Сценарий постановки на английском языке "Робин Гуд" для учеников 4 класса
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Данный сценарий может быть использован для работы кружка, а также во внеурочной деятельности на английском языке.
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Предварительный просмотр:
"Robin Hood"
спектакль на английском языке
Действующие лица:
Robin Hood
7 Peasants
Gay Gisbourne
5 knights.
Act one.
Scene one. На площади:
Крестьяне танцуют с овощами.
1-st peasant: Sheriff is hunting in the forest.
2-nd peasant: For a bear or for a deer?
3-d peasant: He is hunting for Robin Hood.
4-th peasant: It’s Robin Hood’s horn.
5-th peasant: If they catch him it will be bad for poor people.
6-th peasant: Robin Hood gives everything to peasants.
7-th peasant: He hides in the grass in his green cloak.
(Выходит Робин Гуд в зелёном плаще вместе с Джоном.)
1-st peasant: Look! It’s Robin Hood here!
(Крестьяне уходят, выходит Гай Гисбор.)
Scene two.
Gay Gisbourne: Is sheriff Nottingham’s castle far from here?
John: His castle is in the other side of the forest.
Robin Hood: Who are you?
Gay Gisbourne: I am the servant of my King the Lion-Heart.
Robin Hood: And I’m Sheriff’s chief.
Gay Gisbourne: I must catch Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest.
Robin Hood: Oh, you are in great danger.
Gay Gisbourne: Danger?
Robin Hood: You see, the forest is dark and mysterious. Robin Hood is the king in the forest.
John: Robin Hood says:” If I meet Knight Gay Gisbourne, I’ll hang him or boil him in the pot. (Надсмехается.)
Gay Gisbourne: What? (Боится.)
Robin Hood: Your clothes are very bright. John, give him my cloak. And I’ll give you my horn.
(The horn sounds.)
Gay Gisbourne: What’s this?
Robin Hood: We must be ready for attack. Hurry up! (вытаскивает лук)
(Робин Гуд убегает, остаются Гай Гисбор и Джон. Выбегают рыцари и начальник. Крики.)
Scene three. Рыцари.
Knight 1: He is here.
Knight 2: Look! It’s a green cloak.
Knight 3: Here he is!
Knight 4: It’s Robin Hood!
Knight 5: It is Robin Hood’s horn.
Chief: Take him to prison
(Забирают Гая Гисбора и Джона. Выходит Робин Гуд.)
Robin Hood: John! John! Poor, John. Don’t worry. Robin Hood is free.
Уходит (музыка).
Act two.
Scene one.
В замке. Сессил вышивает, поёт песню.
I like you, I like you,
I really like you.
I like you, I like you,
I really do.
I like you, I like you,
I really like you.
I like you, I like you,
I really do.
If you like me too,
Please let me know,
If you don’t, then please
Tell me so.
I like you, I like you,
I really like you.
I like you, I like you,
I really do.
Servant: Lady! Look! The theatre is in our town. Would you like to watch the show?
Sessil: With great pleasure
Бродячий театр. Актёры.
1st artist:
I am a new moon.
I am silver.
I can shine.
And who are you?
2nd artist:
I am a lady-bird.
I am little.
I can fly.
And who are you?
3d artist:
I am a little girl.
I can sing well.
And who are you?
4th artist:
I am a clown.
I am funny.
I can jump and make fun.
And who are you?
5th artist:
I am a princess.
My name is swallow.
I can fly.
And who are you?
6th artist:
I am a bear.
I like honey.
I can climb.
And who are you?
7th artist:
I am a magician.
I am clever.
I can count 1 2 3 4 5.
And who are you?
8th artist:
I am a pretty girl.
I am from the East.
I can dance.
And who are you?
9th artist:
I am a little bug.
I am nice.
I can fly.
And who are you?
10th artist:
I am a cock.
I am bright.
I can sing.
Scene two
Servant: Lady! Robin Hood is caught!
Sessil: Oh, Robin. He saved me from the bear one day. It’s his arrow.
Clorinda: The knights are so brave and smart.
Sessil: No, they are stupid and ugly.
Clorinda: You are a stupid girl.
Scene three.
(Входит шериф и Гай Гисбор (переодетый Робин Гуд).)
Sheriff: What’s this?
Clorinda: Hang Robin Hood at once!
Sessil: Don’t hang Robin Hood, please!
Clorinda: Hang! Hang! Hang him!
Sheriff: Girls! It’s our guest. Gay Gisbourne, the king’s knight. My daughters Clorinda and Sessil.
Clorinda: Nice to meet you.
Sessil: Nice to meet you.
Robin Hood: Sheriff, I have a letter of my king, Richard the Lion-Heart. He orders to catch the famous robber Robin Hood!
Sheriff: He is in prison.
Robin Hood: Great! I’ll be happy to tell it to my king.
Sheriff: Would you like to have dinner with me and my daughters, brave knight? And would you like to watch the knightly tourney?
Robin Hood: With pleasure.
Рыцарский турнир. Полонез. Танец на лошадях. Девочки с шалями.
Act Three.
Scene One.
Robin Hood: Why aren’t you with the guests?
Sessil: I am very sorry when somebody is caught.
Robin Hood: It is strange for the sheriff’s daughter. What’s the matter?
Sessil: Save the robbers.
Robin Hood: What?
Sessil: Please ask my father not to hang them. One day a robber saved my life.
Robin Hood: Really?
Сессил показывает стрелу.
Scene Two.
(Робин гуд пишет письмо. Разбойник Вили крадётся, осматривается.)
Willy: I am here, ataman.
Robin Hood: Did anybody notice you?
Willy: Nobody.
Robin Hood: Take this envelope. Run to prison and give it to the chief. Tell him that this letter is from Gay Gisbourne. Do you understand?
Willy: Yes, I do. I must run to prison and give this letter to the chief.
Robin Hood: Hurry up!
Scene Three.
(Робин гуд возвращается к шерифу с дочерьми.)
Robin Hood: I must leave your castle. I must go to London. I can’t tell you why. It is a secret. It’s my King’s order.
Sheriff: Goodbye!
Sessil: Goodbye!
Clorinda: Goodbye!
Танец “Тарантелла”
Scene four Собирается народ.
Gay Gisbourne: I will complain to the king. Noble knights! Save me please.
Sheriff: Robin Hood.
Teerwood: Gay Gisbourne.
Sheriff: What?
Gay Gisbourne: He put me to prison.
Sheriff: But who was that knight by the gates?
Sessil: Robin Hood.
Sheriff: Robin Hood?!
(Музыка. Все выходят. Финальная песня. )
Have a good day,
Make it worthwhile,
Go out and laugh,
Go out and sing,
Go out and smile.
Go out and do,
All you should.
Go out and do something good.
Have a good day
Go out and live,
Go out and work,
Go out and love,
Go out and give.
And when you do,
Then you can say,
You’ve had a fine,
You’ve had a great,
You’ve had a good day.
The end
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