read the text, translate it.
Death of King Arthur
It happened that while King Arthur was away from England; Sir Mordred de¬cided to rule instead of him. So he sent letters, which looked like they had come from across the sea, saying that King Arthur had been killed in battle with one of his knights.
When King Arthur returned to his kingdom, he determined to set a day when he might be revenged on Sir Mordred for his evil deeds.
Never was there seen a more sorrowful battle in all the land. King Arthur and Sir Mordred stood between their armies. They fought fiercely until the close of the day, when many noble knights lay dead on the field.
At last King Arthur hurt Sir Mordred under his shield. When Sir Mordred realized that it was his death-wound, he struck the king's helmet such a mighty blow that his sword wounded King Arthur's head.
"What you say is not true cried the king. “Go, and do as I asked you. You are called a noble knight, and you have betrayed me for a jewelled sword! Haste again to the water's edge, for your delay puts me in great danger. If you don't obey my command, and I ever see you again, I shall kill you with my own hand. You would see me dead for my jewelled sword.”
Once more Sir Bedevere came to the edge of the water. He took the sword up, and threw it into the water as far as he could. As he did so, arms rose above the surface of the water and caught the sword. Then the hands disappeared beneath the water with the sword.
Once more Sir Bedevere returned to King Arthur and told him all he had seen.
"Ah, me!" said Arthur, "help me to the water's edge, for I fear I may be late."
Then the knight carried the dying king on his back to the edge of the water, where appeared a barge.
Then the barge moved away from the shore, and Sir Bedevere saw his king being borne away. Thus the knight saw King Arthur borne away, and he saw him no more.
Some say that King Arthur lives still, with his knights and companions, in an enchanted castle, and that he shall come again to rule. Others declare that on his tomb is written:
Answer the questions:
- Whom did Arthur make his wife?
- What did King Leodogran give to Arthur?
- Why did King Arthur fight with Sir Mordred?
- How did they fight?
- Who won the battle?
- What happened to King Arthur?
- What did Arthur order his knight to do with his sword?
- Why have people never got tired of writing and reading about King Arthur?
Retell the story.
Unit 4.
Read the text, translate it.
The costs of progress
Human progress has reached the stage of intensive exploration of nuclear and solar energy, the World Ocean and outer space. It is evident now, however, that often man is adversely affecting the environment and his activity is sometimes fraught with fatal consequences.
It is becoming increasingly clear that man can not and must not use his tremendous power so carelessly, interfere in nature and radically try to change it, without taking into account possible negative effects of his economic activity.
The more material wealth people create, the more they realize that they can not but be concerned about how the biosphere is changing as a result of productive activity. Current ecological research shows, that man, when over concerned with technicism, far from turning deserts into oases, can turn oases into deserts, threatening to destroy everything on the Earth.
In the 19th century and in the 20th century, material production did not take into account the consequences which man’s interference may have in the distant future. In the 20th and 21th centuries such a consideration is becoming vitally important. The pollution of the environment, the destruction of ecosystems, the destruction of many species of plans and animals have now reached threatening proportions. An increasing influence on nature and using technological processes may cause catastrophic results. Data concerning deaths from cancer say that more 60 per cent of the cases are caused by various cancer producing factors in the environment.
So, the urgent problem of today is to understand that we depend on the Earth. It is a challenge for all of us to save it.
Say if the sentence is true or false:
- Human progress has reached the stage of cosmic pollution.
- The intensive exploration of nuclear and solar energy adversely affects the environment.
- Man uses his power carelessly.
- People can and must interfere in nature trying to change it.
- The material standard of people’s living has grown.
- People are over concerned with making more technical devices which could make their life better.
- Two centuries ago people didn’t think much of the consequences of man’s interference in nature.
- They don’t think of it in the current century.
- In 60 per cent cancer is caused by various factors of polluted environment.
- It is a very complicated problem to restore the unity between man and nature.
Answer the questions:
- What stage has the human progress reached?
- What are the results of man’s affecting the environment?
- What is the connection between the material wealth of people and changes in biosphere?
- What does current ecological research show?
- Did material production take into account the harmful consequences of progress two centuries ago?
- Has this consideration changed in the 21th century?
- What are the consequences of man’s intruding into nature?
