Урок на тему Выходные
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок по теме
5 класс
Учитель английского языка,
I квалификационная категория
Пюра И.Н.
Цель урока:
систематизация материала по теме «Holidays»
1)повторить лексический и грамматический материал (разделительный вопрос и конструкцию to be going to);
2)развивать умения во всех видах речевой деятельности;
3)воспитывать уважительное отношение друг к другу.
Оснащение: УМК М.З. Биболетовой “Enjoy English” (5-6 класс), лингафонное оборудование, аудиокассета к учебнику, компьютер, проектор, экран, диск с песнями на английском языке, презентация к уроку, тетради.
Ход урока
1.Начало урока.
1)организационный момент.
Т: Good morning, children!
Cl: Good morning, Teacher!
T: How are you today?
P1: I am fine, thank you.
P2: I am OK. And you?
T: I am quite well, thank you. I am glad you’ve come all, because today we’ll speak about your favourite topic. Do you know what holidays are coming?
P1: New Year is coming.
P2: Christmas holidays.
T: That’s right. Let us remember popular English song “Jingle Bells” and sing it.
2)фонетическая зарядка (дети поют песню)
Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh
Over the field we go
Laughing all the way.
Bells on bobtail ring
Making spirits bright:
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh.
A day or two ago
I thought I’d take a ride
And soon Miss Fanny Bright
Was seated by my side
The horse was lean and lank
Misfortune seemed his lot
He got into a drifted bank
And we, we got up sot.
3)речевая зарядка
T: Do you like the song?
Cl: Yes, we do.
T: So you have good mood to start speaking. In a few days you’ll have your school holidays. How do you like to spend your holidays? What do you like doing? (Работа идет по цепочке T – P1 – P2 – P3 и т.д.)
P1: I like playing computer games. And you?
P2: I like visiting my friends. And you?
P3: I like walking. And you? etc.
T: So what shall we talk about today?
Cl: Holidays. (Cлайд 1- тема)
T: What should we know to speak about holidays?
P1: Words.
P2: Grammar rules.
P3: Conversations.
T: Right you are. So we shall repeat words, grammar rules and we’ll listen and read conversations. (Слайд 2- задачи)
2.Повторение лексики и грамматики.
1) лексика.
T: Let’s remember words and word-combinations first. I’ll divide you into two teams and you should translate the word-combinations from Russian into English. We’ll see who will do the task quicker. (Словосочетания на экране – слайд 3, учащиеся выполняют задание группой, кто быстрее, один из участников команды записывает под диктовку ответы. Затем правильные ответы выводятся на экран - слайд 4).
Задание: (слайд 3)
- устроить пикник
- оставаться дома
- местные теннисные соревнования
- культурная программа
- договариваться о дате и времени
- останавливаться в гостинице
- группа студентов
- быть ответственным
- хорошо проводить время
- хорошая идея
- вовремя
T: Are you ready? Let’s check. Exchange your sheets of paper. (Ученики проверяют задание друг у друга.)
Ответы: (слайд 4)
- to arrange а picnic
- to stay at home
- local tennis competition
- social programme
- to arrange a date and time
- to stay in the hotel
- a group of students
- to be responsible
- to have a good time
- a good idea
- in time
2) грамматика.
а) разделительный вопрос, чтение.
T: Thank you. And to speak about holidays you should know how to ask questions. Let’s remember tag-questions first. You’ll read the conversation and add tags where it is necessary. (Учащиеся поднимают руки и добавляют окончания вопросов.)
Диалог (слайд 5)
- Dan, Nick will have a birthday next Sunday.
- That’s right. Let’s arrange a picnic for him.
- A good idea. The weather will be fine.
- You’ll be responsible for the music. You have a lot of discs.
- And you’ll be responsible for tennis competition. You’ll bring the rockets.
- Sure. Liz and Helen will make a cake for Dan. They are good cooks.
- And what are we going to give him?
- A football, I think. He likes to play football.
T: Let’s check.
Ответы (слайд 6)
- Dan, Nick will have a birthday next Sunday, won’t he?
- That’s right. Let’s arrange a picnic for him.
- A good idea. The weather is going to be fine, isn’t it?
- You’ll be responsible for the music. You have a lot of discs, don’t you?
- And you’ll be responsible for tennis competition. You’ll bring the rockets, won’t you?
- Sure. Liz and Helen will make a cake for Dan. They are good cooks, aren’t they?
- And what are we going to give him?
- A football, I think. He likes to play football, doesn’t he?
б) конструкция to be going to.
T: Well, Nick and Dan discussed their plans for the weekend. And what about your plans for winter holidays? Where are you going to spend them? With whom and what are you going to do? Come out of your desks, make two lines and ask each other questions. First, one line asks the first question and the other line answers it. Then I clap my hands and the first line steps aside and asks the question again and so on. Then the second question comes. (Дети выстраиваются в 2 линии, лицом друг к другу. Первая линия задает вопрос – вторая отвечает, затем последний ученик в первой линии переходит в начало своей линии, а остальные подвигаются, меняя партнеров по диалогу. Когда половина участников первой линии поменяет свои места, линии меняются ролями: теперь вторая линия задает вопрос, а первая отвечает. И так с каждым вопросом.)
Вопросы (слайд 7)
- Where are you going to spend you holidays?
- Whom are you going to spend your holidays with?
- What are you going to do during your holidays?
T: Thank you. Sit down, please.
3. Аудирование.
Т:And now we shall listen to one more conversation about holidays and you’ll finish these sentences: (слайд 8). Put on your earphones and listen to the conversation.
The picnic will start …..
Steve is responsible for ….
Catherine is responsible for ….
Julia is going to ….
(Учащиеся слушают запись к учебнику 2 раза, а затем заканчивают предложения)
Ответы: (слайд 9)
The picnic will start next Saturday on the fourth of September.
Steve is responsible for music.
Catherine is responsible for sandwiches and coke.
Julia is going to make a special funny birthday cake.
4. Ролевая игра.
T: So, we have discussed everything to speak about arranging any activities during our holidays. Let’s imagine the situations when you are going to arrange any activities with your friends. (Слайд 10) Make dialogues. Work in pairs/ Затем учитель вызывает одну или две пары с наиболее удачными диалогами.)
T: Thank you, children. Will you tell us what Kate and Mary have just discussed? (Один из учащихся передает содержание только что услышанного диалога.)
5. Рефлексия. Итоги.
T: So, pupils, let’s discuss what we know now.
(Слайд 11)
T: Do we know words?
Cl: Yes, we do.
T: Do we know grammar rules and can make sentences?
Cl: Yes, we do.
T: So, we can speak about (слайд 12)…
Cl: Holidays.
T: Did you like today’s lesson?
P1:Yes, I do.
T: Why?
P1: It was interesting.
T: What did you like most of all?
P2: I liked the competition. Etc.
T: Your marks today are… . Thank you. Have nice holidays. Good buy.
(Слайд 13)
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