Mass Media
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
8 Б
Учитель Самигуллина Эндже Халфиевна
Цель урока: обобщить и закрепить знания по теме «Средства массовой информации»
Задачи урока:
- тренировать навык аудирования
- тренировать навык устной речи
- закрепить умения групповой и парной работы
Тип урока : урок обобщения
Применяемые ресурсы: компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал
Организация пространства : работа фронтальная, индивидуальная, в парах, в группах
Ход урока
Вводная часть.
Приветствие, сообщение темы урока, фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you. Welcome to our lessons!
Today we will have a very unusual lesson as we’ve got a lot of guests. Let’s greet them first of all. Hello. How are you?
At today’s lesson we are going to summarize the topic we were speaking about for a month and to answer the question that was given to us at the beginning of the term.. Who can tell me the topic and the question? (слайд №1) (Mass-media: good or bad?). As you know, the mass media play a very important part in our lives.
Аnd what means of communicating, which are traditionally called the media, do you know?
Student 1: I know such means of communicating: newspaper, television, radio, the Internet, tabloid.
Teacher: Right you are. And which of the mass media is your favourite? Give your reasons.
Student 5: My favourite media is radio. I'm fond of listening to music on the radio.Student 2: I read a lot of newspapers and magazines. I like reading newspapers as I can always find some interesting and useful information. That’s why it is my favourite media.
Student 1: I can't live without the Internet and I spend much time on different sites.
Student 3: My favourite media is television . I can watch television for many hours a day.
Student 7: My favourite media is television too. .
Teacher: Thanks for your opinion, it’s rather interesting for me.
Фонетическая зарядка.
Let’s practise English sounds. I’ll name the sound? You name the words you have in your cards.
Listen to me and repeat:
[p] — provide, programmer, soap operas;
[m] — transmit, inform, comedy;
[I] — local, commercial, specialize;
[∫] – show, broadsheet, commercial;
[f] – forecast, feature, affair;
[d] – documentaries, educational, include;
[s] – broadcast, satellite, serious.
[k] – combine, consist, politics
Основная часть урока.
Teacher: And now let’s work in pairs. (Парная работа).
I’ve got questions for you. And now take a question and read to each other. And your partners must answer the question.
1.How often do you watch TV?
2.Name, please, advantages and disadvantages of watching TV?
3.What programmes do you like watching?
4. Do you watch the news?
5.Can you watch TV and do the homework at the same time?
6.Do you read newspapers?
7.Who in your family reads newspapers?
8. What is your attitude to the free local newspapers which contain a lot of advertising?
9.Do you watch TV before or after you have done your homework?
10.When does your favourite TV programme begin?
11.What is more interesting to watch: a film or cartoon?
12.What is your favourite cartoon? Why do you like it?
13.What is your favourite film?
14.Which media is the most popular in your family?
15.Have you got a radio?
16.Who in your family watches television more than others?
17.Do you video some TV programmes and watch them later?
Exercise N2.(Упражнение на аудирование)
Teacher: Listen to the information about broadcasting companies in different countries. Fill in the table with the names of broadcasting companies. Which of them is your favourite? Why?
Nowadays broadcasting companies have become symbols of their countries.
Over 99 per cent of British homes have a TV and the average British watches the "box" 26 hours a week. BBC (or the British Broadcasting Corporation) is a state company. Its two channels BBC1 and BBC2 do not show adverts. BBCI broadcasts popular programmes (the news, sports programmes, shows, children's programmes and soaps). BBC2 shows TV plays, classical concerts, foreign films.
Americans also love watching TV. American CNN (or Cable News Network) broadcasts only news but is popular all over the world.
CBC (or Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) can be seen or heard almost anywhere in the country. Thе company broadcasts in English and in French. It broadcasts the news, shows, films and other popular programmes.
At the moment there are two state channels on Russian TV: ОRT and RTR. They broadcast different programmes ( the news and shows, soap and children's programmes, recent and foreign films, sports programmes). They can be seen anywhere in the country. There are several other channels on Russian TV. One of them is KULTURA. It shows special programmes: cultural news, Russian and foreign classical films, the best performances, classical concerts, talk shows on culture and education. This channel is getting more and more popular.
Russia | |
The USA | |
Britain | |
Canada |
Учащиеся заполняют таблицу на основании услышанной с аудиокассеты информации. Задание проверяется учителем, после чего вызывается один человек к доске заполнить таблицу на подготовленном плакате.
Exercise N3.(Письменная групповая работа).
And now let’s work in groups. We’ve got four groups. At first, boys and girls choose Mass Media.
People use different Mass Media according to their interests. Your task is to write advantages and disadvantages of this media. You have 5 minute to do this task. Work together and be friendly with each other.
Time is out. Are you ready? If you’ve done it. Let’s see what advantages and disadvantages they have. Who wants to read it.
Thank you very much. It was very interesting.
Exercise N4. «Interview with a star» (Групповая работа)
Ученики разделены на 2 группы. Придумывают название газеты для себя. Получив задание составить вопросы «звезде», составляют их в группе сообща.
Teacher: Now let's play. Try to imagine that you are journalists from two local newspapers. You have an interesting meeting with a star today. You have only several minutes to make up about 5-7 questions for her in your group.
F.E: Group1: When did you decide to become a singer?
Group2:What is it like to be famous?
Group 1:Have you finished recording your new CD?
Group 2: Will you be giving any concerts in Europe?
Group 1: What are your plans for the future?
После окончания «пресс – конференции» выбранная звезда ответит на вопрос “What question was the most interesting ?”
Заключительная часть.
Teacher: Thanks for your participating . You are very active today. Your marks are…(называет оценки за урок).
Your homework will be to make up a dialogue «Interview with…». Choose a partner and then decide who will be a correspondent, and who will be a star (a sportsman or a pop-singer, an actor or a famous writer, etc).
And now our lesson is over. I hope that the theme of our lesson was interesting for you. Good bye.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Mass Media: British newspapers
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