Практическое пособие по организации самостоятельной работы и контрольные задания для студентов «Технических специальностей».
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Практическое пособие по организации самостоятельной работы и контрольные задания для студентов «Технических специальностей».
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Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение среднего профессионального образования Московской области
«Подмосковный колледж «Энергия»
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Практическое пособие по организации самостоятельной работы и контрольные задания для студентов «Технических специальностей».
Преподаватель английского языка
1 квалификационной категории
Архитекторова А.А.
Ex. 1 Read the text in English.
Finding a fault in a car
If your car doesn’t start in the morning, you should check three things first: the battery, the fuel level and the spark plugs. It is easy to repair these faults. If the battery is flat, you should recharge it. If this doesn’t work, you should replace it. If the petrol tank is empty, fill it up. If the spark plugs are dirty, clean them, and if the gap in a spark plug is too narrow or too wide, adjust it to the correct width.
If your car still doesn’t start, the petrol pump may be broken, or the fuel pipe may be blocked. If the pump is broken, it must be repaired or replaced. If the fuel pipe is blocked, take it off and unblock it.
If there is a loud click when you turn the key, the starter motor may be jammed. If it is, you can try to release it by pushing the car forwards and backwards (in 2nd gear). If the car still doesn’t start, the starter motor should be repaired or replaced.
Ex. 2 Translate the text. Pay your attention to the marked words.
Ex. 3 Answer the questions:
- You check the battery. It’s flat. You try to recharge it. It’s still flat. What do you do next?
- If the gap in a spark plug is too narrow, how do you adjust it? Do you widen it or make it narrower?
- How do you know that the starter motor might be jammed? What do you hear?
- You push the car forwards and backwards, but the starter still doesn’t work. What will you do?
Nouns and Articles
Ex. 1. Write plural forms of the given nouns.
A pen, a class, a story, a road, a day, a cat, a bush, a desk, a table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a chair, a bus, a match, a way, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a wolf, a country, a lion, a park, a play, a man, a mouse, a child, a woman, a tooth, a foot.
Ex.2 Write the countable and uncountable nouns into two different columns.
Wall, pen, chalk, picture, water, match, tea, time, hour, bread, river, friend, cigarette, tobacco, cheese, teacher, glass (стакан), glass (стекло), paper (бумага), paper (газета), music, coffee, armchair, gold, ship, milk, shop, idea, furniture, butter, tree, happiness, word, ink, money, coin.
Ex.3 Put in a/an or some.
- I read… newspaper, wrote… letters and listened to…. music.
- I need… money. I want to buy… food.
- We met… interesting people at the party.
- I’m going to open… window to get… fresh air.
- She didn’t eat much for lunch – only… apple and… bread.
- We live in… big house. There is… nice garden with… beautiful trees.
- I’m going to make… table. First, I need… wood.
- We talked to her and she gave us… very good advice.
- I want to write… letter. I need… pen and… paper.
- We had… nice weather when we were on holiday.
Ex.4 Complete the sentences with MUCH or MANY.
- Have you got… homework?
- We don’t need…eggs. Just half a dozen.
- Is there… traffic in your town?
- I don’t know… students in this class.
- How… people live in your house?
- He eats… fish.
- That man drank so… wine, and he smoked so… cigarettes that he has a terrible headache today.
- Mary must not eat too…salt because she has problems with her blood pressure.
Ex.5 Complete the sentences with LITTLE and FEW.
- He has…friends.
- I drink… coffee. I don’t like it.
- We must hurry. We have got very… time.
- The Smiths have… money. They aren’t rich.
- The theatre was almost empty. There were very… people there.
- There was …lemonade in the bottle. There were… peaches in the basket.
- I have… time, so I can’t go with you.
- He has… English books.
Ex.6 Complete the sentences with A LITTLE or A FEW.
This is my mother’s favourite recipe for fruitcake, and everybody says it’s out of this world!
- Put 3 cups of flour into a mixing bowl.
- Add… sugar.
- Slice… apples.
- Cut up… oranges.
- Pour in… honey.
- Add… baking soda.
- Chop up… nuts.
- Add…salt.
- Mix in… raisins.
- Bake for 45 minutes.
Ex.7 Complete the sentences with a/an, the, or nothing.
- I have two children, … boy and…girl. ….. boy is 22 and …. girl is 19.
- Mike is… soldier in … Army, and Mary is at … university.
- My wife goes to… work by… train. She is … accountant. I don’t have … job. I stay at… home and look after… children.
- What… lovely day! Why don’t we go for … picnic in … park?
- What did you have for … lunch? Just … sandwich.
Ex. 1 Read the text.
Do you know what the first engine was like? It was called the "water wheel". This was an ordinary wheel with blades fixed to it, and the current of a river turned it. These first engines were used for irrigating fields.
Then a wind-powered engine was invented. This was a wheel, but a very small one. Long wide wooden blades were attached to it. The new engine was driven by the wind. Some of these one can still see in the country.
Both of these, the water- and wind-operated engines are very economical. They do not need fuel in order to function. But they are dependent on the weather.
Many years passed and people invented a new engine, one operated by steam. In a steam engine, there is a furnace and a boiler. The furnace is filled with wood or coal and then lit. The fire heats the water in the boiler and when it boils, it turns into steam which does some useful work.
The more coal is put in the furnace, the stronger the fire is burning. The more steam there is the faster a train or a boat is moving.
The steam engine drove all sorts of machines, for example, steam ships and steam locomotives. Indeed, the very first aeroplane built by A.F.Mozhaisky also had a steam engine. However, the steam engine had its disadvantages. It was too large and heavy, and needed too much fuel.
The imperfections of the steam engine led to the design of a new type. It was called the internal combustion engine, because its fuel ignites and burns inside the engine itself and not in a furnace. It is smaller and lighter than a steam engine because it does not have a boiler. It is also more powerful, as it uses better-quality fuel: petrol or kerosene.
The internal combustion engine is now used in cars, diesel locomotives and motor ships. But to enable aeroplanes to fly faster than the speed of sound another, more powerful engine was needed. Eventually, one was invented and it was given the name "jet engine". The gases in it reach the temperature of over a thousand degrees. It is made of a very resistant metal so that it will not melt.
Ex. 2 Answer the questions:
- For what purpose do we need engines?
- What kinds of engines do you remember from the text?
- What was the first engine like? Where were they used?
- What kinds of engines are very economical?
- How does the steam engine work? Where is it used?
- What is the internal combustion engine? Where is it used?
Ex. 3 Continue reading the following text about “Engines” in English.
The two most common types of engine for land vehicles are the petrol engine and the diesel engine.
Petrol engines are usually lighter and smaller than diesel engines. This makes them cheaper, and this is why most cars and motorbikes use petrol engines. Petrol engines are also less than diesel engines. They usually go faster. On the other hand, diesel engines use less fuel and last longer than petrol engines, and this is why larger vehicles such as trucks and trains use them. They are also safer than petrol engines, because they are less danger of fire.
There are two main types of petrol engine – 4-stroke and 2-stroke. All cars and larger motor-cycles use 4-stroke engines. But most smaller motorbikes use 2-stroke engines. These are lighter and smaller than 4-stroke engines, and are therefore cheaper.
Ex. 4 Translate the text. Answer the questions:
- Which is the lightest of the engines?
- Which is the least expensive?
- Which is the noisiest?
- Which is the largest?
- Which is the safest? Why?
- Which uses the least fuel?
Ex. 5 You have got two texts about engines, prepare the retelling of these texts in a form of their comparison.
The verb “to be” in the Present, Past, Future Simple.
There is/There are
Ex.1 Put the verb “to be” in the Present Simple.
