Открытый урок по теме: "Путешествие"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
France Canada Russia Italy Australia Greece India America
East or west home is best.
My home is my castle.
There is no place like home.
World is a small place.
Over the hills and far away.
Makes oneself home. at
“Travel broadens the mind” “ Путешествие расширяет разум ”
I think… The capital of this country… People speak…
Murmansk China
appointment [ ə ‘ pointmənt] chopsticks [‘t∫opstiks] upward [‘ Λ pw əd] queue [kju:]
China England
5. 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 6 . C R I S T M A S T U R K E Y R O S E E A S T E R S T O C K I N G S H A L L O W E N
England Russia
If I had to sum up Friendship in one word, It would be OLYMPIC. Если бы я хотел обобщить дружбу в одно слово- это было бы слово ОЛИМПИАДА.
A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it. Moore Человек может объездить весь мир в поисках того. что ему нужно, и найти это, вернувшись домой. Мур
Предварительный просмотр:
Внеклассное мероприятие -учебная встреча.
Theme: “It’s a pleasure to travel” (Unit “Travelling”)
Практический аспект:
- формирование речевой компетенции — совершенствование коммуникативных умений в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, аудировании, чтении и письме);
- умений планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение;
Образовательный аспект:
- обучение навыкам говорения и чтения по теме «Путешествие»,
- обучение ведению диалога с целью запроса необходимой информации,
- совершенствование лексических навыков,
- обучение аудированию с целью поиска конкретной информации.
Развивающий аспект:
- развитие социокультурной компетенции — увеличение объема знаний о социокультурной специфике поведения в разных странах;
- развитие логического мышления, воображения, памяти;
- речевых навыков по теме;
- развитие речемыслительной деятельности;
- расширение кругозора обучающихся.
Воспитательный аспект:
- развитие и воспитание способности к самостоятельному и непрерывному изучению иностранного языка,
- развитие способности к дальнейшему самообразованию с помощью ИЯ,
- развитие метапредметных способностей использования иностранного языка в других областях знаний;
- развитие способности к самооценке через наблюдение за собственной речью на родном и иностранном языках;
- формирование качеств гражданина и патриота,
- развитие умения работать в группе, в паре,
- формирование эмоционально-ценностного отношения к миру.
Задачи урока:
- Развивать навыки оперирования языковыми единицами по теме: “Travelling”, название стран и их столиц в коммуникативных целях;
- Тренировать в речи учащихся структуры: I’d like to visit…, It’s Russia,
The capital of this country is…, The people speak….
- Формировать навыка языковой компетенции: систематизировать ранее изученный лексико-грамматический материал, овладеть новыми языковыми средствами в соответствии с выбранной темой;
- Развивать разные виды чтения;
- Воспитывать любовь к Родине, её традициям и истории;
Equipment: мультимедийное оборудование, наглядно- раздаточный материал, доска, магнитофон.
Form: 5А and 5B
Предварительная работа: учащиеся двух классов разделены на команды. Каждая команда подбирает название команды, девиз и выбирает командира.
Ход внеклассного мероприятия
Этапы | Речь учителя | Ответы детей | Примечание |
1.Орг. момент и приветствие 2. Постановка цели и задач урока 3. Речевая зарядка (постановка проблемы) 4.Совершенствование навыка монологичес-кого высказы-вания (представление команд) 5.Фонетичес-кая зарядка (работа с пословицами) 6.Активизация ЛЕ в заданных структурах 7.Формирование навыка аудирования с целью извле-чения запрашивае-мой информа-ции (путешествие в Китай) 8. Тренировка в употребле-нии ЛЕ, работа над кроссвор-дом (путешествие в Англию) 9.Совершенствование навы-ка поискового чтения (путешествие в Россию) 11.Итоги урока | Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you again. Take your sits, please. Travelling always makes our life more interesting. Do you agree with me? Our world is full of wonders and different things to enjoy. Now look at the screen and read the statement after me. All together. What is this statement about? How do you think? Just so, today we are going to know more about different countries, their histories, traditions and customs, people and their way of life. Well, but at first I ask you. Do you know your native traditions and customs? Are you curious about foreign culture? Would you like to know more about them? Yes or no? What countries would you like to visit? And why? Let’s travel with us by ship. But at first you should divide into two teams. Let’s introduce your teams. Go to the blackboard, please. Characterize your captain, please. What do you say about your captain? Well done! Take your sits and try to do the next task. Do you know any words of wisdom? a).Take your cards, please. Reorder the letters, read the proverb and try to give the Russian equivalents. You need markers. I’ll give you two minutes for preparing this task. I’m pleased with your answers, thank you. And now pay attention to the idiom: “Travel broadens the mind”. путешествие расширяет разум( перевод сразу на экране –мы не переводим) And so, I’d like to know how you are intelligent. Please, give me your associations with these countries. Take your cards, please and find out more information about these countries, use the model, given below. You can add your extra information. OK. Well done! Wow, will you take me with you? As for me I’d like to visit The Great Wall of China. As you know this country is very exotic as its traditions. But first of all I’ll explain the meaning of the new words. 