Разработка урока 7 класс Кузовлев В.П. "Охрана окружающей среды"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Мясникова Людмила Алексеевна

В ходе урока систематизируются и обобщаются знания по теме "Экология" и  совершенствуются лексико-грамматические навыки речи по теме.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Разработка урока по теме « How do you treat the earth?» в седьмом классе по УМК В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш.Перегудова.


         Практической целью урока является: совершенствование лексико-грамматического навыка речи по данной теме, развитие навыка аудирования, устной речи. В данном уроке учитель использует ситуацию на этапе активизации лексического навыка речи, а так же для развития навыка аудирования и говорения.

Цели урока:

Образовательные: продолжать совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки чтения, аудирования и говорения по теме урока.

Развивающие: развивать мышление, память, самостоятельность, совершенствовать навыки связной речи, развивать интеллект и познавательные способности.

Воспитательные: формировать культуру общения на английском языке, формировать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка.

Оснащение: рисунки, раздаточный материал, доска, аудиокассеты с заданиями для аудирования.

Ход урока:

1.Организационный момент.

 Teacher: Good-morning, dear boys and girls. . I am very glad to see you. You look fine today. Then let’s start our lesson. Look at the screen please. I have prepared a proverb for you J.J.Russo “Nature is unchangeable beauty”. And I want you to prove me this.

 Teacher: We must know many words to use them at the lesson .You have cards with a number of words enclosed into a box. Look through them and choose those, which belong to our theme: “How do you treat the Earth?” Read them.

The list of words: a charity (organization),  to raise (money),  to make contribution, nature, to give a helping hand,  to damage, to destroy, homeless, to disturb, environment, lonely, glass, to plant, plastic, а volunteer to pollute, to make donations, pollution,  to provide shelter,  to protect, to recycle, to reduce, to reuse, to spoil, to throw away, elderly, disabled, wild life

2. Постановка цели урока.

Teacher: Today we are going to discuss the problem of environmental protection. You know that people all over the world are worried about our nature, because it is unique and beautiful. On the blackboard you can read the words by J.J. Russo. Is that true?  And today we shall try to find the answer and who is in Charge of Our Planet.

P1: Environmental protection is one of the main problems today. Our nature is in danger. We must do something to help it. By the end of the lesson we’ll make up the Rules that people must follow if they want to survive and see our planet beautiful.

P2: People all over the world think about our planet. They think about air, water, plants and animals. They say our planet is in danger. Many people don’t know how to keep the water clean and the air fresh. But they are ready to do it. English people know how we can help our environment. And we want to speak about it.

3. Совершенствование навыков аудирования.

 Teacher: People have different opinions of ecological problems. Let’s listen to the speakers and correlate the speakers with their opinions. (Учащиеся слушают запись, затем соотносят говорящего с затронутой проблемой).

Speaker 1      A. Thinks that those factories must also do something about pollution.

Speaker 2      B. Thinks that it is necessary to have extra rubbish bins where possible.

Speaker 3.     C. Thinks that who pollute should pay money.

Speaker 4.      D.Thinks that recycling can bring you extra money.

Speaker 5.      E. Thinks that recycling is quite simple for anyone who thinks about nature.

Текст для аудирования:” Do we recycle enough?”

1. No. We should have bins placed along roads to make collecting cans and rubbish easier. What we have is not enough because we are still wasting natural resources.

2. We can never recycle enough. Empty cans are worth money, so why not save them — either for extra pocket money or for charity. Every little bit does help.

3. No. Recycling is important for the environment making the world a better place. We should introduce more schemes so that people have to clean up in and around their homes — or pay a fine.

4. There are lots of recycling bins at supermarkets and shopping centres for household waste. But industries should recycle their waste too. They often don’t seem to care that they are polluting the planet.

5. We could all make a bigger effort to recycle. It’s so easy to throw empty cans and bottles in the bin — we just have to stop and think what we are doing to the planet. I’m sure we could all make a difference.

4. Совершенствование навыков говорения.

Teacher:  People all over the world think about our planet. They think about air, water, plants and animals. They say our planet is beautiful, but it is in danger. Many people don’t know how to keep the water clean and the air fresh. But they are ready to do it. English people know how we can help our environment.  I am holding cards with two pictures. Choose the picture you like. Pupils who have a picture with microphone will be in group –Journalists. Others will work in group-ecologists. Form the groups. And we want to speak about it.” Who is in charge of the Planet? “

1. What can people recycle, reuse, reduce?

2. What are global environmental problems?

3. How do people influence the environment?

4. What can children do to help the Earth?

5. Why do we have to protect nature?

6. How can we protect nature?

Т: What ecological organizations help to protect nature?

 P: Greenpeace

       Greenpeace is an international environmental organization. Members of Greenpeace appear in the places where the environment is endangered. They always act fast and bravely.

 Greenpeace has offices in many countries of the world including Russia. People, who can't take part in Greenpeace actions directly, support this organization with money. Greenpeace members are often referred to as "greens".

 Teacher: Tell me if you have seen any of these signs. What do they mean?  (Учитель показывает слайды по проблемам экологии, учащиеся называют проблему)

Class: Keep your country tidy! Keep of the grass. Put your litter in the bin. Keep dogs under control. Recycle.

T: That’s interesting. Give your own opinion on my statements. Do you agree or not?

1. To keep our planet tidy we must clean our streets and pavements.  

Дайте: подтверждение и обоснование.