- Where…you? – I …in the kitchen. 2. Where…Fred? – He …in the garage. 3. Where…Lisa and John? – They… at college. 4. …you busy? – No, I…not. Mike …busy. He… the busiest person I’ve ever met. 5. It… ten o’clock. She…late again. 6. How… you? – I… not very well today. – I… sorry to hear that. 7. We… interested in classical music. 8. Vera… afraid of snakes. 9. My grandmother… not nervous and she… rarely upset. She… the kindest person I’ve ever seen. My grandmother… really wonderful. 10. I… sorry. They… not at the office at the moment. 11. Where… the keys? – In your jacket. 12. What… the time, please? – Two o’clock. 13. It… the biggest meal I’ve ever had. 14. Which sport do you think… the most dangerous? 15. Chess and aerobics… not as exciting as skydiving and figure skating. 16. Debt… the worst kind of poverty. 17. The game… not worth the candle. 18. Do you have any idea where he…? 19. Used cars…cheaper but less reliable than new cars. 20. What… the weather forecast for tomorrow? 21. Art… long, life… short. 22. You… the best friend I’ve ever had. 23. I don’t remember what his telephone number… . 24. Two heads… better than one. 25. You… right. That… a lot of money! 26. Coffee… very expensive this week.
Ex.2 Put the verb “to be” in the Past Simple.
My aunt… very depressed last Sunday. The weather… terrible. It… cold and rainy. Her husband… not at home. He… at hospital because he…sick. Her children… not at school. They… not in the yard, they… in the living room. The TV… broken. The children… not only upset, they… very angry. The neighbours… not happy because her children… too noisy. The house… not clean. There… dirty dishes on the kitchen table and in the sink. There… nothing in the fridge. There… no vegetables for dinner, there… no juice for her children. There… not even bread in the house! She… tired and hungry. She … just exhausted.
Ex.3 Put the verb “to be” in the Present, Past or Future Simple.
1.The students… in the Russian Museum. 2. Last month they… in the Hermitage. There… an interesting exhibition there. 3. In two weeks they… in the Tretyakov Gallery. They… lucky. 4. My father…a teacher. 5. He… a pupil 20 years ago. 6. I… a doctor when I grow up. 7. My sister… not… at home tomorrow. 8. She… at school tomorrow. 9. …you… at home tomorrow. 10. … your father at work yesterday? 11. My sister… ill last week. 12.She… not ill now. 13. Yesterday we… at the theatre. 14. Where… your mother now? – She… in the kitchen. 15. Where… you yesterday? – I… at the cinema. 16. When I come home tomorrow, all my family… at home. 17. … your little sister in bed now? – Yes, she… . 18. … you… at work tomorrow? – Yes, I… . 19. When my granny… young, she… an actress. 20. My friend… in Moscow now. 21. He… in St. Petersburg tomorrow. 22. Where… your books now? – They… in my bag.
Ex.4 Use “There is/ There are” construction in the following sentences.
- There… a document on the table. 2. There… a kitchen, a living room, a bed room and a corridor in my flat. 3. …. there books on the shelf? – Yes, there… . 4. There… not any pictures on the wall. 5. There… a lemon and two apples on the plate. 6. …there a delivery in this contract? – No, there… not. 7. There … 25 students in my class. 8. There… a lot of delicious fruit in this shop. 9. … there a supermarket on this street? – No, there… not. 10. There… a lot of new and interesting films on the screen nowadays.
Ex. 1 Read the text, then translate it into Russian.
By Barbara Kantrovitz, Newsweek, July 11, 1994. Abridged
It would be the plot of a high-tech horror movie. The company that brought you MS-DOS, arguably the world's most awkward operating system, now wants to invade the home. Anyone who has spent time trying to untangle MS-DOS probably won't expect much from Microsoft's new Home line. The surprise is that while Microsoft still has a lot to learn about marketing to the average consumer, the company has made a decent start. Here is a sampling:
Reference works: CD-ROM encyclopedias are a tough market, with major competition from, among others, Groller's and Compton's. Microsoft's entry, Encarta, earns extra points for dazzling graphics. It's easy to leap from one topic to another, with just a click of a mouse, and the 1994 version includes 7000 photos and illustrations, sound, animation and video clips. The big question, for Encarta and other computer encyclopedias, is whether these products really do the job. Encarta may be the slickest of the CD-ROM encyclopedias in form, but its content pales before the comprehensive printed encyclopedias, like the Britannica.
A better CD-ROM reference choice is Microsoft's Bookshelf, a collection of seven standards on one disc. There is a dictionary, a thesaurus, a book of quotations, a desk encyclopedia, an atlas, a brief history and an almanac. Introduced in 1987, Bookshelf was one of the first CD-ROMs on the market. Children's products: Fine Artist and Creative Writer, both for 9- to 14-year-olds. There are already excellent drawings and writing programs available for this age group, and many children's software manufacturers have established a strong presence. Fine Artist, in particular, must compete against Broderbund's Kid Fix, a popular and easy-to-use program. Fine Artist and Kid Fix offer many of the same features: on-screen painting and drawing tools, electronic stickers, sound effect and slide shows. Kid Fix is cheaper - $39.95 vs. $64.95 for Fine Artist Most children will find Kid Fix easier to use because it's simpler.
The structure of Creative Writer is similar to Fine Artist's, with a cartoon character called McZee acting as a guide. Some clever devices are intended to alleviate writers block, including a gallery of drawings and funny sentence fragments to mix and match. Elementary-school-age children may enjoy using it, but kids older than 12 probably will want something more cute.
Entertainment: Microsoft is trying hard in the fast growing category that software developers call edutainment, a combination of entertainment and education. The company has some real winners. Dinosaurs, a CD-ROM, tell you everything you want to know about prehistoric creatures with captivating videos, clear diagrams and narration by a real paleontologist Don Lessem. Musical Instruments, another DC-ROM, is a virtual encyclopedia of music, with appropriate sound effects - a great learning tool. Art Gallery presents the collection of the National Gallery in London. There's lots of interesting commentary, and it's easily accessible, even if you don't know Titian from Turner.
Ex. 2 Put 10 questions to this text, then using the questions try to answer them.
To have and have got constructions. Imperative. Personal Pronouns.
Ex.1 Put in have/have got in the positive or negative form.
- They like animals. They…… three dogs and two cats.
- Sarah….a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.
- Everybody likes Tom. He…. a lot of friends.
- Mr and Mrs Johnson …….two children, a boy and a girl.
- An insect…………… six legs.
- I can’t open the door. I………….. a key.
- Quick! Hurry! We……….. much time.
- What’s wrong? – I……. something in my eye.
- Ben doesn’t read much. He………. many books.
- It’s a nice town. It……….. a very good shopping centre.
- Alice is going to the dentist. She……… toothache.
- Where is my newspaper? – I don’t know. I…………. it.
- Julia wants to go on holiday but she…….. any money.
- I’m not going to work today. I………. a bad cold.
Ex.2 Put in personal pronouns.
- like I … job.
- Do you like …. job?
- Does your father like… job?
- Sally is married. …husband works in a bank.
- I know Mr Watson but I don’t know … wife.
- Put on…. coat when you go out. It’s very cold.
- … favourite sport is tennis. I play a lot in summer.
- My sister plays tennis too but… favourite sport is athletics.
- We’re staying at a very nice hotel. ……room is very comfortable.
- Mr and Mrs Baker live in London but…. son lives in Australia.
- Thank you for…. letter. It was good to hear from you again.
- We are going to invite all… friends to the party.
- John is a teacher but…. sister is a nurse.
- Do you think that most people are happy in…. jobs?
- I gave the money to my mother and she put it in…. bag.
- They’ve got two children but I don’t remember….. names.
- The company has offices in many places but… head office is in New York.
Ex.3 Put in the following verbs in imperative. Sometimes you’ll need a negative form.
listen take send make write put on be close fill
- …..your coat. It’s very cold outside.
- ….. a curriculum vitae on the given address.
- Please, … late for classes!
- You are going on a long journey. …..care of yourself.
- …..to your parents every week.
- ….. the window. It’s very hot in the classroom.
- ….to the conversation and….. the gaps then ….. your own dialogue.
Ex. 1 Read the text, then translate it.
The first computers.
