Чтение с остановками по теме “Reading”
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Задачи: познакомить с новой лексикой, учить анализировать художественные произведения, развивать интерес к чтению современной зарубежной литературы, воспитывать навык участия в дискуссии, работы в сменных группах, помочь учащимся выработать свой взгляд на проблему взаимоотношений с родителями и сверстниками.
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Учитель англ. языка МБОУ СОШ № 19ст. Казанская
10-11 класс Чтение с остановками по теме “Reading”
Задачи: познакомить с новой лексикой, учить анализировать художественные произведения, развивать интерес к чтению современной зарубежной литературы, воспитывать навык участия в дискуссии, работы в сменных группах, помочь учащимся выработать свой взгляд на проблему взаимоотношений с родителями и сверстниками.
Evocation: Today we are going to finish the topic devoted to reading hobby. First I want you to tell us some words about your favourite authors and books of your childhood because everything begins from early years of our life. As for me I remember the book called “Danko”. My mother read it to me and I admired the hero who pulled out his heart to save people. The illustrations were impressive. I felt disappointed. I wanted Danko to be alive. I was weeping furtively while my mother was finishing the story. (Students share their impressions about books)
I would like you to acquaint with a modern writer in order to widen your knowledge about up-to date literature. So I’ve found an interesting story by M.A. Rodgers called “The Hard Way”. Have you any idea why the author chose this title for his story? (definition of the words ‘hard’, ‘way’).
Now we are going to read it together. You should follow my instructions in order to make our reading and discussion exciting. So I ask you to read the text of the story with three stops. Now we are reading the first extract till the words THE FIRST STOP. Work with a pencil? Mind your emotions and feelings. While reading the first three paragraphs mention sense contrast. When finish give me a sign.
Realization of meaning
«The Hard Way» by M.A. Rodgers
They were going to start Christmas lunch. The family were all sitting expectantly round the table: Dad, Mum, Ron and Jennie, Gran – and Jan. Ron’s and Jennie`s baby was upstairs, asleep in the spare room.
Everybody was talking at once. Dad was waiting, a bit impatiently, to say what he said every year as he cut the first slice of turkey.
Jan didn`t want to talk. She was thinking of Davey, and didn`t really pay any attention to the other people at the table. When she saw the table – the huge brown turkey in front of her father, the dishes of potatoes, vegetables, gravy, sauce – she thought of Davey`s words the night before.
What did you feel? Where is a sense contrast? What did you see and hear?
What problem is arisen in the story? What question would you like to ask? What do you think of it? What makes you think so?
(Teacher is giving the vocabulary the students need)
Now read the second extract. While reading try to imagine the scene vividly. When finish give me a sign.
“We`re killing ourselves with too much food and three quarters of the world are starving to death…?”
“Nice bit of turkey, Jan?”
Jan hesitated, then took a deep breath and said, “No turkey for me, thank you.”
Silence. The other members of the family stared at her. Jan stared straight at the red candles in the centre of the table.
Her father cleared his throat. “Have you gone off (to lose interest, to stop eating) turkey, then?” he asked, “or are you just trying to lose weight?”
“Yes,” said Jan, trembling a little. “I`ve gone off all this Christmas stuff (дрянь, чепуха). It`s horrible (ужасно)– we`re eating like pigs and they`re starving –“
“Who`s starving?” Dad asked, looking puzzled.
“Oh, everybody – the rest of the world – you know, you see enough of it on TV!”
Mr. Morris stood still in front of the turkey. He was trying to keep control of himself. “So you think we`re all a lot of pigs, do you? And where did you get that idea from?”
“Davey said – “
“Oh, Davey said, did he? That long-haired layabout? Well, shall I tell you what you can do?”
“Jim!” Jan`s mother put her hand on his arm, but he shook her off. He was in a terrible rage.
“Shall I tell you what you can do?” he went on. “You can got out of here and spend the rest of your Christmas with your Davey. The young generation! Leading beautiful, good lives while we foolish adults stuff ourselves with too much food”
Jan knew her father didn`t like Davey, but she hadn`t expected this rage.
“You`re wrong, Dad,” she said, hoping for a truce [tru:s - перемирие]. “Davey doesn`t deserve (заслуживать) that sort of criticism.”
