Контрольно - измерительный материал для 6 класса
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Утверждаю» Приказ №124/1-ОД от 01сентября 2015г. Директор ГБОУ СОШ с.Елховка Свиридова О.Г. «_01_»_09__2015г. | «Согласовано» Заместитель директора по УВР ГБОУ СОШ с.Елховка Куразеева Н.Г. «_01_»_09___2015 г. | «Согласовано» Руководитель МО____ Протокол № ___ от «_31__» _08_ 2015г. |
Контрольно-измерительный материал
по английскому языку
Класс 6 - Б
Учитель Семьянцева Марина Валерьевна
Дополнительная литература:
1) Учебник «Английский язык» - для 6 класса образовательных учреждений -Москва « Просвещение», 2014г.
2) Рабочая тетрадь «Английский язык» - для 6 класса образовательных учреждений – Москва « Просвещение», 2014г.
3) Книга для чтения «Английский язык» - для 6 класса образовательных учреждений – Москва « Просвещение», 2014г.
4) Рогова Н.В. и др. тесты. Контрольные работы по английскому языку.- СПБ: КАРО, 2001г.
Контрольное аудирование по теме «Внешность».
Дата: 17.09.15
Цель: проверить сформированность навыка аудирования.
You’ll hear the 7 o’clock news on the radio. Look through the statements. Listen to the news and tick ( v) the correct answer. You will hear the news twice.
1 The police are looking for a a man. _________
b a boy.___________
с a girl. ___________
2 He is a 10 years old. ________
b 20 years old._________
с 12 years old. ________
3 He is a short and plump. __________
b tall and slim. ____________
с short and slim.__________
4 He has got a long black hair._________
b short brown hair. ____________
с long brown hair. _________
5 He has got jeans and a a black top on._________
b a green top on. ________
с a dark top on. _________
Your score | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
your mark | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Контрольное чтение по теме «Внешность».
Дата: 22.09.15г.
Цель: проверить навыки чтения и умения извлечь из текста нужную информацию, лексико-грамматические и орфографические навыки.
Read the article from a children’s magazine.
- Choose the best title for the article.
- Clothes in Britain.
- British people don’t care for clothes.
c) Formal clothes in Britain. —
These days most people in Britain do not wear very formal1 clothes. But sometimes it is important to wear the right thing. Many British people don’t think about clothes very much. They like to be comfortable. When they go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything. At theatres, cinemas and concerts they can wear what they like — from jeans and sweaters to T-shirts and shorts. Anything is OK if you look clean and neat.
But men in offices usually wear suits and ties and women wear dresses or skirts (not trousers). Doctors, lawyers and businessmen wear formal clothes. And in some hotels and restaurants men should wear suits and ties and women should wear smart dresses. It is difficult to say what people wear in Britain because everyone is different. If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and do the same or ask advice of your friend. You’ll be more comfortable if you don’t look different from everyone else.
- Mark the sentences with the letter T if the information is true and with the letter F if it is false.
a Most people in Britain wear formal clothes. _____
b A lot of British people care much for their clothes._____
с British people can’t wear jeans at theatres. _____
d There are dress rules in some hotels and restaurants. ____
e It is OK to ask your friend for advice if you don’t know what to wear. _____
Your score | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 |
Your mark | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
- Meet the Simpsons, a famous American cartoon family.
Who is who? Fill in the gaps with the preposition with or in and the words from the box. There are two extra words. There is am example (0) at the beginning.
Mr Simpson is a man (0) in a white (1) __________ and blue (2)___________.
1 formal — формальный, официальный
Mrs Simpson is a woman (3)________ long blue (4)________.
She is (5)_______ a yellow (6)________.
Bart is a boy (7)________ a red (8)___________and green(9)__________.
Lisa is a girl (10)__________a red (11)_____________.
Maggie is a baby (12)__________ a (13)________ ribbon1 in her (14)_________.
top • trousers • shirt • hair (2) • dress T-shirt • blouse • shorts • skirt • blue |
- K. Queen Elizabeth II* has got a lot of grandchildren.
Arе they of the same age? Put the words in brackets in the correct place and in the correct form. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
Peter Philips is (0) the oldest . (old) Princess Eugenie of York is(1)_________.
(young) She is 13 years (2) ________________Peter (young, than) Prince Henry isn’t (3)___________Princess Beatrice. (old, as ... as) She is 4 years (4)_______her
cousin.(young, than) Peter Philips is 4 years (5)____________his sister Sarah.