In 1930 the first analog computer was built by American named Vannevar Bush. This device was used in World War II to help to aim guns.
Many technical developments of electronic digital computers took place in the 1940s and 1950s. Mark I, the name given to the first digital computer, was completed in 1944. The man responsible for this invention was Professor Howard Aiken. This was the first machine that could figure out long lists of mathematical problems at a very fast rate.
In 1946 two engineers at the University of Pennsylvania, J.Eckert and J.Maushly, built their digital computer with vacuum tubes. They named their new invention ENIAC (the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator).
Another important achievement in developing computers came in 1947, when John von Neumann developed the idea of keeping instructions for the computer inside the computer’s memory. The contribution of John von Neumann was particularly significant. As contrasted with Babbage’s analytical engine, which was designed to store only data, von Neumann’s machine, called the Electronic Discrete Variable Computer, or EDVAC, was able to store both data and instructions. He also contributed to the idea of storing data and instructions in a binary code that uses only ones and zeros. This simplified computer design. Thus computers use two conditions, high voltage and low voltage, to translate the symbols by which we communicate into unique combinations of electrical pulses. We refer to these combinations as codes.
Neumann’s stored program computer as well as other machines of that time were made possible by the invention of the vacuum tube that could control and amplify electronic signals. Early computers, using vacuum tubes, could perform computations in thousands of seconds, called milliseconds, instead of seconds required by mechanical devices.
Ex. 2 Answer the questions:
- When was the first analog computer built?
- Where and how was that computer used?
- When did the first digital computers appear?
- Who was the inventor of the first digital computer?
- What is ENIAC?
- What was Neumann’s contribution into the development of computers?
- What were the advantages of EDVAC in comparison with ENIAC?
- What does binary code mean?
- Due to what invention could the first digital computers be built?
Ex. 3 Retell the text.
Present Simple/ 5 types of questions
Ex.1 Open the brackets. Use verbs in the Present Simple then answer the questions.
- Andrea Black, an exchange student from Switzerland, (to live) with the Connor family in San Francisco. She (to get) up at 7 a.m. and (to take) a shower. She normally (not to have) breakfast. At half past 7 she (to catch) the bus. Her first class (to start) at a quarter past eight. She always (to have) lunch at 12 o’clock in the café. The café food (to be) fine and it (to be) cheap too. Her afternoon classes (to be) from 1.15 till 3.00 p.m., so she (to be) at school all day. She usually (to have) dinner with the Connors at about 8.00. On Saturdays she (to have) lunch at the restaurant. Once a week, usually on Sunday mornings, she (to go) swimming. A few friends usually (to go) along, too. One of her friends (to have) a car, so he (to pick) them up and then he (to drive) them home. After swimming they often (to go) out for a pizza. On Saturday evenings she sometimes (to go) out with friends to a party or maybe to a concert. Sometimes she (to invite) friends to her house and they (to listen) to music and (to talk). Mr. and Mrs. Connor often (to take) them for a camping weekend to the seaside or to the mountains. From time to time she (to call) her family in Switzerland. They never (to talk) for very long because it (to be) expensive. She usually (to call) on Sundays because it (to be) cheaper then.
- What time Andrea usually (to get) up?
When she (to catch) the bus?
She (to take) a shower in the morning?
She (to go) home for lunch?
When she (to go) swimming?
What she (to do) on Saturday evenings?
Ex. 2 Use one of the following verbs to complete these sentences. Sometimes you need the negative.
believe eat flow go grow make rise tell translate
- The Earth……. Round the sun.
- Rice………..in Britain.
- The sun………….. in the East.
- Bees………..honey.
- Vegetarians………..meat.
- An atheist……….in God.
- An interpreter………….from one language into another.
- A liar is someone who………..the truth.
- The River Amazon………..into the Atlantic Ocean.
Ex. 3 Write 5 types of the questions to these sentences.
- Peter goes to school every day.
- Everybody is waiting for you at the station.
- She is usually in the office at 9.00 o’clock.
- She has got a cat at her house.
- My parents didn’t go to the country last Saturday.
- Jane came to the party very late.
- Mary will go and shut the door.
- You aren’t working hard today.
- They have just translated this difficult text.
- My cousin has never been to Germany.
Ex. 1 Read the text, then translate it.
Laser Technology
In the last decade there was outstanding progress in the development of laser technology and it's application in science, industry and commerce. Laser cutting, welding and machining are beginning to be big business. The market for laser systems represents around 2,5 % of the world machine tool market.
Which country is the biggest producer and consumer of lasers? Why, Japan, naturally: Japan produced 46% of world's lasers in 1989, while figures for Europe and the USA are 32% and 22%, Japan is building 1 200 to 2 000 CO2 lasers per year of which some 95% are over 500 W power and 80% of them are used for cutting operations.
Europe is the second largest user and the third largest producer. In 1990 Europe's market for lasers was $ 128 million, of which Germany consumed about $ 51 million, and Italy — $12 million. The Germany met 90% of its demands through domestic producers. Growth rate of the European market is estimated at 10 to 15% per year.
In future the main trend influencing the industry will be laser source prices. The prices are dropping. There appear lasers of modular construction. The complexity of laser machines is rising. Multi-axes systems are in more use now. Recently 7-axis CNC laser machining center has been introduced. In addition to X,Y and Z axes, there are two rotary axes, A and C, and two more linear axes, U and V, to give a trepanning (прорезать большие отверстия) motion to the laser.
Ex. 2 Put 5 questions to the plot of the text.
Ex. 3 Retell the text.
The Comparison of Adjectives
Ex.1 Give the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives.
Polite, happy, glad, narrow, grey, shy, dry, merry, uncomfortable, hot, real, sweet, cosy, bad, fat, cheap, big, stupid, far, miserable, beautiful, regular, expensive, deep, low, sad, significant, lazy, old, serious, clever, good, dark, interesting.
Ex.2 Complete the sentences. Use a comparative.
Sue’s car isn’t very big. She wants a bigger car.
- This house isn’t very modern. I prefer………………houses.
- You are not very tall. Your brother is…………… than you.
- Bill doesn’t work very hard. I work…………….. .
- My chair isn’t very comfortable. Yours is……………. .
- Jill’s idea wasn’t very good. My idea was…………… than Jill’s.
- These flowers are not very nice. The blue ones………….. .
- My case isn’t very heavy. Your case is………… .
- It isn’t very warm today. It was………….. yesterday.
- These tomatoes don’t taste very good. The other ones tasted…………. .
- London isn’t very beautiful. Paris is………….. than London.
Ex.3 Complete the sentences. Use a superlative.
This building is very old. It’s the oldest building in the town.
- It was a very happy day. It was……………………of my life.
- It’s a very good film. It’s………………..I’ve ever seen.
- She is a very popular singer. She’s………………….. in our country.
- It was a very bad mistake. It was………………I’ve ever made.
- It’s a very pretty village. It’s…………….. I’ve ever seen.
- It was a very cold day. It was……………. of the year.
- He is a very interesting person. He’s………………I’ve ever met.
Ex. 1 Read the text.
The costs of progress
Human progress has reached the stage of intensive exploration of nuclear and solar energy, the World Ocean and outer space. It is evident now, however, that often man is adversely affecting the environment and his activity is sometimes fraught with fatal consequences.
It is becoming increasingly clear that man can not and must not use his tremendous power so carelessly, interfere in nature and radically try to change it, without taking into account possible negative effects of his economic activity.
The more material wealth people create, the more they realize that they can not but be concerned about how the biosphere is changing as a result of productive activity. Current ecological research shows, that man, when over concerned with technicism, far from turning deserts into oases, can turn oases into deserts, threatening to destroy everything on the Earth.
In the 19th century and in the 20th century, material production did not take into account the consequences which man’s interference may have in the distant future. In the 20th and 21th centuries such a consideration is becoming vitally important. The pollution of the environment, the destruction of ecosystems, the destruction of many species of plans and animals have now reached threatening proportions. An increasing influence on nature and using technological processes may cause catastrophic results. Data concerning deaths from cancer say that more 60 per cent of the cases are caused by various cancer producing factors in the environment.
