English camp "The power of 7"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Кудаева Нариннэ Борисовна

Материалы к занятиям на английском языке.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Power of 7

Слайд 2

Seven Aches You probably know the word "ache". It can be a verb or a noun, and means "to hurt" or "a pain". We sometimes combine the word "ache" with parts of the body. You have 1 minute to gat ready…

Слайд 3

Seven Aches backache earache headache stomachache toothache heartache We do not use this to mean a physical pain in the heart. Instead, it means an emotional pain. faceache This means an ugly or miserable-looking person. ( BrE )

Слайд 4

Seven Colours Of The Rainbow You have a minute …

Слайд 5

RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE INDIGO VIOLET There is an easy way to remember them (a mnemonic): - Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain

Слайд 6

Seven Meals of the Day Do you know all the words for the meals that we eat during the day? Most people probably eat about three main meals every day, but here are seven words for main and other meals that we often use … You have a minute …

Слайд 7

Seven Meals of the Day breakfast The first meal of the day. Usually around 6am-9am. brunch A meal eaten in the late morning, instead of BReakfast and lUNCH . (informal) elevenses A snack (for example, biscuits and coffee). Around 11am. ( BrE , informal) lunch A meal in the middle of the day. Usually around noon or 1pm. tea A light afternoon meal of sandwiches, cakes etc , with a drink of tea. Around 4pm. It is also sometimes called afternoon tea (mainly BrE ). The word tea can also refer to a cooked evening meal, around 6pm ( BrE ). supper A light or informal evening meal. Around 6pm-7pm. dinner The main meal of the day, eaten either in the middle of the day or in the evening. Usually when people say "dinner", they mean an evening meal, around 7pm-9pm.

Слайд 8

Seven Times Of The Day You have one minute …

Слайд 9

Seven Times Of The Day Here are 7 important times or parts of the day in English. MIDNIGHT This is the middle of the night (00:00 hours). MIDDAY This is the middle of the day, also called "NOON" (12:00 hours). MORNING This is the time from midnight to midday. AFTERNOON This is the time from midday (noon) to evening. From 12:00 hours to approximately 18:00 hours. EVENING This is the time from the end of the afternoon to midnight. From approximately 18:00 hours to 00:00 hours. DAWN This is the time when the sun rises or comes up (sunrise). DUSK This is the time when the sun sets or goes down (sunset).

Слайд 10

the Sun the Moon Tyr - a Norse god known for his sense of justice. Woden , or Odin, - a Norse god who was one of the most powerful of them all. Thor - a Norse god who wielded a giant hammer. Frigg -a Norse god equal in power to Odin. Saturn - a Roman god. Why are those names mentioned?

Слайд 11

How the Days of the Week Got Their Names

Слайд 12

Sunday : Sun's Day. The Sun gave people light and warmth every day. They decided to name the first (or last) day of the week after the Sun. Monday : Moon's Day. The Moon was thought to be very important in the lives of people and their crops. Tuesday : Tiw's Day. Tiw , or Tyr, was a Norse god known for his sense of justice. Wednesday : Woden's Day. Woden , or Odin, was a Norse god who was one of the most powerful of them all. Thursday : Thor's Day. Thor was a Norse god who wielded a giant hammer. Friday : Frigg's Day. Frigg was a Norse god equal in power to Odin. Saturday : Seater's Day or Saturn's Day. Saturn was a Roman god. Here's how :

Слайд 13

The days of the week were named after Norse gods and giant objects in the sky. These names come to us originally from the Greeks and Romans, who named the days of the week after their gods. The Anglo-Saxons, who invaded Britain hundreds of years ago, adopted this idea but substituted their own gods. The English language has inherited and changed those names a bit, but the ones we use today resemble those names.

Слайд 14

Seven Seas A very famous phrase in English is "the seven seas". Many songs and poems refer to "sailing the seven seas" to express the idea of roaming the whole world by sea. But what are the seven seas? You have one minute …

Слайд 15

Today, the seven seas are generally considered to be the: - Arctic Ocean (Северный ледовитый) - Antarctic Ocean (Southern ocean) - Indian Ocean - North Pacific Ocean - South Pacific Ocean - North Atlantic Ocean - South Atlantic Ocean

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Riddles of Alphabet

Слайд 2

Q : What letter of the alphabet is an insect? Q : What letter is a part of the head? Q : What letter is a drink? Q : What letter is a body of water? Q : What letter is a pronoun like "you"? Q : What letter is a vegetable?

Слайд 3

Q : What letter of the alphabet is an insect? A: B. (bee) Q: What letter is a part of the head? A: I. (eye) Q: What letter is a drink? A: T. (tea) Q: What letter is a body of water? A: C. (sea) Q: What letter is a pronoun like "you"? A: The letter " I " Q: What letter is a vegetable? A: P. (pea)

Слайд 4

Q: What letter is an exclamation? Q : What letter is a European bird? Q : What letter is looking for causes ?

Слайд 5

Jay - сойка Q: What letter is an exclamation? A: O. (oh!) Q: What letter is a European bird? A: J. (Jay) Q: What letter is looking for causes ? A: Y. (why)

Слайд 6

Q : What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment but not once in a thousand years? Q : Why is the letter "T" like an island ? Q : In what way can the letter "A" help a deaf lady? Q : Which is the loudest vowel?

Слайд 7

Q : What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment but not once in a thousand years? A: The letter "m". Q: Why is the letter "T" like an island ? A: Because it is in the middle of waTer . Q: In what way can the letter "A" help a deaf lady? A: It can make "her" "hear. Q: Which is the loudest vowel? A: The letter "I". It is always in the midst of noise

Слайд 8

Q : What word of only three syllables contains 26 letters? Q : What relatives are dependent on "you"?

Слайд 9

Q : What word of only three syllables contains 26 letters? A: Alphabet = (26 letters) Q: What relatives are dependent on "you"? A: Aunt, uncle, cousin. They all need "U ".

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English camp "The power of 7"

The following powerpoints were used as warm-ups for the day....