(old, than) Prince Henry has a brother: Prince William is (6)_________ he. (a bit, old, than) He was 2 years (7) when Prince Henry was born, (old)
a ribbon — лента
Your score | 21—20 | 19—15 | 14—10 | 9 and less |
Your mark | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Контрольное письмо по теме «Моя любимая одежда»
Дата: 18.09.15г.
Цель: проверить лексико-грамматические навыки.
Your foreign friend Sue asks you to write about your favourite clothes.
What will you write? (50 words)
Now I’ll answer your question.
I ___________________________________________
Best wishes,
How well do you know British culture?
- Match the clothes with the name of the person or thing that gave the name to the clothes.
- a bowler hat a the battle in the Crimea
2 a cardigan b Wellington
3 wellies с Beaulie
- a balaclava d Lord Cardigan
- What is what? Match.
1Paddington a a museum
2 Madame Tussaud’s b a mountain
3Buckingham Palace c a wax model museum
4the Tower of London d a station in London
5Ben Nevis e a film
6 Star Wars f a river
7 the Thames g an official Queen’s home
Your score | 11—10 | 9-8 | 7-6 | 5 and less |
Your mark | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Контрольное говорение по теме «Внешность»
Цель: умение вести разговор на предложенную тему.
Выполнение упражнения на стр. 21 упр. 1, 2 в учебнике для учащихся(S.B.)
Контрольное аудирование по теме «Характер».
Дата: 08.10.15
Цели: проверить сформированность навыка аудирования
1) How do the children apologise and reply? Tick. You’ll hear the conversation twice.
A a Sorry! В a OK._____
b I’m awfully sorry! b That’s OK.______
с I’m very sorry! с That’s all right.
2) Choose a picture that matches the conversation. Circle the correct letter.
Контрольное чтение по теме «Характер».
Дата: 16.10.15
Цели: проверить навыки чтения и умения извлечь из текста нужную информацию, лексико-грамматические и орфографические навыки.
Read an article from a popular children’s magazine. Answer the questions after the articlе.
He’s about two metres tall, he doesn’t wear any clothes and he’s fot red hair all over his body. People say, he lives in the Caucasus mountains, in Kazakhstan. Scientists1- учёный
call him the Alma. Russian scientists are looking for him now.
In fact, one of the scientists has already hunted the Alma for manу years. The Alma is half-man and half-monkey. He is not sociable and friendly. He can be aggressive and angry. He only comes out at night, he loves horses and he can run very fast (60 km/hr).
There are a lot of stories about him, but no one really knows where he really lives.
- Who is the article about? Tick the correct answer.
The article is about
A a scientist
B a monkey
C half-man and half-monkey
- Fill in the ad with the necessary information.
Wanted Name:___________________________________ Appearance:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Characteristics:________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________ Other information:_____________________________________________________ |
- Bill is talking about his family and friends.
Fill in the gaps with suitable words. One word in each group is extra. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
- My sister is (0) socible . But she is sometimes (1)____(shy, clever, sociable)
- My best friend is (2)__________and I can always (3)______him. (boastful, honest, trust)
- My Mum is very (4)________.She is always (5)________.(helpful, lazy, kind)
- My pet is a (6) ________ cat. He’s very (7)________ .(clever, funny, strict)
- My Dad never looks (8)________. He is always (9)_________ .(cheerful, politer-sad)
- Pete never (10) _______________. He is (11)____________(gets on well, friendly, calls me names)
- At weekends Paul and his family do different things.
What are Paul and his family doing now? What do they usually do? Choose the correct verb forms. Underline them.
Paul’s mother usually (0) (goes/is going) shopping on Saturdays, but now she (1) (is preparing/prepares) vegetables for dinner. Paul’s sister often (2) (helps/'is helping) her mother. Now she (3) (is helping/helps) her, too. Paul (4) (is plaving/plavs) computer games at the moment. He sometimes (5) (plays/is playing) computer games on Sundays. His cat (6) (is sleeping/sleeps) on the sofa.
3. It is 7 am. Jane’s family is in the kitchen.
Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct verb form.
Jane’s mother (0) is sitting (sit) at the breakfast table. She(1) (read) a morning newspaper. She (2)________(read)newspapers every morning. Jane’s father (3 )________ (eat) a salad. He (4) (like) fruit salads. There is a cartoon on TV. Jane and Kate (5) __________(not watch) it. They (6)___________(put) textbooks in their school bags. They usually (7)________ (watch) cartoons in the evening. Bill (8)___________(watch)TV. He(9)________like cartoons.