So, the urgent problem of today is to understand that we depend on the Earth. It is a challenge for all of us to save it.
Ex. 2 Say if the sentence is true or false:
- Human progress has reached the stage of cosmic pollution.
- The intensive exploration of nuclear and solar energy adversely affects the environment.
- Man uses his power carelessly.
- People can and must interfere in nature trying to change it.
- The material standard of people’s living has grown.
- People are over concerned with making more technical devices which could make their life better.
- Two centuries ago people didn’t think much of the consequences of man’s interference in nature.
- They don’t think of it in the current century.
- In 60 per cent cancer is caused by various factors of polluted environment.
- It is a very complicated problem to restore the unity between man and nature.
Ex. 3 Answer the questions:
- What stage has the human progress reached?
- What are the results of man’s affecting the environment?
- What is the connection between the material wealth of people and changes in biosphere?
- What does current ecological research show?
- Did material production take into account the harmful consequences of progress two centuries ago?
- Has this consideration changed in the 21th century?
- What are the consequences of man’s intruding into nature?
- What are the data concerning deaths from cancer?
Ex. 4 Retell the story.
The Present Simple Passive
Ex.1 Write sentences from the words in brackets. All the sentences are present.
(this room/ clean/every day) – This room is cleaned every day.
- (how often/the room/clean?) –
- ( glass/make/from sand) –
- (stamps/sell/in a post office) –
- (football/play/in most countries) –
- (this machine/not/use/very often) –
- (what language/speak/in Ethiopia?) –
- (what/this machine/use/for?) –
Ex.2 Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form.
Own cover lock hold make include show
- Cheese………. from milk.
- There’s no need to leave a tip. Service……….. in the bill.
- A cinema is a place where films…………….. .
- In the United States, elections for President………….. every four years.
- Most of the Earth’s surface…………… by water.
- The park gates…………. at 6.30 p.m. every evening.
- The company is not independent. It……….. by a much larger company.
Ex.3 Open the brackets using the Present Simple Passive.
- The postbox (to empty)…………………….. every day.
- The stamps (to postmark)…………………. at the post office.
- The letters (to sort)………………….. into the different towns.
- The letters…………………… (to deliver).
- Gum (to chew)…………………. all over the world.
- Where…. Nikon cameras …… (to make)?
- English (to speak)………………. everywhere.
- Meat (not to eat)…………………… by vegetarians.
- Nissans (not to produce)………………………… in Mexico.
10. Jeans (to make)………………………….. from a material called denim.
Ex.1 Read the text.
The intensive effort of electronics to increase the reliability and performance of its products while reducing their size and cost led to the results that hardly anyone could predict. The evolution of electronic technology is sometimes called a revolution: a quantitative change in technology gave rise to qualitative change in human capabilities. There appeared a new branch of science — microelectronics.
Microelectronics embraces electronics connected with the realization of electronic circuits, systems and subsystems from very small electronic devices. Microelectronics is a name for extremely small electronic components and circuit assemblies, made by film or semiconductor techniques. A microelectronic technology reduced transistors and other circuit elements to dimensions almost invisible to unaided eye. The point of this extraordinary miniaturization is to make circuits long-lasting, low in cost, and capable of performing electronic functions at extremely high speed. It is known that the speed of response depends on the size of transistor: the smaller the transistor, the faster it is. The smaller the computer, the faster it can work.
One more advantage of microelectronics is that smaller devices consume less power. In space satellites and spaceships this is a very important factor.
Another benefit resulting from microelectronics is the reduction of distances between circuit components. Packing density increased with the appearance of small-scale integrated circuit, medium-scale IC, large-scale IC and very-large-scale IC. The change in scale was measured by the number of transistors on a chip. There appeared a new type of integrated circuits, microwave integrated circuit. The evolution of microwave IC began with the development of planar transmission lines. Then new IC components in a fine line transmission line appeared. Other more exotic techniques, such as dielectric waveguide integrated circuits emerged.
Microelectronic technique is continuing to displace other modes. Circuit patterns are being formed with radiation having wavelength shorter than those of light.
Electronics has extended man's intellectual power. Microelectronics extends that power still further.
Ex.2 Answer the questions:
1. What would you say about electronics?
2. Why is the development of electronics called a revolution?
3. What is microelectronics?
4. What techniques does microelectronics use?
5. What is the benefit of reducing the size of circuit elements?
6. What do you understand by the term of microminiaturization?
7. What does the speed of the signal response depend on?
8. What advantages of microelectronics do you know?
9. What scales of integration are known to you?
10. How are microelectronics techniques developing?
Ex. 3 Retell the text.
Modal Verbs
Ex.1 Complete these sentences. Use CAN’T or COULDN’T + one of these verbs.
eat go go see sleep understand
- I was tired but I……………… .
- She spoke very quickly. I………………. her.
- His eyes are not very good. He………… very well.
- I wasn’t hungry yesterday. I…………… my dinner.
- He…………… to the concert next Saturday. He’s working.
- He…………….to the meeting last week. He was ill.
Ex.2 Write these sentences in the positive and negative forms. Use MAY or MIGHT.
- Perhaps I will go to the cinema.
- Perhaps I will see Tom tomorrow.
- Perhaps Kay will be late.
- Perhaps it will rain today.
- Perhaps I will wear my new jeans.
- Perhaps they will come.
- Perhaps I will go out tonight.
Ex.3 Write the sentences, using MUST or MUSTN’T.
Buy a present for her birthday – You must buy a present for her birthday.
- Not to do anything in a hurry.
- To give a faithful account of something.
- To be reasonable about something.
- Not to cry and bother people.
- Not to worry.
- Not to drink too much.
- To make a report at the conference.
- Not to start early.
- Do the shopping today.
- Not to run so fast.
Ex. 1 Read the text.
Electronics is a field of engineering and applied physics dealing with the design and application of electronic circuits. The operation of circuits depends on the flow of electrons for generation, transmission, reception and storage of information.
Today it is difficult to imagine our life without electronics. It surrounds us everywhere. Electronic devices are widely used in scientific research and industrial designing, they control the work of plants and power stations, calculate the trajectories of space-ships and help the people discover new phenomena of nature. Automatization of production processes and studies on living organisms became possible due to electronics.
The invention of vacuum tubes at the beginning of the 20lh century was the starting point of the rapid growth of modern electronics. Vacuum tubes assisted in manipulation of signals. The development of a large variety of tubes designed for specialized functions made possible the progress in radio communication technology before the World War II and in the creation of early computers during and shortly after the war.
The transistor invented by American scientists W.Shockly, J.Bardeen and W.Brattain in 1948 completely replaced the vacuum tube. The transistor, a small piece of a semiconductor with three electrodes, had great advantages over the best vacuum tubes. It provided the same functions as the vacuum tube but at reduced weight, cost, power consumption, and with high reliability. With the invention of the transistor all essential circuit functions could be carried out inside solid bodies. The aim of creating electronic circuits with entirely solid-state components had finally been realized. Early transistors could respond at a rate of a few million times a second. This was fast enough to serve in radio circuits, but far below the speed needed for high speed computers or for microwave communication systems.
The progress in semiconductor technology led to the development of the integrated circuit (IC), which was discovered due to the efforts of John Kilby in 1958. There appeared a new field of science — integrated electronics. The essence of it is batch processing. Instead of making, testing and assembling descrete components on a chip one at a time, large groupings of these components together with their interconnections were made all at a time. IC greatly reduced the size of devices, lowered manufacturing costs and at the same time they provided high speed, and increased reliability.
Ex. 2 Answer the questions:
1. What is electronics?
2. Can you imagine modern life without electronics?
3. Where are electronic devices used?
4. What was the beginning of electronics development?
5. What made the progress in radio communication technology possible?
6. What is the transistor?
7. When was the transistor invented?
8. What aim was realized with the invention of the transistor?
9. When were integrated circuits discovered?
10.What advantages did the transistors have over the vacuum tubes?