“Get out!”
The rest of the family didn`t say a word as Jan left the room, weeping.
There was nobody else around in the streets at three o`clock that afternoon. It was Christmas Day. Most people were inside watching TV, or eating.
What do you see now?
What do you think about the essence of the story? Do you support the head of the family? What would your father do? What would you do if you were Jan?
Where are you? (метод континиума) Jan________________Father
What will happen then? Why? (анализ) What makes you think so? (синтез). What is the story about?
Now get ready for further reading. Try to find the turn in the narration, the moment that gives a feeling of some change. Read.
She was walking towards Davey`s house. Her father had told her to go and spend Christmas with him.
She was lucky: Davey was in.
“Hi, Jan! Fancy seeing you here! I thought you were spending Christmas with your family, eating pudding and all that stuff.”
“Well, I was, but… can I come in, Davey?”
There was a slight pause before he said. “Sure. I`ve got a few people here, but one more will not make any difference”
It was pretty dark in the room. There was one candle, burning on a shelf in one corner of the room. Jan couldn`t see how many people there were, but she guessed about seven or eight; they were all sitting, or lying, on the floor. Indian music was coming from somewhere. There was a strange smell: of old cooking, and something Jan didn’t recognize – insense perhaps?
Davey had disappeared. “Sit down. Make yourself at home,” the person said.
Jan sat down. She was feeling tired and, she had to admit (должна была признать, что была), hungry. She wondered (ей было интересно) if Davey had, after all, any food.
Nobody was talking. The music droned on. The air got thicker and thicker, and the strange smell got stronger and stronger. Jan`s head fell forward.
THE THIRD STOP (students сhange their pairs)
Express your opinion about what is good and what is bad in the story? Why do you think so? Do you symphasize with Jan? Why?
Where are you now? Jan________________Father
The writer won’t finish the story with the last 150 words. Can you predict the end? How would you finish it? Why? (discussion)
(Think over the essence of the story. If you were Jan what would you feel and what would you do? Why?
Now read the rest of the story. What was good in the text?
“Want one, Jan?”
Davey was standing over her. The candle had got so low she could hardly see what he was offering (предлагать) her.
“What is it?”
It was like a long cigarette. Everybody else seemed to be holding one.
“What is it?”
“Come on, Jan, you know”
Yes, she knew. So that was the smell: pot. She felt sick. She struggled to her feet.
“Hey, kid. What’s the matter?”
Davey grabbed her arm and lookеd accusingly at her.
Where are you going?
Jan pulled her arm away from him. “I don’t know –I – I need some air, that’s all. Let me go, Davey”.
He was smiling but it was a hard smile. “OK,” he said. You must be nuts, or something else. We were just going to have some food, too”.
But Jan didn’t hear him. She was already at the door, leaving a Christmas gathering for the second time that day.
(Realization of meaning) Work in groups. Has it finished according to your prediction? What will happen later? What makes you think so?
What is the essence of the story?
Where are you now? Jan________________Father
Wenn’s scheme: Compare Jan, her father, Davey – is there anything in common between Jan and her father and between Jan and Davey. Decide where she will go.
Father Davey
In what way can we connect the idea of the story with the following words:
В виде плакатов на доске располагается следующий текст:
25 Ways to a Happier Life
Feeling low? Try talking to someone you trust and respect – perhaps a friend or a parent. Play happy music or read a poem out aloud. Try doing a crossword. Or simply take a nap. Just 10 minutes of sleep can improve your mood. Reading something really gripping (захватывающее) can also help.
Learn to say ‘No’. If you really don’t want to do something, say so. If this is difficult for you, say ‘This isn’t easy, but I have to say ‘No.’
Схема Венн: Compare Jan, her father, Davey – is there anything in commion between Jan and her father and between Jan and Davey. Decide where she will go? Why?
Asking homework: Cinquains –a five line poem about family and friends.
Примеры пятистиший, составленных учащимися:
Reliable, hospitable.
All gather at the table,
Discuss events of the day.
Faithful, reliable.
Support and encouragement.
He is always near.
Do you want to change anything in your relations with your friends and parents? Discuss it with your partner.
Read your poem to us.
Reflection: The lesson ends with a 5-minute essay.
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