1.appointment- it means “meeting with smb” 2. chopsticks – stick? What does it mean? Chopsticks are special sticks for food in Japan and in China. 3. upward- it doesn’t mean down 4. queue – it means “a lot of people” a)Read the statements by yourselves. b) Listen and choose which country each statement is for. Write C (for China) or E (for England). Everybody practice, please! c) Have you finished? What advice can you give to visitors to China? (The first group answer the questions, please) And now the second group give three pieces of advice for England. And suddenly we found ourselves in England. Now you know some English traditions and what about other ones. Try to do a crossword. 1.What is the main holiday in England? 2.What is the traditional food on Christmas day? 3. What is the national symbol of England? 4.What is the main religious holiday do English people celebrate in spring? 5.Where does Santa Claus put the present? 6.What terrible holiday do you know? Read the word in bold. Excellent! Our country has own history, holidays, traditions and different symbols. One of them is an unusual doll. What is it? Name the traditional building where Russian people wash themselves. a) You should read the texts to know more about features of Russian people. Will you, please (the first group – about the Russian bath, the second one – about the Matryoshka doll’s house) b) The first group read aloud your text in a chain. c) Ask any questions to your text to know more about the Russians and their customs. And the other group try to find out the information to answer. d) The second group, it’s your turn. (the children read the text) e) And your questions to other team. Now tell me, please what Russia is famous for today? Try to guess looking at the symbol. As a rule, the strongest people should be leaders. Who is the best in your group? So you are welcome. Will you ask them any questions? Why are the Games called “The Olympics”? What was Olympia? How often were the Olympic Games held? What is the Olympic symbol? What colour are the rings? What does every ring symbolize? What are the Olympic awards? Where do sportsmen live during the Olympic Games? Shake your hands. Friendship wins. If I had to sum up Friendship in one word, it would be OLIMPIC. Если бы я хотел обобщить дружбу в одно слово, это было бы слово Олимпиада. Let’s write some wishes to our sportsmen on the hands and stick them on the blackboard. Do you see new places and meet new faces? But forget East or West home is best. Do you agree with us? You should remember your own culture. It’s very important. Any questions on the lesson. Everybody worked hard. Our lesson is over. See you later. | Yes. See New Places, Meet New Faces. In my view… In my opinion… Maybe… As for me… To my mind… trips some excursions It’s about different historical places places of interest foreigners Yes, of course. Sure. Yes. I’d like to visit… France (It’s fantastic to watch the Eiffel Tower) Canada (I’m interested in hockey) Australia (I dream to watch the Sydney Opera House) Greece (The Parthenon is located there) India (It is famous for Taj Mahal) Our team is Odissey. Our motto is… If the oceans are wide We can swim and jump and fly) Our captain is…. …is very hardworking girl because she studies a lot, always helps about the house, helps her classmates. I think … is serious, because she reads a lot, she is serious in her studies. To my mind … is shy, because she doesn’t say a lot. Our team is Robinsons. Our motto is… One for all and all for one). Our captain is…. ….is a merry lovely girl, she likes games and she is quick in them. …is fond of dancing and singing. …is very clever and bright because she knows a lot, she is good at Math, she understands and thinks quickly …is honest, she never tells lies. 1. East or west home is best.- Дома и стены помогают. На чужой сторонушке рад своей воронушке. 2. My home is my castle.- Мой дом моя крепость. 3.There is no place like home. – В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. 4. World is a small place. –Мир тесен. 5. Over the hills and far away. –Затридевять земель. 6. Makes oneself at home. – Чувствуй себя как дома. 1.I think it’s Egypt. The capital of this country is Cairo. People speak the Arabic language. I’d like to visit Egypt. I’m curious about ancient history.I dream to watch the Pyramids. (I agree with you) 2. I think it’s America. The capital of this country is Washington DC. People speak the English language. I’d like to visit America. It associates with Hollywood. I’m crazy about foreign movies, especially actions. (Oh, fantastic) 3. I think it’s England. The capital of this country is London. People speak the English language. I’m fond of travelling. I’d like to visit the country whose language I learn because I want to use English in my future. It’s a chance to improve my knowledge. (I’m glad to help you) 4. I think it’s China. The capital of this country is Beijing. People speak the Chinese language. I’m interested in this unusual country. It’s famous for its invitations: paper, gun powder. When in China you should …. When in England you should …. The main holiday in England is Christmas. The traditional food on Christmas day is turkey. The national symbol of England is rose. English people celebrate Easter in spring. Santa Claus puts the present into the stockings. The terrible holiday is Hallowen. Russia. It’s a Matryoshka doll. It’s a Russian bath. 1.What is the Russian Matryoshka Museum? 