The Past Simple Active/Passive
Ex.1 Put the verbs in the following sentences into
- The negative
- The interrogative
- I saw your brother.
- We heard a terrible noise.
- He slept till 10.00.
- He looked at the picture.
- They drank all the wine.
- She thought about it.
- The police caught the thief.
- I found my watch.
- Tom worked very hard.
- His wife came at 8.00.
- His son wrote a poem.
- She lost her way.
- Jack kept the money.
- I sold the car.
- We ran to the forest.
Ex.2 Rewrite the following text in the Past Simple Active.
On Tuesday I get up a half past six. I go to the bathroom and wash my hands and face and clean my teeth. Then I dress, go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for my family. At half past seven my son gets up and has breakfast. I have breakfast with my son. My son eats a sandwich and drinks a cup of tea. I don’t drink tea. I drink coffee. After breakfast my son leaves home for school. I don’t leave home with my son. On Tuesday I don’t work in the morning. I work in the afternoon. In the evening I am at home. My husband and my son are at home, too. We rest in the evening. My son watches TV, my husband reads newspapers and I do some work about the house. At about eleven o’clock we go to bed.
Ex. 3 Open the brackets using the verbs in the Past Simple Passive.
- The postbox (to empty) yesterday.
- The stamps (to postmark) at the post office.
- The letters (to sort) into the different cities.
- The mail (to load) into the train.
- The bags (to take) to the post office.
- The letters (to deliver).
- The first hamburgers (to make) in Connecticut in 1895 by an American chef called Louis Lassen.
- Where (to make) these shoes?
- Coca-Cola (to invent) by John Pemberton.
- For thousands of years tobacco (to use) by the American Indians
Unit 9.
Ex. 1 Read the text.
The army
The army ethos, the guiding beliefs, standards and ideals that characterize and motivate the Army, is described in one word – DUTY. Duty is behavior required by moral obligation, demanded by custom, or enjoined by feelings of lightness. Contained within the concept of duty are the values of integrity and selfless service, which give moral foundation to the qualities the ethos demands of all soldiers from private to general officer.
As implied by the descriptive values of Integrity and Selfless Service, a soldier's performance of duty is the central measure of his or her character. While many aspects of these values are governed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice, other elements are governed by convention, tradition, and the very nature of the profession. When internalized to the point of habit, these values promote mutual confidence and understanding among all soldiers and merit the special trust and confidence of the Nation. All soldiers must be of upright character, from the private on guard duty to the general officer testifying before Congress.
Since the Army ethos is the informal bond of trust between the Nation and the Army, professional soldiers are enjoined to embrace and live it. The ethos applies in peace and war, to Active and Reserve forces, and to Department of the Army civilians. The Army ethos inspires the sense of purpose necessary to sustain soldiers in the brutal realities of combat and to tolerate the ambiguities of military operations where war has not been declared. To violate the Army ethos or to tolerate its violation dishonors the profession and may compromise the Nation's security.
A sense of Duty compels us to do what needs to be done at the right time despite difficulty or danger. It leads to obedient and disciplined performance. Duty is a personal act of responsibility manifested by accomplishing all assigned tasks to the fullest of one's ability, meeting all commitments, and exploiting opportunities for the good of the group. Duty encompasses stewardship of the resources entrusted to one's care including soldiers, the bases and environment in which soldiers live and work.
Ex. 2 Answer the questions:
- What is duty?
- What are two main values which give moral foundation to the qualities the ethos demands of all soldiers?
- What character must a soldier have?
4. What does the Army ethos inspire?
5. What performs a sense of duty?
Ex. 3 Retell the text.
The Future Simple Tense
Ex. 1 Complete the sentences with will + one of these verbs
be be come get like look meet pass
- Don’t worry about your exam. I’m sure you will pass.
- Why don’t you try on this jacket? It……. nice on you.
- You must meet George. I think you………..him.
- It’s raining. Don’t go out. You………wet.
- They’ve invited me to their house. They…………..offended if I don’t go.
- Goodbye. I expect we ………. again before long.
- I’ve invited Sue to the party but I don’t think she…………….. .
- I wonder where I………….. 20 years from now.
Ex.2 Put the verb in brackets into the Future Simple.
- He (be) here soon. 2. The dress (be) ready tomorrow. 3. They (be) at the station in time for the 10.30 train. 4. I (know) the result in a day. 5. I (be) 20 years old next year. 6. They (remember) you well. 7. When he (come) back? 8. When he comes, I (apologize) to him. 9. I (not see) this beautiful city again. 10. I (recognize) his picture anywhere.
Ex.3 Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Future Simple or Present Simple.
- If the weather (to be) nice, we probably (to go) to the beach.
- If he still (to have) a cold and (not to feel) better, he (not to go) to the disco.
- If you (to decide) to forget about your diet, you (to eat) wedding cake tomorrow.
- If I (to drink) too much champagne at my friend’s wedding, I (to get) a bad headache.
- If they (to go) to California next year, they (to visit) their friend in San Francisco.
- If she (not to work) properly, her boss (to fire) her and (to hire) my sister.
- I (to see) you before you (to start)?
- What he (to do) when he (to come) home?
- Where they (to go) if the weather (to be) fine?
- He (to ring) me up when he (to return) home.
- If it (to rain), we (to stay) at home.
- She (to walk) home if it (not to be) too cold.
- Please turn off the light when you (to leave) the room.
- If we (to be) tired, we (to stop) at a small village halfway to Moscow and (to have) a short rest and a meal there.
- What she (to do) if she (to see) her best friend again?
Unit 10
Ex. 1 Read the text.
Modern means of transport.
All sectors of the Japanese transport system – from high-speed motorways and railways to local and international airports – are witnessing radical changes. The transport industry is addressing client’s needs and departing from post-war priorities which were aimed at establishing a transport infrastructure to assist industry and export. Key features are travelers’ comfort, a responsible attitude to environmental pollution and the guarantee of safety even in the event of natural disasters.
Improvement of railway facilities and terminals for greater passenger convenience.
Recent changes in the Japanese railway system have been aimed at providing trouble-free changes from trains to other forms of transport or to trains belonging to other railway companies. Efforts are also being made to raise standards of service for passengers both on trains and at stations. The updated terminals provide excellent links between trains, buses, monorails allowing easy changes to be made from long-distance to local trains. New rail routes offer direct travel to ski-slopes, tourist resorts and theme parks. The service provided by railway companies has become more versatile, helpful and friendly. Booking office clerks help travelers plan their journeys. Customers in certain age brackets can enjoy a wide choice of trips at reduced prices during the slack season and recently introduced car and train or train and hire car travel plans allow the tourist to combine car travel with a train journey. More attention is now paid to the actual trains. Some coaches have been rebuilt and re-designed as public saloons, bars, sightseeing cars. Some trains offer individual compartments, something new on Japanese trains, and entertainment facilities, for example built-in flat-tube TVs and audio-equipment.
Connections with air and sea transport: new frights and passenger routes.
Air and sea routes are not just for internal traffic; they also form the links of an international transport chain. Japan has several projects in hand aimed at improving air communications; a new international airport is under construction near the city Osaka, and local airports are being updated for international services and round-the-clock operations. Also, four national freight control centres are to be interlinked to cope with accidents and natural disasters. Airlines are cutting prices for private passengers and giving discounts for pre-booked flights.
Marine transport amounts today for 44% of the country’s total freight traffic. New electronic networks (such as SHIPNETS) have been set up to exchange information between the major seaports. Many small Japanese harbours, though, are often overburdened with work, and use of the latest technology is of paramount importance.
Ex. 2 Put15 questions to the plot of the text.
Ex. 3 Prepare a report about any kind of transport and translate it into Russian.
The Present Perfect and the Present Continuous Tenses
Ex. 1 What’s happening at the moment? Write true sentences.
(I/wash/my hair) – I am not washing my hair.
- (It/snow)………………………………………………………..