Your score | 26-25 | 24-21 | 20—13 | 12 and less |
Your mark | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Контрольное письмо по теме «Характер»
Дата: 20.10.15г.
Цель: проверить лексико-грамматические навыки.
Your foreign friend asks you about your best friend.
Describe your best friend in a letter to your foreign friend (50 words)
Don’t forget to write about:
- Your friend’s appearance;
- His (her) character;
- His (her) favourite activities;
- Why you like him (her).
Dear_____________, My best friend’s name______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes, __________ |
How well do you know British and American culture?
Write the letter T if the sentences are true and F if they are false.
- American children of your age choose the class president. ______
- When British people apologise they say That’s all right. _____
- The Scout organisation is only for boys._______
- Hide-and-seek is an indoor game. ________
- The Lake District is in Scotland. _________
Контрольное говорение по теме «Мой любимый герой».
Дата: 22.10.15г.
Цель: умение вести разговор на предложенную тему.
Выполнение упражнения на стр. 37 упр. 1, 2 (S.B.)
Контрольное аудирование по теме «Дом, квартира».
Дата: 20.11.15
Цель: проверить сформированность навыка аудирования.
The Browns family are going to have a birthday party for their dad. They are discussing their plans.
Put (V) in the right column to show what work the mother will do, which things they have already done, and what the mother accepted the help for.
Work to do | Mum will do it | They have already done it | Mum accepted the help |
To do the shopping To buy a present To sweep the paths To clean the kitchen wash the clothes To cook dinner To wash the dishes To water the flowers |
Контрольное чтение: по теме «Мой дом».
Дата: 27.11.15
Цель: проверить навыки чтения и умения извлечь из текста нужную информацию, лексико-грамматические и орфографические навыки.
Here is a description of the house from the book The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien.*
For questions 1—5, choose the correct answer.
Hobbits didn’t live in houses, they lived in holes1. The hobbit lived in a hole in the mountain. It was not a bad, uncomfortable hole, not a hole with nothing to sit on or to eat on. It was a hobbit hole and hobbits loved comfort. The hole had a round door. The door opened to a room like a tunnel: a very comfortable room. There were carpets on the floor; there were comfortable chairs and a place for hats and jackets. There were a lot of little doors in the room. There were no upstairs: bedrooms, bathrooms, wardrobes (he had whole rooms for clothes), kitchens, dining rooms, all were on the same floor. The best rooms were all on the left. Only these rooms had windows. 1 a hole — нора
Choose the correct answer.
1 The hobbit lived in a a comfortable hole.
b а bad comfortable hole.
с a hole with nothing to sit on.
2 In the hole there a were no rooms, only a tunnel.
b was one room.
c were a lot of different rooms.
3 A wardrobe in the text is a a piece of furniture for clothes.
b a room for clothes.
с the clothes that the hobbit had.
4Which rooms had windows? a All the rooms had windows.
bThe rooms that were on the left of the tunnel had windows.
с There were no windows in the hole
5How many floors were in the hole? а There was one floor.
b There were two floors,
с There were a lot of floors.
- Read a popular fairy tale. Fill in the gaps with there was/were or was. There is (0) at the beginning.
Once upon a time (0) there were three Bears who lived together in a house of their own in a forest. One of them (1)_________ a Little Wee Bear, and one (2)_______a Middle-sized Bear, and the other (3)______ a bowls1 for porridge in the house. And (5)______________________three armchairs to sit in.(6)___________three beds to sleep in. (7)________________a little bed for the Little Wee Bear;(8)_________________a middle-sized
bed for the Middle-sized Bear; and (9)__________________a great bed for the Great Big Bear. The little bed (10)_______the most beautiful and comfortable.
2. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form (Present Perfect or Past Simple).
- I _________ (just/get) a letter from my friend.
- I think I (already/do) lot of important things in
my life.
- Jake__________ (finish)his homework at 6 pm. It______ (take) him an hour to do it.
- Nelly_______ (yet/finish) her task___________.
- I (read) a lot when I was at school.
- Steve (yet/read) this book_________.
7 ________ you (watch) the football match yesterday?
8 My mother___________ (do)the shopping today.
Контрольное письмо по теме: «Мой дом».
Дата: 01.12.15
Цель: проверить лексико-грамматические навыки.
You got a letter from your pen friend Alex, who lives in Norwich. He asks you to write him about your house/flat.
What would you write? Write about 50 words. Remember to write about:
- where your house/flat is;
- how many room there are;
- what furniture there is;
- if you like it or not.
Dear__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours,___________________ |
How well do you know British and American culture?
Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
- In England people write the address in this way:
a Apple Road 73 b Great Britain с)73 Apple Road
Norwich Norfolk NR 46 GK Norwich
Norfolk NR 46 GK 73 Apple Road Norfolk NR 46 GK
- Caravan is
a a place where people can live and sleep when they are on holi- Hlay.
b a house for camels.
с a group of people with animals who travel together.
- The author of The Marvelous Land of Oz is
a A. Volkov.
b L. Frank Baum.
с В. Byars.
- A typical British house has got
a one floor.
b two floors.
c three floors.
Контрольное говорение по теме «Дом моей мечты».
Дата: 26.11.15г.
Цель: умение вести разговор на предложенную тему.
Выполнение упражнения на стр. 57 упр. 1, 2 (S.B.)
Контрольное аудирование по теме «Магазины и покупки».
Дата: 12.01.16
Цель: проверить сформированность навыка аудирования
Three children answered one question: "What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?"
What did each of them answer? Match the names and the answers. Three answers are extra.
1Katie Knox 2David Lemon 3 Emma Adeleye
a a black and white skateboard
b a brown watch
с a party dress
d two skateboards
e a mobile phone
f a dress and shoes
1 ____
Контрольное чтение по теме: «Магазины и покупки».
Дата: 22.12.15
Цель: проверить навыки чтения и умения извлечь из текста нужную информацию, лексико- грамматические и орфографические навыки.
Read the story from the book The Cat Ate My Gymsuit by Paula Danziger and 3nswer the questions after the text.
I hate to go shopping. I love clothes, but they always look awful эп me. And when you find something you like, they never have it in your size. It’s awful.
So there we were at the “Chubbies”* section.
(1)____________________The saleslady came up to my mother.
‘Can I help you, dear?” she asked.
“Oh, what do you want?” she asked me.
“I want a pair of size five blue jeans.”
“Marcy,” my mother began.
“Mom, she asked what I wanted, not what I was going to buy.” “You’ll have to excuse my daughter. She gets upset when she shops.”
The saleslady smiled and said, “I can understand.”
(3)_________________________________________.. It wasn’t a dress but my mother liked it.
1 . Where do the following sentences belong? Decide in which gap (1—3) each sentence (a—c) should go.
A____ My mother was looking at ugly dresses.
B_____ We are looking for a party dress for my daughter.
C_____ With her help I bought a purple trouser suit.
- Match the statements (a—c) with the pictures (1—3).
Marcy was going to buy _____________.
Marcy wanted to buy _______ .
Marcy bought ________ .
3. Why does Marcy hate to go shopping? Mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false.
a The clothes don’t look nice on her.
b They never have the clothes she likes in her size.
с She never knows what she wants.
d Marcy’s and her mother’s tastes are different.
- For questions (1—7), choose the correct variant (a, b, c). There is an example (0)
- How much does it cost ?
A cost b sell c________________
- I’d like to buy a loaf of _______________
a cheese b bread с butter
2 How much is this of coffee?
a bar a cartoon c jar
3 I’m going to the_____________ to buy some milk.
a baker’s b butcher’s c dairy
- Ask a ______________how much this box of chocolate costs.
A salesperson b customer с grocer
- For this you need some flour, some butter and salt to taste.
a recipe b price с menu
6. At the greengrocer’s you can buy.
a green tea b a cabbage с a tin of dog food
- We’ve got onion soup for lunch.
a enough b any с a few
2. Fill in the gaps with “a” where necessary.
1. I can give you _____________few pounds.
- Can you buy some coffee, please? We’ve got ___________little left.
- Will you give me some apples? I’ve got________ few left.
- Let’s go shopping. I’ve invited _______ few of my friends for lunch.
- We’ve got ________ little milk! We can have tea with milk!
- There are _____few shops in this area. You’d better go to some other place.
3. What were the children and their parents doing the whole day before a school party? Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Past Simple /Past Progressive). There is an example (O) for you.
Jane (0) (chose) was choosing presents for her classmates while
Jennifer and Susie (1) (write) ____________ invitation cards. Then Jack, Tom and Charlie (2) (come) _______and (3) (colour) ________ the invitation cards very nicely! While Jane’s mother (4)"(make) _______ chocolate cakes at home, five of Jane’s classmates (5) (cut) ___________ sandwiches. Neil and Nelly (6) (draw)________ some pictures while Betsy and some other girls (7) (decorate)______________the classroom. Emily’s and Kim’s mothers (8) (prepare)____________fruit salads when Betsy’s mother (9) (come)_________ to help them.
