Конспект урока на тему "Страны и континенты" (7 класс)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Конспект урока на тему "Страны и континенты" (7 класс)
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Урок на тему: Страны и континенты ( 7 класс)
Цели урока:
- Формирование у учащихся культуры общения и чувство патриотизма.
- Воспитание личности, желающей и способной к коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке
Задачи урока:
- Ввести новую страноведческую информацию по теме «Страны и континенты»
- Активизировать и расширить страноведческие знания учащихся по данной теме
- Развивать произносительные навыки
- Совершенствовать навыки аудирования и монологической речи
- Продолжить развитие интереса у учащихся к изучаемому языку
- Воспитывать гражданско-патриотическое отношение к России
Тип урока: - комбинированный
Вид урока: урок – лекция
Использованные методы:
- Диалогический метод;
- Исследовательский метод;
Необходимое оборудование и материалы:
- УМК М.З. Биболетова “Enjoy English 7 класс”.
- Мультимедийный проектор, экран
- Компьютер
- Карточки с названием стран
Использованные источники и литература:
- Интернет- сайт «Википедия»
- Научно-методический журнал “ Иностранные языки в школе” № 1 2005 год, № 2 2005 год.
Ход урока:
I. Начало урока.
1. Приветствие.
- Good morning, boys and girls!
- Good morning, teacher!
- I’m glad to see you! How are you today?
- I’m fine, thank you! And you?
- I’m fine too, thank you! You may take your seats.
2. Оргмомент.
-Who is on duty today?
- What date is it today?
- What day of the week is it today?
- Is anybody absent at today’s lesson?
3. Фонетическая зарядка. Проговаривание скороговорки. Развитие произносительных навыков учащихся
-Now I want you to look at the blackboard. Here you can see a new tongue twister for you. Can you repeat it after me, please?
-Pretty little busy bee,
Bring some honey for my tea?
-“I am busy, busy, busy”,-
Says a little busy bee.
-Can you read the tongue twister in pairs, please?
-Well done, pupils! Now let’s try to say this tongue twister faster. Who wants to read it? Ilshat, you please.
- Very good! Who is the next? Who else would like to read the tongue twister?
-Thank you, pupils!
4. Речевая разминка.
-Listen to my statements and agree or disagree with me. If my statement is true, you will repeat it. If I am wrong, you will correct my statement.
1) Russia is the biggest country in the world. ( Yes, I agree with you. Russia is the biggest country in the world. )
2) Italy is not in Asia. (Yes, I agree with you. Italy is not in Asia.)
3) Canberra is the capital of Australia. (Yes, I agree with you. Canberra is the capital of Australia.)
4) The USA is in Australia. (No, I disagree with you. The USA is not in Australia.)
5) Anapa is in the south of Russia. (Yes, I agree with you. Anapa is in the south of Russia.)
6) Samara is the capital of Russia. (No, I disagree with you. Samara is not the capital of Russia. The capital of Russia is Moscow.)
7) Spain is in Europe. (Yes, I agree with you. Spain is in Europe.)
5. Сообщение о задачах урока.
-Travelling develops our outlook, gives us knowledge about different countries.
- Can you guess the topic of the lesson? You are right! COUNTRIES and CONTINENTS.
-Today we’ll have a virtual “Round the World Tour”, revise everything you know about countries and continents, know some interesting facts about the countries. Let’s start our lesson.
II. Центральная часть урока
1. Активизация страноведческих знаний учащихся по данной теме
- Now, pupils, let’s guess the riddles and name the continent.
- -This continent is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the east, the Atlantic in the west, the Arctic Ocean in the North, the Indian Ocean in the South. It is the biggest in the world. The Urals separate it on two parts. What’s its name? (Europe and Asia is)
- This continent was discovered by Columbus but he didn’t know about it. (North America)
- This continent is the smallest. Some scientists call it “big island”. (Australia)
- This continent is the hottest in the world, is famous for its ancient civilization. (Africa)
- This continent is washed by the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. The biggest river is Amazon. (South America)
- This continent is situated in the most south point of the Earth, is washed by the South Ocean, is covered by ice. (Antarctica)
-So, how many continents are there in the world? (six)
2. Введение страноведческой информации no теме «Страны и континенты». Развитие навыков произношения
- It's time to learn some new geographical names. Let's listen to the speaker and repeat the proper names after him. You can see them in your textbooks, page 36, exercise 8. Who will read the list of the places aloud? Group them into 4 columns.
Countries: Portugal, Belgium, China, Australia, India, Norway, Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland.
Seas and oceans: the Atlantic, the Pacific, the North Sea, the Black Sea, the Arctic, the Yellow Sea.
Continents: Africa, the South America, Australia, Europe, Asia.
Rivers and lakes: Baikal, the Thames, the Volga, the Amazon, the Niagara River.
- Well done, pupils! Thank you!
3. Физкультминутка.
- I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest and do some exercises on the song “Happy song”.
Happy song
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands
( step your feet, say O’k, do all three)
4. Введение страноведческой информации но теме «Достопримечательности». Закрепление навыков монологической речи
— Look at the pictures of exercise 7, page 36. You can see interesting places of different countries. Can you match the places and the countries? What are the following places famous for? (Egypt, Australia, Antarctica, Greece, Italy, China, the USA, Russia)
- You can use the following words and word combinations:
the Great Wall of China - Великая Китайская стена
penguins [‘peŋgwinz] – пингвины
the Pyramids [‘pirәmidz] – пирамиды
Olympic [ә’limpik] Games – Олимпийские игры
kangaroos [,kæŋgә’ru:z] – кенгуру
churches [‘tʃɜ:tʃiz] – церкви
skyscrapers [‘skai,skreipәz] – небоскребы
Colosseum [,kolә’si:әm] - Колизей
-You are quite right, pupils! And now I want you to open your Workbooks, page 26, exercise 1(a). Do you know these famous people? Will you match them with their occupation and the countries they are from?
- The next task for you is exercise 2 on page 27 in your Workbooks. Here you are to guess what country these students have been to. Complete the sentences using the Linguistic and Cultural Guide on pp.134-136, Student’s Book.
5. Совершенствование навыков аудирования
— As you know, people from different countries take part in the international competitions and conferences. We shall listen to the stories of the participants about their countries and try to guess the places they are from. You can see the pictures and the example in exercise 9, page 36 in your textbooks.
- Well done! The next exercise to be done by you is 11 on page 36 in your textbooks. Say in which countries you know that people speak English. ( Great Britain, the USA, New Zealand, Canada, India, the Republic of Ireland, etc.)
- Well, now let’s listen to the speaker and check if you were right.
6. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи
— If you are a conference participant, you will be asked to tell people about your native country. What is Russia famous for? Let's use the word combinations of exercise 10, page 36 and make up a story about our country. You will work in groups of four.
You may use:
- well-known people: writers, artists, poets, composers, sportsmen, businessmen, doctors, inventors…
- museums, art galleries, university, plants/factories, shops, beautiful buildings…
- beautiful countryside, large forests, high mountains, deep lakes…
-Your time is up. We shall listen to your stories.
- Thank you so much, pupils! I liked your stories.
III. Завершающая часть урока.
1. Подведение итогов.
- That is all we have time for. What new information have you got at today’s lesson? Was it interesting for you to learn all this?
2. Задание на дом. (учебник: упр. 5, 6, стр. 56)
3. Выставление оценок.
- I liked your activity at the lesson. Thank you for your work. I will give you five (four). You may collect your things.
The lesson is over. Good-buy!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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