- (I/sit/on a chair)……………………………………………..
- (I/eat)…………………………………………………………….
- (it/rain)………………………………………………………….
- (I/learn/English)…………………………………………….
- (I/listen/to the radio)…………………………………….
- (the sun/shine)………………………………………………
- (I/wear/shoes)………………………………………………
- (I/smoke/a cigarette)…………………………………….
- (I/read/a newspaper)……………………………………
Ex.2 Complete the sentences with a verb from the list. Use the Present Perfect.
Break buy finish do go go lose paint read take
- Are they still having dinner? No, they…… .
- I…………. some new shoes. Do you want to see them?
- Is Tom here? No, he…………..to work.
- ………..you………….the shopping? No, I’m going to do it later.
- Where is your key? I don’t know. I………….it.
- Look! Somebody……………..that window.
- Your house looks different. …………you………..it?
- I can’t find my umbrella. Somebody…………..it.
- I’m looking for Sarah. Where…………she……….?
- Do you want the newspaper? No, thanks. I…………..it.
Ex.3 Open the brackets, using the verbs in Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.
- Nellie (to leave) for Moscow tomorrow. 2. I (to be) in a hurry. My friends (to wait) for me. 3. You (to be) at the theatre yesterday. You (to like) the opera? – Oh yes, I (to enjoy) it greatly. 4. You (to go) to London next summer? 5. I (to know) she (to have) a happy life, and she (to live) a long time. 6. A week ago they (not to know) what to think. 7. She (to worry) a lot at the moment, but the problems (not to be) very great. 8. Last Tuesday he (to be) upset and (to have) no idea where to go. 9. Could you tell me the way the Trafalgar Square? I (to go) the right way? 10. Various kinds of sport (to be) popular in Russia. 11. Both children and grown-ups (to be) fond of sports. 12. What (to be) the matter with her? She (to be) so excited. – I (not to know). 13. Where you (to go)? I (to go) to the stadium to see the match which (to take) place there today. 14. You (to know) that a very interesting match (to take) place last Sunday? 15. He (to go) to the South a week ago. 16. Our football team (to win) many games last year. 17. Where (to be) Mike? – He (to play) chess with his friend. 18. I (to be) sorry I (to miss) the match yesterday. But I (to know) the score. It (to be) 4 to 2 in favour of the Manchester United team.
Ex. 4 Open the brackets, using the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect tenses.
- What’s the matter? Why he (to stop)? 2. My cousin (to look) for a job, but he (not to find) a job yet. 3. It (to be) impossible for her to feel at home here. 4. What you (to study) now? 5. They just (to give) you a pay rise. 6. Sophie is busy. She (to knit) a sweater for her grandson. 7. You only (to have) a piece of cake? You (not to eat) much. 8. People (to plant) carrots and tomatoes now. 9. You (to go) to plant tomatoes this year? 10. Johnny, who finally (to find) a new job, (to give) a big party. 11. How long you (to be) sick? 12. You (to see) any good movies recently? 13. What you (to look) forward to? 14. Nancy (to look) forward to this weekend. 15. She (to go) to read Shakespeare and she (not to go) to think about work. 16. Mike (to leave) for work yet? 17. They (to pay) their electric bill this month? 18. How long to (to know) each other? 19. Your car (to make) strange noises. Is anything wrong? 20. The boy (to do) his homework and (to take) a karate lesson now. 21. I (to have) dinner with my friends at the moment and I am very happy to see them again. 22. Jay never (to travel) overseas. 22. We always (to have) a dog and a cat. We love pets. 24. Larry never (to own) a sports car.
Additional material (Проверочные самостоятельные работы)
Unit 1.
- Образуйте форму множественного числа:
a church a chicken
a gentleman a dress
a student a cartoon
a child a baby
a box a week
a potato a doctor
- Образуйте форму множественного числа:
this envelope this game
this factory this ball
this hotel this lady
this rule this bus
this club this hobby
this man this city
- Образуйте форму множественного числа:
- This is a port. 7. This is an orange.
- This is a pilot. 8. This is a disco.
- This is a camera. 9. This is a man.
- This is a sandwich. 10. This is a teacher.
- This is a piano. 11. This is a tooth.
- This is an apple. 12. This is a stranger.
- Образуйте множественное число существительных:
1. This girl isn't my niece.
2. That table is made of wood.
3. An apple isn't a vegetable.
4. There is a pen on this table.
5. This man was a student last year.
6. This cat caught a mouse.
7. That game isn't interesting.
8. There is a new school in our town.
9. The woman is sitting in the room.
10. That boy is a good pupil.
11. Is there a flower in the vase?
12. This hobby is not bad.
13. Is this a mouse? — No, it is a rat.
14. Is that man a doctor? — No, he isn't. He is a teacher.
15. Is there a dictionary on the table? — Yes, there is.
16. The boy was writing the rule,
17. Is this a good tooth?
18. That child has an interesting hobby.
19. This is my foot.
20. That lady doesn't play the piano.
21. This child is watching the leaf falling on the grass.
22. Is this mountain high? — Yes, it is.
Употребите артикль, где это необходимо:
1. There are ... flowers in the vase. ... flowers are beautiful.
2. Do you like ... fruit?
3. She wrote ... letter to her friend. ... letter was long.
4. This is ... good ... book.
5. This is ... girl. She is at ... school.
6. My ... brother is at ... work. He is not at ... home.
7. This is my ... sister. She is ... pupil. My sister is ...good pupil.
8. He likes to read ... books.
9. They are drinking ... coffee now. ... coffee is hot.
10. My cousin is ... teacher. He is ... good teacher. He works at ...school.
11. She has ... long ... black hair.
12. I like these ... apples. Give me these ... apples, please.
13. We live in ... beautiful city. We like our ... city very much.
14. I am ... doctor. I work at ... hospital. ... hospital is large.
15. You have two ... books. Give me one ... book, please.
16. Are you ... pupil? No, I am ... student.
17. Is he ... good pupil?
18. My friend bought ... interesting ... book last week.
19. He has ... daughter, but he has no ... son.
20. My father is sitting at ... table. He is writing ... letter.... letter is long.
21. His brother has ... cat. ... cat is old and ... fat.
22. It is very dark in ... street.
23. I am at ... home. I am reading ... interesting book.
24. Give me ... book, please.
25. We have ... son and ... daughter.
26. I have three ... sisters.
27. This is ... pen. It is his ... pen.
28. He has no ... pencil.
29. My brother's ... watch is bad.
30. She wrote ... letter to her mother.
Put “to be” in a right form:
- When … he born? He … born in 1989.
- His name … Mike.
- I … a first year student.
- At school they … good friends.
- What …you now?
- Soon we …qualified specialists.
- Last year he … in London.
- It … an interesting book.
- At present my father … a worker.
- In some years he …an engineer.
- Where … this book?
- It …on the shelf yesterday.
- Usually our classes … over at 2 o’clock.
- Who … on duty today? I … .
- What … the results of our tests?
- …anybody absent today? No, all … present.
- Ann … absent tomorrow.
- What … their names?
- Where …you yesterday?
- The students … in the lab now.
- What group … in this classroom next lesson?
- Peter … your friend, … not he?
- … you … at home tomorrow?
- How … you? I … fine.
- Who … these men?
- When … you … free?
- … they his children?
- What country … you from?
Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple
Put verbs into a right tense:
- My brother (like) music.
- You (work) abroad next year?
- As a rule I (go) to the Institute by bus.
- We (learn) English at school.
- Our grandparents (live) now in Minsk.
- Last year he (visit) his relatives.
- Who (take) my book yesterday?
- Your children (ask) many questions.
- At present my colleague (work) at school.
- Soon he (know) several foreign languages.
- What you (do) last Sunday?
- Next week my Children (go) to the seaside.
- Ann (not like) such poems.
- They (not meet) the old man last week.
- What the delegation (visit) some days ago?
- The students (take part) in the tomorrow conference.
- In 1998 the Smiths (move) to Washington.