When the children and their mothers (10)(finish up)_________all the preparations, Kim’s and Tom’s fathers (11) (arrive)________. They (12) (bring) ___________a lot of chocolate bars for the whole group.
Контрольное письмо по теме: «Магазины и покупки».
Дата: 25.12.15
Цель: проверить лексико-грамматические навыки
You've got a letter from your foreign friend. She asks you about the way you celebrated your last birthday.
Write back to her. (50 words)
Dear ...,
Last Sunday was my birthday. I had a sleepover party.
I got a lot of presents. We had a lot of fun.
How did you celebrate your last birthday?
Did you have a party? If so, what did you do at your party?
What do you know about British culture?
Mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false.
- _____ Hamleys is one of the most popular toy shops in England.
- _____Today, the British use pounds and pence.
- _____ There is one hundred pence in a pound.
- _____ There are 454 grams in a pound.
- ______ Corner shops are always on the corner of a street.
- ______ Covent Garden is a popular circus in Great Britain.
- ______ A pint is more than a gallon.
Контрольное говорение по теме: « Магазины и покупки».
Дата: 14.01.16г.
Цель: умение вести разговор на предложенную тему.
Выполнение упражнения на стр.76-77 упр.1, 2 (S.B.)
Контрольное аудирование по теме: «Здоровье».
Дата: 11.02.16г.
Цель: проверить сформированность навыка аудирования.
You will hear a conversation between two people. For statements 1—5, write a letter T if the statement is true or F if it is false. You will hear the talk twice.
1 ______The boy has backache.
2______The boy might have the flu.
3 _____ The boy has hurt his leg.
4_____ The girl gives some medicine to the boy.
5_____ The girl advises the boy to drink lemon juice.
Контрольное чтение по теме: «Здоровье».
Дата: 12.02.16г.
Цель: проверить навыки чтения и умения извлечь из текста нужную информацию, лексико- грамматические и орфографические навыки.
Francesco came to hospital with his parents.
What happened in the hospital?
- Put the paragraphs in the correct order.
a “Have you forgotten my tablet?” asked Bill when Mrs Bloom, the nurse, came to the doorway.
“The doctor said you shouldn’t have one in the evening today,” she answered. “Does your stomach hurt?”
“No,” said Bill.
b Francesco said goodbye to his mother and father, and then they left. Bill, one of the other boys in his room, said, pointing to a boy on a bed, “That’s Rubin. He had an operation this morning, and that’s why he’s sleeping a lot today.” “Have you ever had an operation?” he asked Francesco. “I will have my tonsils1 –( гланды) out tomorrow,” said Francesco. Bill had his appendix out.
с “And tomorrow I’ll meet some more new friends,” Francesco thought, and then he fell asleep.
d In a few minutes, Bill was asleep. Francesco felt lonely without his parents. But it was good to know that all the hospital workers were there to help his doctor help him. He was glad that Rubin and Bill were sharing his room with him.
e When Rubin woke up, the three Ьоуд talked for a minute. Bill remembered something and pushed his button to call the nurse.
- What have you learnt about these people? Match.
- Francesco a has just had an operation.
- Bill b had appendicitis.
- Rubin с will have an operation.
- Mrs Bloom d works in the hospital.
1 _________ 2_________3_______4_______
- Grammar. If you don’t want to have the flu you should follow some advice.
Fill in the gaps with must and shouldn’t.
- You shouldn't eat ice cream.
- You ___________keep your feet warm.
- You _____ go to anyone who has a cold.
- You _______ wash hands well and often.
- You ________ spend much time in shops.
- You ________wear a special mask.
- You________ take vitamins.
2.Grammar. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms (Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive).
- Have you ever swum (swim) in a new swimming pool?
- _________ you ever _______ (be) to a new sports club?
- ________you _______ (go) to any sports camps during your last holidays?
- ________ you ever_______ (eat) hot dogs? They are not very healthy, I’m sure.
- I _________(buy) a new tracksuit this week.
- _______ you ________ (walk) to school today?
- I _______(ride) a bike to school yesterday.
- While I ________ride) a bike to school, I________(fall) off, but I _________(not hurt) myself, I _______ (be) lucky.
- Vocabulary. Read some information about animals. Choose the correct word.
- Horses have got four legs /arms.
- A snake goes on its stomach./back.
- A leopard is a catlike animal with black spots/feet.
- A long tail/nose helps a crocodile to swim.
- A seal/fox is very furry. —
- A lot of birds are used to/like living in big cities.
- Vocabulary. What health problems do these children have? Choose the correct word.