2. It is rule to keep dogs under control. Why do you think so?

Дайте: информацию и обоснование.

3. I think it is a very wise rule to grow flowers and trees. And you?

Дайте: информацию и собственную оценку.

Teacher: What’s the conclusion of our conversation-Do you agree with the words by J.J.Russo “Nature is unchangeable beauty”?

Teacher:   And we know that we should do something if we want to keep our planet tidy. Here you can see some advice on how to keep our country tidy. (Учащимся даются советы по защите окружающей среды. Их задача - составить предложения, используя пассивную конструкцию с инфинитивом)

a) Teacher: What are you asked to do or not to do?

Recycle plastic bottles

Put your litter in the bin

Don’t hurt wild animals

Keep off the grass

Don’t pollute  nature

Throw away less litter

Reduce using electricity

Class: We are asked to keep off the grass.

           We are asked to reduce using electricity.

Cоставление дерева.

 T: Thank you, children. Now it is time to make a Green Tree. I want you to use the tree leaf and write a promise. Collect all your tree leaves and make a Green Tree. Go to the blackboard and read your promises. ( Ученики выходят к доске с зелеными листьями обещаниями и составляют дерево, на одну сторону дерева прикрепляют листы с тем, что должны делать, чтобы защитить окружающую среду, а на другую сторону, что не должны делать).

 People mustn’t pollute the water

 People mustn’t kill fish

 People mustn’t leave litter

 People mustn’t cut down trees

 People mustn’t drop the litter

 People must turn off lights and water

 People must clean after their dogs

 People must recycle used materials

 People must feed birds and help them.

 People mustn’t wear fur coats

 People must use public transport

 People mustn’t use campfire


 Teacher: Let’s make up the resolution of our lesson. What can you personally do to help the world?

 Примерные ответы:

 • I can walk or use a bicycle instead of going by car.

 • I can't make litter with paper, cans or bottles.

 • I can plant more trees.

 • I can feed birds in winter and help them survive in the cold.

 • I can save energy. I can use less electricity and gas. I will turn off the lights when I leave a room.

 • I can clear rubbish from lakes and rivers.

 • I will have showers, not baths. Showers use less water.

 T: Why do we have to protect nature?

  - Because it is beautiful.

 - Because I want to live on a clean planet.

 Т: I like your ideas. Thank you. I want to add that our nature is in danger. We should protect it because we want to save our beautiful planet. We can recycle paper, metal and glass. We must not pollute the atmosphere or water.


 Teacher: Do you like the lesson?

  The lesson was                                        interesting


                                                                   exciting                             for me.

 Teacher: I’m glad you understand that everybody is in charge of the planet.

1) Marks.

2) Home task: Do a project “How do I treat the Earth?”

1. What can people recycle, reuse, reduce?

2. What are global environmental problems?

3. How do people influence the environment?

4. What can children do to help the Earth?

5. Why do we have to protect nature?

6. How can we protect nature?

2. Teacher: Tell me if you have seen any of these signs. What do they mean? (Приложение 1. Учитель показывает слайды по проблемам экологии, учащиеся называют проблему)

Class: Keep your country tidy!

 Today we shall speak about very important problem. The topic of our lesson is Environmental Protection and you can see the topic on the blackboard. What does it mean? What do you think what do we do on the lesson?

 P: I think we’ll speak about the atmosphere, the water, the air, the litter.

 T: OK, and what do you think what the Environmental Protection is?

 (Выступления учеников)

 P1: Environmental protection is one of the main problems today. Our nature is in danger. We must do something to help it. By the end of the lesson we’ll make up the Rules that people must follow if they want to survive.

 P2: People all over the world think about our planet. They think about air, water, plants and animals. They say our planet is in danger. Many people don’t know how to keep the water clean and the air fresh. But they are ready to do it. English people know how we can help our environment. And we want to speak about it.

 P3: They sort their rubbish: there are special containers for paper, tins, food, white glass, brown glass and green glass. After that special factories recycle these materials and people reuse them.

 P4: They never drop litter in the street. If somebody sees you, you have to pay a fine.

 They never forget to turn off lights and water. Water, heating and electricity are expensive!

 P5: A lot of people use public transport. They don't go by cars, because firstly, cars pollute the atmosphere and secondly, because it's very difficult and expensive to park a car in a big city.

 P6: They clean up after them dogs with special pooper scoopers. If they don't — the fine is £50.

 P7: Their winters aren't very cold, so nobody wears fur coats. If they wear a fur coat, sometimes people from Greenpeace spray your coat with paint."We mustn't kill animals for clothes," they say.

 P8: When English people go camping, they never make campfires. They use camping stoves.

Составление дерева.

 T: Thank you, children. Now it is time to make a Green Tree. I want you to use the tree leaf and write a promise. Collect all your tree leaves and make a Green Tree. Go to the blackboard and read your promises. ( Ученики выходят к доске с зелеными листьями обещаниями и составляют дерево, на одну сторону дерева прикрепляют листы с тем, что должны делать, чтобы защитить окружающую среду, а на другую сторону, что не должны делать).

 People mustn’t pollute the water

 People mustn’t kill fish

 People mustn’t leave litter

 People mustn’t cut down trees

 People mustn’t drop the litter

 People must turn off lights and water

 People must clean after their dogs

 People must recycle used materials

 People must feed birds and help them.

 People mustn’t wear fur coats

 People must use public transport

 People mustn’t use campfire

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