- Nobody (write) the home exercises.
- Who usually (attend) all lectures?
- Who (answer) their letter yesterday?
- She (not know) you.
- My younger brother (leave) school last year.
- They (not know) the rule last lesson.
- Every morning she (do) her morning exercises.
Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous
Ex. 1
- Tomorrow I (to go) to college.
- Look! Kate (to help) her mother about the house.
- They (to spend) their holidays well last year.
- You (to go) shopping every day.
- He (to go) to the cinema with his friend next week.
- My son (to do) his exercises now.
- They (to watch) TV at this time.
- I (to see) a good film last Friday.
- We always (to drink) in this bar.
- She (to do) the washing up now.
- Peter (to listen) to the radio 2 hours ago.
- She (to send) a letter tomorrow.
- We (to have) dinner at 3 every day.
- He (to clean) his room yesterday.
- You (to do) this test now.
- They (to recognize) her yesterday.
Ex. 2
- Where ______ you (to work) last year? – I (to work) at a plant.
- ______ You (to like) to go to the cinema often?
- What ______ they (to do) now? – They (to discuss) a question.
- Where _____ you (to go) yesterday? – I (to go) to the disco.
- _______ You (to meet) me tomorrow?
- What _____ the children (to do) at this moment? – They (to watch) a film now.
- Where _______ we (to drive) next week?
- ______ He (to play) computer games yesterday?
- What _______ she (to write) now?
- How ______ you always (to spend) your free time?
- Where _____ he (to live)?
- When ______ he (to come) back?
- What ______ you (to buy) yesterday?
- _____ They (to sell) their house a week ago?
- How ______ you (to like) that show yesterday?
- Where ______you (to have) your next holidays?
- Whom _______ you (to love)?
- How ______ you (to get) to school?
Test Unit 1
- How … money have you got?
- Many b) much c) little
- There are… flowers in the garden.
- A few b) a little c) much
- This furniture… very expensive.
- Is b) are c) be
- There is… milk in the fridge – but not much.
- Much b) a few c) a little
- All… in our office are beautiful.
- Woman b) women c) womans
- How… bread do you want?
- Much b) many c) few
- Ankara is… capital of Turkey.
- A b) an c) the
- … Heathrow is…. busiest airport in Europe.
- A… the b) the… a c) - … the
- I was at… home yesterday.
- A b) the c) –
- I work for … company that makes… carpets.
- A… - b) - … a c) the… -
- What things should you check first if your car doesn’t start.
a) the petrol tank and the battery
b) the spark plugs and the fuel pipe
c) the battery, the fuel level and the spark plugs
- If it is blocked, you should take it off and unblock it.
a) the plugs
b) the fuel pipe
c) the petrol pump
- What can be empty?
a) the petrol tank
b) the pump
c) the motor
- You should adjust a spark plug to the correct ….
a) length
b) width
c) growth
Test Unit 2
- There… a teacher and 10 students in the classroom.
- are b) is c) will be
- …there any clothes in that shop?
- are b) is c) was
- …there news today?
- are b) is c) will be
- Two days ago I … on the conference. There… many people there.
- were…was b) was…was c) was…were
- In five weeks we… in France.
- will be b) were c) are
- Sorry! I…busy.
- will be b) am c) was
- At the end of his trip he… usually very tired and happy.
- will be b) is c) are
- Three days ago he… in Paris.
- were b) will be c) was
- When I come home tomorrow, my brother…there.
- is b) will be c) was
- There… a lot of information on the Internet.
- are b) is c) were
- What engine is used in cars now?
- a wind-powered engine
- an internal combustion engine
- a steam engine
- What engines are very economical?
- all engines
- water engines and wind engines
- steam engines
- Why was a steam engine heavy?
- because of a boiler and a furnace
- because of coal
- because of water
- What 2 main types of petrol engine do you know?
- 1-stroke and 2-stroke
- 4-stroke and 3-stroke
- 4-stroke and 2-stroke
Test Unit 3
1. Do you… a car?
- Have b) have got c) got
2. Australia… a big population.
- Have not b) doesn’t have c) haven’t got
3. Excuse me, …. a pen I could borrow?
- Does you have b) do you has c) do you have
4. I don’t eat much during the day. I never….. lunch.
- Have b)don’t have c) have got
5. I often see these men but I don’t remember…. names.
- His b) our c) their
6. It may be… dictionaries.
- Our b) ours c) its
7. He patted Jack heartily on … shoulder.
- Her b) your c) his
8. Jill makes all … clothes by herself.
- Her b) your ) his
9. … this letter to your bother. He’ll be angry.
- Show b) don’t show c) doesn’t show
10. … me the time please!
- Say b) tell c) talk
11. Some people try to … MS-DOS.
- untangle
- tangle
- write
12. When some things have to compete with others is called … .
- a consume market
- a dazzling market
- a tough market
13. It’s … for understanding due to commentaries.
- light
- accessible
- easily
14. What does “edutainment” mean?
- a special product
- a combination of education and entertainment
- a category of edults
Unit 4
- My sister is a flight attendant. She….. to hundreds of cities.
- fly b) flies c) flys
- He…..breakfast at half past seven.
- Has b) haves c) have
- …..you…..hockey?
- Do…plays b)Does…..play c) Do…..play
- My brother….a uniform at work.
- Don’t wear b) doesn’t wears c) doesn’t wear
- My mother and I…..TV every evening.
- Watch b) watches c) wach
- What…..American schools teach?
- Are b) do c) does
- Wise kings generally…..wise councilors.
- To have b) has c) have
- All historical places of London……. In the West End.
- Are b) is c) do
- Man…..live by bread alone.
- Do not b) does not c) is not
- ….he……to the supermarket every day?
- Do…go b) does…goes c) does…go
- What computer was built by V. Bush?
- a small computer
- a digital computer
- an analog computer
- Mark I could figure out a long list of mathematical problems … .
- at a fast rate
- at a low rate
- at a quick rate
- What idea did J.von Neumann develop?
- of inventing an analytical engine
- of storing data in a binary code
- of keeping instructions inside computer’s memory
- What can control and amplify electronic signals?
a) electrical tubes
b) vacuum tubes
c) analytical tubes
Unit 5
- I think Paris is………… than London.
- More beautiful, b)most beautiful c) the most beautiful
- That shop is………… building in the street.
a) Oldest b) eldest c) the oldest
- Who’s…………………person in your family?
- Intelligenter b) the most intelligent c) most intelligent
- I think American music is……….than British music.
- Good b) better c) the best
- Dogs are…………than cats.
- Noisier b) noisyer c) more noisy
- Where can I find……….. food in London?
- better b) best c) the best
- These streets are…………. in the whole town.
- The dirtyest b) dirtiest c) the dirtiest
- Honesty is…….policy.
- the best b)better c) more better
- Which is…………planet from Earth?
- Farther b) the farthest c) farthest
- Football is…..than basketball.
- More popular b) the most popular c) the more popular
- It was … progress in the development of laser technology.
- the most outstanding
- the
- famous
- Which country is … producer and consumer of lasers?
- the bigest
- the bigger
- the biggest
- What systems are in more use now/
- rotary axes
- multi-axes
- 7-axes
- When did Japan produce 46 % of world’s lasers?
