презентация "Mass Media"
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Слайд 1

MASS MEDIA Учитель английского языка: Куликова Олеся Александровна МОУ СОШ №3 г.Ртищево

Слайд 2


Слайд 3

COLLOCATIONS. 1.Mass Media 2.Damage your eyes 3.Important events 4.Get information 6.Listen to the radio 7.Surf the Internet 8.Find new friends 9.A waste of time 10.Keep fit 11.Mobile phones 12.In conclusion 13.Vote by text 14.Watch TV

Слайд 4


Слайд 5

« Fly-on-the-wall » TV programme in which celebrities or ordinary people are filmed all the time. Websites are collections of web pages. TV programme where « guests » , usually celebrities, come and talk to a journalist. Newspapers usually with gossip about celebrities. A competition or quiz in which contestants take part. A serious programme with information about a topic of current interest Popular drama series that goes on for a long time. News about recent events MATC H ING

Слайд 6

MATCH THE TOPICS WITH THE SENTENCES. a)Cars b)Computers c)Current affairs d)Fashion e)Films f)Music g)sport 1.The President of Russia visited China yesterday._______________ 2.The new retro band The Darkness have taken us back to the 1970s with their songs. ________ 3.Get faster Internet access with the latest broadband versions._____________ 4.Chelsea’s boss has bought five new players._________ 5.The story was not really believable but some of the acting, especially by Orlando Bloom, was fantastic.________ 6.The new Honda is the best yet – a pleasure to drive._______ 7.Vivienne Eastwood’s new dresses are cheap and colorful._________ Current affairs Music Computers Sport Films Cars Fashion

Слайд 7

NEWSPAPERS IN BRITAIN QUILITY PRESS THE TIMES THE INDEPENDENT THE GUARDIAN THE DAILY TELEGRAPH POPULAR PRESS THE DAILY MAIL THE DAILY MIRROR THE DAILY EXPRESS THE SUN THE DAILY STAR Popular newspapers (known as « tabloids » ) carry a lot of big photographs, contain short, simple reports on the main news, stories about famous people. Quality newspapers (known as « heavies » ) contain a lot of serious articles, e.g. about politics, business, science, cultural news.

Слайд 8

WHAT’S IN THE PAPERS? Bomb suspected in Russian crash At least 39 people were killed and nearly 100 injured when a Russian express train came off the rails last night in what is being investigated as a bomb attack . Johnson condemns hacker to Xmas in a US jail by Paddy McGuffin Computer hacker Gary McKinnon is facing Christmas in a US jail after the Home Secretary refused to block his extradition.

Слайд 9

Russians are great readers of newspapers and magazines. Today Russia has about 33,000 newspapers and magazines. There are national as well as local daily newspapers. The Russian daily, PRAVDA, used to be the most important quality newspaper. In the last ten years the daily, IZVESTIA, has become the main newspaper in cultural, academic and business circles and MOSCOVSKY KOMSOMOLETS is read by a wide range of people. However, the most popular Russian newspaper is not a daily but a weekly paper, ARGUMENTY I FACTY. Another weekly newspaper, THE MOSCOW NEWS , is available in other languages as well as in Russian. Some people read newspapers for entertainment; others are interested in political and sports news. There are special edition for women, young people, children, businessmen. Young people often prefer magazines to newspapers. Teen magazines such as COOL, COOL GIRL, BRAVO TEEN’S and MOLOTOK are very popular, although they are criticised by parents. These magazines provide gossip about film stars and pop stars and give information about parties, concerts, discos and clubs. They also have articles about latest trends in fashion, music and travel. NEWS FOR EVERYONE

Слайд 10

READ THE ARTICLE ON RUSSIAN NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? 1.There are only national daily newspapers. 2. PRAVDA used to be the most important quality newspaper. 3. MOLOTOK is aimed at young people. 4.There aren’t special editions for women. 5. THE MOSCOW NEWS is available in different languages. 6.Young people read newspapers very often. 7.Parents agree that magazines Cool, BRAVO and MOLOTOK are useful for their children. 8.In teen’s magazines there are many articles about fashion, travel and music. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 True False

Слайд 11

Read the opinions of some Russian teenagers about teen magazines. Do you agree with them? Give reasons. 1.I like Bravo mostly because of its pictures, comic strips and articles about animals. 2.I can’t imagine my life without C ool Girl . It tells you everything you need to know about looking cool. 3. I like to read Teens , especially all the gossip about pop stars and Russian singers. 4.I think Molotok is great! It’s got lots of advice for teenagers. There are some questions that I can’t ask my parents, so I look for answers in Molotok . 5.All these magazines like Teens, Bravo and Molotok are full of trash. Normal teenagers don’t read them.

Слайд 12

PUT THE TV AND RADIO PROGRAMMES UNDER POSSIBLE HEADINGS. DOCUMENTARIES, FILMS, SPORT, CURRENT AFFAIRS, GAME SHOWS, REALITY SHOWS, THE NEWS, SOAP OPERAS, TALK SHOW TV is very important thing in our life. We can say that TV is our eyes because TV helps us to know more about the world, about the others counties, about the events that happened in the world. TV even helps you to know more about yourself.

Слайд 13

ARE YOU A COUCH POTATO? TV QUIZ. Answer these questions with « yes » or « no ». For « yes » you’ll get two points, for « no » - one point. 1.Do you have 'watching television' on the top of your list of hobbies? 2.Do you get offended, if someone refers to television as 'an idiot box'? 3.You do not remember birthdays and anniversaries, but remember the entire month's TV schedule. 5.You prepare for a TV session with lots of popcorn, burgers, pizzas etc. 7.Watching television for 5-7 hours on a stretch is a normal routine for you. 4.You remember over 100 channels by their numbers on the remote control. 6.You have seen all the seasons of 'Friends' and remember every episode. 8.You wait desperately for new shows, which are being advertised heavily. 10.You are always looking out to buy a bigger, better television. 9.You meet your friends only to watch TV together.

Слайд 14

Let’s count your score . If your score is 10-12 points If your score is 13-20 points You are not in love with your TV set It is good that you do not watch TV so much. Keep TV watching to a minimum, and enjoy life. That is the way to go. You are in love with your TV set You are in love with your television set. Your favorite pastime is watching TV shows. Yes, you are a couch potato. We would suggest - switch off the TV set for a while, and explore the outdoors and socialize more.

Слайд 15

THE INTERNET The Internet is an extremely useful tool that has become an important part of our lives in the last few years MAKE NEW FRIENDS GET INFORMATION MUCH EASIER FIND A JOB COMMUNICATION shopping studying What are your favourite sites? Continue the list. http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/ http://www.kinopoisk.ru/ http://mail.ru / http://vkontakte.ru /

Слайд 16

ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННЫЕ РЕСУРСЫ. 1. Enjoy English -8 . М.З.Биболетова , Н.Н.Трубанева - Обнинск: Титул,2008 2. Opportunities in Russia – Longman,2006 3. Викторина из коллекции сайта www.funquizcards.com 4. Иллюстрации из коллекций сайтов www.animationlibrary.com , www.lenagold.ru

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