Урок-обучение дискуссии
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Данная разработка поможет в освоении уже изученного материала, является подготовкой к монологическому высказыванию.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок обучения дискуссии
- Тема урока: Семейные ценности
Topic: Family Issues
- Воспитательная задача:
- Помочь ученикам не бояться давать развернутые ответы и высказывать свою точку зрения
- Заставить задуматься о семейных ценностях
Educational aim:
- To encourage students not to be afraid of speaking up and to give full, well-reasoned answers
- To make students think about their family issues
- Цель урока:
- Научить выстраивать монологическое высказывание
Aim/s or Objectives:
- To teach students to express their points of view
- Сопутствующие задачи:
- Тренировка детального чтения
- Тренировка детального аудирования
- Практика лексических единиц
Subsidiary aims:
- To practice students in reading for details
- To practice students in listening for details
- To practice students in the vocabulary
- Речевой материал:
- клише, разговорные формулы
- лексические единицы и речевые образцы, необходимые для урока.
- Тексты на стр. 75, 78
Speech patterns:
- sreech patterns, clishes
- vocabulary
- texts (p.75, 78)
- Оснащение урока:
1. Greeting the class (2 min) T-Cl 2. Warming-up (4 min ) T-Cl T-P1,2,3 3. Discussion (30min) T-Cl, T-Groups
4. Sizing Up (4 min) T-cl | T - Good morning, students. Today we are going to discuss one of the most important topic nowadays. It’s misunderstanding between parents and children. We will divide into 2 groups after what you are exspected to express your point of view. T- How would you tell sb about your plans? Explain the reasons for your decision? Express your attitude and ask for the reasons?... T- To make our discussion productive I’ll divide you into two groups (the groups will be heterogeneous. T- In the blackboard you can see the table, it will be completed with your results. T- I ask the leaders of two groups to choose the questions for discussion. (the questions are equal to the both groups as they are both heterogeneous) T – Group 1, you will begin. The rest of the class will listen to you attentively. If the group 2 will have any questions they wil ask. Group 1, begin please! Mind your grammar and try to discuss it together…Thank you, it was good. Now Group 2, bigin please…Thank you. T – it was an excellent experience for us, and we have handle with it. So, for today your marks are the following…Thank you, the lesson is over. |
- ”My parents always treat me like a baby”
- What ‘s the main cause of misunderstanding between children and parents
- When does these misunderstandings apper?
- Why do not parents want to understand their kinds?
- Why do children think that parents do not understand them?
- How should children show that they have grown up? What should they do or say?
- What should parents do in such situations?
- “As soon as I’m old enough”
- “What makes a family?”
- “One of the worst things about my house is the lack of privacy”
- “Why do we always build a bridge?”
- “What does normal family life mean for you?”
“5” – ответ должен быть содержательным и развернутым. Ученик должен привести минимум 2 аргумента в поддержку своей точки зрения; максимально использовать вводные слова и фразы, и лексику по пройденным урокам.
The problem number one of most of the young people is the problem of fathers and sons. All young people want to be independent, they want their parents to listen to their opinion, not to interfere in their private life. Some parents neglect their children, because they cant find a common language with each other. Many problems were hushed up, but now we can speak openly about them. I think that the most difficult and sirious problem of modern teen-ages is drug-habit. Some young man use drugs, because they think that will be cool guys. But they don't understand, that it's wrong. Some of them can't stop that, and they become dependent on drugs. And they commit different serious, because they need some money to buy drugs. There are also many other problems: alchoholism, smokin and so on. There are many youth organisations in our country, wich unite young men on different principles. Members of every organisation has ons own world out looks. Each of them has their own morral qualities. There are some informal organisations, for example: skinheads, hippies, panks and so on. Now there exists the problem of missundrstanding beetwen different youth groups. We also face the problem how to spend our free time. We can do it in different ways. Some of teenagers spend their free time in different night clubs. Other young people spend their free time in the strets. As for me, i spend my free time at home or in the night clubs. I also have some problems with my parents. But every time then i have them i try to slove them without quorrel. Now we are young people and we are the future of our country. Teenagers play an important role in the modern society. Grown up's must remember that we are the future of our country and in present moment our character is formed and that's why our parents must not assert pressure on us.
«4» - Ученик должен дать развернутое высказывание по предложенной проблеме, привести хотя бы один аргумент «за» свою точку зрения.
The problem number one of most of the young people is the problem of fathers and sons. All young people want to be independent, they want their parents to listen to their opinion, not to interfere in their private life. Some parents neglect their children, because they cant find a common language with each other. Many problems were hushed up, but now we can speak openly about them. I think that the most difficult and sirious problem of modern teen-ages is drug-habit. Some young man use drugs, because they think that will be cool guys. But they don't understand, that it's wrong. Some of them can't stop that, and they become dependent on drugs. And they commit different serious, because they need some money to buy drugs.
«3» - ученик должен понимать проблему, которая обсуждается, и уметь высказать свое мнение по заданной теме. В данном случае ученику допускается не использовать слова-связки и минимализировать лексический запас данного урока. Возможно приведение примера из жизни.
As for me, I get on with my parents all right. I know, that thousands of young people run away from their homes each year, because they don't get on with their parents well. Every day I can talk with my mother (father died last week) about everything, because she is young too. And she knows my problems as well as her own. Mother always gives me necessary, correct advice. Many parents are busy, but my mother helps me at any time. I have some friends, whose parents treat them unfairly as small children, but my mum treats me as the adult, as the equal. I clean my room myself - this doesn't do my mother. She always says: "Go and clean your room tidy." I consider, that my relationships with my mum are very good, which is especially rare at this time.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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