- Nick has the flu. He feels __________.
a terrible b wrong c well
1 Jack feels unwell. A doctor will ________ him.
a call b consult c examine
2Little Mary had earache and she had to ________ medicine.
a eat b take с drink
3Ruth has got toothache. She should go to __________.
a the pediatrician b the surgeon с the dentist
4Jack has a sore throat. He should _____________.
a use a plaster b put a warm compress on c wash it with cool water
Контрольное письмо по теме: «Здоровье».
Дата: 09.02.16г.
Цель: проверить лексико-грамматические навыки.
Your friend has invited you to a party. You can't come because of a health problem.
Write a note to your friend and explain why you can’t come.
How well do you know British and American culture? Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
1 The emergency number in Britain is_______________.
a 911 b 999 c 01
2A part of an American hospital that gives fast help to people who
have had an accident is ______________.
a a surgery b an emergency room с a section
3Your medical history is _______________.
a a historical book about doctors
b notes about your health
с a history of medicine
4Complete the English proverb “_______________a day keeps the doctor
a One fruit b A cup of tea с An apple
Контрольное говорение по теме: «You should go to the doctor (Ты должен посетить доктора)».
Дата: 16.02.16г.
Цель: умение вести разговор на предложенную тему.
Выполнение упражнения на стр. 96-97 упр. 1, 2 (S.B.)
Контрольное аудирование по теме: «Погода».
Дата: 01.04.16
Цель: проверить сформированность навыка аудирования.
You’ll hear a radio weather forecast. Listen to the forecast and complete the statements. You’ll hear the information twice.
- It is about the weather in______________________.
- The day will be______________________.
- It will be ______________________.
- There will be ___________________.
Контрольное чтение по теме: «Погода».
Дата: 18.03.16г.
Цель: проверить навыки чтения и умения извлечь из текста нужную информацию, лексико- грамматические и орфографические навыки.
- Read the article. What is the arcticle about? Choose.
a The weather in the USA.
b How they forecast the weather in the USA.
с How they forecast the weather in the USA in November.
Many Americans like talking about the weather. They have a lot to talk about. People have always wanted to forecast the weather. In the old times they only guessed or used the old reports of what the weather was like in the past.
Today people use radars, satellite pictures and computers. All these instruments help them to make weather pictures. Some people forecast the weather for a whole year or a whole season. Each November, the United States Weather Department forecasts what the weather will be like. And each year, Americans read a forecast for the whole year in The Old Farmer’s newspaper.
Both the Weather Department and The Old Farmer’s newspaper use information about past years. First they take the old weather reports and the information from satellites, balloons, radar stations and ships at sea and put them into a computer. Then the computer gives a report. Such reports are very important for many Americans, they are important for farmers, pilots, astronauts, sportsmen, filmmakers and just for people who spend a lot of time outside.
Americans may not like a lot of their weather, but they like to talk about it and they like to watch TV weather forecasts. And for them the weather reports are important, too.
2. According to the text, mark the statements (a—e) as T if they are true and F if they are false.
- Americans don’t care what the weather will be like. _____
- The Old Farmer’s newspaper gives the information about the weather for the
year. ______
- Old weather reports are useful for forecasting the weather.______
- Weather reports are very important for people of different professions. ______
- Americans dislike a lot of their weather. ______
Jane will have her birthday in August.
What will she do on her birthday? Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
- If the weather is (be) lovely, Jane and her friends will swim (swim) in the river.
- Jane and her friends ________ have) a picnic if the weather______(be) fine.
- They _______ (go) to the beach if it _________ (be) very hot.
3 If it _________ (rain), they _______ (stay) at home.
4 If Jane’s parents ________ (agree), they _______ (take) Jane and her friends to the countryside.
5 Jane ________ (invite) her friends to the cafe if there ______(be) a heavy rain.
6 Jane and her friends ____________ (not/stay in town) if it ________(be) hot and humid.
- Jane wrote about her trip to Scotland in her diary.
What did she write about the weather in Scotland? Circle the correct word. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
0.It is raining today. The weather is ____________.
a lovely b wet с dry
1.It’s so cold outside. I am _______________.
a hot b fine с freezing
2. The spring weather is fine. There is sunshine and the temperature is above zero. The snow is going to ____________________.
a snow. b melt. с rain.
3.It is cloudy and wet. It is going to be _________________.
a foggy. b frosty. с sunny.
4. I don’t like this July. Do you know that there will be____________ tomorrow?
a thunderstorm b frost с sunshine
5. The day is awful. A________________ wind is blowing and it will be all day long.
a light b mild с severe
Контрольное письмо по теме: «Пишем письма зарубежному другу».