- What are the data concerning deaths from cancer?
Retell the story.
Unit 5.
Read the text, translate it.
St. Petersburg
Northern Palmira, Northern Venice, the City of White Nights…. It has a lot of beautiful names, that majestic city of Saint Petersburg, perhaps the most beautiful of all Russian cities!
St. Petersburg, the most European city in Russia, celebrated its 300th anniversary in 2003. It was founded by the famous tsar Peter the Great (the first Russian emperor, Peter the First) and named after the Apostle Peter. According to the Christian teaching, Saint Peter “holds the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven”; tsar Peter, the Apostle`s namesake, relied on the Saint`s patronage.
The Winter Palace, the spike of the Admiralty proudly shot up in the sky, the Spit of Vasilievsky island, St. Isaak and Kazan cathedrals, the Bronze Horseman, sculptures and most elegant railing of Letniy Sad (Summer Garden), canals and bridges on the Neva raised at night, treasures of the hermitage and Russian Museum, Mariinsky Opera Theater, and unforgettable midnight sun – all these are features of the city. Saint – Petersburg was the native place and cradle of Alexander Pushkin and Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Alexander Block and Anna Akhmatova. This city may be admired indefinitely!
The White Nights also should be mentioned as another special feature of the city. Those who manage to visit St. Petersburg from June 11 th through July 2 nd, when the sun practically never sets, can enjoy the fabulous city panorama while walking along numerous stone quays during the White Nights. However, one should remember that 21 out of the 342 bridges in St. Petersburg are separated during the night. The longest one is the Alexander Nevsky Bridge (905.7 meters or 2,971 feet); the widest one is the Blue bridge across the Moika River (97.3 meters or 319 feet). Trinity Bridge, one of the most beautiful bridges crossing the Neva, was built in 1903 as a project of the French engineer Gustave Eiffel, also famous for the tower by the same name in Paris. One cannot help admiring the delicate chain suspension Bank Bridge, which is decorated with figures of griffins with gilded wings, or the horse statues by the sculptor Peter Klodt on Anichkov Bridge.
The city`s main road is the fashionable and elegant Nevsky Prospekt, which is 4,5 kilometers (2.8 miles) long. For many residents of St. Petersburg, a promenade along this central street is a kind of ritual.
The outskirts of St. Petersburg are amazingly romantic and just as beautiful as those of Paris and Berlin. One should try to visit the annual fountain festival in Peterhoff at the end of May and to walk in the shaded alleys of Pavlovsk, Oranienbaum, or Gatchina. While visiting Catherine the Great`s luxurious palace in Tsarskoye Selo, one will hear the dramatic story of the unique Amber Room, which was stolen from Russia by the Nazis during the war: after being under restoration for several decades, it was finally finished just recently.
Put 7 questions to the text.
Prepare your text about any city of the world. Translate it into Russian.
Make it as a report to the class.
Unit 6.
Read the text, translate it.
Put 10 questions to the plot of the text.
By Barbara Kantrovitz, Newsweek, July 11, 1994. Abridged
It would be the plot of a high-tech horror movie. The company that brought you MS-DOS, arguably the world's most awkward operating system, now wants to invade the home. Anyone who has spent time trying to untangle MS-DOS probably won't expect much from Microsoft's new Home line. The surprise is that while Microsoft still has a lot to learn about marketing to the average consumer, the company has made a decent start. Here is a sampling:
Reference works: CD-ROM encyclopedias are a tough market, with major competition from, among others, Groller's and Compton's. Microsoft's entry, Encarta, earns extra points for dazzling graphics. It's easy to leap from one topic to another, with just a click of a mouse, and the 1994 version includes 7000 photos and illustrations, sound, animation and video clips. The big question, for Encarta and other computer encyclopedias, is whether these products really do the job. Encarta may be the slickest of the CD-ROM encyclopedias in form, but its content pales before the comprehensive printed encyclopedias, like the Britannica.
