Topic Camping
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Топиг по говорению для 7 класса по теме "Поход" к учебнику М. Кауфман


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Camping is a very popular form of living outdoors. It gives people the opportunity of spending their free time in nature.

Some campers stay in one place for days, a week or even longer. From there they visit tourist attractions, go fishing or hunting, play games and do active sports like mountain biking or just simply relax.

Most people drive to a campsite and put up a tent there. This is easy because you can take everything you need for your camping holiday in your car with you.  There are some types of camping.

Boat campers travel with a canoe, kayak or even a small houseboat. They spend days on lakes or rivers. In Western Europe, especially Holland, Belgium or Ireland you can rent a boat and travel on one of the hundreds of canals and smaller rivers that crisscross these countries.

Backpackers are hikers who carry their things on their backs. They usually go to places that you cannot reach by car. Special equipment is usually extremely light and can be carried on longer trips.

Campers who travel by bike usually can stay at normal campsites. On one side cyclists can get to places that you can't get to by car and on the other side they travel longer distances than hikers do.

Each year millions of people go camping. They can explore new surroundings and be close to nature at the same time.

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