Дата: 11.03.16г.
Цель: проверить лексико-грамматические навыки.
Your foreign friend is going to visit you in August.
What will you write to him/her about the weather in your region in August?
(30 words)
1The British never talk about the weather. ______
2Many British people spend their holidays in Brighton._____
3It’s a lovely day. a — Yes, it’s lovely. _________
b — Yes, it’s beautiful. _______
4Lord Nelson travelled to the Caribbean Sea._______
Контрольное говорение по теме: «Погода».
Дата: 29.03.16 г.
Цель: умение вести разговор на предложенную тему.
Выполнение упражнения на стр.113 упр. 1, 2 (S.B.)
Контрольное аудирование по теме: «Моя будущая профессия».
Дата: 17.05.16 г.
Цель: проверить сформированность навыка аудирования.
Marcy and Joel are the two main characters in the book The Cat Ate My Gymsuit by P. Danziger. They are talking about their future professions. Don't take their talk seriously.
What are they going to be when they grow up? Mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false.
- Joel says that he is going to be a set of Tinker Toys.
- Marcy says that she would like to be a kumquat.
- Marcy knows what a kumquat looks like.
- Joel is going to be a doctor.
- Joel can play music.
- Marcy wants to write books.
7 Joel wants to be a musician.
What do…. have in common? – Что общего…..?
Контрольное чтение по теме: «Профессия».
Дата: 19.05.16г.
Цель: проверить навыки чтения и умения извлечь из текста нужную информацию, лексико- грамматические и орфографические навыки.
Here are two stories. One is told by Harriet* from the book Harriet the Spy and the othe* one by Russell Baker, a popular American journalist.
Mark the sentences after the stories with T if the information is true and with F if the information is false.
Harriet: When I am big I will be a spy.1 ( a spy- шпион)I will go to one country and will find out its secrets and then I will go to another country and tell them. And then I will find out their secrets and I will go back to the first one and rat2 (to rat- доносить) on the second. Then I go to the second and rat on the first. I will be the best spy and I will know everything. Everything. Maybe when I grow up I can have an office. People will come in and tell me who to go and spy on. I would like to have a gun*( пистолет) and follow people.
Russell: Fifty years ago parents still asked boys if they wanted to grow up to be President. A great number of little boys said yes and meant it. When they asked me I said NO. I didn’t want to grow up to be President. “Well, what do you want to be then when you grow up?” asked my uncle. I loved to collect bottles, tin cans with pretty labels, and old magazines. “I want to be a garbage man4 (дворник, мусорщик),” I said.
1 In her future profession Harriet will know everything about people in different countries and what these people do.
2 In her job Harriet will have to tell other people about her secrets.
3 Harriet wants to work in her own office.
4 When Russell was small, he wanted to be President.
5 When Russell was a child, he collected bottles and cans.
6 Russell liked to read old magazines with pretty pictures.
- What do these people have to do in their jobs? Underline the correct word in brackets. There is an example (0) for you.
Mr Gordon is an architect. He (0) (designs/examines) comfortable houses and other (1) (buildings enterprises). He does not have to (2) (organise explain) people to build them.
Mrs Lee is (3) (a postal worker/a postal officer). She (4) (delivers/reads) newspapers and letters to people.
Mr Bixby and Mr Fraser are (5) (engineers/designers). They (6) (repair/design) and build engines, machines, bridges.
Mrs Pierce is (7) (a manager/a housewife) in a big supermarket. She (8) (organises does) other people’s job.
Mr Pierce is a mechanic. He has to (9) (repair/produce) cars and he has to (10) (explain serve) to a driver what has happened to his or her car.
- Russell Baker is an American journalist.
Read about Russell Baker’s job which he did when he was eight. Fill in the gaps with have to and must in the correct form.
When Russell Baker was a small boy, he worked as a paper boy. He didn’t like this job because he (1) ________ do a lot of things he did not like. He (2) _________ get up early. He (3) _____ carry a heavy bag with a lot of newspapers. He (4) ________walk from house to house and ring the doorbells. Every day he (5) ________ sell 30 newspapers but he didn’t. His mother told him, “You (6)
________ work a lot. You (7) ________ know that life is not all play. If you want to make a fortune you (8)_________ have the character. If at first you cannot do what you should, you (9) _______ feel unhappy. You (10) ________ work and work.” In his dreams Russell wanted to be a writer. He thought the life of a writer was easy. Writers (11) _________ to walk from house to house. They (12) ______ carry a heavy bag. They (13) _______ ring doorbells. And what is more, writers (14) __________ have the character.