A better CD-ROM reference choice is Microsoft's Bookshelf, a collection of seven standards on one disc. There is a dictionary, a thesaurus, a book of quotations, a desk encyclopedia, an atlas, a brief history and an almanac. Introduced in 1987, Bookshelf was one of the first CD-ROMs on the market. Children's products: Fine Artist and Creative Writer, both for 9- to 14-year-olds. There are already excellent drawings and writing programs available for this age group, and many children's software manufacturers have established a strong presence. Fine Artist, in particular, must compete against Broderbund's Kid Fix, a popular and easy-to-use program. Fine Artist and Kid Fix offer many of the same features: on-screen painting and drawing tools, electronic stickers, sound effect and slide shows. Kid Fix is cheaper - $39.95 vs. $64.95 for Fine Artist Most children will find Kid Fix easier to use because it's simpler.
The structure of Creative Writer is similar to Fine Artist's, with a cartoon character called McZee acting as a guide. Some clever devices are intended to alleviate writers block, including a gallery of drawings and funny sentence fragments to mix and match. Elementary-school-age children may enjoy using it, but kids older than 12 probably will want something more cute.
Entertainment: Microsoft is trying hard in the fast growing category that software developers call edutainment, a combination of entertainment and education. The company has some real winners. Dinosaurs, a CD-ROM, tell you everything you want to know about prehistoric creatures with captivating videos, clear diagrams and narration by a real paleontologist Don Lessem. Musical Instruments, another DC-ROM, is a virtual encyclopedia of music, with appropriate sound effects - a great learning tool. Art Gallery presents the collection of the National Gallery in London. There's lots of interesting commentary, and it's easily accessible, even if you don't know Titian from Turner.
Make your own plan of retelling. Then retell the text using the plan.
Unit 7.
Read and translate the dialogue.
A: - Good morning
B: - Good morning. Could I help you?
A: - I’d like to open a current account with your bank in name of Mr.Petrov.
B: - On what terms?
A: - What kinds of deposits are available with your bank?
B: - There are different kinds of deposits available: non – fixed deposit, sight deposit.
A: - On what terms could I enter the non – fixed deposit?
B: - We issue you a passbook on your savings account in which each deposit and withdrawal is entered. You can make withdrawals from your account at any time.
A: - And what if I need to close the account? B – B: - You can withdraw your deposit and interest charges at any time.
A: - Well, but I am interested in the rates of interest on this deposit
B: - Interest on this deposit if its payment by cash accrues at the rate of 3% per year.
A: - Can the rate of interest be revised?
B: - It’s possible. But we of course let you know should the situation change.
A: - Well, how can I open this account?
B: - You are to fill the contract form. Then you’ll come up to me and I enter your account number into the data base and then you’ll get your credit card. You also will be able to withdraw the cash with the help of a cash dispenser. .
A: - Thank you, you’ve been very helpful!
B: - You are welcome.
Learn it by heart.
Грамматический материал:
Unit 1
Present Simple/ 5 types of questions
Ex.1 Open the brackets. Use verbs in the Present Simple then answer the questions.
- Andrea Black, an exchange student from Switzerland, (to live) with the Connor family in San Francisco. She (to get) up at 7 a.m. and (to take) a shower. She normally (not to have) breakfast. At half past 7 she (to catch) the bus. Her first class (to start) at a quarter past eight. She always (to have) lunch at 12 o’clock in the café. The café food (to be) fine and it (to be) cheap too. Her afternoon classes (to be) from 1.15 till 3.00 p.m., so she (to be) at school all day. She usually (to have) dinner with the Connors at about 8.00. On Saturdays she (to have) lunch at the restaurant. Once a week, usually on Sunday mornings, she (to go) swimming. A few friends usually (to go) along, too. One of her friends (to have) a car, so he (to pick) them up and then he (to drive) them home. After swimming they often (to go) out for a pizza. On Saturday evenings she sometimes (to go) out with friends to a party or maybe to a concert. Sometimes she (to invite) friends to her house and they (to listen) to music and (to talk). Mr. and Mrs. Connor often (to take) them for a camping weekend to the seaside or to the mountains. From time to time she (to call) her family in Switzerland. They never (to talk) for very long because it (to be) expensive. She usually (to call) on Sundays because it (to be) cheaper then.
- What time Andrea usually (to get) up?
When she (to catch) the bus?
She (to take) a shower in the morning?
She (to go) home for lunch?
When she (to go) swimming?
What she (to do) on Saturday evenings?
Ex. 2 Use one of the following verbs to complete these sentences. Sometimes you need the negative.
believe eat flow go grow make rise tell translate
- The Earth……. Round the sun.