- in 1989
- in 1986
- in 1898
Test Unit 6
Put these sentences into the Present Simple Passive
1. People drink a great deal of tea in England.
2. Craftsmen make many beautiful objects of paper in Japan.
3. Mother waters the plants in the evening.
4. She tells us stories during her lessons.
5. Marble pavilions protect the houses.
6. They speak many different languages in India.
7. They show many American programs on British television.
8. He often reads books in the local library.
9. They import oranges into Britain.
10. A doctor examines patients during their visit to the hospital.
Choose the right answer
1. What power mustn’t we use so carelessly?
- dangerous
- tremendous
- radical
2. People’s activity is sometimes fraught with … .
- economic consequences
- fatal consequences
- radical consequences
3. An increasing influence on nature … catastrophic results.
- causes
- cause
- maen
4. We depend … the Earth.
- –
- to
- on
5.The production did not take … account these consequences.
a) into
b) in
c) on
Test Unit 7
1….. you pass me the napkin, please?
a)can b) may c) could
2. We… go to the bank today. We haven’t got any money.
a)can b) may c) must
3. … I sit here? – Yes, of course.
a)may b)could c) must
4. Where are you going for your holidays next year? – I’m not sure yet. I… go to Spain.
a)must b) can c) might
5. She got the job because she… speak five languages.
a) can b) must b)can’t
6. … you open the door, please?
a)can b) may c) could
7. I… go and lay the table myself.
a)must b) mustn’t c) might
8. When I was young, I…run very fast.
a) can b) can’t c) could
9. When will you see Alan again? – I’m not sure. I…. see him tomorrow.
a) can b) might c) must
10. Come on! We… hurry. We haven’t got much time.
a) can b) may b) must
11. What branch of science appeared?
a) microminiaturization
b) microelectronics
c) macroelectronics
12. What has extended man’s intellectual power?
a) computer
b) electronics
c) music
13. The smaller the computer, … it can work.
a) the faster
b) the sloser
c) better
14. With this development began the evolution of microwave IC.
a) of integrated circuits
b) of the reduction of distances
c) of planar transmission lines
Test Unit 8
Write the verbs into the correct column and then write the Past Simple forms.
Study meet give win buy visit speak run stay eat start get enjoy stop do lose
1. I…………. to work yesterday.
- Didn’t drive b) didn’t drove c) didn’t drived
2. He……… on holiday to Spain last summer.
- Goed b) gone c) went
3. This sportsman ……… very fast and won the competition.
- Ran b) run c) runed
4. I………. my jeans at work.
- Wear b) weared c) wore
5. We ………… doing this exercise.
- Stoped b) stopped c) stopen
6. Concorde, the world’s fastest passenger plane, ……….. by France and Britain together.
- Was develop b) was developed c) were developed
7. How many people……….. in the train crash?
- Was hurt b) were hurted c) were hurt
8. Why…… the teenagers………. an award?
- Were……..given b) were…. gave c) was given
9. The Berlin Wall…………down in 1982.
- was knocked b) was knoked c) was knock
10. The 2000 Olympic Games………. in Australia.
- Was held b) were held c) was hold
11. What assisted in manipulation of signals?
- variety of tubes
- pipes
- vacuum tubes
12. What replaced the vacuum tubes?
- the transistor
- the circuits
- the discrete components
Test Unit 9
1. Perhaps in the future men…. on the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land.
- Will live b) shall live c) are living
2. We…. take a vacation next month.
- Will not b) shall not c)don’t
3. There’s no need to take an umbrella with you. It…. rain.
- Will b)is c)won’t
4. I’m sorry about what happened yesterday. It……….. happen again.
- won’t b) will c) shall
5.I’ve got some incredible news! You…… never believe what’s happened.
- Won’t b) shall c) will
6.When you…. the park, you…. the hospital.
- To cross…. Will see b) will cross….see c) cross….will see
7.If you….. this article into Russian, she….. it in her report.
- don’t translate….will use b) translate….. will use c) will translate…. use
8.If she…. in St. Petersburg now, she…. you at the railway station.
- Will be… meets b) be… will meet c) is…. will meet
9.When the weather….warmer, I…. practising again.
- get… will start b) gets…. will start c) will be…. start
10.I …..if he….. .
a) don’t know… will agree b)won’t know….agrees c)won’t know…will agree.
11. Duty is a personal act of responsibility, … …?
a) is it
b) isn’t it
c) does it
12. What obligation can be?
a) moral
b) total
c) selfish
d) fatal
Test Unit 10.
1.I know you… an advanced geography course now.
a) were taking b) is taking c) are taking
2.She… difficulty in putting facts in order.
a) is having b) is haveing c) are having
3. The world sea surrounds the earth and… to us all.
a) is belonging b) belongs c) has belonged
4….. you ever… a film in which a train crashed or a ship sank?
a)are…seeing b) have…seen c) have saw
5. Recently BBC experts… a new system that lets the deaf understand television programmes.
a)have invented b) has invented c) invented
6. The nation’s income… enormously over the past 70 years.
a)have risen b) has rose c) has risen
7. It is washed by the waters of…. .
a)an Atlantic Ocean b) Atlantic Ocean c) the Atlantic Ocean
8. Police, firefighters, newspaper reporters and radio broadcasters… work on holiday in the USA.
a) could b) might c) must
9. My sister and I often….different modern exhibitions.
a) visit b) visits c) are visiting
10. …. is the universal language of the world.
a) music b) a music c) the music
11. What terminals provide excellent links between trains, buses, monorails.
a) new
b) old
c) updated
12. What amazing features do the trains offer?
a) entertainment facilities
b) literature
c) service
Final Test
1.Classify the verbs into regular and irregular. Write 3 forms.
Stop, understand, write, run, listen, speak, smoke, wash, think, carry, eat, throw, wear, fly, pay, travel, drive, choose, hurt, steal.
2. Write 5 types of the questions.
1. The children are swimming in the river.
2. It often rains in this country.
3. She has never seen this man before.
3.Choose the correct variant.
A New Film
“Die Another Day” is the name of a new film. It 1___an adventure film. It 2___ in Hawaii, Hong Kong, Spain, Iceland and London. As the story says, there 3___a machine that 4___ 5___ people’s faces. James Bond is trying to catch Zao, a North Korean General. Zao 6___ the machine. He 7___it and his face 8___ 9___. But the experiment 10___ wrong, leaving Zao’s face half-changed.
1. A) was b) am c) is d) are
2. A) was filmed b)will be filmed c) is filmed d)were filmed
3. A) is b) was c)were d) will be
4. A) can b) could c)must d) may
5. A) changed b)changes c)change d) is changing
6. A) find b)found c)finds d)will find
7. A) use b)uses c)is using d) using
8. A)is starting b)started c)start d)starts
9. A)change b)to change b)changes d)changed
10. A) goes b)go c)went d)will go
4. Do a test.
1. Don’t you know him? He always… lies.
a) tell b)say c)says d)tells
2. The clothes are absolutely wet. I should dry … .
a) it b)their c)them d)theirs
3. He decided to save some money and put … in the bank.
a)it b)their c)them d)its
4. … Mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world.
a)a b)the c)an d) –
5. He… the house since 1997.
a)own b)owned c)have owned d)has owned
6. She thinks he’s… man in the world.
a) a smartest b)a smarter c) smartest d)the smartest
7. Nobody knows when it last … in Sri-Lanka.
a)has snowed b)snowed c)is snowing d)will snow
8. You must have as… sugar as possible. It’s bad for you.
a) few b) a little c) little d)a few
9. … breakfast on the train was awful.
a) a b)an c)the d) –
10. This really is … food I’ve ever eaten.
a) worst b) the worst c) a worst d)bad
11. If I… this trip, we… to Paris next week.
a)book…will fly b) will book… fly c) book… fly d) will book…will fly
12. Take an umbrella with you. It… rain.
a)can b)must c)might d)could
13. Last year inflation was tremendous, and the prices… .
a) raised b)rise c)arise d)rose
14. Look! Joy … his new hat.
a) wears b) has worn c) is wearing d) will wear
15. I… always to visit Italy.
a) want b) will want c) wanted d) have wanted
16. It is known that … of the signal response depends on the size of transistors.
a) the growth
b) the width
c) the speed
d) the noise
17. What lasers appear?
a) lasers of domestic producers
b) laser machines
c) lasers of rising prices
d) lasers of modular construction
18. They like to use … .
a) a videos
b) ther videos
c) their captivating videos
d) there videos
19. It needed … fuel.
a) too much
b) to mach
c) few
d) lot of
20. Whose machine was called EDVAC?
a) John von Neumann’s
b) J.Eckert’s
c) J. Maushly’s
d) J.Eckert and J.Maushly’s
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