- Complete the questions according to the answers. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
- — Who works in an office? Nat’s mum.
1 — _______is she? A secretary.
2 — _______has worked at a police station? My Granddad
3 — _______ was he? A police officer.
4 — _______ works on Sundays? Paul’s dad.
5 — _______ is going to work in a supermarket? My Mum.
6 — _______ is she? An accountant.
7 — _______ is working in a workshop? My Dad.
8 — What ________? A bus driver.
- Jane's trip was interesting.
Why? Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms (the Past Simple Tense, the Past Perfect Tense). There is an example (0) at the beginning.
Jane and her parents (0) came (come) to St David’s on July 22. They (1) __________ (find) that their friends (2) _____________ (leave) before they arrived. Jane and her parents (3) _________(go) to one of the beautiful beaches. Jane (4)___________ (not see) a city in the park before they (5) ___________(come) to St David’s. They (6) _________ (enjoy) the
wonderful old buidings and (7) ____________ (walk) a lot. They (8)_________ (be) sorry that their friends (9)_____________ (go) home before they (10) ____________ (meet).
Контрольное письмо по теме: «Моя будущая профессия».
Дата: 10.05.16г.
Цель: проверить лексико-грамматические навыки.
Emily Henson has written a letter to one of the children’s newspapers. Her letter is about her mother's profession, which Emily thinks to be very interesting. She wants to be an accountant, too.
What do you think about all of this? Write a letter to the newspaper. (50 words)
How well do you know British and American culture?
Choose the correct answer and circle the corresponding letter.
- A Sentry is
a a soldier who keeps order.
b a person who takes care of Tower Ravens
с a police officer.
- Roald Dahl was
a a famous writer
b a famous filmmaker
с a famous musician.
- Vivien Leigh was
a a famous American actress
b a famous Hollywood filmmaker
с a famous British musician.
- James Cook was
a a famous sea explorer
b a famous admiral
с a famous cook.
- Before Charles Dickens became a famous writer he had been
a a journalist.
b a shop assistant in a bookshop
с a traveller.
Контрольное говорение по теме: «Моя будущая профессия».
Дата: 24.05.16 г.
Цель: умение вести разговор на предложенную тему.
Выполнение упражнения на стр.134 упр. 1, 2 (S.B.)
Список проектных работ.
Класс 6-Б
Предмет: английский язык
Учитель: Семьянцева Марина Валерьевна
№ п/п | Дата | Тема | Цель проведения | Вид работы |
1. | 25.09.2015 | Защита проекта: «Я хочу сменить имидж» | Проверить сформированность развития речевых умений (говорить, писать, общаться); скрытый контроль уровня сформированности peчевых умений по теме «Внешность» | проект |
2. | 23.10.2015 | Защита проектов: «Моё любимое животное», «Мой любимый герой». | Проверить сформированность овладения коммуникативными навыками сотрудничества, в ходе выполнения проекта по теме «Моё любимое животное», «Мой любимый герой».
| Презентация обучающихся |
3. | 24.11.2015 | Проект «Путешествие во времени». | Проверить сформированность развитие речевых умений (говорить, писать, общаться); скрытый контроль уровня сформированности речевых умений. | Презентация обучающихся |
4. | 24.12.2015 | Проект « Мой любимый магазин». | Проверить сформированность овладения коммуникативными навыками сотрудничества, в умении выразить свое отношение к шоппингу и о любимом магазине в ходе. | Презентация обучающихся |
5. | 16.02.2016 | Настольная игра «You should go to the doctor»-Тебе следует сходить к доктору. | Проверить сформированность овладения навыками сотрудничества в умении дать совет, о том, что делать, если ты болен и сообщить о своём самочувствии в ходе выполнения проекта. | Проект |
6. | 31.03.2016 | Защита проектов. | Проверить сформированность овладения коммуникативными навыками сотрудничества, в ходе выполнения проекта по теме «Погода».
| Проект |
7. | 27.05.2016 | Урок-игра «Город». | Проверить сформированность овладения коммуникативными навыками по теме: «Город» | Презентация обучающихся |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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КОНТРОЛЬНО-ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНЫЙ МАТЕРИАЛ для проведения годовой контрольной работы по технологии (обслуживающий труд) 6 класс....
КОНТРОЛЬНО-ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНЫЙ МАТЕРИАЛ для проведения годовой контрольной работы по технологии (обслуживающий труд) 7 класс....