- Rice………..in Britain.
- The sun………….. in the East.
- Bees………..honey.
- Vegetarians………..meat.
- An atheist……….in God.
- An interpreter………….from one language into another.
- A liar is someone who………..the truth.
- The River Amazon………..into the Atlantic Ocean.
Ex.3 Write 5 types of the questions to these sentences.
- Peter goes to school every day.
- Everybody is waiting for you at the station.
- She is usually in the office at 9.00 o’clock.
- She has got a cat at her house.
- My parents didn’t go to the country last Saturday.
- Jane came to the party very late.
- Mary will go and shut the door.
- You aren’t working hard today.
- They have just translated this difficult text.
- My cousin has never been to Germany.
Unit 2
Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple
Put verbs into a right tense:
- My brother (like) music.
- You (work) abroad next year?
- As a rule I (go) to the Institute by bus.
- We (learn) English at school.
- Our grandparents (live) now in Minsk.
- Last year he (visit) his relatives.
- Who (take) my book yesterday?
- Your children (ask) many questions.
- At present my colleague (work) at school.
- Soon he (know) several foreign languages.
- What you (do) last Sunday?
- Next week my Children (go) to the seaside.
- Ann (not like) such poems.
- They (not meet) the old man last week.
- What the delegation (visit) some days ago?
- The students (take part) in the tomorrow conference.
- In 1998 the Smiths (move) to Washington.
- Nobody (write) the home exercises.
- Who usually (attend) all lectures?
- Who (answer) their letter yesterday?
- She (not know) you.
- My younger brother (leave) school last year.
- They (not know) the rule last lesson.
- Every morning she (do) her morning exercises.
Unit 3
The Present Simple, The Past Simple, The Future Simple, The Present Continuous.
Раскройте скобки:
- Where you (to work) last year? – I (not to work). I (to be) a student.
- She (not to go ) to the shop next week.
- Tell me when she (to come) to visit you.
- You (to like) cinema? – Yes, but I (to prefer) to go to the theatre.
- Peter (to listen) to the radio at this moment?
- At what time we (to have) dinner tomorrow?
- You (to pass) your exam if you (to work) hard.
- He never (to want) to argue.
- He (to clean) his room yesterday.
- In two hours I (to go) home.
- We always (to drink) coffee.
- I (to see) a film last Friday.
- Tomorrow I (not to go) to school.
- Look! They (to swim) in the river.
- As soon as we (to know) results, we (to inform) you.
- When I (to see) him, I (to phone) you.
- If Jane (to come) to see me, we (to listen) to the music.
- John (to wash) his car now.
- You (to help) me tomorrow?
- I (to play) this game 2 days ago.
- What he (to do) now? – He (to write) a letter.
- Let’s (to go) to the cinema.
- He (to know) it last year.
- If it (to rain), we (not to leave) home.
- She (to be) ill yesterday.
- Мы гуляли в лесу вчера.
- Где твой брат? – Он работает в библиотеке.
- Когда я приду домой, я позвоню тебе.
- Что ты делаешь? – Я готовлю сейчас.
- Мы уедим через 5 дней.
- Они купили машину на прошлой неделе.
- Она никогда не получала писем.
- Он идет в кино вечером.
Unit 4
The Present Simple Passive
Ex.1 Write sentences from the words in brackets. All the sentences are present.
(this room/ clean/every day) – This room is cleaned every day.
- (how often/the room/clean?) –
- ( glass/make/from sand) –
- (stamps/sell/in a post office) –
- (football/play/in most countries) –
- (this machine/not/use/very often) –
- (what language/speak/in Ethiopia?) –
- (what/this machine/use/for?) –
Ex.2 Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form.
Own cover lock hold make include show
- Cheese………. from milk.
- There’s no need to leave a tip. Service……….. in the bill.
- A cinema is a place where films…………….. .
- In the United States, elections for President………….. every four years.
- Most of the Earth’s surface…………… by water.
- The park gates…………. at 6.30 p.m. every evening.
- The company is not independent. It……….. by a much larger company.
Ex.3 Open the brackets using the Present Simple Passive.
- The postbox (to empty)…………………….. every day.
- The stamps (to postmark)…………………. at the post office.