2.Whom do the dolls represent? 3.How many pieces have most of the dolls got? 4.Where does the Matryoshka come from? 5.What does the first Matryoshka look like? 1.What kind of public baths do Russian love? 2.How many rooms has a traditional Russian bath got? 3.What are they? 4.What do bath-lovers enjoy doing sweating? 5.Why are baths very important in Russia? Russia is famous for Olympic games. Our captains The Games are called the Olympics because they started in Olympia, Greece. Olympia was an ancient Greek town. The Olympic Games were held every four years. The Olympic symbol is rings. They are blue, black, red, yellow and green. The blue ring symbolizes Europe. The black ring symbolizes Africa. The red ring symbolizes America. The yellow ring symbolizes Asia. The green ring symbolizes Australia. Olympic awards are medals. They live in the Olympic Village. (to be successful, to be healthy, good luck, not to hurt themselves, to have wonderful conditions for trainings, the suitable weather, new Olympic records, not to be losers, to be winners, golden medals, to make new friends, to be pleased with competitions, to have great funs, to be supported with Russian people, to feel proud of your country, to be pleased with themselves) Yes. Of course. |
Приложение 5
(Tapescript for listening)
When in China, don’t kiss anyone in public – it’s very rude. Never be late for appointments, and don’t
tell jokes to people you don’t know very well. Be careful when you are eating, too – never leave your
chopsticks pointing upwards in your rice because this makes people very upset. A last tip – when you
give someone a present, give it with both hands.
The first thing you should remember when in England is always to say ‘please and ‘thank you’. Never push into
a queue of people or they’ll get angry. Don’t be late for appointments and don’t talk with your mouth full.
Remember – always ask before smoking in someone’s house.
(Card for children)
1.Read the statements by yourselves.
2. Listen and choose which country each statement is for. Write C (for China) or E (for England).
1.Ask before smoking in someone’s house. ______
2.Don’t kiss anyone in public. ______
3.Always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. ______
4.Never leave your chopsticks pointing upwards in your rice.______
5.Never push into a queue of people. ______
6.Don’t be late for appointments. ______
7.Don’t tell jokes to people you don’t know well. ______
8.Don’t talk with your mouth full. ______
3. What advice can you give to visitors to England and China? Give at least three pieces of advice for each country.
When in England, you should say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
Приложение 6
- Read the text to know more about
Russian traditions.
The Russian Bath
Public baths are popular in many countries.
All nations have their own ways of bathing.
Russians love hot steaming[1] baths which they
call banyas. A traditional Russian bath is ma-
de of wood and has two rooms: a sweating[2] room and a lounge[3].
The sweating room has a big oven[4] filled with stones. A fire heats[5] the stones so that they become red. Then, people splash[6] them with water. In the water there are herbs, leaves or flowers. That makes the steam smell wonderful.
Bath lovers also hit their bodies with twigs from trees. This makes their skin look fresh and young. Russians sweat in the sweating room, then wash in the shower room, and have breaks in the lounge where they drink tea and chat.
Some bath-lovers enjoy jumping into a cold pool or even an ice hole after sweating. In Russia, where the winters are long and cold, baths are very important. They help people become stronger and healthier.
- Ask the questions to the text and answer them
Приложение 7
- Read the text to know more about Russian traditions.
The Matryoshka Doll’s House
The Russian Matryoshka Museum is home to a
сollection of 400 Matryoshka dolls. These
date[7] from the 19th century up to the present day. The
dolls are wooden with beautiful decorations. Some of
them represent[8] characters from Russian literature, fairy
tales and politics.
Most of the dolls have five to seven pieces, but some
sets are really big and have fifty pieces. The biggest piece is one metre high and the smallest one is one centimeter high.
The Matryoshka doll came to Russia from Japan at the end of the 19th century. The first Matryoshka was a girl in a print[9] dress, a white apron[10] and a bright shawl[11], carring a rooster[12] under her arm. There were six other dolls inside her. The doll looked very Russian and soon became popular.
The name Matryoshka came from the common Russian name Matryona. Today, Matryoshkas are made in many parts of Russia.
- Ask the questions to the text and answer them
[1] steam [sti:m] – пар
[2] sweat [swet] – пот, испарина
[3] lounge [laundЗ] – холл, комната отдыха
[4] oven [‘Λvn] – духовой шкаф
[5] heat [hi:t] – нагревать, накаливать
[6] splash [splæ∫] – брызги
[7] date [deit] - датироваться
[8] represent [rəpri’zent] - представлять
[9] print [print] - ситец
[10] apron [‘eiprən] - фартук
[11] shawl [∫o:l] - шаль
[12] rooster [‘ru:stə] - петух
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