Сценарий постановки на английском языке по мотивам сказки "Winnie-The-Pooh" Alan Alexander Miln.
материал по английскому языку (6, 7, 8 класс) на тему

Большакова Мария Андреевна

для 6-8 классов


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Предварительный просмотр:

МБОУ «Школа №171»

Учитель: Моисеева М.А.

Winnie-the-Pooh in the Rabbit`s house

Автор: Winnie-the-Pooh, or Pooh for short, was walking through the forest one day,humming proudly to himself. He had made up a little hum that very morning, as he was doing his Stoutness Exercises in front of the glass:

Пух: (song) Up, down, up

When I up, down, touch the ground

It puts me in the mood

Up, down, touch the ground

In the mood (smacking lips) for food

I am stout, round and I have found

Speaking poundage wise

I improve my appetite, when I exercise

Автор: When he put his mind to honey, he stuck to it. Now….honey rhymes with bunny and bunny rhymes with…uh…

Пух:Rabbit? I like rabbit, because he uses short, easy words, like «How about lunch?» and «help yourself, Pooh»

Кролик:Pooh? Lunch? Oh no..not again. Oh my, oh my goodness gracious!

Пух:Is anybody at home?..... What I said was, 'Is anybody at home?'

Кролик:No! ….

Пух:Bother! Isn't there anybody here at all?


Пух:There must be somebody there, because somebody must have said «Nobody». Hello,

Rabbit, isn't that you?


Пух:But isn't that Rabbit's voice?

Кролик:I don't think so

Пух (залез):Hello, Rabbit!

Кролик: Oh, hello Pooh bear. Pooh bear? Uh..uh…what a pleasant surprise. Uh… How about lunch?

Пух:Oh, thank you. Rabbit..

Кролик:..and help yourself, Pooh

Кролик:Would you like honey or condensed milk with your bread?

Пух:Both, but don't bother about the bread, please. Just a small helping, if you please

Кролик:There you are…Is something wrong?

Пух:Well..I did mean a little large small helping

Кролик:Perhaps, it would save time if you took the whole jar?

Пух:Thank you, Rabbit

Автор:So Pooh ate, and ate, and ate, and ate, and ate, and ate…! Until at last he said to Rabbit

Пух:I must be going now. Goodbye, Rabbit

Кролик:Well..goodbye, if you are sure you want have any more?

Пух:Is there any more?

Кролик:No, there is not..

Пух:I thought not.Вылезает– Oh,oh…help and bother..I am stuck

Кролик:Oh dear, oh gracious..It all comes from eating too much!

Пух:It all comes from not having front doors big enough!

Кролик:Oh, dear..It`s no use. Only one thing to do. I`ll get Christopher Robin.

Сова:Well, if it isn`t Pooh bear

Пух:Oh, hello Owl

Сова:Splendid day to be up and…Oh..I say.. Are you stuck?

Пух: No, no…just resting and thinking and humming to myself

Сова:You, sir, are stuck! Now, obviously this situation calls for an expert!

Крот:Somebody call for an expert? I`m not in the book, but I am in your service. Here`s my card. What`s the problem?

Сова: Yes, yes, yes.. It seems the entrance to Rabbit`s house is impassable..

Крот:And you want me to dig it out?


Крот:First thing to be done is  get rid of that bear. He`s gumming up the whole project

Сова: Dash-it-all. He is a project!

Крот:Big job..Take two or three days

Пух:Three days?! What about lunches?

Крот:No problem..I always go home for lunch. Oh, it will run into money!

Сова:Oh..Is ay..how much?

Крот:Do the job for hourly rate, plus cover materials, plus overtime, plus 10 percent

Сова: And your estimate?

Крот:Nope, can`t give an estimate. Too risky!


Крот:Good idea! We`ll dynamite, save time!

Сова:What`s the charge?

Крот:Nope, no charge account. I work strictly cash

Сова:Obviously, but I should think..

Крот:I got a tight schedule! If you think it over. Let me know.

Сова:Dash-it-all. He`s gone.

Пух:After all, he`s not in the book, you know

Кролик: Here we come..don`t worry

Кристофер: Cheer up, Pooh bear. We`re coming. We`ll get you out

Ослик: Well, maybe

Кристофер:Silly old bear..Give me your paw (тянет)

Пух:Oh, it`s no use. I`m stuck

Кристофер:Well, if we can`t pull you out, perhaps we can push you back

Кролик:Oh no, no that

Кристофер: Pooh bear, there`s only one thing we can do. Wait for you get thin again

Пух: Oh, bother.  How long will that take?

Ослик: Days, weeks, months. Who knows?

Кролик:Oh, dear. If I have to face that thing for months, I might as well make the best of it. Hmm…yes, a frame. And a splash of colour…hunting…OK

Кенга: Pooh? Roo has a little surprise for you

РУ: Flowers!

Пух: Honeysuckle!

Кенга:No, Pooh, you don`t eat them. You smell them!

Пух: Oh… (вдыхает)

Кролик: that`s not bad! (пух собирается чихнуть) Ohno! Help! Why did I ever invite this bear to lunch? Why..why..why…

Автор: Day after day, night after lonely night

Пух: I wonder what`s for breakfast…храп..злойкролик…lunch…

Выходит крот с lunchbox, злой кролик выбегает и ставит табличку «Don`t feed the bear»

Автор: …and then, one morning, when Rabbit was beginning to think that he might never be able to use his front door again. It happened!

Кролик: He budget! Hooray! Christopher Robin! Today is that day!

Все: Hooray for you

Пух: Hooray for me

Все: (song) Hooray, hooray, the Pooh will soon be free! Dum de dum de dum de dum. Now the time has come for proving. What the diet did for Pooh. And since we pledged he`d be unwedged. That`s what we`re going to do. He`ll be pulled and he`ll be tagget and eventually unplugged. We`ll have a tug-of-war to open Rabbit`s door. Think heave-age, think ho-age. And out the Pooh will go-age. And out the Pooh will go-age. For mind over matter. Has made the Pooh un-fatter

Heave, ho

Heave, ho

Heave, heave, heave, heave, heave…..

Кролик: There he goes!

Ослик:Oh…stuck again..

Кристофер:Don`t worry Pooh. We`ll get you out.

Пух: No hurry. Take your time! Yum, yum…

Yum..yum..yum…yum…time for something sweet!

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