- The letters (to sort)………………….. into the different towns.
- The letters…………………… (to deliver).
- Gum (to chew)…………………. all over the world.
- Where…. Nikon cameras …… (to make)?
- English (to speak)………………. everywhere.
- Meat (not to eat)…………………… by vegetarians.
- Nissans (not to produce)………………………… in Mexico.
10. Jeans (to make)………………………….. from a material called denim.
Unit 5
Modal Verbs
Ex.1 Complete these sentences. Use CAN’T or COULDN’T + one of these verbs.
eat go go see sleep understand
- I was tired but I……………… .
- She spoke very quickly. I………………. her.
- His eyes are not very good. He………… very well.
- I wasn’t hungry yesterday. I…………… my dinner.
- He…………… to the concert next Saturday. He’s working.
- He…………….to the meeting last week. He was ill.
Ex.2 Write these sentences in the positive and negative forms. Use MAY or MIGHT.
- Perhaps I will go to the cinema.
- Perhaps I will see Tom tomorrow.
- Perhaps Kay will be late.
- Perhaps it will rain today.
- Perhaps I will wear my new jeans.
- Perhaps they will come.
- Perhaps I will go out tonight.
Ex.3 Write the sentences, using MUST or MUSTN’T.
- Buy a present for her birthday – You must buy a present for her birthday.
- Not to do anything in a hurry.
- To give a faithful account of something.
- To be reasonable about something.
- Not to cry and bother people.
- Not to worry.
- Not to drink too much.
- To make a report at the conference.
- Not to start early.
- Do the shopping today.
- Not to run so fast.
Unit 6
The Past Simple Active/Passive
Ex.1 Put the verbs in the following sentences into
- The negative
- The interrogative
- I saw your brother.
- We heard a terrible noise.
- He slept till 10.00.
- He looked at the picture.
- They drank all the wine.
- She thought about it.
- The police caught the thief.
- I found my watch.
- Tom worked very hard.
- His wife came at 8.00.
- His son wrote a poem.
- She lost her way.
- Jack kept the money.
- I sold the car.
- We ran to the forest.
Ex.2 Rewrite the following text in the Past Simple Active.
On Tuesday I get up a half past six. I go to the bathroom and wash my hands and face and clean my teeth. Then I dress, go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for my family. At half past seven my son gets up and has breakfast. I have breakfast with my son. My son eats a sandwich and drinks a cup of tea. I don’t drink tea. I drink coffee. After breakfast my son leaves home for school. I don’t leave home with my son. On Tuesday I don’t work in the morning. I work in the afternoon. In the evening I am at home. My husband and my son are at home, too. We rest in the evening. My son watches TV, my husband reads newspapers and I do some work about the house. At about eleven o’clock we go to bed.
Ex. 3 Open the brackets using the verbs in the Past Simple Passive.
- The postbox (to empty) yesterday.
- The stamps (to postmark) at the post office.
- The letters (to sort) into the different cities.
- The mail (to load) into the train.
- The bags (to take) to the post office.
- The letters (to deliver).
- The first hamburgers (to make) in Connecticut in 1895 by an American chef called Louis Lassen.
- Where (to make) these shoes?
- Coca-Cola (to invent) by John Pemberton.
- For thousands of years tobacco (to use) by the American Indians.
Unit 7 (закрепление)
Passive Voice
- They (ask) which foreign language they were speaking.
- I (ask) where I live.
- Don’t shut the window. It (just open).
- Every year the museum (close) in summer time.
- The taxi (send) for in a few minutes.
- He (not listen) to.
- The work must (do) tonight.
- The book (speak) much about.
- She is ill. The doctor (just send) for.
- The room (clean) yesterday.
- A new house (build) in our town every year.
- Your papers (type) soon.
- Tomorrow you (wait) for downstairs by John.
- All the tickets for the film (sell) out last week.
- At noon the sky (cover) with heavy clouds.
- The telegram (get) at 3 o’clock yesterday.
- The work (do) on Saturday.
- English (speak) often here.
- The letter (post) tomorrow.
- He often (send) abroad.
Translate into English.
- В России издается много книг.
- Меня приглашают на вечеринки каждые выходные мои друзья.
- «Спартак» опять проиграл.
