Урок чтения в 11 классе "Job Trends" (чтение с остановками)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Урок чтения с остановками с элементами технологии развития критического мышления.
Цели урока: развивать критическое мышление через чтение информационного текста;
развивать умение работать в группе (компетентности: интеллектуальная и социальная)
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Урок чтения в 11 классе "Job Trends" (чтение с остановками)
Технология урока: чтение с остановками
- развивать критическое мышление через чтение информационного текста;
- развивать умения работать в группе (компетентности : интеллектуальная, социальная)
Ход урока
Good morning! Today we are going to touch one of the most burning problems for everybody ( either a teen or an adult) – choosing a job.
How to make a proper choice?
A British journalist Katherine Whitehorn gives advice how to choose a job that will satisfy both – your ambition and your social and physiological needs:” The best advice given to the young is: find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it”
In pairs, discuss these questions. The key words may help you. (см. Приложение 1 )
1. What job areas have become more important in the last twenty years?
2. What jobs have become less important?
3. What skills and qualities are useful to get a good job nowadays?
1. Teacher: Read the title of the text ( см. Приложение 2). Can you predict the main gist. These definition articles from Longman Dictionary might help you:
to survive – to continue to exist in spite of many difficulties and dangers;
to continue to live normally and not be too upset by your problems
fit – having the qualities that are suitable for a particular job, occasion, purpose
survival of the fittest – a situation in which only the strongest and most successful people or things continue to exist
2. Teacher: Now, read the first part of the text
(см. Приложение 2 )
Answer the following question:
- What is ‘future shock” and how does it affect people?
Possible answer : The speed of change that affects people’s lives and work.
3. Teacher: Read the next part of the text and fill in the cluster
What are the job areas of the future?
4. Teacher; Before reading part 3 of the text, do some vocabulary exercises.
Ex.1Use the table below to classify these words from the text that often go together:
accelerate rapidly, become old-fashioned, become self-employed,do badly, feel comfortable, find something difficult, have an advantage, have free time, pay attention, react quickly, rise dramatically, take a deep breath
Verb + noun | Verb+adverb | Verb+adjective |
Ex.2 Complete the sentences below with the correct form of expressions
from Exercise1.
1. I never really_____________ speaking in a foreign language.
2. If you look at the unemployment figures, they_________ in the 1980s.
3. We get so much homework that I don’t__________ to relax.
4. I’d like to _________one day and not work for a boss.
5. Rally drivers have to ___________ to avoid accidents.
6. I _________ maths . I always _________ in maths exams.
Keys: 1 feel comfortable; 2 rose dramatically; 3 have free time; 4 become self-employed; 5 react quickly; 6 find difficult, do badly.
Ex. 3 Complete the vocabulary networks with words from the list:
bored, my own business, an accident, a career, an exam, an excuse, somebody a favour, a good time, home, your homework, married, a mistake, money, promotion, a suggestion, your best.
Keys: 1 an exam; 2 smb a favour: 3 your homework; 4 your best; 5 an excuse; 6 a mistake; 7 money; 8 a suggestion; 9 my own business; 10 an accident; 11 a career; 12 a good time; 13 bored; 14 home; 15 married; 16 promotion.
5 Teacher: Read part 3 of the text and find the answers to the following questions:
- How will careers change?
- How will companies change?
6. Teacher: Before reading the following part of the text do the exercise. Classify the items in the list of job requirements according to the categories:
skills A
qualities B
abilities C
Job requirements:
1 a sharp mind
2 ambition
3 creativity
4 numeracy and literacy
5 artistic ability
6 dedication
7 administrative skills
8 individuality
9 initiative
10 ability to work to tight deadlines
11 physical strength
12 teamwork skills
13 leadership
14 ability to work under pressure
15 flexibility
A 4, 7, 12
B 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15
C 5, 10, 14
7. Teacher: Read part 4 of the text and find out what skills and personal qualities people will need mostly in the future. Do you agree?
Read the leaflet on how to behave on the first day in a new job. Report each piece of advice using the appropriate reporting verbs ( e.g. advise, tell, order, ask, etc.) Remember the rules of reporting orders and requests
On the first day in a job
· be friendly
· don’t wear very informal clothes or heavy make-up
· be kind and co-operative
· don’t share very personal information – you don’t know who you are talking to
· don’t try to make friends with your boss
· listen rather than speak – learn as much as possible about your job and the company
· work hard and don’t spend too much time chatting or resting
· keep your workplace tidy at all times
· don’t argue with anyone
8. Teacher: Read part 5 of the text and make a list of personal benefits the new situation in job trends will bring according to the author.
Teacher: I believe you’ve elicited some useful information to help you make the right choice in the future career.
HOMETASK: Write a wish list of your expectations from your job in terms of:
- satisfaction
- salary
- workload/intensity
- leisure time
- additional benefits
- holidays
I’d like to be able to buy everything I want with my salary.
I’d rather have flexible working hours than stay in the office from 9 to 5.
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