- Работа была закончена вовремя.
- Эти ворота скоро покрасят.
- Москва была основана в 1147 году.
- Машина была остановлена полицейским.
- Ему позвонят утром.
- Ее пригласят на собрание.
- Мою работу будут читать завтра.
Дополнительный контроль:
Open the brackets
- Tomorrow I (not to go) to school.
- Look! Kate (to help) her mother about the house.
- If it (not to rain) we (to walk) in the park.
- I hope they (to rest) at the moment.
- Where they (to spend) last month?
- You (to go) shopping every day? – No, I (to go) shopping three times a week.
- With whom you (to be) at the cinema? – I (to be) there with my friend.
- Where we (to fly) next time?
- My son (not to do) his lessons now, he (to watch) television.
- Before she (to go) out she (to see) him again.
- You (to be) at home at 8 o’clock tomorrow? – I (not to think) so.
- They (to see) a good film yesterday.
- I will agree to go there if you (to go) there too.
- he (to watch) TV when he came.
- Peter (to listen) to the radio now?
- At what time we (to have) dinner tomorrow?
- We always (to drink) a good coffee in this bar.
- You (to be) busy now.
- Where you (to go)? – I (to go) to the disco.
- he never (to want) to argue.
- They (not to recognize) me yesterday.
- Nick (to look) after his sister till his mother (to come).
- Ты пойдешь с нами на прогулку? – Нет, я останусь дома.
- Когда он пришел домой, они обедали.
- Каждый год он уезжает в деревню, но в этом году он туда не поедет.
- Это дом моего брата. Он тебе нравится?
- Твоя подруга знает немецкий? – Да, знает.
- Я не смог позвонить ей, потому что не знал ее номер телефона.
- Они построили этот дом в прошлом году, но не живут в нем.
- Он всегда знает, что делать и дает хорошие советы.
- Они согласятся, если мы пригласим их в театр.
- Когда мне понадобится помощь, я попрошу об этом.
- Ты читал эту статью?
- Когда он играл на гитаре, он вспомнил, что надо делать.
- Мама готовила в 4 часа .
- она сломала ключ, когда хотела открыть дверь.
- Что делали дети, когда вы вошли в дверь? – Они играли.
- Ты занят сейчас? Помоги нам.
- Вчера на уроке мы прочитали интересную статью. Потом учитель задавал нам вопросы, а мы отвечали на них.
- Куда ты ходил, когда я видел тебя вчера? – Я ходил в библиотеку.
- Мы поедим в Париж на следующей неделе.
- Его нет дома. Оставьте ему записку.
№1 Вариант
Контрольное задание.
Задание №1
- Они работают каждый день.
- Где вы купили эту книгу?
- Что они делают? – Они рисуют сейчас.
- Он счастлив. Он написал уже сочинение.
- Я не приду.
- Я буду писать сочинение.
- Она болела несколько дней тому назад.
- Было темно, холодно.
- Он уже ушел.
10. Они были в поезде, разговаривали, пели и смеялись.
11. Он читает газету сейчас.
12. Мы пришли домой в 6-ть.
Задание №2
Write a letter to your friend. Choose any topic you like.
Задание №3
Be ready to speak about your favorite singer, film star or other celebrity.
Задание №4
Describe in a written form: spring
Задание №5
- В комнате около стены под лампой есть письмо.
- Они купили билет в Лондон.
- У тебя есть немного воды?
№2 Вариант
Контрольное задание.
Задание №1
- Что вы будете делать завтра?
- Они читали Диккенса вчера.
- Когда мы пришли домой, было 7 часов.
- Наступила зима.
- Мы будем ходить в парк.
- Она переводит эту статью сейчас.
- Мы жили здесь 5 лет тому назад.
- Я ищу тебя весь вечер.
- Он не ел суп.
10. Они получат это письмо на следующей неделе.
11. Я хочу поехать на море.
12. Они всё ещё играют во дворе.
Задание №2
Write a letter to your friend. Choose any topic you like.
Задание №3
Be ready to speak about your favorite singer, film star or other celebrity.
Задание №4
Describe in a written form: spring
Задание №5
- В пятницу в 5 часов вечера я буду ждать тебя.
- Они нашли карту. Карта была старая.
- У нас мало денег.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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